def from_frontend_value(key, value): """Returns a `SiteConfiguration` object value for the relevant `key` and JSON-serializable `value`, applying any transformation reversed by to_frontend_value.""" if key == NICETIES_OPEN: from datetime import timedelta return timedelta(days=value) elif key == CLOSING_TIME: from datetime import datetime return datetime.strptime(value, '%H:%M').time() elif key == CLOSING_BUFFER: from datetime import timedelta return timedelta(minutes=value) elif key == CACHE_TIMEOUT: from datetime import timedelta return timedelta(seconds=value) elif key == INCLUDE_FACULTY: return value elif key == INCLUDE_RESIDENTS: return value else: raise ValueError('No such config key!')
def test(self): cx = self.Symbol_Db['equity'].find() symbolSet = set([d['code'] for d in cx]) for code in symbolSet: start = self.Symbol_Db['equity'].find({"code" : code})[0]['timeToMarket'] try: start = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(start), '%Y%m%d') except : print code start = start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print start return #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_NaT_methods(self): # GH 9513 raise_methods = ['astimezone', 'combine', 'ctime', 'dst', 'fromordinal', 'fromtimestamp', 'isocalendar', 'strftime', 'strptime', 'time', 'timestamp', 'timetuple', 'timetz', 'toordinal', 'tzname', 'utcfromtimestamp', 'utcnow', 'utcoffset', 'utctimetuple'] nat_methods = ['date', 'now', 'replace', 'to_datetime', 'today'] nan_methods = ['weekday', 'isoweekday'] for method in raise_methods: if hasattr(NaT, method): self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(NaT, method)) for method in nan_methods: if hasattr(NaT, method): self.assertTrue(np.isnan(getattr(NaT, method)())) for method in nat_methods: if hasattr(NaT, method): self.assertIs(getattr(NaT, method)(), NaT) # GH 12300 self.assertEqual(NaT.isoformat(), 'NaT')
def testTimestampValue(self): """Checks whether the timestamp attribute in the XML output is valid. Runs a test program that generates an empty XML output, and checks if the timestamp attribute in the testsuites tag is valid. """ actual = self._GetXmlOutput('gtest_no_test_unittest', [], 0) date_time_str = actual.documentElement.getAttributeNode('timestamp').value # datetime.strptime() is only available in Python 2.5+ so we have to # parse the expected datetime manually. match = re.match(r'(\d+)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)', date_time_str) self.assertTrue( re.match, 'XML datettime string %s has incorrect format' % date_time_str) date_time_from_xml = datetime.datetime( year=int(match.group(1)), month=int(match.group(2)), day=int(match.group(3)), hour=int(match.group(4)), minute=int(match.group(5)), second=int(match.group(6))) time_delta = abs(datetime.datetime.now() - date_time_from_xml) # timestamp value should be near the current local time self.assertTrue(time_delta < datetime.timedelta(seconds=600), 'time_delta is %s' % time_delta) actual.unlink()
def test_rapideye_sensor(self): ''' Test an instance of the rapideye sensor class to check if it parses its attributes correctly. ''' import madmex.mapper.sensor.rapideye as rapideye import datetime path = '/LUSTRE/MADMEX/eodata/rapideye/1447720/2013/2013-02-11/l3a/1447720_2013-02-11_RE3_3A_182802_metadata.xml' sensor = rapideye.Sensor(path) self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.ANGLE), 3.96) self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.PRODUCT_NAME), 'L3A') self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.SENSOR), 'OPTICAL') self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.PLATFORM), 'RE-3') self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.CREATION_DATE), '2013-04-26T17:48:34Z') self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.ACQUISITION_DATE), datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-02-11T18:04:21.337522Z', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")) self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.CLOUDS), 0.0) self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.AZIMUTH_ANGLE), 278.21) self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.SOLAR_AZIMUTH), 162.0359) self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.SOLAR_ZENITH), 56.02738) self.assertEqual(sensor.get_attribute(rapideye.TILE_ID), 1447720)
