def __init__(self, *args, debug=False, **kwargs): self._debug = debug self.game = config.game game = discord.Game(name=self.game) status = discord.Status.dnd if self._debug else discord.Status.online super().__init__(*args, command_prefix=command_prefix, game=game, status=status, **kwargs) self._before_invoke = self._before_invoke_ self._after_invoke = self._after_invoke_ self.resumes = 0 useragent = 'Discord Bot' source = config.source if source is not None: useragent += ' ' + source self.http_ = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop, headers={'User-Agent': useragent}) self.db_pool = self.loop.run_until_complete( asyncpg.create_pool(dsn=config.pg_dsn, command_timeout=10, loop=self.loop))
def quote(ctx, message_id: str=None): if message_id is None: em = discord.Embed( title="Error", description="The bot encountered an error; The error is no message id found.", colour=0xFF5959) em.set_author(name=bot.user.display_name, icon_url=bot.user.avatar_url) # em.set_footer(set the default datetime thing ive been using) await bot.edit_message(ctx.message, embed=em) else: async for message in bot.logs_from(ctx.message.channel, limit=500): if message.id == message_id: if message is not None: em = discord.Embed(title=message.content, colour=0x33CC66) em.set_author(name=message.author.display_name, icon_url=message.author.avatar_url) em.set_footer( text='Discordian Self-Bot at {}'.format(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()))) await bot.edit_message(ctx.message, embed=em) elif message is None: print("Message with id of -{}- was not found".format(message_id)) # post the embed error but altered.`
def random_game_status(): statuses = ["with i7-2670QM", "with mainframes", "with Cleverbot", "tic-tac-toe with Joshua", "tic-tac-toe with WOPR", "the Turing test", "with my memory", "with R2-D2", "with C-3PO", "with BB-8", "with machine learning", "gigs", "with Siri", "with TARS", "with KIPP", "with humans", "with Skynet", "Goldbach's conjecture", "Goldbach's conjecture solution", "with quantum foam", "with quantum entanglement", "with P vs NP", "the Reimann hypothesis", "the Reimann proof", "with the infinity gauntlet", "for the other team", "hard to get", "to win", "world domination", "with Opportunity", "with Spirit in the sand pit", "with Curiousity", "with Voyager 1", "music", "Google Ultron", "not enough space here to", "the meaning of life is", "with the NSA", "with neural networks", "with RSS Bot", "with Data", "with Harmon", " "] me = discord.utils.find(lambda s: s != None, client.servers).me if not me: return elif not me.game: updated_game = discord.Game(name = random.choice(statuses)) else: updated_game = me.game updated_game.name = random.choice(statuses) await client.change_presence(game = updated_game)
def on_command_error(ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return # if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): # return print(error) errors = { commands.DisabledCommand: 'Command has been disabled.', commands.MissingPermissions: 'Invoker is missing permissions to run this command.', commands.BotMissingPermissions: 'Bot is missing permissions to run this command.', commands.CheckFailure: 'You are not allowed to run this command.' } for type, text in errors.items(): if isinstance(error, type): return await ctx.send(errors[type]) # argument error if isinstance(error, commands.UserInputError): bot.formatter.context = ctx bot.formatter.command = ctx.command return await ctx.send(f'Invalid argument(s) provided.\n```{bot.formatter.get_command_signature()}```') await ctx.send(f'An error occured in `{ctx.command.name}` invoked by {ctx.message.author}:\n```{error}```') #traceback.print_exception(type(exception), exception, exception.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr) # blacklist check # check is user is blacklister, or if it's a bot
def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot # type: commands.Bot self.config = self.bot.cogs['Config'] # type: Config # Uses the database proxy object for our db as we don't know which database provider to use until runtime. self.db, self.models = models.get_models(self.config) self.query = Query(self.models) # Is there a nice way to scope all models within AryaORM? Still want them defined in a separate file. # Have I got a surprise for you, my dear Tom self.User = self.models.User self.Message = self.models.Message self.Channel = self.models.Channel self.Server = self.models.Server self.LoveTransaction = self.models.LoveTransaction self.make_tables()
def __init__(self, bot): self.bot: commands.Bot self.bot = bot # owner ids self.owners = self.bot.owners # praw magical thread magic self.r = self.bot.r # a class to hold all tg's precious global variables self.v = self.bot.v # aiohttp session for magix self.session = self.bot.session self.bot.loop.create_task(self.game_updater()) self.bot.loop.create_task(self.self_cleaner()) self.bot.loop.create_task(self.totmem()) self.bot.loop.create_task(self.new_part_checker()) # =============== # bot commands # ===============
def __init__(self, bot: Bot): self.bot = bot
def setup(settings): print("First time setup, prepare your anus for some questions.") token = input("What's your Discord token? (To see how to get it go to https://github.com/PlanetTeamSpeakk/DiscordSelfBot#token)\n") if token.startswith("\""): token = token[1:] if token.endswith("\""): token = token[:(len(token) - 1)] prefix = input("What should your prefix be?\n") invite = input("What's the permanent invite link for you Discord server? Type None if you don't have one.\n") settings['token'] = token settings['prefix'] = prefix settings['invite'] = invite bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=prefix, description=description, self_bot=True) settings_file = None with open("data/dsb/settings.json", "w") as settings_file: json.dump(settings, settings_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ' : ')) print("You're all set! Bot is starting, don't mind the unclosed client session part, just wait a bit.")
