def spam(self, ctx, user : discord.Member, spamtext, number : int=0): """Spams x times, default is 4.""" if user.id == "96987941519237120": await self.bot.say("Hell nah, I ain't spamming him.") return if user.id == settings.owner: await self.bot.say("Hell nah, I ain't spamming him. If you want to spam my owner use the `suggest` command!") return if number >> 8: await self.bot.say("Hell nah, not past 8 for fck sakes.") return if number == 0: number = 4 counter = 0 while counter < number: try: await self.bot.send_message(user, "{}, sent by **{}**".format(spamtext, ctx.message.author)) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("{} blocked me :sob:".format(user.mention)) return counter = counter + 1 if counter == 1: await self.bot.say("Hehe, {} got spammed {} time!".format(user.mention, counter)) else: await self.bot.say("Hehe, {} got spammed {} time!".format(user.mention, counter))
def fixroles(self, ctx): """Adds the role members were supposed to get when they joined but didn't.""" counter = 0 role = discord.utils.get(ctx.message.server.roles, id=self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]['role']) if role == None: await self.bot.say("The role set doesn't exist anymore.") return status = await self.bot.say("Adding roles...") for m in ctx.message.server.members: if [r.name for r in m.roles] == ["@everyone"]: try: await self.bot.add_roles(m, role) counter += 1 except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I am not allowed to add roles.") return await self.bot.edit_message(status, "Added the **{}** role to **{}** members.".format(role.name, str(counter)))
def on_member_join(member): with open("database/storage2.json", "r") as infile: storage2 = json.loads(infile.read()) if member.server.id not in storage2: storage2[member.server.id] = 'message0' with open("database/storage2.json", "w+") as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(storage2)) if storage2[member.server.id] == 'message0': try: for i in member.server.channels: if i.name in ['logs', 'logging', 'log', 'mod-log', 'mod_log', 'server-log', 'server_log']: await client.send_message(i, "{0.mention} has joined {0.server.name} give them a warm welcome!".format(member)) try: await client.send_message(member.server.default_channel,"{0.name} has joined {0.server.name} give them a warm welcome!".format(member)) except discord.Forbidden: print('Couldn\'t welcome {} in server {} due to perms error.'.format(member, member.server)) except discord.Forbidden: print('Couldn\'t welcome {} in server {} due to perms error.'.format(member, member.server))
def _generate_messages(self, channel: discord.Channel): """ Generates and pins the messages for the given channel. :param channel: The channel in which the messages will be generated and pinned. :type channel: discord.Channel :raises: discord.errors.Forbidden: if the client doesn't have permissions to pin messages. """ interface = self.get_interface(channel) if interface.timer is None: return interface.time_message = await self.send_message( channel, "Generating status...") interface.list_message = await self.send_message( channel, interface.timer.list_periods()) # The last message pinned ends up in the top await self.pin_message(interface.time_message) await self.pin_message(interface.list_message)
def removerole(self, ctx, rolename, user: discord.Member=None): """Removes a role from user, defaults to author Role name must be in quotes if there are spaces.""" server = ctx.message.server author = ctx.message.author role = self._role_from_string(server, rolename) if role is None: await self.bot.say("Role not found.") return if user is None: user = author if role in user.roles: try: await self.bot.remove_roles(user, role) await self.bot.say("Role successfully removed.") except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I don't have permissions to manage roles!") else: await self.bot.say("User does not have that role.")
def whisper(self, ctx, id, *, text): author = ctx.message.author target = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_members(), id=id) if target is None: target = self.bot.get_channel(id) if target is None: target = self.bot.get_server(id) prefix = "Hello, you're getting a message from {} ({})".format( author.name, author.id) payload = "{}\n\n{}".format(prefix, text) try: for page in pagify(payload, delims=[" ", "\n"], shorten_by=10): await self.bot.send_message(target, box(page)) except discord.errors.Forbidden: log.debug("Forbidden to send message to {}".format(id)) except (discord.errors.NotFound, discord.errors.InvalidArgument): log.debug("{} not found!".format(id)) else: await self.bot.say("Done.")
