def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.JSON = "data/Sitryk-Cogs/quickembed/settings.json" self.data = dataIO.load_json(self.JSON) self.colours = { "red" : discord.Color.red, "dark_red" : discord.Color.dark_red, "blue" : discord.Color.blue, "dark_blue" : discord.Color.dark_blue, "teal" : discord.Color.teal, "dark_teal" :discord.Color.dark_teal, "green" : discord.Color.green, "dark_green" : discord.Color.dark_green, "purple" : discord.Color.purple, "dark_purple" :discord.Color.dark_purple, "magenta" : discord.Color.magenta, "dark_magenta" : discord.Color.dark_magenta, "gold" :discord.Color.gold, "dark_gold" : discord.Color.dark_gold, "orange" :discord.Color.orange, "dark_orange" :discord.Color.dark_orange, "random" : returnhex }
def hex_or_rgb(arg): s = arg.split(' ') if len(s) == 1: color = s[0] if len(color) == 6: color = f'0x{color}' elif len(color) == 7: color = color.replace('#', '0x') try: return discord.Color(int(color, 0)) except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument('A single argument must be passed as hex (`0x7289DA`, `#7289DA`, `7289DA`)') elif len(s) == 3: try: rgb = [*map(int, s)] except ValueError: raise commands.BadArgument('Three arguments must be passed as RGB (`114 137 218`, `153 170 181`)') if any(c < 0 or c > 255 for c in rgb): raise commands.BadArgument('RGB colors must be in the range `[0, 255]`') return discord.Color.from_rgb(*rgb) raise commands.BadArgument('You must pass 1 (hex) or 3 (RGB) arguments.')
def users(self, ctx: commands.Context, count=10): """ Show users with the most messages """ count = count # Show at least 1 user and 20 at most count = max(1, count) count = min(20, count) try: server = self.orm.Server.get(discord_id=ctx.message.server.id) except DoesNotExist as e: # If there's no server in the db an exception will be raised self.config.logger.error(e) else: users = await self.orm.query.user_top_list(count, server) embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color(self.config.constants.embed_color), timestamp=datetime.datetime.now()) for user in users: # the user might not have a name if s/he hasn't sent a message already # so in that case use the id instead name = user.name if user.name != '' else user.discord_id embed.add_field(name=name, value='Total messages: {}'.format(user.count), inline=False) await self.bot.say(content='Top active users:', embed=embed)
def timer_list(self, ctx): """Lists all of your currently active timers.""" with db.Session() as session: timers = session.get(Timer, user_id=ctx.author.id).all() now = datetime.utcnow() e = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.blurple()) def format_timer(timer): channel = ctx.bot.get_channel(timer.channel_id) return 'ID {id}, in {channel}: {message} (in {duration})'.format( id=timer.id, channel='DMs' if isinstance(channel, discord.DMChannel) else channel.mention, message=timer.message or 'no message', duration=format.time(timer.end_time - now) ) e.description = '\n'.join(map(format_timer, timers)) if timers else 'No timers set.' await ctx.send(embed=e)
def mods(self, ctx): """ Shows mods in this server. A mod is defined as a human in this server with the "Kick Members" permission, or is a Dogbot Moderator. """ is_mod = lambda m: (m.guild_permissions.kick_members or checks.member_is_moderator(m)) and not m.bot mods = [m for m in ctx.guild.members if is_mod(m)] embed = discord.Embed(title='Moderators in ' + ctx.guild.name, color=discord.Color.blurple(), description=f'There are {len(mods)} mod(s) total in {ctx.guild.name}.') for status in discord.Status: those_mods = [m for m in mods if m.status is status] if not those_mods: continue embed.add_field(name=str(status).title(), value='\n'.join(str(m) for m in those_mods)) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def staffreq(self, ctx, *, msg_request=""): """Request staff, with optional additional text. Helpers, Staff, Verified only.""" author = ctx.message.author if (self.bot.helpers_role not in author.roles) and (self.bot.staff_role not in author.roles) and (self.bot.verified_role not in author.roles) and (self.bot.trusted_role not in author.roles): msg = "{0} You cannot used this command at this time. Please ask individual staff members if you need help.".format(author.mention) await self.bot.say(msg) return await self.bot.delete_message(ctx.message) # await self.bot.say("Request sent.") msg = "?? **Assistance requested**: {0} by {1} | {2}#{3} @here".format(ctx.message.channel.mention, author.mention, author.name, ctx.message.author.discriminator) if msg_request != "": # msg += "\n?? __Additional text__: " + msg_request embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.gold()) embed.description = msg_request await self.bot.send_message(self.bot.mods_channel, msg, embed=(embed if msg_request != "" else None)) try: await self.bot.send_message(author, "? Online staff has been notified of your request in {0}.".format(ctx.message.channel.mention), embed=(embed if msg_request != "" else None)) except discord.errors.Forbidden: pass
