Python dis 模块,hasfree() 实例源码


项目:tailbiter    作者:darius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_byte_and_args(self):
        code = self.f_code
        opcode = code.co_code[self.f_lasti]
        self.f_lasti = self.f_lasti + 1
        if opcode >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            int_arg = (   code.co_code[self.f_lasti]
                       + (code.co_code[self.f_lasti+1] << 8))
            self.f_lasti = self.f_lasti + 2
            if opcode in dis.hasconst:
                arg = code.co_consts[int_arg]
            elif opcode in dis.hasfree:
                if int_arg < len(code.co_cellvars):
                    arg = code.co_cellvars[int_arg]
                    arg = code.co_freevars[int_arg - len(code.co_cellvars)]
            elif opcode in dis.hasname:
                arg = code.co_names[int_arg]
            elif opcode in dis.haslocal:
                arg = code.co_varnames[int_arg]
            elif opcode in dis.hasjrel:
                arg = self.f_lasti + int_arg
                arg = int_arg
            return dis.opname[opcode], (arg,)
        return dis.opname[opcode], ()
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_byte_and_args(self):
        """ Parse 1 - 3 bytes of bytecode into
        an instruction and optionally arguments."""
        f = self.frame
        opoffset = f.f_lasti
        byteCode = ord(f.f_code.co_code[opoffset])
        f.f_lasti += 1
        byteName = dis.opname[byteCode]
        arg = None
        arguments = []
        if byteCode >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            arg = f.f_code.co_code[f.f_lasti:f.f_lasti+2]
            f.f_lasti += 2
            intArg = ord(arg[0]) + (ord(arg[1]) << 8)
            if byteCode in dis.hasconst:
                arg = f.f_code.co_consts[intArg]
            elif byteCode in dis.hasfree:
                if intArg < len(f.f_code.co_cellvars):
                    arg = f.f_code.co_cellvars[intArg]
                    var_idx = intArg - len(f.f_code.co_cellvars)
                    arg = f.f_code.co_freevars[var_idx]
            elif byteCode in dis.hasname:
                arg = f.f_code.co_names[intArg]
            elif byteCode in dis.hasjrel:
                arg = f.f_lasti + intArg
            elif byteCode in dis.hasjabs:
                arg = intArg
            elif byteCode in dis.haslocal:
                arg = f.f_code.co_varnames[intArg]
                arg = intArg
            arguments = [arg]

        return byteName, arguments, opoffset