def check_last(self, ctx: commands.Context, name): """ Shows you how long other users' last session lasted. :param name: The name (not the nick) of the person to check. Must use the name#discriminator format. """ time_str = printable_time(db_manager.get_user_last_session(name)) if time_str is None: time_str = "None found." lib.log("{} queried for {}'s last session time. Result: {}" .format(lib.get_author_name(ctx, True), "their" if name == str(ctx.message.author) else (name + "'s"), time_str)) await self.bot.say("```{}```".format(time_str), delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan * 3)
def total(self, ctx: commands.Context, name=None): """ Shows you the total time a user has used the timer for. :param name: The name (not the nick) of the person to check. Must use the name#discriminator format. If none is provided, it will check your own record. """ if name is None: name = ctx.message.author time_str = printable_time(db_manager.get_user_total(name)) if time_str is None: time_str = "None found." name = str(name) lib.log("{} queried for {}'s last session time. Result: {}" .format(lib.get_author_name(ctx, True), "their" if name == str(ctx.message.author) else (name + "'s"), time_str)) await self.bot.say("```{}```".format(time_str), delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan * 3)
def toggle_countdown(self, ctx: commands.Context, toggle=None): """ Turns the timer's countdown setting on or off. If no state is specified, it will toggle it :param toggle: True, yes or on to turn the setting on. False, no or off to turn the setting off. If not specified, or None is given, it will toggle the setting. """ author = ctx.message.author channel = self.bot.spoof(author, lib.get_channel(ctx)) interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel) timer = interface.timer toggle = lib.to_boolean(toggle) if timer.countdown == toggle: return # No need to edit it if it's the same. timer.toggle_countdown(toggle) await self.bot.edit_message(interface.time_message, timer.time()) await self.bot.say("Successfully toggled the countdown setting {}!" .format("on" if timer.countdown else "off"), delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
def timer_stop(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Stops the timer, if it's running. Resets the current period and time, but keeps the setup. """ channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx)) interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel) if interface.timer.stop(): send = "Timer will stop soon." await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=interface.timer.step) else: await self.bot.remove_messages(channel) send = "Timer has stopped." await self.bot.say(send, tts=interface.tts) lib.log(send, channel_id=channel.id)
def timer_reset(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Resets the timer setup. """ channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx)) interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel) if interface.timer.get_state() == State.STOPPED: interface.timer.set_state(None) interface.timer = None interface.time_message = None interface.list_message = None log = lib.get_author_name(ctx) + " reset the timer." send = "Successfully reset session configuration." else: log = (lib.get_author_name(ctx) + " tried resetting a timer that " "was running or paused.") send = "Cannot do that while the timer is not stopped." lib.log(log, channel_id=channel.id) await self.bot.say(send, delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
def timer_superreset(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Ignores all conditions and resets the channel's timer. Requires elevated permissions. """ channel = self.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx)) interface = self.bot.get_interface(channel) if interface.timer.get_state() == State.RUNNING: self.bot.timers_running -= 1 await self.bot.update_status() await self.bot.remove_messages(channel) interface.timer = None lib.log("Successfully forced a reset on this channel's timer.", channel_id=channel.id) await self.bot.say("Timer has been force-reset", delete_after=self.bot.ans_lifespan)
def admin_shutdown(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Exits the program. Administrator only! """ lib.log("Shutting down...") await self.bot.say("Hope I did well, bye!") for channel, timer in self.bot.valid_timers().items(): if timer.get_state() != State.STOPPED: timer.stop() if lib.get_channel(ctx) != channel: await self.bot.safe_send( channel, "I'm sorry, I have to go. See you later!" ) await self.bot.remove_messages(channel) self.bot.unsub_all() await self.bot.logout()
def has_permission(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool: """ Checks if a user is an administrator or if has the role that grants elevated permissions. :param ctx: The context to check the command in. :type ctx: commands.Context :return: True if the command succeeds, else raises an exception. :raises: commands.CheckFailure: If the check fails. message : "no permissions" """ if isinstance(ctx.bot, PomodoroBot) and \ ctx.bot.has_permission(ctx.message.author): return True raise commands.CheckFailure(message="no permissions")