def setavatar(cmd, message, args): if args or message.attachments: if message.attachments: image_url = message.attachments[0].url else: image_url = ' '.join(args) try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(image_url) as image_response: img_data = await image_response.read() await cmd.bot.user.edit(avatar=img_data) response = discord.Embed(color=0x77B255, title=f'? My avatar has been changed.') except discord.Forbidden: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title=f'? I was unable to change my avatar.') else: response = discord.Embed(color=0xBE1931, title='? Give me a link or attach an image, please.') await message.channel.send(embed=response)
def cycler(ev): poll_coll = ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database].ShadowPolls while True: now = arrow.utcnow().timestamp poll_files = await poll_coll.find({'settings.expires': {'$lt': now}, 'settings.active': True}).to_list(None) for poll_file in poll_files: poll_id = poll_file['id'] poll_file['settings'].update({'active': False}) await ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database].ShadowPolls.update_one({'id': poll_id}, {'$set': poll_file}) author = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == poll_file['origin']['author'], ev.bot.get_all_members()) if author: response = discord.Embed(color=0xff3333, title=f'? Your poll {poll_file["id"]} has expired.') try: await author.send(embed=response) except discord.Forbidden: pass await asyncio.sleep(1)
def update(self, parent): if self.needs_reinit: self.reinit(parent) t_config = self.parent.plugin_config[str(self.guild.id)] if t_config["spam_role"] and time.time() - self.update_time > t_config['spam_role_timeout'] and self.muted: for t_role in self.member.roles: if t_role.id == int(t_config["spam_role"]): try: await self.member.remove_roles(t_role, reason="Mute time ran out.") except Forbidden: self.parent.logger.warning(f"Can't edit member {self.member.display_name}") else: self.muted = False break if time.time() - self.update_time > t_config['infraction_timeout']: self.infractions = max(0, self.infractions-1) self.update_time = time.time()
def clean(ctx, message): """ Cleans the previous messages :param ctx: :param message: :return: """ try: message_bucket = [] async for entry in ctx.logs_from(message.channel): if entry.author == ctx.user: message_bucket.append(entry) await ctx.delete_messages(message_bucket) await ctx.send_message(message.channel, ':sweat_drops: `Cleaned.`') except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send_message(message.channel, '**Error**: `I do not have permissions to get channel logs`') return except discord.NotFound: await ctx.send_message(message.channel, '**Error**: `The channel you are requesting for doesnt exist.`') return except discord.HTTPException: return
def kick(ctx, message): """ Kick a member :param ctx: :param message: :return: """ if not message.mentions: await ctx.send_message(message.channel, "**Error** `Need to mention a user.`") return try: await ctx.kick(message.mentions[0]) await ctx.send_message(message.channel, "**Kicked**: `{}` from `{}` :thumbsup:" .format(message.mentions[0].name, message.server.name)) return except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send_message(message.channel, "**Error** `I do not have 'Kick Users' Permission.`") return except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send_message(message.channel, "**Error* `Kicking failed.`") return
def ex(dclient, channel, author, mention, a, cmd_char): a = a.split(' ') if channel.permissions_for(author): try: if len(a) == 1 and is_valid(a[0]): purge_limit = int(a[0]) if 2 <= purge_limit <= 100: msgs = list() async for msg in dclient.logs_from(channel, limit=purge_limit): msgs.append(msg) await dclient.delete_messages(msgs) await dclient.send_message(channel, '{}, `{}` messages has been removed from this channel.' .format(mention, purge_limit)) else: await dclient.send_message(channel, '{}, you can only delete messages between `2` and `100`!' .format(mention)) else: await dclient.send_message(channel, '{}, **USAGE** {}purge <#-of-messages>'.format(mention, cmd_char)) except discord.Forbidden: await dclient.send_message(channel, "{}, I don't have access to `manage_messages`! Please notify an " "admin!".format(mention)) else: await dclient.send_message(channel, '{}, you must be an administrator!'.format(mention))
def convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, argument): def finder(entry): try: user_id = int(argument) except ValueError: user_id = None return (str(entry.user) == argument or # username#discriminator entry.user.name == argument or # username entry.user.id == user_id) # id try: entry = discord.utils.find(finder, await ctx.guild.bans()) if entry is None: raise commands.BadArgument( 'Banned user not found. You can specify by ID, username, or username#discriminator.' ) return entry.user except discord.Forbidden: raise commands.BadArgument("I can't view the bans for this server.")