def main(): # define bot bot = Bot( description=config.description, verbose=config.verbose, bleeding=config.bleeding, reactive=config.reactive ) bot.add_cog(cogs.Fun (bot)) bot.add_cog(cogs.Stats(bot)) bot.add_cog(cogs.Info (bot)) bot.add_cog(cogs.Admin(bot)) # launch bot try: bot.run(config.token) except discord.errors.LoginFailure as e: print(e, end='\n\n')
def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print(f'Bot-Name: {bot.user.name}') print(f'Bot-ID: {bot.user.id}') print(f'Dev Mode: {bot.dev}') print('------') for cog in loadconfig.__cogs__: try: bot.load_extension(cog) except Exception: print(f'Couldn\'t load cog {cog}') bot.commands_used = Counter() bot.startTime = time.time() bot.botVersion = __version__ bot.userAgentHeaders = {'User-Agent': f'linux:shinobu_discordbot:v{__version__} (by Der-Eddy)'} bot.gamesLoop = asyncio.ensure_future(_randomGame()) _setupDatabase('reaction.db')
def __init__(self, bot : commands.Bot): print("initializing github tracker") self.bot = bot # Registered channel format: # {channel_id : ("repo", "owner/repo")} # {"167319706863140864" : ("repo", "professional-programmingers/GeBeO")} self.registered_channels = {} self.file_name = "cache/github.json" self.api_base = "https://api.github.com/" # Create a cache dir if it doesn't exists. if not os.path.exists("cache"): os.makedirs("cache") # Check for cache file. if os.path.isfile(self.file_name) and os.stat(self.file_name).st_size != 0: f = open(self.file_name, "r") self.registered_channels = json.loads(f.read()) else: f = open(self.file_name, "w+") f.close()
def add_sound(self, ctx, source, sourcetype): """ Add a sound to a bot's queue. """ if ctx.message.author.voice == None: await ctx.send("You're not in a voice channel!") else: # Check if any bots in guild. Warn user if not. # TODO: Move to Bot Manager. for helper in self.bot.helperList: if helper.is_in_guild(ctx.guild): break else: await ctx.send("No helper bots in this server. Do !invite to add them.") return vchan_id = ctx.message.author.voice.channel.id sound = await self.parse_sound(source, sourcetype) # Find a bot and add to its queue. helper = self.choose_helper(vchan_id) if helper != None: await helper.queue_sound(vchan_id, sound) await ctx.send("Queueing sound!") else: await ctx.send("Sorry, there are no available bots!")
def user(ctx, *, member: discord.Member = None): if member is None: member = ctx.message.author embed = discord.Embed(color = embed_color) embed.set_thumbnail(url = member.avatar_url) embed.add_field(name="User ID:", value=member.id, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="User Name:", value=member, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Is Bot?:", value=member.bot, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Join Date:", value=member.created_at, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Nickname:", value=member.display_name, inline=True) await client.say(embed = embed) else: embed = discord.Embed(color = embed_color) embed.set_thumbnail(url = member.avatar_url) embed.add_field(name="User ID:", value=member.id, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="User Name:", value=member, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Is Bot?:", value=member.bot, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Join Date:", value=member.created_at, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Nickname:", value=member.display_name, inline=True) await client.say(embed = embed) print(Fore.CYAN + "Command Successfully Executed |\n Command Ran In:[" + ctx.message.server.id + "]\n User:[" + ctx.message.author.id + "]\n Channel:[" + ctx.message.channel.id + "]")
def setup(bot: commands.Bot): check_folders() check_files() if dateutil_available: if pytz_available: if tabulate_available: bot.add_cog(Survey(bot)) else: raise RuntimeError( "You need to install `tabulate`: `pip install tabulate`.") else: raise RuntimeError( "You need to install `pytz`: `pip install pytz`.") else: raise RuntimeError( "You need to install `python-dateutil`:" " `pip install python-dateutil`.")