def guide(self, ctx, *, console="auto"): """Links to Plailect's or FlimFlam69's guide.""" console = console.lower() if console == "3ds" or (console == "auto" and "wiiu" not in ctx.message.channel.name): embed = discord.Embed(title="Guide", color=discord.Color(0xCE181E)) embed.set_author(name="Plailect", url="https://3ds.guide/") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://3ds.guide/images/bio-photo.png") embed.url = "https://3ds.guide/" embed.description = "A complete guide to 3DS custom firmware, from stock to boot9strap." await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) if (console == "wiiu" or console == "wii u") or (console == "auto" and "3ds" not in ctx.message.channel.name): embed = discord.Embed(title="Guide", color=discord.Color(0x009AC7)) embed.set_author(name="FlimFlam69 & Plailect", url="https://wiiu.guide/") embed.set_thumbnail(url="http://i.imgur.com/CpF12I4.png") embed.url = "https://wiiu.guide/" embed.description = "FlimFlam69 and Plailect's Wii U custom firmware + coldboothax guide" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) #Embed to Soundhax Download Website
def vc(self, ctx, *, console="auto"): """Link to Virtual Console Injects for 3DS/Wiiu.""" console = console.lower() if console == "3ds" or (console == "auto" and "wiiu" not in ctx.message.channel.name): embed = discord.Embed(title="Virtual Console Injects for 3DS", color=discord.Color.blue()) embed.set_author(name="Asdolo", url="https://gbatemp.net/members/asdolo.389539/") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://i.imgur.com/rHa76XM.png") embed.url = "https://gbatemp.net/search/40920047/?q=injector&t=post&o=date&g=1&c[title_only]=1&c[user][0]=389539" embed.description = "The recommended way to play old classics on your 3DS" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) if (console == "wiiu" or console == "wii u") or (console == "auto" and "3ds" not in ctx.message.channel.name): embed = discord.Embed(title="Virtual Console Injects for Wiiu", color=discord.Color.blue()) embed.set_author(name="NicoAICP", url="https://gbatemp.net/members/nicoaicp.404553/") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://i.imgur.com/OsXqiOv.png") embed.url = "https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-ultimate-vc-injector-for-wiiu.486781/" embed.description = "The recommended way to play old classics on your Wiiu" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) # Embed to ih8ih8sn0w's godmode9 guide
def keyword_search(self, message): msg = ''.join(char for char in message.content.lower() if char in printable) # if "wiiu" in message.channel.name and "download" in msg and "update" in msg and "manag" in msg: # intentional typo in manage # embed = discord.Embed(description="A failed update in Download Management does not mean there is an update and the system is trying to download it. This means your blocking method (DNS etc.) is working and the system can't check for an update.", color=discord.Color(0x009AC7)) # await self.bot.send_message(message.channel, message.author.mention, embed=embed) # search for terms that might indicate a question meant for the help channels help_embed = discord.Embed(description="Hello! If you are looking for help with setting up hacks for your 3DS or Wii U system, please ask your question in one of the assistance channels.\n\nFor 3DS, there is <#196635695958196224> or <#247557068490276864>. Ask in one of them.\n\nFor Wii U, go to <#279783073497874442>.\n\nThank you for stopping by!", color=discord.Color.green()) help_embed.set_footer(text="This auto-response is under development. If you did not ask about the above, you don't need to do anything.") if message.author.id not in self.help_notice_anti_repeat: if message.channel.name == "hacking-general": if all(x in msg for x in ('help ', 'me',)): await self.bot.send_message(message.channel, message.author.mention, embed=help_embed) await self.bot.send_message(self.bot.mods_channel, "Auto-response test in {}".format(message.channel.mention)) self.help_notice_anti_repeat.append(message.author.id) await asyncio.sleep(120) try: self.help_notice_anti_repeat.remove(message.author.id) except ValueError: pass