def is_admin(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool: """ Checks if the author of the command is the administrator / owner of the bot. :param ctx: The context to check the command in. :type ctx: commands.Context :return: True if the command succeeds, else raises an exception. :raises: commands.CheckFailure: If the check fails. message : "not admin" """ if isinstance(ctx.bot, PomodoroBot) and \ ctx.bot.is_admin(ctx.message.author): return True raise commands.CheckFailure(message="not admin")
def channel_has_timer(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool: """ Checks if a channel has a valid timer set. :param ctx: The context to check the command in :type ctx: commands.Context :return: True if the command succeeds, else raises an exception. :raises: commands.CheckFailure: If the check fails. message : "timer not found" """ if isinstance(ctx.bot, PomodoroBot): channel = ctx.bot.spoof(ctx.message.author, lib.get_channel(ctx)) if ctx.bot.get_interface(channel).timer is not None: return True raise commands.CheckFailure(message="timer not found")
def unlocked_or_allowed(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool: """ Checks if a timer is unlocked, or if the author of the command has permissions to execute such command on a locked timer. :param ctx: The context to check the command in :type ctx: commands.Context :return: True if the command succeeds, else raises an exception. :raises: commands.CheckFailure: If the check fails. message : "timer locked" """ if isinstance(ctx.bot, PomodoroBot) and \ ctx.bot.is_locked(lib.get_channel(ctx)) and \ not ctx.bot.has_permission(ctx.message.author): raise commands.CheckFailure(message="timer locked") return True
def users(self, ctx: commands.Context, count=10): """ Show users with the most messages """ count = count # Show at least 1 user and 20 at most count = max(1, count) count = min(20, count) try: server = self.orm.Server.get(discord_id=ctx.message.server.id) except DoesNotExist as e: # If there's no server in the db an exception will be raised self.config.logger.error(e) else: users = await self.orm.query.user_top_list(count, server) embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color(self.config.constants.embed_color), timestamp=datetime.datetime.now()) for user in users: # the user might not have a name if s/he hasn't sent a message already # so in that case use the id instead name = user.name if user.name != '' else user.discord_id embed.add_field(name=name, value='Total messages: {}'.format(user.count), inline=False) await self.bot.say(content='Top active users:', embed=embed)
def telljoke(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ Responds with a random joke from theoatmeal.com """ # TODO: get more joke formats (or a better source) # Send typing as the request can take some time. await self.bot.send_typing(ctx.message.channel) # Build a new request object req: grequests.AsyncRequest = grequests.get('http://theoatmeal.com/djtaf/', timeout=1) # Send new request res: List[requests.Response] = grequests.map([req], exception_handler=self.request_exception_handler) # Since we only have one request we can just fetch the first one. # res[0].content is the html in bytes soup = BeautifulSoup(res[0].content.decode(res[0].encoding), 'html.parser') joke_ul = soup.find(id='joke_0') joke = joke_ul.find('h2', {'class': 'part1'}).text.lstrip() + '\n' + joke_ul.find(id='part2_0').text await self.bot.say(joke)
def randomfact(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ Responds with a random fact scraped from unkno.com """ # Send typing as the request can take some time. await self.bot.send_typing(ctx.message.channel) # Build a new request object req: grequests.AsyncRequest = grequests.get('http://www.unkno.com/', timeout=1) # Send new request res: List[requests.Response] = grequests.map([req], exception_handler=self.request_exception_handler) # Since we only have one request we can just fetch the first one. # res[0].content is the html in bytes soup = BeautifulSoup(res[0].content.decode(res[0].encoding), 'html.parser') await self.bot.say(soup.find(id='content').text)
def clear(self, ctx: commands.Context, number: int, member: discord.Member = None) -> None: """ Purges messages from the channel :param ctx: The message context :param number: The number of messages to purge :param member: The member whose messages will be cleared """ if number < 1: await command_error(ctx, "You must attempt to purge at least 1 message!") return def predicate(msg: discord.Message) -> bool: return msg == ctx.message or member is None or msg.author == member if number <= 100: # Add 1 to limit to include command message, subtract 1 from the return to not count it. msgs = await self.bot.purge_from(ctx.message.channel, limit=number + 1, check=predicate) send(self.bot, '{} message{} cleared.'.format(len(msgs) - 1, "s" if len(msgs) - 1 != 1 else ""), ctx.message.channel, True) else: await command_error(ctx, 'Cannot delete more than 100 messages at a time.')
