def fix_arg_order(*args): tag, mode, region, platform = '', None, None, None extras = [] for arg in args: if arg is None or isinstance(arg, Mode): continue lower = arg.lower() if '#' in arg or '@' in arg: tag = arg elif lower in REGIONS: region = lower elif lower in PLATFORMS: platform = lower else: try: Mode[lower] except KeyError: extras.append(arg) else: mode = lower if extras: raise commands.BadArgument('Invalid arguments: ' + ', '.join(extras)) return tag, mode, region, platform
def hex_or_rgb(arg): s = arg.split(' ') if len(s) == 1: color = s[0] if len(color) == 6: color = f'0x{color}' elif len(color) == 7: color = color.replace('#', '0x') try: return discord.Color(int(color, 0)) except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument('A single argument must be passed as hex (`0x7289DA`, `#7289DA`, `7289DA`)') elif len(s) == 3: try: rgb = [*map(int, s)] except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument('Three arguments must be passed as RGB (`114 137 218`, `153 170 181`)') if any(c < 0 or c > 255 for c in rgb): raise commands.BadArgument('RGB colors must be in the range `[0, 255]`') return discord.Color.from_rgb(*rgb) raise commands.BadArgument('You must pass 1 (hex) or 3 (RGB) arguments.')
def integer(arg): """Attempts to return the arg converted to `int`. Returns nearest whole number if arg represents a `float`. Mainly to be used as typehint in commands. """ try: int(arg) except ValueError: pass else: return int(arg) try: float(arg) except ValueError: pass else: return int(round(float(arg))) raise BadArgument('Converting to "int" failed.')
def find_target(self, ctx, arg): """Returns the ID of the given target""" if arg.casefold() in ('everyone', 'all'): return discord.Object(id=0) try: return await MemberConverter().convert(ctx, arg) except BadArgument: pass try: return await RoleConverter().convert(ctx, arg) except BadArgument: pass return None
def _get_quote(self, ctx, author_or_num=None): sid = ctx.message.server.id if type(author_or_num) is discord.Member: return self._get_random_author_quote(ctx, author_or_num) if author_or_num: try: quote_id = int(author_or_num) if quote_id > 0 and quote_id <= len(self.quotes[sid]): return (quote_id - 1, self.quotes[sid][quote_id - 1]) else: raise commands.BadArgument("Quote #%i does not exist." % quote_id) except ValueError: pass try: author = commands.MemberConverter(ctx, author_or_num).convert() except commands.errors.BadArgument: author = author_or_num.strip(' \t\n\r\x0b\x0c-–—') # whitespace + dashes return self._get_random_author_quote(ctx, author) return self._get_random_quote(ctx)
def quote(self, ctx, *, author_or_num: str = None): """Say a stored quote! Without any arguments, this command randomly selects from all stored quotes. If you supply an author name, it randomly selects from among that author's quotes. Finally, if given a number, that specific quote will be said, assuming it exists. Use [p]lsquotes to show all quotes. """ sid = ctx.message.server.id if sid not in self.quotes or len(self.quotes[sid]) == 0: await self.bot.say("There are no quotes in this server!") return try: quote = self._get_quote(ctx, author_or_num) except commands.BadArgument: if author_or_num.lower().strip() in ['me', 'myself', 'self']: quote = self._get_quote(ctx, ctx.message.author) else: raise await self.bot.say(self._format_quote(ctx, quote))
def convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, argument): def finder(entry): try: user_id = int(argument) except ValueError: user_id = None return (str(entry.user) == argument or # username#discriminator entry.user.name == argument or # username entry.user.id == user_id) # id try: entry = discord.utils.find(finder, await ctx.guild.bans()) if entry is None: raise commands.BadArgument( 'Banned user not found. You can specify by ID, username, or username#discriminator.' ) return entry.user except discord.Forbidden: raise commands.BadArgument("I can't view the bans for this server.")