def server_add_role(self, server, role, color): if re.search(r'^(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$', color): color = discord.Color(int(color, 16)) try: if not await self.server_has_role(server, role): await self.bot.create_role(server, name=role, color=color, permissions=discord.Permissions(permissions=0), hoist=False) if server.id not in self.roles: self.roles[server.id] = {} self.roles[server.id][role] = {} await self.save_role_data() return 0 else: return 3 except discord.Forbidden: return 2 else: return 1
def update_color_role(server_id, user_id, color): # Get server and user, along with role name server = discord.utils.get(client.servers, id=server_id) user = discord.utils.get(server.members, id=user_id) role_name = 'c_{}'.format(user_id) # Remove role if it exists, even if it's not used current_role = discord.utils.get(user.roles, name=role_name) if current_role is not None: await client.delete_role(server, current_role) if color is not None: # Assign new color new_role = await client.create_role( server, colour=discord.Color(color), name=role_name) # Finally, assign new role to user await client.add_roles(user, new_role)
def get_color(name): random.seed(name) r = random.randint(0, 255) g = random.randint(0, 255) b = random.randint(0, 255) return discord.Color((r << 16) + (g << 8) + b)
def qembed(self, ctx, text, color=None): """Used to make a quick embed {server} is ctx.message.server {author} is ctx.message.author {channel} is ctx.message.channel {message} is ctx.message {ctx} is ctx """ if color is None: embed_color = self.colours[self.data["default_colour"]]() elif color.lower() not in self.colours: if color.startswith('#'): color = color[1:] try: if validhex(int(color, 16)): embed_color = discord.Color(int(color, 16)) except ValueError: await send_cmd_help(ctx) return if not validhex(int(color, 16)): await send_cmd_help(ctx) return else: embed_color = self.colours[color]() embed = discord.Embed(description=text.format(server=ctx.message.server, author=ctx.message.author, channel=ctx.message.channel, message=ctx.message, ctx=ctx), color=embed_color) await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
def rainbow(self, times:int, interval:float): """Make a happy rainbow!""" rainbow = await self.bot.say(embed=discord.Embed(title="Rainbow!", color=discord.Color.red())) time = 0 error = 0 if interval < 1.4: interval = 1.5 while times > time: time = time + 1 color = ''.join([choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for x in range(6)]) color = int(color, 16) try: await self.bot.edit_message(rainbow, embed=discord.Embed(title="Rainbow!", color=discord.Color(value=color))) except: if error < 1: await self.bot.say("An error occured, trying again.") error = error + 1 else: await self.bot.say("Another error occured, exiting.") return await asyncio.sleep(interval)
def color(self, ctx, *, color : discord.Color): """Displays information about a color, by name or hex code.""" async with ctx.typing(), ctx.bot.http._session.get('http://rgb.to/save/json/color/{:0>6x}'.format(color.value)) as resp: color_data = json.loads(await resp.text()) # resp.json() raises an exception because the content type is text/plain e = discord.Embed(color=color) e.add_field(name='Hex Representation', value=color_data['hex'].upper()) e.add_field(name='Web-Safe Version', value=color_data['websafe'].upper()) e.add_field(name='RGB', value='{r}, {g}, {b}'.format(**color_data['rgb'])) e.add_field(name='HSL', value='{h}deg, {s}%, {l}%'.format(**color_data['hsl'])) e.add_field(name='HSB', value='{h}deg, {s}%, {b}%'.format(**color_data['hsb'])) e.add_field(name='CMYK', value='{c}, {m}, {y}, {k}'.format(**color_data['cmyk'])) await ctx.send(embed=e)
def color_list(self, ctx, per_page : int = 6): """Lists all named colors available.""" colors = [(' '.join(word.title() for word in name.split('_')), color, str(color).upper()) for name, color in self._colors()] colors += [('Default', discord.Color(0), '#000000')] * (6 - len(colors) % 6) per_page = 6 letter_emoji = abc_emoji[:per_page] pages = [discord.Embed() for page_num in range(math.ceil(len(colors) / per_page))] def update_embeds(shown): for page_num, page in enumerate(pages): page_colors = colors[page_num*per_page:][:per_page] # Two slices is more readable than [page_num*per_page:page_num*per_page + per_page] page.color = page_colors[shown][1] for field_num, (name, _, hex_) in enumerate(page_colors): page.set_field_at( field_num, name='{}: {}{}'.format(string.ascii_uppercase[field_num], name, ' (shown)' if field_num == shown else ''), value=hex_ ) for i, _ in enumerate(colors): pages[i // per_page].add_field(name='', value='') # Add fields so set_field_at in update_embeds is valid update_embeds(0) reactor = react.Paginator(ctx, (..., *letter_emoji), pages) async for reaction in reactor: if reaction in letter_emoji: update_embeds(letter_emoji.index(reaction)) reactor.next(0) # Re-send the same embed to show updated color and names
