def requiredEnabled(**kwargs): '''Checks to see if a certain token type's secret exists Parameters :: token : str The type of token whose secret needs to exist ''' def predicate(ctx): token = kwargs.get('enable') serverSettings = getServerJson(ctx.message.server.id) enabled = serverSettings['Toggles'][token] if enabled: return True else: raise CommandDisabled return False return commands.check(predicate)
def needsToken(**kwargs): '''Checks to see if a certain token type's secret exists Parameters :: token : str The type of token whose secret needs to exist ''' def predicate(ctx): token = kwargs.get('token') v = getTokens()[token] for i, o in v.items(): if not o: raise ThisNeedsAToken return True return commands.check(predicate)
def check_last(self, ctx: commands.Context, name): """ Shows you how long other users' last session lasted. :param name: The name (not the nick) of the person to check. Must use the name#discriminator format. """ time_str = printable_time(db_manager.get_user_last_session(name)) if time_str is None: time_str = "None found." lib.log("{} queried for {}'s last session time. Result: {}" .format(lib.get_author_name(ctx, True), "their" if name == str(ctx.message.author) else (name + "'s"), time_str)) await self.bot.say("```{}```".format(time_str), delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan * 3)
def total(self, ctx: commands.Context, name=None): """ Shows you the total time a user has used the timer for. :param name: The name (not the nick) of the person to check. Must use the name#discriminator format. If none is provided, it will check your own record. """ if name is None: name = ctx.message.author time_str = printable_time(db_manager.get_user_total(name)) if time_str is None: time_str = "None found." name = str(name) lib.log("{} queried for {}'s last session time. Result: {}" .format(lib.get_author_name(ctx, True), "their" if name == str(ctx.message.author) else (name + "'s"), time_str)) await self.bot.say("```{}```".format(time_str), delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan * 3)
def in_channel(name): """ Checks if command is sent in a given channel ignores high roles. To be used as a decorator :param name: name of the channel """ def predicate(ctx): if ctx.message.channel.is_private: return False # Adapted from discord.ext.core.has_any_role user_roles = functools.partial(discordutils.get, ctx.message.author.roles) if any(user_roles(name=role) is not None for role in ['Admin', 'Moderator', 'Support']): return True return ctx.message.channel.name == name return commands.check(predicate)
def permcheck(**kwargs): def predicate(ctx): owners_ = kwargs.get('owners', []) check = kwargs.get('check', '') if type(owners_) is not list: owners_ = [owners_] if ctx.message.author.id in [owners[x] for x in owners_]: return True if check == 'dm_only' and ctx.message.server is None: return True return False return commands.check(predicate)
def progress(self, ctx): """Provides the progress of the current song""" # Make sure we're playing first state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if not state.is_playing(): await self.bot.say('Not playing anything.') else: progress = state.current.progress length = state.current.length # Another check, just to make sure; this may happen for a very brief amount of time # Between when the song was requested, and still downloading to play if not progress or not length: await self.bot.say('Not playing anything.') return # Otherwise just format this nicely progress = divmod(round(progress, 0), 60) length = divmod(round(length, 0), 60) fmt = "Current song progress: {0[0]}m {0[1]}s/{1[0]}m {1[1]}s".format(progress, length) await self.bot.say(fmt)
def summon(self, ctx): """Summons the bot to join your voice channel.""" # This method will be invoked by other commands, so we should return True or False instead of just returning # First check if the author is even in a voice_channel summoned_channel = ctx.message.author.voice_channel if summoned_channel is None: await self.bot.say('You are not in a voice channel.') return False # Then simply create a voice client try: success = await self.create_voice_client(summoned_channel) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, discord.ConnectionClosed): await self.bot.say("I failed to connect! This usually happens if I don't have permission to join the" " channel, but can sometimes be caused by your server region being far away." " Otherwise this is an issue on Discord's end, causing the connect to timeout!") await self.remove_voice_client(summoned_channel.server) return False if success: try: await self.bot.say('Ready to play audio in ' + summoned_channel.name) except discord.Forbidden: pass return success
def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__(bot) addr = getattr(bot.config, 'MONGO_LOC', None) self.mongo_client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient(addr) self.bot.mongo = self.mongo_client self.jose_db = self.mongo_client['jose'] self.config_coll = self.jose_db['config'] self.block_coll = self.jose_db['block'] self.bot.block_coll = self.block_coll # querying the db every time is not worth it self.config_cache = collections.defaultdict(dict) # used to check if cache has all defined objects in it self.default_keys = None
def can_use_box(): def pred(ctx): if ctx.guild is None: return True if ctx.author.id == ctx.bot.owner_id: return True has_perms = ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.author).manage_messages if not has_perms: raise UnableToUseBox() return True return commands.check(pred) # The tag data is heavily duplicated (denormalized) and heavily indexed to speed up # retrieval at the expense of making inserts a little bit slower. This is a fine trade-off # because tags are retrieved much more often than created.
