Python decimal 模块,localcontext() 实例源码


项目:graphql-compiler    作者:kensho-technologies    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def represent_float_as_str(value):
    """Represent a float as a string without losing precision."""
    # In Python 2, calling str() on a float object loses precision:
    # In [1]: 1.23456789012345678
    # Out[1]: 1.2345678901234567
    # In [2]: 1.2345678901234567
    # Out[2]: 1.2345678901234567
    # In [3]: str(1.2345678901234567)
    # Out[3]: '1.23456789012'
    # The best way to ensure precision is not lost is to convert to string via Decimal:
    if not isinstance(value, float):
        raise GraphQLInvalidArgumentError(u'Attempting to represent a non-float as a float: '

    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        ctx.prec = 20  # floats are max 80-bits wide = 20 significant digits
        return u'{:f}'.format(decimal.Decimal(value))
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, default_position, undercut_market_by=0.01, minimum_return=1.005, market_fee=0.005):
        default_position is whether the Strategy should hold the minor currency (sell, False) or
        the major currency (buy / True) after scalping the market. For example, in a USD-CAD market
        True would mean CAD is held after scalping and False would mean USD is held after scalping.

        It is assumed that the default_position is currently being held. If not, override it by setting
        current_position after initializing the strategy.


        self._spread_size_indicator = SpreadSize(minimum_return, market_fee)
        self.default_position = default_position
        self.current_position = default_position
        self._first_time_unprofitable = True #Prevents repeating the same message.

        # undercut_market_by is used to make the strategy's order be the next one filled on the market.
        with localcontext() as context:
            context.prec = 8
            self.undercut_market_by = Decimal(undercut_market_by)
项目:meta    作者:flowdas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _load_(self, value, context):
        if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
            if not self.get_options().allow_nan and not value.is_finite():
                raise ValueError()
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, text_types):
                with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
                    ctx.traps[decimal.InvalidOperation] = 1
                    value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                    if not self.get_options().allow_nan and not value.is_finite():
                        raise ValueError()
                    return value
            except decimal.InvalidOperation:
                raise ValueError()
        elif isinstance(value, integer_types):
            return decimal.Decimal(value)
        elif isinstance(value, float):
            if not self.get_options().allow_nan:
                if math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value):
                    raise ValueError()
            return decimal.Decimal(value)
            raise ValueError()
项目:rectpack    作者:secnot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def float2dec(ft, decimal_digits):
    Convert float (or int) to Decimal (rounding up) with the
    requested number of decimal digits.

        ft (float, int): Number to convert
        decimal (int): Number of digits after decimal point

        Decimal: Number converted to decima
    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        ctx.rounding = decimal.ROUND_UP
        places = decimal.Decimal(10)**(-decimal_digits)
        return decimal.Decimal.from_float(float(ft)).quantize(places)

# Sorting algos for rectangle lists
项目:kodi-bandcamp    作者:wallon-ines    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _do_decode(self, state):
        """This is the internal function that does the JSON decoding.

        Called by the decode() method, after it has performed any Unicode decoding, etc.
        buf = state.buf

        if buf.at_end:
            state.push_error('No value to decode')
            if state.options.decimal_context:
                dec_ctx = decimal.localcontext( state.options.decimal_context )
                dec_ctx = _dummy_context_manager

            with dec_ctx:
                state.obj = self.decodeobj(state, at_document_start=True )

            if not state.should_stop:
                # Make sure there's nothing at the end
                if not buf.at_end:
                    state.push_error('Unexpected text after end of JSON value')
项目:tumanov_castleoaks    作者:Roamdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _format_number(cls, number):
        if isinstance(number, (Number, str)):
                value = Decimal(number)
            except InvalidOperation:
                raise ValueError('Invalid coordinate format: %r' % number)
                with localcontext() as ctx:
                    ctx.prec = 13
                    ctx.rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
                    return value + 0
        elif isinstance(number, Decimal):
            return number
            raise TypeError('Invalid coordinates type: %r' % number)
项目:SaBoT    作者:froscon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPriceGross(self):
        with localcontext() as ctx:
            ctx.rounding = ROUND_HALF_EVEN

            vatPercent = Decimal(settings.INVOICE_VAT) * Decimal("0.01")
            grossPrice = self.price + (self.price * vatPercent)
            return grossPrice.quantize(Decimal("0.01"))
项目:SaBoT    作者:froscon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getVATAmount(self):
        with localcontext() as ctx:
            ctx.rounding = ROUND_HALF_EVEN