def convert(self, ctx: DogbotContext, argument: str) -> str: cog: 'Time' = ctx.command.instance # resolve another user's timezone try: member = await MemberConverter().convert(ctx, argument) timezone = await cog.get_timezone_for(member) if timezone: return timezone except BadArgument: pass # hippo checking blacklisted = list('`\\<>@') if any(character in argument for character in blacklisted) or len(argument) > 30: raise BadArgument("That doesn't look like a timezone.") # actually check if it's a valid timezone with arrow's parser try: arrow.utcnow().to(argument) except arrow.parser.ParserError: raise BadArgument('Invalid timezone.') return argument
def _check_role(ctx, role, thing): if role.managed: raise commands.BadArgument("This is an integration role, I can't assign this to anyone!") # Assigning people with the @everyone role is not possible if role.is_default(): message = ("Wow, good job. I'm just gonna grab some popcorn now..." if ctx.message.mention_everyone else "You're lucky that didn't do anything...") raise commands.BadArgument(message) if role.permissions.administrator: message = ("This role has the Administrator permission. " "It's very dangerous and can lead to terrible things. " f"Are you sure you wanna make this {thing} role?") try: result = await ctx.ask_confirmation(message) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise commands.BadArgument("Took too long. Aborting...") else: if not result: raise commands.BadArgument("Aborted.")
def convert(self, ctx, arg): if not ctx.guild: raise commands.NoPrivateMessage self_roles = await _get_self_roles(ctx) if not self_roles: message = ("This server has no self-assignable roles. " f"Use `{ctx.prefix}asar` to add one.") raise commands.BadArgument(message) temp_guild = copy.copy(ctx.guild) temp_guild.roles = self_roles with temp_attr(ctx, 'guild', temp_guild): try: return await super().convert(ctx, arg) except commands.BadArgument: raise commands.BadArgument(f'{arg} is not a self-assignable role...')
def _parse_roles(self, ctx: Context, roles: str, is_primary: int = 0) -> List[Tuple]: roles = roles.rstrip(", \t\n\r") roles_arr = roles.split(",") alias = None rows = [] for r in roles_arr: if "=" in r: role, alias = r.split("=") role = role.strip(" \t\n\r\"'") alias = alias.strip(" \t\n\r\"'") else: role = r.strip(" \t\n\r\"'") try: role_conv = RoleConverter(ctx, role).convert() except BadArgument as e: # Unable to convert this role msg = e.args[0] print(msg) await self.bot.say("Couldn't find role `{}` on this server".format(role)) continue rows.append((role_conv, alias, is_primary)) return rows
def on_command_error(self, error, ctx): if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await self.send_message(ctx.message.author, "\N{WARNING SIGN} Sorry, you can't use this command in a private message!") elif isinstance(error, commands.DisabledCommand): await self.send_message(ctx.message.author, "\N{WARNING SIGN} Sorry, this command is disabled!") elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): await self.send_message(ctx.message.channel, f"{ctx.message.author.mention} slow down! Try again in {error.retry_after:.1f} seconds.") elif isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument) or isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): await self.send_message(ctx.message.channel, f"\N{WARNING SIGN} {error}") elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): original_name = error.original.__class__.__name__ print(f"In {paint(ctx.command.qualified_name, 'b_red')}:") traceback.print_tb(error.original.__traceback__) print(f"{paint(original_name, 'red')}: {error.original}") else: print(f"{paint(type(error).__name__, 'b_red')}: {error}")
def convert(self, ctx, arg): bot = ctx.bot try: guild_id = int(arg) except ValueError: def is_guild(g): return arg.lower() == g.name.lower() guild = discord.utils.find(is_guild, bot.guilds) if guild is None: raise commands.BadArgument('Guild not found') return guild guild = bot.get_guild(guild_id) if guild is None: raise commands.BadArgument('Guild not found') return guild