def yes_no(ctx: commands.Context, message: str="Are you sure? Type **yes** within 10 seconds to confirm. o.o"): """Yes no helper. Ask a confirmation message with a timeout of 10 seconds. ctx - The context in which the question is being asked. message - Optional messsage that the question should ask. """ await ctx.send(message) try: message = await ctx.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=10, check=lambda message: message.author == ctx.message.author) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Timed out waiting. :<") return False if message.clean_content.lower() not in ["yes", "y"]: await ctx.send("Command cancelled. :<") return False return True
def format_command_error(ex: Exception, context: Context) -> tuple: """ Format a command error to display and log. :param ex: the exception raised. :param context: the context. :return: a message to be displayed and logged, and triggered message """ triggered = context.message.content four_space = ' ' * 4 ex_type = type(ex).__name__ msg = ( f'{four_space}Triggered message: {triggered}\n' f'{four_space}Type: {ex_type}\n' f'{four_space}Exception: {ex}' ) return msg, triggered
def convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, argument): def finder(entry): try: user_id = int(argument) except ValueError: user_id = None return (str(entry.user) == argument or # username#discriminator entry.user.name == argument or # username entry.user.id == user_id) # id try: entry = discord.utils.find(finder, await ctx.guild.bans()) if entry is None: raise commands.BadArgument( 'Banned user not found. You can specify by ID, username, or username#discriminator.' ) return entry.user except discord.Forbidden: raise commands.BadArgument("I can't view the bans for this server.")
def update_statistics(pg: asyncpg.connection.Connection, ctx: commands.Context): """ Updates command statistics for a specific `discord.ext.commands.Context`. If no record was found for a command, it is created. Otherwise, the ``times_used`` and ``last_used`` fields are updated. """ row = await get_statistics(pg, str(ctx.command)) if row is None: # first time command is being used, insert it into the database insert = 'INSERT INTO command_statistics VALUES ($1, 1, $2)' await pg.execute(insert, str(ctx.command), datetime.datetime.utcnow()) logger.info('First command usage for %s', ctx.command) else: # command was used before, increment time_used and update last_used update = ('UPDATE command_statistics SET times_used = times_used + 1, last_used = $2 ' 'WHERE command_name = $1') await pg.execute(update, str(ctx.command), datetime.datetime.utcnow())
def _leaderboard(self, ctx: commands.Context, league_id: str, matchday: str=None): """Gets league leaderboard""" headers = [' ', 'ID', 'Team', 'Points', 'P', 'G', 'GA', 'GD'] data = await self._get_league_leaderboard(ctx.message.server.id, league_id, matchday) pretty_data = [] # await self.bot.say('```diff\n+ ' + data['leagueCaption'] + '\n- Matchday: ' + str(data['matchday']) + '\n```') await self.bot.say('```diff\n+ {}\n- Matchday: {}\n```'.format(data['leagueCaption'], data['matchday'])) if 'standing' in data: for team in data['standing']: pretty_data.append([team['rank'], team['teamId'], team['team'], team['points'], team['playedGames'], team['goals'], team['goalsAgainst'], team['goalDifference']]) await self.bot.say(box(tabulate(pretty_data, headers=headers))) elif 'standings' in data: for group, v in data['standings'].items(): asyncio.sleep(1) await self.bot.say('```diff\n+ Group ' + group + '```') pretty_data = [] for team in v: pretty_data.append([team['rank'], team['team'], team['points'], team['playedGames'], team['goals'], team['goalsAgainst'], team['goalDifference']]) await self.bot.say(box(tabulate(pretty_data, headers=headers)))