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): self.bot = bot self.settings_path = "data/rainbow6siege/settings.json" self.settings = dataIO.load_json(self.settings_path) self.platform_map = { "uplay": r6sapi.Platforms.UPLAY, "xbox": r6sapi.Platforms.XBOX, "playstation": r6sapi.Platforms.PLAYSTATION } self.region_map = { "na": r6sapi.RankedRegions.NA, "eu": r6sapi.RankedRegions.EU, "asia": r6sapi.RankedRegions.ASIA } self.operator_list = [ x.lower() for x in r6sapi.OperatorIcons if x != 'DEFAULT' ]
def main(loop=None): if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() bot = Bot(loop=loop, command_prefix=core.get_prefixes(), description=__doc__, pm_help=core.is_help_private()) if not is_configured(): initial_config() error = False error_message = "" try: loop.run_until_complete(run(bot)) except discord.LoginFailure: error = True error_message = 'Invalid credentials' choice = input(strings.invalid_credentials) if choice.strip() == 'reset': base.delete_token() else: base.disable_restarting() except KeyboardInterrupt: base.disable_restarting() loop.run_until_complete(bot.logout()) except Exception as e: error = True print(e) error_message = traceback.format_exc() base.disable_restarting() loop.run_until_complete(bot.logout()) finally: if error: print(error_message) return bot
def __init__(self, sparcli:commands.Bot): self.sparcli = sparcli logChannel = getTokens()['BotLoggingChannel'] self.discordBotsToken = getTokens()['DiscordBotsPw']['Key'] self.logChannel = sparcli.get_channel(logChannel) self.session = ClientSession(loop=sparcli.loop) self.fserver = None
def setup(bot:commands.Bot): x = BotLogger(bot) bot.add_cog(x)
def __init__(self, sparcli:commands.Bot): self.sparcli = sparcli self.session = ClientSession(loop=sparcli.loop) self.regexMatches = { 'OriginalRequest': r'(.+[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s[0-9]+:[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?)', 'StripAuthor': r'(.+\b)([0-9]+:)', 'GetPassages': r'([0-9]+:[0-9]+)', 'GetMax': r'(-[0-9]+)', 'QuranMatch': r'([0-9]+:[0-9]+([-0-9]+)?)' } self.biblePicture = 'http://pacificbible.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/holy-bible.png' self.quranPicture = 'http://www.siotw.org/modules/burnaquran/images/quran.gif'
def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print(bot.user.name) print(bot.user.id) print('------') logger.info('Bot started as ' + bot.user.name) for server in bot.servers: logger.info(' ' + server.name) await bot.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='eRepublik'))
def on_server_join(server): logger.info('Bot joined: ' + server.name)
def on_server_remove(server): logger.info('Bot left: ' + server.name)
def __init__(self, get, update_channel, **options): """Init AutomaBot. :param get: The Queue reader side. :param update_channel: The notification channel id :param **options: Default commands.Bot parameters """ super().__init__(**options) self.get = get self.update_channel = update_channel self.terminal_width = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20))[0]
def ping(ctx): msg = discord.Embed(title='Pong!', colour=0x66CC99) msg.set_author(name=bot.user.display_name, icon_url=bot.user.avatar_url) msg.set_footer( text='Discordian Self-Bot at {}'.format(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()))) await bot.edit_message(ctx.message, embed=msg)
def setup(bot: commands.Bot) -> None: bot.add_cog(AryasORM(bot))
def __init__(self, bot): self.bot: commands.Bot = bot self.orm: AryasORM = self.bot.cogs['AryasORM'] self.config: Config = self.bot.cogs['Config']
def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(Statistics(bot))
def __init__(self, bot): self.bot: commands.Bot = bot
def setup(bot: commands.Bot) -> None: bot.add_cog(Config())
def kick_user(user, mod, server, bot, reason): """ Kicks a user and then logs it to the 'mod_log' channel :param user: Member object of the user who needs to be kicked :param mod: Member object of the responsible moderator :param server: Server object of the server :param bot: Bot instance to kick and log :param reason: Reason why user is being kicked """ config = bot.cogs['Config'] channel = get_channel_by_name(server, config['aryas']['mod_log_channel_name']) try: await bot.kick(user) msg = '{} was kicked by {}. Reason: {}'.format(user.name, mod.mention, reason) send(bot, msg, channel, False) except Exception as e: config.logger.error(e) send(bot, 'Failed to kick {} for {}'.format(user.mention, reason), channel, False)