def ok(self, emoji: str = '\N{OK HAND SIGN}'): """ Adds a reaction to the command message, or sends it to the channel if we can't add reactions. This should be used as feedback to commands, just like how most bots send out `:ok_hand:` when a command completes successfully. """ try: await self.message.add_reaction(emoji) except Forbidden: # can't add reactions await self.send(emoji) except NotFound: # the command message got deleted somehow pass
def on_member_join(self, member): if not await self.bot.config_is_set(member.guild, 'welcome_message'): return welcome_message = (await self.bot.redis.get(f'{member.guild.id}:welcome_message')).decode() transformations = { '%{mention}': member.mention, '%{user}': str(member), '%{server}': member.guild.name, '%{id}': str(member.id) } for var, value in transformations.items(): welcome_message = welcome_message.replace(var, value) try: channel = discord.utils.get(member.guild.text_channels, name='welcome') await channel.send(welcome_message) except discord.Forbidden: logger.warning("Couldn't send welcome message for guild %d, no perms.", member.guild.id)
def ban(self, ctx, member: converters.RawMember, delete_days: DeleteDays=2, *, reason=None): """ Bans someone. This command is special in that you may specify an ID to ban, instead of regularly specifying a member to ban. Banning users outside of the server is called "hackbanning", and is handy for banning users who are not present in the server. If you don't want to delete any messages, specify 0 for delete_days. delete_days has a maximum of 7. By default, 2 days worth of messages are deleted. """ try: reason = reason or 'No reason provided.' await ctx.guild.ban(member, delete_message_days=delete_days, reason=f'(Banned by {ctx.author}) {reason}') ctx.bot.dispatch('member_dog_ban', member, ctx.author, reason) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send("I can't do that.") except discord.NotFound: await ctx.send("User not found.") else: banned = await ctx.bot.get_user_info(member.id) if isinstance(member, discord.Object) else member await ctx.send(f'\N{OK HAND SIGN} Banned {describe(banned)}.')
def get_responsible(self, guild: discord.Guild, action: str, *, target: discord.Member=None) -> discord.AuditLogEntry: """ Checks the audit log for recent action performed on some user. :param guild: The :class:`discord.Guild` to look at. :param action: The name of the :class:`discord.AuditLogAction` attribute to check for. :param target: The targeted user to check for. :returns: The audit log entry. """ try: # get the audit logs for the action specified entries = await guild.audit_logs(limit=1, action=getattr(discord.AuditLogAction, action)).flatten() # only check for entries performed on target, and happened in the last 2 seconds def check(entry): created_ago = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - entry.created_at).total_seconds() return (entry.target == target if target else True) and created_ago <= 2 return discord.utils.find(check, entries) except discord.Forbidden: pass
def stop(self, ctx): """Stop the current game night session. Usage: gamenight stop""" or_check_perms(ctx, ['manage_guild', 'manage_channels', 'manage_messages', 'manage_roles']) if ctx.channel.id in self.games: game = self.games[ctx.channel.id] if game['role']: try: await game['role'].delete(reason='Deleting game night session-specific role') except discord.Forbidden: pass del self.games[ctx.channel.id] await ctx.send('**Ended the current game night session at round ' + str(game['round']) + '.**') del game else: await ctx.send(ctx.mention + ' There\'s no game night session active here!')