def is_owner(): def predicate(ctx): if is_owner_check(ctx): return True else: raise errors.NotOwner return commands.check(predicate)
def is_server_owner(): def predicate(ctx): if is_server_owner_check(ctx): return True else: raise errors.NotServerOwner return commands.check(predicate)
def is_voice_connected(): def predicate(ctx): if not is_voice_connected_check(ctx): if is_server_owner_check(ctx) or utilities.get_permission(ctx, "join", id = ctx.message.author.id): raise errors.PermittedVoiceNotConnected else: raise errors.NotPermittedVoiceNotConnected return True return commands.check(predicate)
def has_permissions(**permissions): def predicate(ctx): if has_permissions_check(ctx, permissions): return True else: raise errors.MissingPermissions return commands.check(predicate)
def dm_or_has_permissions(**permissions): def predicate(ctx): if ctx.message.channel.is_private or has_permissions_check(ctx, permissions): return True else: raise errors.MissingPermissions return commands.check(predicate)
def dm_or_has_capability(*permissions): def predicate(ctx): if ctx.message.channel.is_private or has_capability_check(ctx, permissions): return True else: raise errors.MissingCapability(permissions) return commands.check(predicate)
def has_permissions_and_capability(**permissions): def predicate(ctx): if ctx.message.channel.is_private: return False elif not has_permissions_check(ctx, permissions): raise errors.MissingPermissions elif not has_capability_check(ctx, permissions.keys()): raise errors.MissingCapability(permissions.keys()) else: return True return commands.check(predicate)
def dm_or_has_permissions_and_capability(**permissions): def predicate(ctx): if ctx.message.channel.is_private: return True elif not has_permissions_check(ctx, permissions): raise errors.MissingPermissions elif not has_capability_check(ctx, permissions.keys()): raise errors.MissingCapability(permissions.keys()) else: return True return commands.check(predicate)
def not_forbidden(): def predicate(ctx): if not_forbidden_check(ctx): return True else: raise errors.NotPermitted return commands.check(predicate)
def is_permitted(): def predicate(ctx): if is_permitted_check(ctx): return True else: raise errors.NotPermitted return commands.check(predicate)
def is_owner(): return commands.check(is_owner_check) # The permission system of the bot is based on a "just works" basis # You have permissions and the bot has permissions. If you meet the permissions # required to execute the command (and the bot does as well) then it goes through # and you can execute the command. # If these checks fail, then there are two fallbacks. # A role with the name of Bot Mod and a role with the name of Bot Admin. # Having these roles provides you access to certain commands without actually having # the permissions required for them. # Of course, the owner will always be able to execute commands.
def role_or_permissions(ctx, check, **perms): if check_permissions(ctx, perms): return True ch = ctx.message.channel author = ctx.message.author if ch.is_private: return False # can't have roles in PMs role = discord.utils.find(check, author.roles) return role is not None
def serverowner_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): if ctx.message.guild is None: return False guild = ctx.message.guild owner = guild.owner if ctx.message.author.id == owner.id: return True return check_permissions(ctx,perms) return commands.check(predicate)
def is_owner(): return commands.check(lambda ctx: is_owner_check(ctx.message))
def owner(): return commands.check(is_owner_check)
def admin(): return commands.check(is_admin_check)
def serverowner(): def predicate(ctx): if ctx.message.server is None: return False if ctx.message.author.id == ctx.message.server.owner.id: return True # return check_permissions(ctx, perms) return False return commands.check(predicate)
def need_db(command): """Decorator, not check, to mark the command as needing a DB connection.""" command._db = True return command
def config_attr(attr): return commands.check(lambda _: getattr(config, attr, None) is not None)
def owner_or_permissions(**perms): return commands.check(lambda ctx: check_permissions(ctx, perms))
def dm_only(): return commands.check(lambda ctx: ctx.guild is None)
def is_authorized_staff(): return commands.check(lambda ctx: is_authorized_staff_check(ctx.message))
def mod_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name in ('Luna Mod', 'Luna Admin', 'Bot Commander', 'Master Assassin'), **perms) return commands.check(predicate)
def admin_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name in ('Luna Admin', 'Master Assassin'), **perms) return commands.check(predicate) # These two roles are for a specific server, just use 'Luna mod' and 'Luna # admin'
def bot_main(token, queue, channel, prefix, desc): """Run bot.""" bot = AutomaBot(get=queue, update_channel=channel, command_prefix=prefix, description=desc, self_bot=False) @bot.command(pass_context=True) @commands.check(is_owner) async def sleep(ctx): await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.dnd, afk=True) msg = 'Going to sleep. See you :wave:' for comm in bot.commands: if comm is not "wakeup": bot.commands[comm].enabled = False await bot.say(msg) @bot.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True) @commands.check(is_owner) async def wakeup(ctx): for comm in bot.commands: if comm is not "wakeup": bot.commands[comm].enabled = True await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, afk=False) msg = 'Goooooooooood morniiing vietnammmmmm :bomb:' await bot.say(msg) await bot.start(token)
def is_owner(): return commands.check(lambda ctx: is_owner_check(ctx.message)) # The permission system of the bot is based on a "just works" basis # You have permissions and the bot has permissions. If you meet the permissions # required to execute the command (and the bot does as well) then it goes through # and you can execute the command. # If these checks fail, then there are two fallbacks. # A role with the name of Bot Mod and a role with the name of Bot Admin. # Having these roles provides you access to certain commands without actually having # the permissions required for them. # Of course, the owner will always be able to execute commands.
def mod_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name == 'Bot Commander', **perms) return commands.check(predicate)
def admin_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name == 'Bot Commander', **perms) return commands.check(predicate)
def TO_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name in ('TO_Crew', 'Head TO', 'Staff'), **perms) #these roles are needed if you're a TO return commands.check(predicate)
def gay_only(): return commands.check(lambda m: m.author.id in \ (162819866682851329, 97104885337575424, 150745989836308480))
def mod_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name in ('Bot Mod', 'Bot Admin'), **perms) return commands.check(predicate)
def admin_or_permissions(**perms): def predicate(ctx): return role_or_permissions(ctx, lambda r: r.name == 'Bot Admin', **perms) return commands.check(predicate)
def is_in_servers(*server_ids): def predicate(ctx): server = ctx.message.server if server is None: return False return server.id in server_ids return commands.check(predicate)
def bot_owner(ctx): def check(): return ctx.author.id == 125435062127820800 return check()