def send(bot: commands.Bot, message: str, channel: Channel, delete=False, time=None, show_dots=True, bomb_themed_dots=False) -> None: """ Sends a message to the server and deletes it after a period of time :param bot: the bot used to send the message :param message: the content of the message :param channel: the channel in which the message will be sent :param delete: whether to delete the message after sending it :param time: the time to wait before deleting the message :param show_dots: whether to show countdown dots for message deletion (this will round down `time` if it is a float) :param bomb_themed_dots: whether to theme the dots using a bomb and fuse instead of plain dots """ config = bot.cogs['Config'] if time is None: time = config['aryas']['message_sleep_time'] def dot_bar(progress): width = int(time) if bomb_themed_dots: return "\n`??" + "-" * (width - progress) + "*`" if width - progress > 0 else "??" return "\n`|" + "•" * (width - progress) + " " * max(progress, 0) + "|`" async def send_inner(): msg = await bot.send_message(channel, message + (dot_bar(0) if delete and show_dots else "")) # Waits *time* seconds and deletes the confirmation message. if delete: if not show_dots: await asyncio.sleep(time) else: for i in range(int(time)): await asyncio.sleep(1) await bot.edit_message(msg, message + dot_bar(i + 1)) await bot.delete_message(msg) asyncio.ensure_future(send_inner())
def is_staff(member: discord.Member): # Return True or False if User is a Staff Member return 'Staff' in [r.name for r in member.roles] # ********************************************** # # BOT EVENTS *********************************** # # ********************************************** # # Bot Start Event
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """In addition to everything supported by commands.Bot, this also supports: * `config_file` - An `str` representing the configuration file of the bot. Defaults to `config.json`. This doesn't really have to be used, but it's there for convenience reasons. Instance variables not in the constructor: * `session` - An `aiohttp.ClientSession` that the bot can use to make HTTP requests. This is useful for commands that perform API hooks. * `config` - A `dict` containing key-value pairs meant for bot configuration. This doesn't really have to be used, but it's there for convenience reasons. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.config = {} self.config_file = kwargs.get("config_file", "config.json") self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop)
def load_config(self, filename: str=None): """Load config from a JSON file. * `filename` - The filename of the JSON file to be loaded. If not specified, the bot will default to `Bot.config_file`. """ if not filename: filename = self.config_file with open(filename) as file_object: config = json.load(file_object) if isinstance(config, dict): for key, value in config.items(): self.config[key] = value
def save_config(self, filename: str=None): """Save config to a JSON file. * `filename` - The filename of the JSON file to be saved to. If not specified, the bot will default to `Bot.config_file`. """ if not filename: filename = self.config_file with open(filename, "w") as file_object: json.dump(self.config, file_object, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def colour(self): brole = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_server('226084200405663754').roles, name = 'Bot') bcol = brole.colour erole = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_server('226084200405663754').roles, name = '@everyone') ecol = erole.colour curole = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_server('226084200405663754').roles, name = 'Bot Dev') cucol = curole.colour if cucol == bcol: await self.bot.edit_role(self.bot.get_server('226084200405663754'), curole, colour = ecol) else: await self.bot.edit_role(self.bot.get_server('226084200405663754'), curole, colour = bcol)
def on_ready(): global mainChannel, logsChannel, visible, databasePath, botOwner, Refresh mainChannel = client.get_server(constants.Settings.mainServerID).get_channel(constants.Settings.mainChannelId) logsChannel = client.get_server(constants.Settings.mainServerID).get_channel(constants.Settings.logsChannelId) print('Logged in !') botOwner = await client.get_user_info(str(constants.Settings.ownerDiscordId)) hello = False if (datetime.now().strftime('%H') == "02" and Refresh) or ((set(sys.argv) & set(["refresh"])) and Refresh): await change_presence(status=discord.Status('dnd'), game=discord.Game(name='Booting ...')) message = await client.send_message(mainChannel, "<:empty:317951266355544065> Updating stats ...") #try: print('Refreshing users stats ...') update_stats.update_all_stats(conn, cursor) Refresh = False print(" - Done") print('Creating new backup ...', end="") create_backup() print(" Done !") await client.edit_message(message, "<:check:317951246084341761> Updating stats ... Done !") # except: # await client.edit_message(message, "<:xmark:317951256889131008> Updating stats ... Fail !") if not set(sys.argv) & set(["dev"]): await client.send_message(mainChannel, "<:online:317951041838514179> Uso!<:Bot:317951180737347587> is now online !") await change_presence(status=discord.Status('online'), game=discord.Game(name='Osu !')) hello = True if (set(sys.argv) & set(["online"])) and hello == False: await client.send_message(mainChannel, "<:online:317951041838514179> Uso!<:Bot:317951180737347587> is now online !") if set(sys.argv) & set(["dev"]): await change_presence(status=discord.Status('idle'), game=discord.Game(name='Dev mode')) else: await change_presence(status=discord.Status('online'), game=discord.Game(name='o!help')) print ('Ready !')