def topic(self, ctx, *, topic: str): """Start the current round with a topic.""" or_check_perms(ctx, ['manage_guild', 'manage_channels', 'manage_messages', 'manage_roles']) if ctx.channel.id in self.games: try: await ctx.message.delete(reason='Deleting message sent to change the topic, so players don\'t see and prepare before the round') except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send('? **I work best with the Manage Messages permission.**') game = self.games[ctx.channel.id] r_mention = game['r_mention'] game['topic'] = topic await ctx.send('''Starting **round {}** in 30 seconds! {}Get your butts in here, and grab your dankest memes!'''.format(str(game['round']), r_mention)) await asyncio.sleep(28.6, loop=self.loop) game['active'] = True game['round_active'] = True await ctx.send(f'''{r_mention}The **meme war** is now starting for the topic `{topic}`! Get your memes in already! :clap::clap: Leaders: when you're ready, select a winner (and end the round) with `{ctx.prefix}gamenight winner`!''') else: await ctx.send(ctx.mention + ' There isn\'t a game night session in this channel!')
def mute(self, ctx, *, member: discord.Member): """Mute someone on voice and text chat. Usage: mute [person's name]""" or_check_perms(ctx, ['mute_members', 'manage_roles', 'manage_channels', 'manage_messages']) status = await ctx.send('Muting... ??') pg_task = self.loop.create_task(asyncio.wait_for(self.progress(status, 'Muting'), timeout=30, loop=self.loop)) try: ch_perms = discord.PermissionOverwrite(**{p: False for p in muted_perms}) for channel in ctx.guild.channels: await channel.set_permissions(member, ch_perms) await member.__redit(mute=True, deafen=None, reason='Mute command was used on user') pg_task.cancel() await status.delete(reason='Deleting progress/status message') await ctx.send('Successfully muted **%s**!' % str(member)) except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): pg_task.cancel() await status.delete(reason='Deleting progress/status message') await ctx.send('**I don\'t have enough permissions to do that!**')
def unmute(self, ctx, *, member: discord.Member): """Unmute someone on voice and text chat. Usage: unmute [person's name]""" or_check_perms(ctx, ('mute_members', 'manage_roles', 'manage_channels', 'manage_messages')) status = await ctx.send('Unmuting... ??') pg_task = self.loop.create_task(asyncio.wait_for(self.progress(status, 'Unmuting'), timeout=30, loop=self.loop)) role_map = {r.name: r for r in member.roles} try: if 'Muted' in role_map: await member.remove_roles(role_map['Muted'], reason='Unmute command was used on user') ch_perms = discord.PermissionOverwrite(**{p: None for p in muted_perms}) for channel in ctx.guild.channels: await channel.set_permissions(member, ch_perms) await member.__redit(mute=False, deafen=None, reason='Unmute command was used on user') pg_task.cancel() await status.delete(reason='Deleting progress/status message') await ctx.send('Successfully unmuted **%s**!' % str(member)) except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): pg_task.cancel() await status.delete(reason='Deleting progress/status message') await ctx.send('**I don\'t have enough permissions to do that!**')
def on_guild_join(self, guild): """Send the bot introduction message when invited.""" self.logger.info('New guild: ' + guild.name) if self.selfbot: return try: await self.send_message(guild.default_channel, join_msg) except discord.Forbidden: satisfied = False c_count = 0 try_channels = list(guild.channels) channel_count = len(try_channels) - 1 while not satisfied: with suppress(discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): await self.send_message(try_channels[c_count], join_msg) satisfied = True if c_count > channel_count: self.logger.warning('Couldn\'t announce join to guild ' + guild.name) satisfied = True c_count += 1