def str_to_datetime_processor_factory(regexp, type_): rmatch = regexp.match # Even on python2.6 datetime.strptime is both slower than this code # and it does not support microseconds. has_named_groups = bool(regexp.groupindex) def process(value): if value is None: return None else: try: m = rmatch(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError("Couldn't parse %s string '%r' " "- value is not a string." % (type_.__name__, value)) if m is None: raise ValueError("Couldn't parse %s string: " "'%s'" % (type_.__name__, value)) if has_named_groups: groups = m.groupdict(0) return type_(**dict(list(zip( iter(groups.keys()), list(map(int, iter(groups.values()))) )))) else: return type_(*list(map(int, m.groups(0)))) return process
def datetime_to_ms(dt): """ Convert an unaware datetime object to milliseconds. This will be a UTC time. The SMC stores all times in UTC and will do the time conversions based on the local timezone. Example of converting a datetime to milliseconds:: utc_time = datetime.strptime("2018-06-04T00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") datetime_to_ms(utc_time) :param dt datetime: pass in python datetime object. :return: value representing the datetime in milliseconds :rtype: int """ return int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) * 1000)
def verifyForcedDates(fdates): from datetime import datetime import re force_dates = []; for fdate in fdates: if (re.match(r"\d+-\d+-\d+", fdate) and datetime.strptime(fdate, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') == fdate): force_dates.append(fdate); return force_dates
def dayStringAdd(anaday, days = 0, weeks = 0): from datetime import datetime, timedelta return (datetime.strptime(anaday, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=days, weeks=weeks)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
def dayStringBeforeDelta(anaday, tdelta): from datetime import datetime return (datetime.strptime(anaday, '%Y-%m-%d') - tdelta).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
def date(argument): formats = ('%Y/%m/%d', '%Y-%m-%d') for fmt in formats: try: return datetime.strptime(argument, fmt) except ValueError: continue raise commands.BadArgument('Cannot convert to date. Expected YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD.')
def get_range_min_tick_data(self, code, start=None, end=None, ktype=1): start = str(fc.get_stock_timeToMarket(code)) if start is None else start end = str(datetime.datetime.today().date()) if end is None else end startD = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%d') endD = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, '%Y-%m-%d') delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) inDate = endD - delta while inDate >= startD: self.parse(code, inDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ktype) inDate -= delta
def downloadEquityAllData(self, code): start = self.Symbol_Db['equity'].find({"code" : code})[0]['timeToMarket'] try: start = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(start), '%Y%m%d') except: return start = start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") self.get_range_daily_data(code, start) #default???? self.get_range_min_tick_data(code, start) # ??index????????? self.Tick_Db[code].ensure_index([('date', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) self.OneMin_Db[code].ensure_index([('date', pymongo.DESCENDING)])
def updateEquityAllData(self, code): # find the latest timestamp in collection. latest = self.Daily_Db[code].find_one(sort=[('date', pymongo.DESCENDING)])['date'] latest = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(latest), '%Y-%m-%d') start = datetime.datetime.strftime(latest + timedelta(days=1), '%Y-%m-%d') self.get_range_daily_data(code, start) #default???? self.get_range_min_tick_data(code, start)
def loadMcCsv(self, fileName, dbName, symbol): """?Multicharts???csv??????????Mongo????""" import csv start = time() print u'????CSV??%s???????%s?%s?' %(fileName, dbName, symbol) # ?????????? host, port = loadMongoSetting() client = pymongo.MongoClient(host, port) collection = client[dbName][symbol] collection.ensure_index([('datetime', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) # ??????????? reader = csv.DictReader(file(fileName, 'r')) for d in reader: bar = CtaBarData() bar.vtSymbol = symbol bar.symbol = symbol bar.open = float(d['Open']) bar.high = float(d['High']) bar.low = float(d['Low']) bar.close = float(d['Close']) bar.date = datetime.strptime(d['Date'], '%Y/%m/%d').strftime('%Y%m%d') bar.time = d['Time'] bar.datetime = datetime.strptime(bar.date + ' ' + bar.time, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S') bar.volume = d['TotalVolume'] flt = {'datetime': bar.datetime} collection.update_one(flt, {'$set':bar.__dict__}, upsert=True) print bar.date, bar.time print u'????????%s' % (time()-start)