            vatPercent = Decimal(settings.INVOICE_VAT) * Decimal("0.01")
            vatAmount = self.price * vatPercent
            return vatAmount.quantize(Decimal("0.01"))
项目:Project-Euler    作者:XiaoTaoWang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def working(maxnum=100):
    sums = []
    for i in range(1, maxnum+1):
        rootint = int(i ** 0.5)
        if rootint ** 2 != i:
            with decimal.localcontext() as c:
                c.prec = 102
                rootstr = str(decimal.Decimal(i) ** decimal.Decimal('0.5'))
                rootstr = rootstr.replace('.', '')
                tmpsum = 0
                for j in range(100):
                    tmpsum += int(rootstr[j])

    return sum(sums)
项目:astrocats    作者:astrocatalogs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_pd_mag_from_counts(photodict,
    """Set photometry dictionary from a counts measurement."""
    with localcontext() as ctx:
        if lec == '' or uec == '':
            lec = ec
            uec = ec
        prec = max(
            get_sig_digits(str(c), strip_zeroes=False),
            get_sig_digits(str(lec), strip_zeroes=False),
            get_sig_digits(str(uec), strip_zeroes=False)) + 1
        ctx.prec = prec
        dlec = Decimal(str(lec))
        duec = Decimal(str(uec))
        if c != '':
            dc = Decimal(str(c))
        dzp = Decimal(str(zp))
        dsig = Decimal(str(sig))
        photodict[PHOTOMETRY.ZERO_POINT] = str(zp)
        if c == '' or float(c) < DEFAULT_UL_SIGMA * float(uec):
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = True
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT_SIGMA] = str(sig)
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = str(dzp - (D25 * (dsig * duec
            dnec = Decimal('10.0') ** (
                (dzp - Decimal(photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE])) / D25)
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * (
                (dnec + duec).log10() - dnec.log10()))
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = str(dzp - D25 * dc.log10())
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * (
                (dc + duec).log10() - dc.log10()))
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_LOWER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * (
                dc.log10() - (dc - dlec).log10()))
项目:astrocats    作者:astrocatalogs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_pd_mag_from_flux_density(photodict,
    """Set photometry dictionary from a flux density measurement.

    `fd` is assumed to be in microjanskys.
    with localcontext() as ctx:
        if lefd == '' or uefd == '':
            lefd = efd
            uefd = efd
        prec = max(
            get_sig_digits(str(fd), strip_zeroes=False),
            get_sig_digits(str(lefd), strip_zeroes=False),
            get_sig_digits(str(uefd), strip_zeroes=False)) + 1
        ctx.prec = prec
        dlefd = Decimal(str(lefd))
        duefd = Decimal(str(uefd))
        if fd != '':
            dfd = Decimal(str(fd))
        dsig = Decimal(str(sig))
        if fd == '' or float(fd) < DEFAULT_UL_SIGMA * float(uefd):
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT] = True
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.UPPER_LIMIT_SIGMA] = str(sig)
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = str(Decimal('23.9') - D25 * (
                dsig * duefd).log10())
            if fd:
                photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * (
                    (dfd + duefd).log10() - dfd.log10()))
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.MAGNITUDE] = str(Decimal('23.9') - D25 *
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_UPPER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * (
                (dfd + duefd).log10() - dfd.log10()))
            photodict[PHOTOMETRY.E_LOWER_MAGNITUDE] = str(D25 * (
                dfd.log10() - (dfd - dlefd).log10()))
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_profitable(self, highest_bid, lowest_ask):
        Returns: True if the spread is profitable, False if it is not.

        with localcontext() as context:
            context.prec = 8

            lowest_ask = Decimal(lowest_ask)
            highest_bid = Decimal(highest_bid)