def _notify_subscribers_of_streamer(self, streamer: Streamer): subscribers = await self.bot.database.get_subscribers_from_streamer(streamer.db_id) for (subscriber_id,) in subscribers: if subscriber_id in self.disabled_users: continue subscriber = await self._get_subscriber(subscriber_id) if subscriber: notification_embed = streamer.create_notification_embed() try: await subscriber.send(embed=notification_embed) log.info('Notified %s that streamer %s is online on %s', subscriber, streamer.channel_name, streamer.service_name) except discord.Forbidden as e: log.exception('_notify_subscribers_of_streamer: No permissions to send the message.\n%s', e) except discord.HTTPException as e: log.exception('_notify_subscribers_of_streamer: Sending the message failed.\n%s', e) except Exception as e: log.exception('_notify_subscribers_of_streamer: General exception.\n%s', e) else: log.error('_notify_subscribers_of_streamer: Subscriber not found: %s', subscriber_id)
def kick(self, ctx, user: discord.Member): """Kicks user.""" author = ctx.message.author server = author.server try: await self.bot.kick(user) logger.info("{}({}) kicked {}({})".format( author.name, author.id, user.name, user.id)) await self.new_case(server, action="Kick \N{WOMANS BOOTS}", mod=author, user=user) await self.bot.say("Done. That felt good.") except discord.errors.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I'm not allowed to do that.") except Exception as e: print(e)
def channel_mute(self, ctx, user : discord.Member): """Mutes user in the current channel""" channel = ctx.message.channel overwrites = channel.overwrites_for(user) if overwrites.send_messages is False: await self.bot.say("That user can't send messages in this " "channel.") return self._perms_cache[user.id][channel.id] = overwrites.send_messages overwrites.send_messages = False try: await self.bot.edit_channel_permissions(channel, user, overwrites) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("Failed to mute user. I need the manage roles " "permission and the user I'm muting must be " "lower than myself in the role hierarchy.") else: dataIO.save_json("data/mod/perms_cache.json", self._perms_cache) await self.bot.say("User has been muted in this channel.")
def colour(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, value: discord.Colour): """Edits a role's colour Use double quotes if the role contains spaces. Colour must be in hexadecimal format. \"http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp\" Examples: !editrole colour \"The Transistor\" #ff0000 !editrole colour Test #ff9900""" author = ctx.message.author try: await self.bot.edit_role(ctx.message.server, role, color=value) logger.info("{}({}) changed the colour of role '{}'".format( author.name, author.id, role.name)) await self.bot.say("Done.") except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I need permissions to manage roles first.") except Exception as e: print(e) await self.bot.say("Something went wrong.")
def edit_role_name(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, name: str): """Edits a role's name Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces. Examples: !editrole name \"The Transistor\" Test""" if name == "": await self.bot.say("Name cannot be empty.") return try: author = ctx.message.author old_name = role.name # probably not necessary? await self.bot.edit_role(ctx.message.server, role, name=name) logger.info("{}({}) changed the name of role '{}' to '{}'".format( author.name, author.id, old_name, name)) await self.bot.say("Done.") except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I need permissions to manage roles first.") except Exception as e: print(e) await self.bot.say("Something went wrong.")