def GetTabularDate(newFolder): # Get string for SAVEREST date from tabular/sacatlog.txt file # Use it to compare with the date from the WSS dataset # If the existing database is same or newer, it will be kept and the WSS version skipped # The original string looks like this: 12/05/2013 23:44:00 # # Return YYYYMMDD as integer try: tabDate = 0 # Try finding the text file in the tabular folder and reading SAVEREST from that file. saCatalog = os.path.join(newFolder, r"tabular\sacatlog.txt") if arcpy.Exists(saCatalog): fh = open(saCatalog, "r") rec = fh.readline() fh.close() # Example date (which is index 3 in pipe-delimited file): 9/23/2014 6:49:27 vals = rec.split("|") recDate = vals[3] wssDate = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" # string date format used for SAVEREST in text file intDate = "%Y%m%d" # YYYYMMDD format for comparison dateObj = datetime.strptime(recDate, wssDate) tabDate = int(dateObj.strftime(intDate)) else: AddMsgAndPrint(" \nUnable to find file: " + saCatalog, 1) return tabDate except: errorMsg() return tabDate ## ===================================================================================
def plot_by_all( data ): x_vals = list() y_vals = list() for k in sorted(data): x_vals.append( datetime.datetime.strptime(k, key_pattern) ) y_vals.append(data[k]) x_vals2 = matplotlib.dates.date2num(x_vals) plt.clf() #plt.plot_date(x_vals2, y_vals) plt.plot(x_vals2, y_vals) plt.show()
def plot_by_interval(data, zamg_dfs = None): p_vals = {} # sort by year for k in sorted(data): v = data[k] d_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(k, key_pattern) series_key = datetime.datetime.strftime(d_obj, "%Y") #data_key = datetime.datetime.strftime(d_obj, "%m-%d") p_vals.setdefault(series_key, dict()).setdefault("x_vals", list()).append(d_obj) p_vals.setdefault(series_key, dict()).setdefault("y_vals", list()).append(v) plt.clf() fig, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=len(p_vals)*2, sharex=False, sharey=False) a_iter = iter(axis) for k in sorted(p_vals): v = p_vals[k] ax = next(a_iter) y_vals = v["y_vals"] x_vals = matplotlib.dates.date2num(v["x_vals"]) ax.plot_date(x_vals, y_vals) # ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals) ax = next(a_iter) if zamg_dfs is not None and k in zamg_dfs: df = zamg_dfs[k] df['Wien Hohe Warte']['48,2486']['16,3564']['198.0']['Anhöhe']['Ebene']\ ['Lufttemperatur']['Lufttemperatur um 14 MEZ (°C)'].plot(ax=ax) plt.show()
def reformat_dateteime( in_date, in_pattern, out_pattern ): d = datetime.datetime.strptime(in_date, in_pattern) return datetime.datetime.strftime(d, out_pattern)
def check_product(product): """ Checks a product for currency. :param product: Product dictionary :type product: dict """ global PROD_OK, PROD_WARN, PROD_CRIT #check if product unsynced if product["last_sync"] == None: LOGGER.debug("Product '{0}' ({1}) is UNSYNCED!".format( product["label"], product["description"] )) PROD_CRIT.append(product["label"]) set_code(2) else: LOGGER.debug("Product '{0}' ({1}) was synced at {2}".format( product["label"], product["description"], product["last_sync"][0:19] )) last_sync = datetime.strptime( product["last_sync"][0:19], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) delta = datetime.now() - last_sync LOGGER.debug("Delta for '{0}' is {1} days".format( product["label"], delta.days )) if delta.days > options.outdated_crit: PROD_CRIT.append(product["label"]) set_code(2) LOGGER.debug("Critical product: '{0}'".format(product["label"])) if delta.days > options.outdated_warn: PROD_WARN.append(product["label"]) set_code(1) LOGGER.debug("Warning product: '{0}'".format(product["label"])) else: PROD_OK.append(product["label"]) LOGGER.debug("Ok product: '{0}'".format(product["label"]))
def valid_date(input_date): """Validate input dates against a certain format. :param str input_date: Date value to check :return: Loaded date value """ try: return datetime.strptime(input_date, "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: msg = "Not a valid date: '{0}'.".format(input_date) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
def get_new_set_time(seconds_added = 60): """ -Helper function used in order to create an assignment that will be due very soon (late assignmnet) -Should be a very easy process for most cases, but deals with all the difficulties for you -The new time computed is calculated from the local time Uses datetime.datetime :param seconds_added: number of seconds from now that you want the due date of the assignment to be :return: string of format HHMMpm/am which you can enter directly into the due time textbox in order to set the due time """ # get current time and time at which to make it due time_now = datetime.now() time_now = time_now + timedelta(seconds=seconds_added) time_string = str(time_now.hour) + str(time_now.minute) time_structure = datetime.strptime(time_string,"%H%M") # time_structure is a datetime.datetime object time_string_reform = time_structure.strftime("%I%M%p") # ^ set_time comes in format "HH MM am/pm" return time_string_reform ################
