Python datetime 模块,strftime() 实例源码


项目:grical    作者:wikical    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_year( value ): # {{{1
    """ it validates ``value.year`` newer than 1900 and less than 2 years from

    ``date`` and ``datetime`` have this property.

    Event dates which are more than two years in the future are very likely to
    be a human mistake entering the data.

    This validator is needed because some functions like datetime.strftime()
    raise a ValueError when the year is older than 1900. See the discussion at
    if value.year <= 1900:
        raise ValidationError(
            _( u'%(year)s is before 1900, which is not allowed' ) % \
                    {'year': value.year,} )
    if value > + relativedelta( years = 4 ):
        raise ValidationError(
            _( u'%(year)s is more than four years in the future, ' \
                    'which is not allowed' ) % {'year': value.year,} )
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updated_releases(self, since):
        '''Fetch all releases younger than "since" argument.
        assert isinstance(since, int)

        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        safe_execute(cursor, '''
            from journals j, releases r
            where j.version is not NULL
                  and j.action = 'new release'
                  and = and j.version = r.version
                  and r._pypi_hidden = '''+self.false+'''
                  and j.submitted_date > %s
            order by submitted_date desc
        ''', (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000', time.gmtime(since)),))

        return Result(None, self.get_unique(cursor.fetchall()),
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def changelog(self, since, full=False):
        '''Fetch (name, version, submitted_date, action, id) since 'since'
        assert isinstance(since, int)

        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        query = '''
            select name, version, submitted_date, action, id
            from journals j
            where j.submitted_date > %s
            order by j.submitted_date
        if not full:
            query += 'limit 50000'
        params = (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000', time.gmtime(since)),)
        safe_execute(cursor, query, params)

        return Result(None, cursor.fetchall(), self._Changelog)
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_file(self, digest):
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        sql = '''select python_version, name, version, filename, has_signature,
            from release_files
            where md5_digest=%s'''
        safe_execute(cursor, sql, (digest, ))
        info = cursor.fetchone()
        if not info:
            raise KeyError, 'no such file'
        pyversion, name, version, filename, has_sig, filepath = info
        safe_execute(cursor, 'delete from release_files where md5_digest=%s',
            (digest, ))
        if has_sig:
            self._deleted_files.add(filepath + ".asc")
        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        self.add_journal_entry(name, version, "remove file %s" % filename,
                                            date, self.username, self.userip)

项目:deb-oslo.utils    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isotime(at=None, subsecond=False):
    """Stringify time in ISO 8601 format.

    .. deprecated:: 1.5.0
       Use :func:`utcnow` and :func:`datetime.datetime.isoformat` instead.
    if not at:
        at = utcnow()
    st = at.strftime(_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT
                     if not subsecond
                     else _ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT_SUBSECOND)
    tz = at.tzinfo.tzname(None) if at.tzinfo else 'UTC'
    st += ('Z' if tz == 'UTC' else tz)
    return st
项目:deb-oslo.utils    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strtime(at=None, fmt=PERFECT_TIME_FORMAT):
    """Returns formatted utcnow.

    .. deprecated:: 1.5.0
       Use :func:`utcnow()`, :func:`datetime.datetime.isoformat`
       or :func:`datetime.strftime` instead:

       * ``strtime()`` => ``utcnow().isoformat()``
       * ``strtime(fmt=...)`` => ``utcnow().strftime(fmt)``
       * ``strtime(at)`` => ``at.isoformat()``
       * ``strtime(at, fmt)`` => ``at.strftime(fmt)``
    if not at:
        at = utcnow()
    return at.strftime(fmt)
项目:sogaQuant    作者:idoplay    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_city_yyb(self):
        url = ""
        _data = self.sGet(url)
        _urls = self.sMatch('href="/Stock/lhb/city/', '\.html"', _data, 0)
        for x in xrange(0, len(_urls)):
            #_urls[x] = 440000
            detail = "" % (_urls[x], _urls[x])
            a = self.sGet(detail)
            a = a.replace("var fguIHta=", "")
            re = json.loads(a)
            for k in range(0, len(re['data'])):
                _tmp = re['data'][k]

                indata = {
                    'province': _tmp['Province'],
                    'codex': _tmp['SalesCode'],
                    'name': _tmp['SalesName'],
                    'SumActMoney': _tmp['SumActMoney'],
                    'SumActBMoney': _tmp['SumActBMoney'],
                    'SumActSMoney': _tmp['SumActSMoney'],
                    'UpCount': _tmp['UpCount'],
                    'BCount': _tmp['BCount'],
                    'SCount': _tmp['SCount']
                print indata
                _has = self.mysql.fetch_one("select * from  s_lhb where codex=%s" % _tmp['SalesCode'])
                _where = "codex=%s" % _tmp['SalesCode']

                if _has is not None:
                    self.mysql.dbUpdate('s_lhb', indata, _where)
                    indata['last_dateline'] = datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d")
                    self.mysql.dbInsert('s_lhb', indata)
项目:crime-analysis-toolbox    作者:Esri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def online_time_to_string(value, timeFormat, utcOffset=0):
    """Converts AGOL timestamp to formatted string.

        value (float): A UTC timestamp as reported by AGOL (time in ms since Unix epoch * 1000)
        timeFormat (str): Date/Time format string as parsed by :py:func:`datetime.strftime`.
        utcOffset (int): Hours difference from UTC and desired output. Default is 0 (remain in UTC).

        str: A string representation of the timestamp.