def on_command_error(error, ctx): channel = ctx.message.channel if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await bot.send_cmd_help(ctx) elif isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): await bot.send_message(channel, "Truly, your wish is my command, but I cannot make head nor tail of the argument you provide.") elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): # This is almost as ugly as Manta on Medusa await bot.send_message(channel, "I fear I know not of this \"%s\". Is it perchance a new Hero?" % ctx.message.content[len(bot.settings["prefix"]):].partition(' ')[0]) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): await bot.send_message(channel, random.choice(CDMESSAGES) + " (%ss remaining)" % int(error.retry_after)) elif isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await bot.send_message(channel, "Truly, your wish is my command, but that order is not to be issued in secret. It must be invoked in a server.") else: try: await bot.send_message(channel, "I fear some unprecedented disaster has occurred which I cannot myself resolve. Methinks you would do well to consult %s on this matter." % (await bot.get_owner()).mention) except discord.NotFound: await bot.send_message(channel, "I fear some unprecedented disaster has occurred which I cannot myself resolve.") if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): print(repr(error.original)) else: print(repr(error))
def convert(self, ctx, argument): try: m = await commands.MemberConverter().convert(ctx, argument) can_execute = ctx.author.id == ctx.bot.owner_id or \ ctx.author == ctx.guild.owner or \ ctx.author.top_role > m.top_role if not can_execute: raise commands.BadArgument('You cannot do this action on this user due to role hierarchy.') return m.id except commands.BadArgument: try: return int(argument, base=10) except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument(f"{argument} is not a valid member or member ID.") from None
def convert(self, ctx, argument): cog = ctx.bot.get_cog('Splatoon') if cog is None: raise commands.BadArgument('Splatoon related commands seemingly disabled.') query = argument.strip('"') if len(query) < 4: raise commands.BadArgument('Weapon name to query must be over 4 characters long.') weapons = cog.get_weapons_named(query) try: weapon = await ctx.disambiguate(weapons, lambda w: w['name']) except ValueError as e: raise commands.BadArgument(str(e)) from None else: return weapon
def get_command_from_language(self, language): cmds = { 'cpp': 'g++ -std=c++1z -O2 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -pthread main.cpp -lstdc++fs && ./a.out', 'c': 'mv main.cpp main.c && gcc -std=c11 -O2 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic main.c && ./a.out', 'py': 'python main.cpp', # coliru has no python3 'python': 'python main.cpp', 'haskell': 'runhaskell main.cpp' } cpp = cmds['cpp'] for alias in ('cc', 'h', 'c++', 'h++', 'hpp'): cmds[alias] = cpp try: return cmds[language] except KeyError as e: if language: fmt = f'Unknown language to compile for: {language}' else: fmt = 'Could not find a language to compile with.' raise commands.BadArgument(fmt) from e
def on_command_error(self,ctx,error): if self.bot.user.id == 181503794532581376 or self.error_log: print(error) if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await self.send_cmd_help(ctx) elif isinstance(error,commands.BadArgument): await self.send_cmd_help(ctx) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): if isinstance(error.original,discord_error.Forbidden): await ctx.send("I am sorry, I need a certain permission to run it...") traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__) return utils.prRed(type(error.original)) errors = traceback.format_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__) Current_Time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%b/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC") utils.prRed(Current_Time) utils.prRed("Error!") traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__) cog_error = '```fix\nCogs:{0.command.cog_name}\tCommand:{0.command}\tAuthor:{0.message.author}-{0.message.author.id}\n' \ 'Server:{0.message.guild.id}\n{0.message.clean_content}\nError:\n{1}```'.format(ctx,error) msg ="```py\n{}```\n{}\n```py\n{}\n```".format(Current_Time + "\n"+ "ERROR!",cog_error,"".join(errors).replace("`","")) if len(msg) >= 1900: msg = await utils.send_hastebin(msg) await self.bot.owner.send(msg) await ctx.send("You either used the command incorrectly or an unexpected error occurred. A report has been sent to the creator so you can hope for a fix soon.")
def __error(self, ctx, exc): if isinstance(exc, commands.BadArgument): exc.handled = True await ctx.send(exc) return elif not isinstance(exc, commands.CommandInvokeError): return if isinstance(exc.original, (NotFound, ServerError, NotInDB, NotPlayed, InvalidBTag)): exc.handled = True await ctx.send(exc.original) return
def date(argument): formats = ('%Y/%m/%d', '%Y-%m-%d') for fmt in formats: try: return datetime.strptime(argument, fmt) except ValueError: continue raise commands.BadArgument('Cannot convert to date. Expected YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD.')