def clearrole(self, ctx): """Clears all self assigned roles from you, or the listed members """ message = ctx.message server = message.server db_roles = await self.database.get_all(server) listed_roles = [] for role_id, alias in db_roles: listed_roles.append(role_id) members = await self._get_members_from_message(message) for m in members: member_roles = m.roles for r in m.roles: if r.id not in listed_roles: member_roles.remove(r) bot_message = await self.bot.say( "This will clear all roles for: {0.mention}. Are you sure you want to do that? Y/N".format(m)) reply = await self.bot.wait_for_message(timeout=5.0, author=message.author) if reply and reply.content.lower() in ["yes", "y"]: try: await self.bot.remove_roles(m, *member_roles) except Forbidden: await self.bot.say("Oops, something happened, I don't have permission to clear your roles.") else: await self.bot.delete_message(bot_message)
def safe_send_message(self, dest, content, *, tts=False, expire_in=0, also_delete=None, quiet=False): msg = None try: msg = await self.send_message(dest, content, tts=tts) if msg and expire_in: asyncio.ensure_future(self._wait_delete_msg(msg, expire_in)) if also_delete and isinstance(also_delete, discord.Message): asyncio.ensure_future(self._wait_delete_msg(also_delete, expire_in)) except discord.Forbidden: if not quiet: self.safe_print("Warning: Cannot send message to %s, no permission" % dest.name) except discord.NotFound: if not quiet: self.safe_print("Warning: Cannot send message to %s, invalid channel?" % dest.name) return msg
def deletenewschannel(self, ctx, channel: discord.Channel): """Removes news functionality for a channel""" server = ctx.message.server if server.id not in self.settings: await self.bot.say("Nothing available for this server!") return if channel.id not in self.settings[server.id]: await self.bot.say("News functionality isn't set up for that channel!") return role = [r for r in ctx.message.server.roles if r.id == self.settings[server.id][channel.id]["role_id"]][0] try: await self.bot.delete_role(server, role) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I cannot delete roles!") return except discord.HTTPException: await self.bot.say("Something went wrong!") return else: await self.bot.say("Role removed!") self.settings[server.id].pop(channel.id, None) dataIO.save_json("data/newsannouncer/settings.json", self.settings)
def joinnews(self, ctx): """Joins the news role for the current channel""" server = ctx.message.server channel = ctx.message.channel if server.id not in self.settings or\ channel.id not in self.settings[server.id]: await self.bot.say("No news role available here!") return author = ctx.message.author if author.id in self.settings[server.id][channel.id]["joined"]: await self.bot.say("You already have the role for this channel!") return role_id = self.settings[server.id][channel.id]["role_id"] role_to_add = [r for r in server.roles if r.id == role_id][0] try: await self.bot.add_roles(author, role_to_add) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("I don't have permissions to add roles here!") return except discord.HTTPException: await self.bot.say("Something went wrong while doing that.") return await self.bot.say("Added that role successfully") self.settings[server.id][channel.id]["joined"].append(author.id) dataIO.save_json("data/newsannouncer/settings.json", self.settings)
def unban(self, ctx, member_id: int): """Used to unban a member from this server Due to the fact that I cannot find a user without being in a server with them only the ID should be provided EXAMPLE: !unban 353217589321750912 RESULT: That dude be unbanned""" # Lets only accept an int for this method, in order to ensure only an ID is provided # Due to that though, we need to ensure a string is passed as the member's ID member = discord.Object(id=str(member_id)) try: await self.bot.unban(ctx.message.server, member) await self.bot.say("\N{OK HAND SIGN}") except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say("But I can't, muh permissions >:c") except discord.HTTPException: await self.bot.say("Sorry, I failed to unban that user!")