def _nextfixtures(self, ctx: commands.Context, league_id: str): """Gets last matchday fixtures""" headers = ['ID', 'Home', ' ', 'Away', 'Date'] data = await self._get_league_fixtures_timeframe(ctx.message.server.id, league_id, 'n7') await self.bot.say('```diff\n+ Next fixtures```') pretty_data = [] for fixture in data['fixtures']: pretty_data.append([ fixture['id'], '[{}] {}'.format(fixture['homeTeamId'], fixture['homeTeamName']), ' - ', '[{}] {}'.format(fixture['awayTeamId'], fixture['awayTeamName']), fixture['date'] ]) await self.bot.say(box(tabulate(pretty_data, headers=headers)))
def _matchdayfixtures(self, ctx: commands.Context, league_id: str, matchday: str='1'): """Gets specific matchday fixtures Defaults to matchday 1""" headers = ['ID', 'Home', ' ', ' ', 'Away'] data = await self._get_league_fixtures_matchday(ctx.message.server.id, league_id, matchday) await self.bot.say('```diff\n+ Matchday ' + matchday + ' fixtures```') pretty_data = [] for fixture in data['fixtures']: pretty_data.append([ fixture['id'], '[{}] {}'.format(fixture['homeTeamId'], fixture['homeTeamName']), fixture['result']['goalsHomeTeam'], fixture['result']['goalsAwayTeam'], '[{}] {}'.format(fixture['awayTeamId'], fixture['awayTeamName']) ]) await self.bot.say(box(tabulate(pretty_data, headers=headers)))
def _parse_roles(self, ctx: Context, roles: str, is_primary: int = 0) -> List[Tuple]: roles = roles.rstrip(", \t\n\r") roles_arr = roles.split(",") alias = None rows = [] for r in roles_arr: if "=" in r: role, alias = r.split("=") role = role.strip(" \t\n\r\"'") alias = alias.strip(" \t\n\r\"'") else: role = r.strip(" \t\n\r\"'") try: role_conv = RoleConverter(ctx, role).convert() except BadArgument as e: # Unable to convert this role msg = e.args[0] print(msg) await self.bot.say("Couldn't find role `{}` on this server".format(role)) continue rows.append((role_conv, alias, is_primary)) return rows
def listwords(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.Channel=None): """List all words for the specified channel Optional parameters: - channel: the channel to show words for (defaults to the current channel)""" author = ctx.message.author if not channel: channel = ctx.message.channel if author.id not in self.settings or\ "words" not in self.settings[author.id] or\ channel.id not in self.settings[author.id]["words"] or\ not self.settings[author.id]["words"][channel.id]: await self.bot.say("You haven't set any words to be tracked!") else: head = "Tracked words for {}#{} in #{}".format(author.name, author.discriminator, channel.name) msg = "" for word in self.settings[author.id]["words"][channel.id]: msg += "{}\n".format(word) await self.bot.say(box(msg, lang=head))
def get(self, ctx: commands.Context, subreddit, num_posts=5, category='hot'): """Base command for returning data from a subreddit. Keyword arguments: posts -- Number of posts to return (default 5) category -- Category to look at [hot, new, rising, controversial, top] (default hot) """ if num_posts > 25: await self.bot.say('Number of posts must be no greater than 25.') return if subreddit.strip(): if category in self.categories: result = await self.get_subreddit_top( session=self.session, subreddit=subreddit, num_posts=num_posts, category=category) await self.bot.say('\n\n'.join(result)) else: await self.bot.say('Valid categories are {}: '.format(', '.join(self.categories))) else: await self.bot.pm_help(ctx)
def removesheet(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str): """Remove a sheet which has been added. Arguments: - <name> The name of the sheet to remove""" scopes = (ctx.message.channel.id, ctx.message.server.id, GLOBAL) for scope in scopes: try: self.sheets[scope].pop(name) except: pass else: dataIO.save_json(SHEETS_PATH, self.sheets) await self.bot.say("The sheet has been removed.") return await self.bot.say("Couldn't find a sheet with that name in your scope.")