def nostalgia_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): await ctx.send(error)
def color_error(self, ctx, exc): if isinstance(exc, commands.BadArgument): await ctx.send(exc)
def cat_facts_error(self, ctx, exc): if isinstance(exc, commands.BadArgument): pass else: ctx.command = ctx.command.name
def on_command_error(e, ctx): if isinstance(e, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await send_cmd_help(ctx) elif isinstance(e, commands.BadArgument): await send_cmd_help(ctx) else: raise(e)
def timer_goto(self, ctx: commands.Context, period_idx): """ Skips to the n-th period, assuming the periods' indexes go from 1 to the amount of them. :param period_idx: The index of the period to start from, from 1 to n. :type period_idx: 'next' or int such that 1 <= period_idx <= n, n being the amount of periods set. """ channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx)) interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel) if period_idx == "next": idx = interface.timer.get_period(True) + 1 else: try: idx = int(period_idx) except TypeError: raise commands.BadArgument label = interface.timer.goto(idx) if label is not None: log = send = "Moved to period number {!s} ({})".format(idx, label) if interface.timer.get_state() != State.STOPPED: await self.bot.edit_message(interface.list_message, interface.timer.list_periods()) if interface.timer.get_state() == State.PAUSED: await self.bot.edit_message(interface.time_message, interface.timer.time()) else: log = "Invalid period number entered when trying goto command." send = "Invalid period number." lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id) await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
def convert(self, ctx, emoji): try: return await super().convert(ctx, emoji) except BadArgument: return emoji
def convert(self, ctx, arg): try: return await self.channel_converter.convert(ctx, arg) except BadArgument: pass try: return await (await self.member_converter.convert(ctx, arg)).create_dm() except BadArgument: pass raise BadArgument('Messageable "%s" not found.' % arg)
def _convert(arg): for converter in (int, float, bool_): try: return converter(arg) except (BadArgument, ValueError): continue if arg.casefold() in ('none', 'null', 'void'): return None return arg # default to string
def on_command_error(self, ctx, err): if isinstance(err, errors.PermissionDenied): await ctx.send('BAKA! You do not have my permission!') elif isinstance(err, errors.MissingPermissions): await ctx.send('BAKA! I require these permissions: %s' % ', '.join(err.args)) elif isinstance(err, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send('BAKA! This command does not work in private messages!') elif isinstance(err, commands.BadArgument): str_err = str(err) if not str_err.endswith(('.', '!')): str_err += '.' await ctx.send('BAKA! %s' % str_err) elif isinstance(err, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send('BAKA! Missing required argument: `%s`' % err.args[0].partition(' ')[0]) elif isinstance(err, commands.TooManyArguments): await ctx.send('BAKA! Too many arguments!') elif isinstance(err, commands.CommandNotFound): pass else: await ctx.send('```\n%s\n```' % ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(err), err)).strip()) if isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.TextChannel): log.error('Error in command <{0}> ({1.name!r}({1.id}) {2}({2.id}) {3}({3.id}) {4!r})'.format(ctx.command, ctx.guild, ctx.channel, ctx.author, ctx.message.content)) else: log.error('Error in command <{0}> (DM {1}({1.id}) {2!r})'.format(ctx.command, ctx.channel.recipient, ctx.message.content)) log.error(''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(err), err, err.__traceback__)))
def member_by_substring(ctx: commands.Context, substring: str): """This searches for a member by substrings.""" try: return await memberconverter.convert(ctx, substring) except commands.CommandError: pass substring = substring.lower() for member in ctx.guild.members: if substring in member.name.lower() or substring in member.display_name.lower(): return member raise commands.BadArgument(f"No user with substring `{substring}` was found.")
def role_by_substring(ctx: commands.Context, substring: str): """This searches for a role by substrings.""" try: return await roleconverter.convert(ctx, substring) except commands.CommandError: pass substring = substring.lower() for role in ctx.guild.roles: if substring in role.name.lower(): return role raise commands.BadArgument(f"No role with substring `{substring}` was found.")
def _get_random_author_quote(self, ctx, author): sid = ctx.message.server.id if sid not in self.quotes or len(self.quotes[sid]) == 0: raise AssertionError("There are no quotes in this server!") if isinstance(author, discord.User): uid = author.id quotes = [(i, q) for i, q in enumerate(self.quotes[sid]) if q['author_id'] == uid] else: quotes = [(i, q) for i, q in enumerate(self.quotes[sid]) if q['author_name'] == author] if len(quotes) == 0: raise commands.BadArgument("There are no quotes by %s." % author) return randchoice(quotes)
def addquote(self, ctx, message: str, *, author: str = None): """Adds a quote to the server quote list. The quote must be enclosed in \"double quotes\". If a member mention or name is the last argument, the quote will be stored as theirs. If not, the last argument will be stored as the quote's author. If left empty, "Unknown" is used. """ if author: try: author = commands.MemberConverter(ctx, author).convert() except commands.errors.BadArgument: author = author.strip(' \t\n\r\x0b\x0c-–—') # whitespace + dashes pass self._add_quote(ctx, author, message) await self.bot.say("Quote added.")
def member_check(self, ctx, member): try: return await commands.converter.MemberConverter().convert(ctx, member) except (commands.BadArgument, commands.NoPrivateMessage): return None
def convert(self): cache_path = os.path.join('data/audio/cache', self.argument) if not os.path.exists(cache_path): raise commands.BadArgument("Cache file '{}' not found.".format( cache_path)) return cache_path
def convert(self): cache_path = os.path.join('data/audio/cache', self.argument + "-encoded") if not os.path.exists(cache_path): raise commands.BadArgument("Cache file '{}' not found.".format( cache_path)) return cache_path
def convert(self, ctx, argument): match = EMOJI_REGEX.match(argument) if not match: raise commands.BadArgument('Invalid custom emoji.') return BareCustomEmoji(id=int(match.group(2)), name=match.group(1))
def convert(self, ctx, argument): for converter in (MemberConverter, UserConverter): try: return await converter().convert(ctx, argument) except commands.BadArgument: pass try: return await ctx.bot.get_user_info(argument) except discord.HTTPException: raise commands.BadArgument("That user wasn't found.")