        >>> arcresthelper.common.online_time_to_string(1457167261000.0, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        '2016-03-05 00:41:01'
        >>> arcresthelper.common.online_time_to_string(731392515000.0, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', -8) # PST is UTC-8:00
        '03/05/1993 12:35:15'

    See Also:
       :py:func:`local_time_to_online` for converting a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object to AGOL timestamp


        return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value/1000 + utcOffset*3600).strftime(timeFormat)
        line, filename, synerror = trace()
        raise ArcRestHelperError({
                    "function": "online_time_to_string",
                    "line": line,
                    "filename":  filename,
                    "synerror": synerror,
项目:crime-analysis-toolbox    作者:Esri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def online_time_to_string(value, timeFormat, utcOffset=0):
    """Converts AGOL timestamp to formatted string.

        value (float): A UTC timestamp as reported by AGOL (time in ms since Unix epoch * 1000)
        timeFormat (str): Date/Time format string as parsed by :py:func:`datetime.strftime`.
        utcOffset (int): Hours difference from UTC and desired output. Default is 0 (remain in UTC).

        str: A string representation of the timestamp.

        >>> rcrest.general.online_time_to_string(1457167261000.0, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        '2016-03-05 00:41:01'
        >>> rcrest.general.online_time_to_string(731392515000.0, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', -8) # PST is UTC-8:00
        '03/05/1993 12:35:15'

    See Also:
       :py:func:`local_time_to_online` for converting a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object to AGOL timestamp


        return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value/1000 + utcOffset*3600).strftime(timeFormat)
        return ""
项目:cryptotik    作者:peerchemist    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_timestamp(datetime):
        '''convert datetime to unix timestamp in python2 compatible manner.'''

            return datetime.timestamp()
        except AttributeError:
            return int(datetime.strftime('%s'))
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_key(precision, datetime, key):
    return "downloads:%s:%s:%s" % (
        precision[0], datetime.strftime(precision[1]), key)
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def changed_packages(self, since):
        "Fetch list of names of packages changed 'since'"
        assert isinstance(since, int)
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        safe_execute(cursor, 'select distinct(name) from journals where submitted_date > %s',
                     (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000', time.gmtime(since)),))
        return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_release(self, name, version):
        ''' Delete a single release from the database.
        cursor = self.get_cursor()


        # delete the files
        to_delete = []
        for file in self.list_files(name, version):
        self._deleted_files |= set(to_delete)

        # delete ancillary table entries
        for tab in ('files', 'dependencies', 'classifiers'):
            safe_execute(cursor, '''delete from release_%s where
                name=%%s and version=%%s'''%tab, (name, version))
        safe_execute(cursor, 'delete from description_urls where name=%s and version=%s',
               (name, version))

        # delete releases table entry
        safe_execute(cursor, 'delete from releases where name=%s and version=%s',
            (name, version))

        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        self.add_journal_entry(name, version, "remove", date,
                                                    self.username, self.userip)
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rename_package(self, old, new):
        ''' Rename a package. Relies on cascaded updates.
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        safe_execute(cursor, '''update packages set name=%s where name=%s''',
                     (new, old))
        safe_execute(cursor, '''update journals set name=%s where name=%s''',
                     (new, old))
        # move all files on disk
        sql = '''select id, blake2_256_digest, filename, path
            from release_files where name=%s'''
        safe_execute(cursor, sql, (new,))
        for fid, digest, filename, path in cursor.fetchall():
            assert digest is not None, "Cannot Move a file without a blake2 digest"
            oldname = path
            newname = self.gen_file_path(digest, filename)
                "update release_files set path=%s where id=%s",
                (newname, fid),
                os.path.join("packages", newname),
                os.path.join("packages", oldname),

        self.add_journal_entry(new, None, "rename from %s" % old, date,
                                                    self.username, self.userip)

项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_role(self, user_name, role_name, package_name):
        ''' Add a role to the user for the package.
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        safe_execute(cursor, '''
            insert into roles (user_name, role_name, package_name)
            values (%s, %s, %s)''', (user_name, role_name, package_name))
        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
            package_name, None, "add %s %s" % (role_name, user_name), date,
            self.username, self.userip)
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delete_role(self, user_name, role_name, package_name):
        ''' Delete a role for the user for the package.
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        safe_execute(cursor, '''
            delete from roles where user_name=%s and role_name=%s
            and package_name=%s''', (user_name, role_name, package_name))
        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
                package_name, None, "remove %s %s" % (role_name, user_name),
                date, self.username, self.userip)
项目:pypi-legacy    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_docs(self, name, version, operation=None):
        if operation is None:
            operation = 'docupdate'
        cursor = self.get_cursor()
        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        self.add_journal_entry(name, version, operation, date,
                               self.username, self.userip)