def summon(self, ctx): """Summons the bot to join your voice channel.""" # This method will be invoked by other commands, so we should return True or False instead of just returning # First check if the author is even in a voice_channel summoned_channel = ctx.message.author.voice_channel if summoned_channel is None: await self.bot.say('You are not in a voice channel.') return False # Then simply create a voice client try: success = await self.create_voice_client(summoned_channel) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, discord.ConnectionClosed): await self.bot.say("I failed to connect! This usually happens if I don't have permission to join the" " channel, but can sometimes be caused by your server region being far away." " Otherwise this is an issue on Discord's end, causing the connect to timeout!") await self.remove_voice_client(summoned_channel.server) return False if success: try: await self.bot.say('Ready to play audio in ' + summoned_channel.name) except discord.Forbidden: pass return success
def kick(self, *, member : discord.Member): """Kicks a member from the server. In order for this to work, the bot must have Kick Member permissions. To use this command you must have Kick Members permission or have the Bot Admin role. """ try: await self.bot.kick(member) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say('The bot does not have permissions to kick members.') except discord.HTTPException: await self.bot.say('Kicking failed.') else: await self.bot.say('\U0001f44c')
def ban(self, *, member : discord.Member): """Bans a member from the server. In order for this to work, the bot must have Ban Member permissions. To use this command you must have Ban Members permission or have the Bot Admin role. """ try: await self.bot.ban(member) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say('The bot does not have permissions to ban members.') except discord.HTTPException: await self.bot.say('Banning failed.') else: await self.bot.say('\U0001f44c')
def softban(self, *, member : discord.Member): """Soft bans a member from the server. A softban is basically banning the member from the server but then unbanning the member as well. This allows you to essentially kick the member while removing their messages. To use this command you must have Ban Members permissions or have the Bot Admin role. Note that the bot must have the permission as well. """ try: await self.bot.ban(member) await self.bot.unban(member.server, member) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say('The bot does not have permissions to ban members.') except discord.HTTPException: await self.bot.say('Banning failed.') else: await self.bot.say('\U0001f44c')
def colour(self, ctx, colour : discord.Colour, *, role : discord.Role): """Changes the colour of a role. The colour must be a hexadecimal value, e.g. FF2AEF. Don't prefix it with a pound (#) as it won't work. Colour names are also not supported. To use this command you must have the Manage Roles permission or have the Bot Admin role. The bot must also have Manage Roles permissions. This command cannot be used in a private message. """ try: await self.bot.edit_role(ctx.message.server, role, colour=colour) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.say('The bot must have Manage Roles permissions to use this.') else: await self.bot.say('\U0001f44c') #changes the name of the role #NOTE: Currently CANNOT change default bot role name (BotName=DafaultRoleName)
def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): """Error handling""" error_msg = None if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send(error) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): pass elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): original = error.original if isinstance(original, discord.Forbidden): await ctx.send("I need to have the 'embed links' permission to send messages!") return elif isinstance(original, exceptions.Halt): return print('{0.created_at}: {0.author}: {0.content}'.format(ctx.message)) print(error) embed = discord.Embed(title="An unexpected error occured :I", colour=0xCA0147, description="If you feel like this shouldn't be happening [click here to join my support server](https://discord.gg/UP4TwFX).") await ctx.send("", embed=embed) else: print('{0.created_at}: {0.author}: {0.content}'.format(ctx.message)) print(str(error))
def edit_mod_entry(self, modcfg, data): """Edit a moderation entry.""" modlog = data['guild'].get_channel(modcfg['mod_log_id']) if modlog is None: raise self.SayException('Moderation channel not found') try: action_data = self.cache[data['action_id']] except KeyError: raise self.SayException("Can't find action ID in cache, sorry :c") old_data = action_data['data'] old_data['reason'] = data['reason'] try: message = await modlog.get_message(action_data['message_id']) except discord.NotFound: raise self.SayException('Message to edit not found') except discord.Forbidden: raise self.SayException("Can't read messages") except discord.HTTPException as err: raise self.SayException(f'fug `{err!r}`') await message.edit(content=self.modlog_fmt(old_data))