            spread = lowest_ask - highest_bid

            return spread > self.threshold(highest_bid)
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def satoshi_to_usd( satoshi ):
    Pre: satoshi is a Decimal.
    Returns: A Decimal with eight significant decimal places. The value of the satoshi in USD.
    with localcontext() as context:
        context.prec = 8
        return satoshi * current_price_of_bitcoin()
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def current_price_of_bitcoin():
    Pre: coinmarketcap's api can be accessed. This will require an internet connection.
    Returns: The price of Bitcoin in USD according to
             The variable will be a Decimal with eight decimal places.
    with localcontext() as context:
        context.prec = 8
        r = requests.get("")
        return Decimal(r.json()[0]["price_usd"])
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_decimal_extendedcontext_mismatched_infs_to_nan(self):
        # Test adding Decimal INFs with opposite sign returns NAN.
        inf = Decimal('inf')
        data = [1, 2, inf, 3, -inf, 4]
        with decimal.localcontext(decimal.ExtendedContext):
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_decimal_basiccontext_mismatched_infs_to_nan(self):
        # Test adding Decimal INFs with opposite sign raises InvalidOperation.
        inf = Decimal('inf')
        data = [1, 2, inf, 3, -inf, 4]
        with decimal.localcontext(decimal.BasicContext):
            self.assertRaises(decimal.InvalidOperation, statistics._sum, data)
项目:eth-utils    作者:ethereum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_wei(number, unit):
    Takes a number of a unit and converts it to wei.
    if unit.lower() not in units:
        raise ValueError(
            "Unknown unit.  Must be one of {0}".format('/'.join(units.keys()))

    if is_integer(number) or is_string(number):
        d_number = decimal.Decimal(value=number)
    elif isinstance(number, float):
        d_number = decimal.Decimal(value=str(number))
    elif isinstance(number, decimal.Decimal):
        d_number = number
        raise TypeError("Unsupported type.  Must be one of integer, float, or string")

    s_number = str(number)

    if d_number == 0:
        return 0

    unit_value = units[unit.lower()]

    if d_number < 1 and '.' in s_number:
        with localcontext() as ctx:
            multiplier = len(s_number) - s_number.index('.') - 1
            ctx.prec = multiplier
            d_number = decimal.Decimal(value=number, context=ctx) * 10**multiplier
        unit_value /= 10**multiplier

    result_value = d_number * unit_value

    if result_value < MIN_WEI or result_value > MAX_WEI:
        raise ValueError("Resulting wei value must be between 1 and 2**256 - 1")

    return int(result_value)
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_decimal(self):
        """Returns an instance of :class:`decimal.Decimal` for this
        high = self.__high
        low = self.__low
        sign = 1 if (high & _SIGN) else 0

        if (high & _SNAN) == _SNAN:
            return decimal.Decimal((sign, (), 'N'))
        elif (high & _NAN) == _NAN:
            return decimal.Decimal((sign, (), 'n'))
        elif (high & _INF) == _INF:
            return decimal.Decimal((sign, (0,), 'F'))

        if (high & _EXPONENT_MASK) == _EXPONENT_MASK:
            exponent = ((high & 0x1fffe00000000000) >> 47) - _EXPONENT_BIAS
            return decimal.Decimal((sign, (0,), exponent))
            exponent = ((high & 0x7fff800000000000) >> 49) - _EXPONENT_BIAS

        arr = bytearray(15)
        mask = 0x00000000000000ff
        for i in range(14, 6, -1):
            arr[i] = (low & mask) >> ((14 - i) << 3)
            mask = mask << 8

        mask = 0x00000000000000ff
        for i in range(6, 0, -1):
            arr[i] = (high & mask) >> ((6 - i) << 3)
            mask = mask << 8

        mask = 0x0001000000000000
        arr[0] = (high & mask) >> 48

        # Have to convert bytearray to bytes for python 2.6.
        digits = [int(digit) for digit in str(_from_bytes(bytes(arr), 'big'))]

        with decimal.localcontext(_DEC128_CTX) as ctx:
            return ctx.create_decimal((sign, digits, exponent))
项目:ethwallet    作者:absortium    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def truncate(number, places):
    if not isinstance(places, int):
        raise ValueError("Decimal places must be an integer.")
    if places < 1:
        raise ValueError("Decimal places must be at least 1.")
    # If you want to truncate to 0 decimal places, just do int(number).

    with localcontext() as context:
        context.rounding = ROUND_DOWN
        exponent = Decimal(str(math.pow(10, - places)))
        return Decimal(str(number)).quantize(exponent)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_decimal_mismatched_infs_to_nan(self):
        # Test adding Decimal INFs with opposite sign returns NAN.
        inf = Decimal('inf')
        data = [1, 2, inf, 3, -inf, 4]
        with decimal.localcontext(decimal.ExtendedContext):
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_decimal_mismatched_infs_to_nan(self):
        # Test adding Decimal INFs with opposite sign raises InvalidOperation.
        inf = Decimal('inf')
        data = [1, 2, inf, 3, -inf, 4]
        with decimal.localcontext(decimal.BasicContext):
            self.assertRaises(decimal.InvalidOperation, statistics._sum, data)
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_order_book(self, highest_bid, lowest_ask):
        Pre: Traders keep track of their balance / assets and do not attempt a trade when they do not
             have the balance to buy with or the assets to sell.