def convert(self, ctx, argument): try: return await MemberConverter().convert(ctx, argument) except commands.BadArgument: try: return discord.Object(id=int(argument)) except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument('Invalid member ID. I also couldn\'t find the user by username.')
def convert(self, ctx, argument): # Scan attached images. if argument == 'attached': for attachment in ctx.message.attachments: if attachment.height: return attachment.proxy_url # Scan channel for any recent images. if argument == 'recent': result = await _get_recent_image(ctx.channel) if not result: raise commands.BadArgument('No recent image was found in this channel.') return result try: # Resolve avatar. user = await UserConverter().convert(ctx, argument) return user.avatar_url_as(format='png') except commands.BadArgument: pass # ok image if any(argument.startswith(safe_url) for safe_url in SAFE_IMAGE_HOSTS): return argument error = ("Invalid image URL or user. To use a recent image from this channel, specify `recent`. You can also " "attach any image and specify `attached` to use that image.") raise commands.BadArgument(error)
def convert(self, ctx, arg): try: days = int(arg) if days < 0 or days > 7: raise commands.BadArgument('Invalid `delete_days`: cannot be lower than 0, or higher than 7.') except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument('Invalid `delete_days`: not a valid number.') return days
def convert(cls: Enum, ctx: 'DogbotContext', arg: str): try: if arg not in [e.name for e in cls]: return cls[arg.upper()] else: return cls[arg] except KeyError: # value in enum not found valid_keys = ', '.join('`{}`'.format(num.name.lower()) for num in list(cls)) raise commands.BadArgument('Invalid type. Valid types: {}'.format(valid_keys))
def convert(self, ctx, arg): if arg == 'default': return '' if len(arg) != 5: raise commands.BadArgument('Languages are 5 letters long, like so: `en-US`') if not os.path.isfile(f'./resources/lang/{arg}.yml'): raise commands.BadArgument('That language isn\'t supported.') return arg
def _cog__error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): original = error.original if isinstance(original, errors.InvalidUsernameError): await ctx.send(f'Invalid username: {str(original)}') if isinstance(original, errors.StreamerNotFoundError): await ctx.send(f'Streamer not found: {str(original)}') if isinstance(original, errors.NotSubscribedError): await ctx.send(f"You're not subscriber to the streamer {str(original)}") if isinstance(original, errors.StreamerAlreadyExists): await ctx.send("You're already subscribed to this streamer!") if isinstance(original, errors.InvalidChannelError): await ctx.send(str(original)) if isinstance(error, commands.BadArgument): await ctx.send(str(error))
def convert(cls, ctx, arg): lowered = arg.lower() try: return cls[lowered] except KeyError: difficulties = '\n'.join(str(m).lower() for m in cls) raise commands.BadArgument(f'"{arg}"" is not a valid level. Valid difficulties:\n{difficulties}') from None
def _get_category(self, ctx, category): lowered = category.lower() c = self.default_categories.get(lowered) if not c: raise commands.BadArgument(f"Category {category} doesn't exist... :(") return c
def _error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, NoSelfArgument): message = random.choice(( "Don't play with yourself. x3", "You should mention someone else over there. o.o", "Self inviting, huh... :eyes:", )) await ctx.send(message) elif issubclass(type(error), commands.BadArgument) and not type(error) is commands.BadArgument: await ctx.send(error)
def convert(cls, ctx, arg): try: return cls[arg.lower()] except KeyError: raise commands.BadArgument(f'{arg} is not a valid side...')
def convert(cls, ctx, arg): lowered = arg.lower() with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): return cls._default_categories[lowered] query = ctx.session.select.from_(cls).where((cls.guild_id == ctx.guild.id) & (cls.name == lowered)) result = await query.first() if result is None: raise commands.BadArgument(f"Category {lowered} doesn't exist... :(") return result
def convert(cls, ctx, arg): lowered = arg.lower() try: return cls[lowered] except KeyError: raise commands.BadArgument(f'No level called {arg}.') from None