def star(self, ctx, message_id: int): """Star a message.""" try: message = await ctx.channel.get_message(message_id) except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.send('Message not found') except discord.Forbidden: return await ctx.send("Can't retrieve message") except discord.HTTPException as err: return await ctx.send(f'Failed to retrieve message: {err!r}') try: await self.add_star(message, ctx.author) await ctx.ok() except (StarAddError, StarError) as err: log.warning(f'[star_command] Errored: {err!r}') return await ctx.send(f'Failed to add star: {err!r}')
def unstar(self, ctx, message_id: int): """Unstar a message.""" try: message = await ctx.channel.get_message(message_id) except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.send('Message not found') except discord.Forbidden: return await ctx.send("Can't retrieve message") except discord.HTTPException as err: return await ctx.send(f'Failed to retrieve message: {err!r}') try: await self.remove_star(message, ctx.author) await ctx.ok() except (StarRemoveError, StarError) as err: log.warning(f'[unstar_cmd] Errored: {err!r}') return await ctx.send(f'Failed to remove star: {err!r}')
def starrers(self, ctx, message_id: int): """Get the list of starrers from a message in the current channel.""" try: message = await ctx.channel.get_message(message_id) except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.send('Message not found') except discord.Forbidden: return await ctx.send("Can't retrieve message") except discord.HTTPException as err: return await ctx.send(f'Failed to retrieve message: {err!r}') guild = ctx.guild await self._get_starconfig(guild.id) star = await self.get_star(guild.id, message.id) if star is None: return await ctx.send('Star object not found') _, em = make_star_embed(star, message) starrers = [guild.get_member(starrer_id) for starrer_id in star['starrers']] em.add_field(name='Starrers', value=', '.join([m.display_name for m in starrers])) await ctx.send(embed=em)
def cmd_cls(self, message, author, server, channel): """ Usage: {command_prefix}eval "evaluation string" runs a command thru the eval param for testing """ if author.id == self.config.master_id: await self.safe_delete_message(message) def delete_this_msg(m): return m.author == self.user try: await self.purge_from(channel, limit=5000, check=delete_this_msg, before=message) except discord.Forbidden: raise CommandError('I cannot delete messages, please give me permissions to do so and' 'try again!')
def send_log(self, server: discord.Server, log: Log): """Sends a embed corresponding to the log in the log channel of the server""" if server.id in self.servers_config["servers"]: if "log channel" in self.servers_config["servers"][server.id]: embed = log.get_embed(self.bot) channel = self.servers_config["servers"][server.id]["log channel"] try: await self.bot.send_message(destination=channel, embed=embed) except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.send_message(destination=server.owner, content=\ "I'm not allowed to send embeds in the log channel (#" + \ channel.name + "). Please change my permissions.") except discord.NotFound: await self.bot.send_message(destination=server.owner, content=\ "I'm not allowed to send embeds in the log channel because " + \ "it doesn't exists anymore. Please set another log channel " + \ "using the `[p]set_log_channel` command.") except discord.HTTPException: pass except discord.InvalidArgument: pass
def check_new_comers(self, member): """Checks if a new comer is in the b1nzy banlist""" if member.server.id in self.b1nzy_banlist: if member.id in self.b1nzy_banlist[member.server.id]: try: await self.bot.ban(member) self.b1nzy_banlist[member.server.id].remove(member.id) if not self.b1nzy_banlist[member.server.id]: del self.b1nzy_banlist[member.server.id] self.save_b1nzy_banlist() except discord.Forbidden: await self.bot.send_message(member.server.owner, \ "Couldn't ban " + member.name + "#" + member.discriminator + \ " (" + member.id + ") who's in the b1nzy banlist --> missing permissions") except discord.HTTPException: pass
def server_add_role(self, server, role, color): if re.search(r'^(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$', color): color = discord.Color(int(color, 16)) try: if not await self.server_has_role(server, role): await self.bot.create_role(server, name=role, color=color, permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=0), hoist=False) if server.id not in self.roles: self.roles[server.id] = {} self.roles[server.id][role] = {} await self.save_role_data() return 0 else: return 3 except discord.Forbidden: return 2 else: return 1
def say_victory_message(self, msg_winner, msg_no_winner): serverlist = list(self.bot.servers) for s in serverlist: if self.get_victory_messages(s): try: msg = msg_winner if self.get_show_result(s) else msg_no_winner matches_channel = self.bot.get_channel(self.get_matches_channel(s)) if matches_channel: try: await self.bot.send_message(matches_channel, msg) except (discord.Forbidden, discord.NotFound, discord.InvalidArgument): pass except discord.HTTPException: pass #except Exception as e: # print("Unable to announce end of match: %s" % e)