def __init__(self,token): self.client = commands.Bot(command_prefix=commands.when_mentioned_or('!'),description=clientDesc) self.token = token #------------------------Setting up cogs--------------------------------------------------------- #setup_ow(self.client) setup_misc(self.client) #setup_game(self.client) setup_music(self.client) #setup_twitch(self.client)
def github(ctx): """Pour voir mon code""" text = "How tu veux voir mon repos Github pour me disséquer ? Pas de soucis ! Je suis un Bot, je ne ressens pas la douleur !\n https://github.com/outout14/tuxbot-bot" em = discord.Embed(title='Repos TuxBot-Bot', description=text, colour=0xE9D460) em.set_author(name='Outout', icon_url="https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/14958554?v=3&s=400") await ctx.send(embed=em)
def get_cog(self, name): return self.all_cogs.get(name.lower()) # This must be implemented because Bot.get_all_commands doesn't call # Bot.get_cog, so it will throw KeyError, and thus return an empty set.
def on_command_completion(self, ctx): self.command_counter['succeeded'] += 1 # ------ Viewlikes ------ # Note these views and properties look deceptive. They look like a thin # wrapper len(self.guilds). However, the reason why these are here is # to avoid a temporary list to get the len of. Bot.guilds and Bot.users # creates a list which can cause a massive hit in performance later on.
def on_command_error(self, context, exception): extype = type(exception) value = exception tback = exception.__traceback__ exinfo = (extype, value, tback) exfmts = [s.replace("\\n", "") for s in traceback.format_exception(*exinfo)] exfmt = [""] for exf in exfmts: ci = len(exfmt) - 1 if len(exfmt[ci]) + len(exf) + 1 > 1024: exfmt.append(exf) else: exfmt[ci] = exfmt[ci] + "\n" + exf if context.command is None: return cmd = context.command.qualified_name iex = exception.original if isinstance(exception, commands.CommandInvokeError) else None if iex and isinstance(iex, asmbot.AssemblerException): embed = self._embed(context, "Error assembling code", "An error occured when assembling code", "error") embed.add_field(name="Details", value=f"```\n{iex.clang_data}\n```", inline=False) else: embed = self._embed(context, "Error executing command", "An error occured when executing command `{}`".format(cmd), "error") asmbot.log(*exfmts, tag="CMD ERR") await context.message.channel.send(embed=embed) # Bot preparation
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): self.bot = bot self.api_url = 'http://api.football-data.org/v1/' self.config = dataIO.load_json('data/football/config.json')
def __init__(self, bot: Bot, database: Database): super().__init__(bot) self.database = database
def play_audio(self, data, *, encode=True): pass # # Main DdmBot class (discord.ext.commands.Bot wrapper) #
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): super().__init__() self.categories = ['hot', 'new', 'controversial', 'rising', 'top'] self.bot = bot
def on_ready(): print('Logged in as ') print(bot.user.name) print(bot.user.id) print('Bot prefix is set to ' + prefix) print('-------------') await bot.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='with systemd')) await decayWarn()
def killbot(ctx): """Kills the selfbot""" print("Shutting down selfbot") await bot.say(embed=discord.Embed(title="Bot Status", type="rich", timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), colour=0x747F8D, description="Shutting down bot...")) await bot.close()
def setup(bot: commands.Bot): bot.add_cog(MIDI(bot))