def _originally_available_at(self): return datetime.strptime(self.data.get('originallyAvailableAt', '0000-00-00'), '%Y-%m-%d').date()
def str_to_datetime_processor_factory(regexp, type_): rmatch = regexp.match # Even on python2.6 datetime.strptime is both slower than this code # and it does not support microseconds. has_named_groups = bool(regexp.groupindex) def process(value): if value is None: return None else: try: m = rmatch(value) except TypeError: raise ValueError("Couldn't parse %s string '%r' " "- value is not a string." % (type_.__name__, value)) if m is None: raise ValueError("Couldn't parse %s string: " "'%s'" % (type_.__name__, value)) if has_named_groups: groups = m.groupdict(0) return type_(**dict(zip(groups.iterkeys(), map(int, groups.itervalues())))) else: return type_(*map(int, m.groups(0))) return process
def timechecker(thing): thing = thing.lower() thing = thing.replace("now + ","now+") if ("now+" in thing): import datetime thing = thing.replace("now+","") if ("m" in thing): thing = thing.replace("m","") thing = int(thing) now = datetime.datetime.now() thing = str(now + datetime.timedelta(minutes = thing)) elif ("h" in thing): thing = thing.replace("h","") thing = int(thing) now = datetime.datetime.now() thing = str(now + datetime.timedelta(hours = thing)) thing = thing.split(" ") thing = thing[1] thing = thing.split(":") hr = thing[0] min = thing[1] thing = hr + ":" + min if (" am" in thing): thing = thing.replace(" am"," AM") if (" pm" in thing): thing = thing.replace(" pm"," PM") cck = thing cck = thing.split(":") cck = thing[0] if ((cck > 0) and ("am" not in thing.lower()) and ("pm" not in thing.lower())): #print ("Given 24hr time. Converting...") from datetime import datetime d = datetime.strptime(thing, "%H:%M") thedate = d.strftime("%-I:%M %p") else: thedate = thing return thedate
def test_to_datetime_format_microsecond(self): val = '01-Apr-2011 00:00:01.978' format = '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.%f' result = to_datetime(val, format=format) exp = datetime.strptime(val, format) self.assertEqual(result, exp)
def accessed_time(self, name): res = self.client.get(name) res.raise_for_status() res = res.json() utc_datetime = res.get('modified_time') return datetime.strptime(utc_datetime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
def created_time(self, name): res = self.client.get(name) res.raise_for_status() res = res.json() utc_datetime = res.get('created_time') return datetime.strptime(utc_datetime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
def get_newest(base_url, url_pattern, links): ''' Returns a tuple with the newest url in the `links` list matching the pattern `url_pattern` and a datetime object representing the creation date of the url. The creation date is extracted from the url using datetime.strptime(). ''' logger = logging.getLogger('auditor.srmdumps') times = [] pattern_components = url_pattern.split('/') date_pattern = '{0}/{1}'.format(base_url, pattern_components[0]) if len(pattern_components) > 1: postfix = '/' + '/'.join(pattern_components[1:]) else: postfix = '' for link in links: try: time = datetime.datetime.strptime(link, date_pattern) except ValueError: pass else: times.append((str(link) + postfix, time)) if not times: msg = 'No links found matching the pattern {0} in {1}'.format(date_pattern, links) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) return max(times, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
def datetime_from_gerrit(date_string): return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f000')
def datetime_from_rietveld(date_string): try: return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') except ValueError: # Sometimes rietveld returns a value without the milliseconds part, so we # attempt to parse those cases as well. return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def datetime_from_google_code(date_string): return datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
def unexpired(date): if isinstance(date,str): return datetime.now() - datetime.strptime(date, dateFormat) > delta else: return datetime.now() - date > delta