        # Financial calculations need accurate decimals
        with localcontext() as context:
            context.prec = 8

            # The spread has to be calculated using the values that the strategy will try to use, not what
            # is already being used.
            highest_bid = Decimal(highest_bid)+self.undercut_market_by
            lowest_ask = Decimal(lowest_ask)-self.undercut_market_by

            if self._spread_size_indicator.is_profitable(highest_bid, lowest_ask):

                # Changing current_position causes the trader to vacillate between buying and selling.
                # Traders will not enter a position when the trader does not have the balance/assets
                # so this causes the Trader to wait until their position is exited before they enter the
                # market again - with the opposite position.

                if self.current_position:
                    self.notify_observers(False, lowest_ask)
                    self.current_position = False
                    self.notify_observers(True, highest_bid)
                    self.current_position = True
                self._first_time_unprofitable = True


                # Not profitable = hold default position.
                if self.default_position == DefaultPosition.HOLD:
                    if self._first_time_unprofitable:
                        print("Spread is not profitable. Holding.")
                    self.notify_observers(None, -1) # market_value is irrelevant so it will be set to -1
                    if self.default_position == DefaultPosition.BUY:
                        if self._first_time_unprofitable:
                            print("Spread is not profitable. Holding major currency.")
                        self.notify_observers(None, lowest_ask)
                    elif self.default_position == DefaultPosition.SELL:
                        if self._first_time_unprofitable:
                            print("Spread is not profitable. Holding minor currency.")
                        self.notify_observers(None, highest_bid)
                    self.current_position = self.default_position
                self._first_time_unprofitable = False
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, options, percentage_to_trade=1, start_by_buying=True, starting_amount=100):
        Pre: options is an instance of QuadrigaOptions and must have pair and ticker set.
        Post: self.is_test = True until authenticate() is called

        # Trader is in test mode by default.
        # minimum_trade is the minimum amount of assets that can be sold on a trade.
        Trader.__init__(self, True, options.minimum_trade, options.ticker)

        # Will be set to a number (order ID) when an order is placed.
        self._waiting_for_order_to_fill = None

        # In test mode: Is used to prevent the same transaction from being counted twice.
        self._last_simulation_transaction_check = 0

        # In test mode: tracks how much the trader's order has been filled.
        self._expecting_simulation_balance = 0
        self._expecting_simulation_assets = 0
        self._filled_simulation_balance = 0
        self._filled_simulation_assets = 0

        # Used when aborting to determine if any positions need to be closed.
        self._active_buy_order = False
        self._active_sell_order = False

        self.major_currency = options.major_currency
        self.minor_currency = options.minor_currency
        self.percentage_to_trade = Decimal(percentage_to_trade)
        self.amount_precision = options.amount_precision
        self.price_precision = options.price_precision
        self.start_by_buying = start_by_buying

        with localcontext() as context:
            context.prec = 8

            if self.start_by_buying:
                self.balance = Decimal(starting_amount)
                self.assets = Decimal(0)
                self.balance = Decimal(0)
                self.assets = Decimal(starting_amount)
            self.post_fee = Decimal(1) - Decimal(options.fee)
项目:cryptocurrency-trader    作者:TobCar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, trading_pair, percentage_to_trade=1, start_by_buying=True, starting_amount=1):
        Post: self.is_test = True until authenticate() is called

        # Split up the trading pair for currency specific options and for console output.
        self.market_ticker = trading_pair
        split_pair = trading_pair.split("_")
        self.major_currency = split_pair[0]
        self.minor_currency = split_pair[1]

        # Trader is in test mode by default.
        # minimum_trade is the minimum amount of assets that can be sold on a trade.
        Trader.__init__(self, True, minimum_trade_for[self.minor_currency])

        # Will be set to a number (order ID) when an order is placed.
        self._waiting_for_order_to_fill = None

        # In test mode: Is used to prevent the same transaction from being counted twice.
        self._last_simulation_transaction_check = 0

        # In test mode: tracks how much the trader's order has been filled.
        self._expecting_simulation_balance = 0
        self._expecting_simulation_assets = 0
        self._filled_simulation_balance = 0
        self._filled_simulation_assets = 0

        # Needs to be None or the program will crash in simulation mode when it
        # checks if the bot was shut off manually (a live-only feature)
        self.emergency_shutdown_id = None