def logerrors(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Toggle error logging in this channel.""" channel = ctx.message.channel task = ENABLE if channel.id in self.log_channels: task = DISABLE await self.bot.say("This will {} error logging in this channel. Are you sure about this? Type `yes` to agree".format(task)) message = await self.bot.wait_for_message(author=ctx.message.author) if message is not None and message.content == 'yes': if task == ENABLE: self.log_channels.append(channel.id) elif task == DISABLE: self.log_channels.remove(channel.id) dataIO.save_json(SETTINGS_PATH, self.log_channels) await self.bot.say("Error logging {}d.".format(task)) else: await self.bot.say("The operation was cancelled.")
def regedit(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manages valid register roles.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: # Send server's current settings server = ctx.message.server await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx) if server.id not in self.settings: msg = box("Register is not enabled in this server. " "Use [p]regedit addrole to enable it.") else: valid_roles = [r.name for r in server.roles if r.id in self.settings[server.id]["roles"]] delete_after = self.settings[server.id]["delete_after"] quiet_status = None if delete_after is None: quiet_status = "Quiet mode is disabled." else: quiet_status = "Register commands are cleaned up after {} seconds".format(delete_after) msg = box("{}\n" "Valid register roles:\n" "{}" "".format(quiet_status, ", ".join(sorted(valid_roles)) if valid_roles else None) ) await self.bot.say(msg)
def trigger_set_text(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, text: str): """Trigger if a message contains a word or phrase. This text is not case sensitive and strips the message of leading or trailing whitespace. """ text = text.strip().lower() emojis = await self._get_trigger_emojis(ctx) if emojis: self.triggers["text_triggers"][text] = emojis _save(self.triggers) emojis_str = " ".join(str(self._lookup_emoji(emoji)) for emoji in emojis) await self.bot.say("Done - I will now react to messages containing `{text}` with" " {emojis}.".format(text=text, emojis=emojis_str)) elif text in self.triggers['text_triggers']: del self.triggers['text_triggers'][text] _save(self.triggers) await self.bot.say("Done - I will no longer react to messages containing `{text}`." "".format(text=text)) else: await self.bot.say("Done - no triggers were changed.")
def trigger_set_user(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: discord.User): """Trigger if a message is from some user.""" emojis = await self._get_trigger_emojis(ctx) if emojis: self.triggers["user_triggers"][user.id] = emojis _save(self.triggers) emojis_str = " ".join(str(self._lookup_emoji(emoji)) for emoji in emojis) await self.bot.say("Done - I will now react to messages from `{user}` with" " {emojis}.".format(user=str(user), emojis=emojis_str)) elif user.id in self.triggers['user_triggers']: del self.triggers['user_triggers'][user.id] _save(self.triggers) await self.bot.say("Done - I will no longer react to messages from `{user}`." "".format(user=str(user))) else: await self.bot.say("Done - no triggers were changed.")