        # Used when aborting to determine if any positions need to be closed.
        self._active_buy_order = False
        self._active_sell_order = False

        self.percentage_to_trade = Decimal(percentage_to_trade)
        self.amount_precision = 8
        self.price_precision = 8
        self.start_by_buying = start_by_buying

        with localcontext() as context:
            context.prec = 8

            if self.start_by_buying:
                self.balance = Decimal(starting_amount)
                self.assets = Decimal(0)
                self.balance = Decimal(0)
                self.assets = Decimal(starting_amount)
            self.post_fee = Decimal(1) - cryptopia_fee
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _decimal_to_128(value):
    """Converts a decimal.Decimal to BID (high bits, low bits).

      - `value`: An instance of decimal.Decimal
    with decimal.localcontext(_DEC128_CTX) as ctx:
        value = ctx.create_decimal(value)

    if value.is_infinite():
        return _NINF if value.is_signed() else _PINF

    sign, digits, exponent = value.as_tuple()

    if value.is_nan():
        if digits:
            raise ValueError("NaN with debug payload is not supported")
        if value.is_snan():
            return _NSNAN if value.is_signed() else _PSNAN
        return _NNAN if value.is_signed() else _PNAN

    significand = int("".join([str(digit) for digit in digits]))
    bit_length = _bit_length(significand)

    high = 0
    low = 0
    for i in range(min(64, bit_length)):
        if significand & (1 << i):
            low |= 1 << i

    for i in range(64, bit_length):
        if significand & (1 << i):
            high |= 1 << (i - 64)

    biased_exponent = exponent + _EXPONENT_BIAS

    if high >> 49 == 1:
        high = high & 0x7fffffffffff
        high |= _EXPONENT_MASK
        high |= (biased_exponent & 0x3fff) << 47
        high |= biased_exponent << 49

    if sign:
        high |= _SIGN

    return high, low
项目:mathpy    作者:aschleg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def binomial_factorial(self):
        Implementation of the binomial coefficient computation. Not meant for actual computation
        as the other methods available are more efficient.

        n : int
            Number of possibilities
        k : int
            number of unordered outcomes

            The binomial coefficient

        The binomial coefficient equation (in compact form) is defined as:

        .. math::

            \binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} \qquad 0 \leq k \leq n

        Binomial coefficient. (2017, April 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

        Press, W., Teukolsky, S., Vetterling, W., & Flannery, B. (2007). Numerical recipes (3rd ed.).
            Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

        Weisstein, Eric W. "Binomial Coefficient." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

        nk = np.minimum(self.n, self.n - self.k)

        if nk >= 100:
            with localcontext() as ctx:
                ctx.prec = 50
                bico = Decimal(factorial(self.n)) / (Decimal(factorial(self.k)) * Decimal(factorial(nk)))
            bico = float(factorial(self.n)) / float(factorial(self.k) * factorial(nk))

        return bico
项目:mathpy    作者:aschleg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ramanujan(n, prec=100):
    Approximates the factorial :math:`n!` given an integer :math:`n` using Ramanujan's formula.
    Ramanujan's formula is just as or more accurate than several other factorial approximation

        Integer to approximate factorial
        Defines level of precision for factorials over 100. Default 100. Optional

    int or Decimal
        Factorial of :math:`n` as approximated by Ramanujan's formula.

    Ramanujan's formula is another factorial approximation method known for its accuracy
    in comparison to other factorial approximation approaches including Stirling's and
    Gosper's approximations. Ramanujan's formula is defined as:

    .. math::

        n! \approx \sqrt{\pi} \left(\frac{n}{e}\right)^n \sqrt[6]{8n^3 + 4n^2 + n + \frac{1}{30}}

    >>> ramanujan(10)
    >>> ramanujan(5)

    Mortici, Cristinel. On Gosper's Formula for the Gamma Function. Valahia University of Targoviste,
        Department of Mathematics. Retrieved from

    if n != np.floor(n):
        n = np.floor(n)

    if n >= 100:
        with localcontext() as ctx:
            ctx.prec = prec
            f = Decimal(
                np.sqrt(np.pi) * n ** n * np.exp(-n) * (8. * n ** 3. + 4. * n ** 2. + n + 1. / 30.) ** (1. / 6.))
        f = np.sqrt(np.pi) * n ** n * np.exp(-n) * (8. * n ** 3. + 4. * n ** 2. + n + (1. / 30.)) ** (1. / 6.)

    return f