def streamlock_lockmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str=None): """Set the message for when the channel is locked. Leave <message> blank to see the current message. To include the name of the stream in the message, simply use the placeholder {stream} in the message.""" channel = ctx.message.channel settings = self._load(channel=channel) if message is None: await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx) await self.bot.say("Current message:\n{}" "".format(box(settings["LOCK_MSG"]))) return settings["LOCK_MSG"] = message await self.bot.say("Done. Sending test message here...") await self.send_lock_msg("ExampleStream", channel) self._save(settings, channel=channel)
def streamlock_unlockmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str=None): """Set the message for when the channel is unlocked. Leave <message> blank to see the current message. To include the name of the stream in the message, simply use the placeholder {stream} in the message.""" channel = ctx.message.channel settings = self._load(channel=channel) if message is None: await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx) await self.bot.say("Current message:\n{}" "".format(box(settings["UNLOCK_MSG"]))) return settings["UNLOCK_MSG"] = message await self.bot.say("Done. Sending test message here...") await self.send_lock_msg("ExampleStream", channel, unlock=True) self._save(settings, channel=channel)
def _channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.Channel=None): """Change le channel où doit être envoyé les messages d'activation de trigger. Par défaut le présent.""" await self.bot.type() server = ctx.message.server if not channel: channel = server.default_channel if not self.speak_permissions(server, channel): await self.bot.say( "Je n'ai pas les permissions d'envoyer de message sur {0.mention}.".format(channel)) return self.settings[server.id]["channel"] = channel.id dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) channel = self.get_welcome_channel(server) await self.bot.send_message(channel,"{0.mention}, " + "Je vais maintenant envoyer les messages d'annonce" + "sur {1.mention}.".format(ctx.message.author, channel))
def _delay(self, ctx: commands.Context, seconds: int): """Sets the delay between game changes. Must be at least 15 seconds. """ if seconds < 15: await self.bot.reply( cf.error("Delay must be at least 15 seconds.")) return self.settings["delay"] = seconds dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) await self.bot.reply( cf.info("Delay set to {} seconds.".format(seconds)))
def _del(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, game: str): """Removes a game from the list.""" try: self.settings["games"].remove(game) except ValueError: await self.bot.reply( cf.warning("{} is not in the game list.".format(game))) return self.settings["del"].append(game) dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) await self.bot.reply( cf.info("{} removed from the game list.".format(game)))
def _set(self, ctx: commands.Context, *games: str): """Replaces the game list with the given list.""" games_str = ", ".join(sorted(list(games))) await self.bot.reply(cf.question( "You are about to replace the current game list with this:{}" "Are you sure you want to proceed? (yes/no)".format( cf.box(games_str)))) answer = await self.bot.wait_for_message(timeout=15, author=ctx.message.author) if answer is None or answer.content.lower().strip() != "yes": await self.bot.reply("Game list not replaced.") return self.settings["del"] += self.settings["games"] self.settings["games"] = list(games) dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) await self.bot.reply(cf.info("Game list replaced."))
def _mdm(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, *, message: str): """Sends a DM to all Members with the given Role. Allows for the following customizations: {0} is the member being messaged. {1} is the role they are being message through. {2} is the person sending the message. """ server = ctx.message.server sender = ctx.message.author try: await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message) except: pass dm_these = self._get_users_with_role(server, role) for user in dm_these: try: await self.bot.send_message(user, message.format(user, role, sender)) except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): continue
def _changeanswer(self, ctx: commands.Context, survey_id: str): """Changes the calling user's response for the given survey.""" user = ctx.message.author server_id = self._get_server_id_from_survey_id(survey_id) if survey_id in self.surveys["closed"]: await self.bot.send_message(user, cf.error("That survey is closed.")) return if not server_id: await self.bot.send_message(user, cf.error( "Survey with ID {} not found.".format(survey_id))) return new_task = self.bot.loop.create_task( self._send_message_and_wait_for_message(server_id, survey_id, user, change=True)) self.tasks[survey_id].append(new_task)
def _setsteamid(self, ctx: commands.Context, steamID: str): """Associates your Discord account to the Steam profile with the given ID. You MUST provide your text ID, which has the form 'STEAM_X:X:XXXXXX'. You can use http://steamidfinder.com/ to get it. """ if re.compile(r"STEAM_\d:\d:\d+").match(steamID) is None: await self.bot.reply(cf.error( "Provided Steam ID does not seem to be in the correct format. " "You need to provide the ID of the form 'STEAM_X:X:XXXXXX'. " "You can use http://steamidfinder.com/ to get it.")) return server = ctx.message.server self.settings[server.id]["steam_ids"][steamID.split(":")[-1]] = ctx.message.author.id dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) await self.bot.reply(cf.info("Steam ID set."))
def _addquote(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, new_quote: str): """Adds a new quote.""" await self.bot.type() server = ctx.message.server if server.id not in self.settings: self.settings[server.id] = deepcopy(default_settings) dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) idx = self.settings[server.id]["next_index"] self.settings[server.id]["quotes"][str(idx)] = new_quote self.settings[server.id]["next_index"] += 1 dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) await self.bot.reply( cf.info("Quote added as number {}.".format(idx)))
def _profile(self, ctx: commands.Context, player: str, platform: str="uplay"): """Get the profile for the given player. 'platform' must be one of 'uplay', 'xbox', or 'playstation', and defaults to 'uplay'. """ p = await self.get_player(player, platform) if p is None: return await p.check_general() await p.check_level() e = discord.Embed(description="Player Summary") e.set_author(name=p.name, url=p.url) e.set_thumbnail(url=p.icon_url) e.add_field(name="Level", value=p.level) e.add_field(name="XP", value=p.xp) e.add_field(name="Platform", value=p.platform) await self.bot.say(embed=e)
def _toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Toggles StreamRole on/off.""" await self.bot.type() server = ctx.message.server if (not self.settings[server.id]["enabled"] and self.settings[server.id]["role"] is None): await self.bot.reply(cf.warning( "You need to set the role before turning on StreamRole." " Use `{}streamroleset role`".format(ctx.prefix))) return self.settings[server.id][ "enabled"] = not self.settings[server.id]["enabled"] if self.settings[server.id]["enabled"]: await self.bot.reply( cf.info("StreamRole is now enabled.")) else: await self.bot.reply( cf.info("StreamRole is now disabled.")) dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings)
def _membershipset(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Sets membership settings.""" server = ctx.message.server if server.id not in self.settings: self.settings[server.id] = deepcopy(default_settings) self.settings[server.id]["channel"] = server.default_channel.id dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx) msg = "```" msg += "ON: {}\n".format(self.settings[server.id]["on"]) msg += "CHANNEL: #{}\n".format(self.get_welcome_channel(server)) msg += "JOIN: {}\n".format(self.settings[server.id]["join_message"]) msg += "LEAVE: {}\n".format(self.settings[server.id]["leave_message"]) msg += "BAN: {}\n".format(self.settings[server.id]["ban_message"]) msg += "UNBAN: {}\n".format(self.settings[server.id]["unban_message"]) msg += "```" await self.bot.say(msg)
def _jumptop(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Gets the top stats for the given jump type. Optionally provide a limit (default is 10). """ await self.bot.type() server = ctx.message.server if server.id not in self.settings: self.settings[server.id] = deepcopy(default_settings) dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings) if not self._check_settings(server.id): await self.bot.reply( cf.error("You need to set up this cog before you can use it." " Use `{}kzset`.".format(ctx.prefix))) return await self._update_database(server.id) if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.invoke(self._all)
def say_and_pm(ctx, content): """Send message to current channel as well as the command message's author. `ctx` can be either `discord.Message` or `commands.Context` """ channel = ctx.channel author = ctx.author to_say = content.format(channel='') to_pm = content.format(channel=f'in {channel.mention}') return (await ctx.send(to_say), await author.send(to_pm))
def get_server(context: Context) -> discord.Server: """ Gets the server to which a command was sent, based on the command's context. :param context: The context in which the command was sent. :type context: discord.ext.commands.Context :return: The server """ return context.message.server
def get_server_id(context: Context) -> str: """ Gets the ID of the server to which a command was sent, based on the command's context. :param context: The context in which the command was sent. :type context: discord.ext.commands.Context :return: The server's ID """ server = get_server(context) return None if server is None else server.id
def get_channel(context: Context) -> discord.Channel: """ Gets a channel to which a command was sent, based on the command's context. :param context: The context in which the command was sent. :type context: discord.ext.commands.Context :return: The channel """ return context.message.channel
def get_channel_id(context: Context) -> str: """ Gets the ID of the channel to which a command was sent, based on the command's context. :param context: The context in which the command was sent. :type context: discord.ext.commands.Context :return: The channel's ID """ return get_channel(context).id
def get_channel_name(context: Context) -> str: """ Gets the name of the channel to which a command was sent, based on the command's context. :param context: The context in which the command was sent. :type context: discord.ext.commands.Context :return: The channel's name """ return get_channel(context).name