def _colors(self, cls=discord.Color): for name in dir(cls): attr = getattr(cls, name) if inspect.ismethod(attr) and not inspect.signature(attr).parameters: # No-args classmethods are color factory methods yield (name, attr())
def setup(bot): """Sets up the cog.""" bot.add_cog(Color())
def _wota(self, ctx): """Joins the wota and embrace 48G grace!""" server = ctx.message.server user = ctx.message.author if server.id not in self.oshi: self.oshi[server.id] = {} else: pass if user.id not in self.oshi[server.id]: self.oshi[server.id][user.id] = {} dataIO.save_json(OJSON, self.oshi) data = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) data.add_field( name="Ohayou! :tada:", value=("Your Oshimen card is ") + ("succesfully generated, {}.").format(user.name) + (" Use {}write to start adding ").format(ctx.prefix) + ("your Oshimen on the card")) await self.bot.say(embed=data) else: data = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) data.add_field( name="Ara~!", value=("Yuihan said you already have ") + ("an Oshimen card, {}.").format(user.name) + (" Use {}write to add Oshimen ").format(ctx.prefix) + ("onto your card")) await self.bot.say(embed=data)
def oshimen(self, ctx, *, oshimen): """Who is your oshi? Please write the full name with the format of Familyname Givenname e.g. [p]write oshimen Kashiwagi Yuki [p] = prefix""" server = ctx.message.server user = ctx.message.author prefix = ctx.prefix if server.id not in self.oshi: self.oshi[server.id] = {} else: pass if not isascii(oshimen): await self.bot.say("Oshimens must be written in ASCII characters") return else: pass if user.id not in self.oshi[server.id]: data = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) data.add_field( name="Gomen ne~!", value=("You'll need to apply for an Oshimen card to use") + (" this feature. Type {}wota").format(prefix) + (" to apply for one.")) await self.bot.say(embed=data) else: self.oshi[server.id][user.id].update({"Oshimen": oshimen}) dataIO.save_json(OJSON, self.oshi) data = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) data.add_field(name="Yatta! :sparkling_heart:", value=("I am sure {} is very ").format(oshimen) + ("thankful for your support")) await self.bot.say(embed=data)
def supporttype(self, ctx, *, support_type): """How devoted are you? Support types are : Kami-Oshi, Oshi, DD or Daredemo Daisuki, MD or Minna Daisuki or write anything you like""" server = ctx.message.server user = ctx.message.author prefix = ctx.prefix if server.id not in self.oshi: self.oshi[server.id] = {} else: pass if user.id not in self.oshi[server.id]: data = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) data.add_field( name="Gomen ne~!", value=("You'll need to apply for an Oshimen card to use") + (" this feature. Type {}wota").format(prefix) + (" to apply for one.")) await self.bot.say(embed=data) else: self.oshi[server.id][user.id].update( {"Support Type": support_type}) dataIO.save_json(OJSON, self.oshi) data = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) data.add_field(name="Arigatou! :bow:", value=("We are very grateful of your support. ") + ("The support type {} ").format(support_type) + ("has been saved")) await self.bot.say(embed=data)
def pat(self, ctx, *, user: discord.Member=None): """Pat users.""" author = ctx.message.author if not user: await self.bot.say("{} is trying to pat the air ... and failed.".format(author.name)) else: patdata = discord.Embed(description="**{}** got a pat from **{}**".format(user.name, author.name), color=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) patdata.set_image(url=rnd(self.patimg)) # this line is for testing purpose # patdata.set_image(url="https://i.imgur.com/YTGnx49.gif") await self.bot.say(embed=patdata)
def kitty(self): """The cure of boredom.""" try: async with self.session.get(self.caturl) as r: result = await r.json() cat = discord.Embed(description="\u2063", color=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) cat.set_image(url=result['file']) # await self.bot.say(result['file']) await self.bot.say(embed=cat) except: await self.bot.say("Couldn't Get An Image")
def doggo(self): """Wait! There is more cure of boredom?""" try: async with self.session.get(self.dogurl) as r: result = await r.json() print(result) dog = discord.Embed(description="\u2063", color=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) dog.set_image(url=result['message']) # await self.bot.say(result['file']) await self.bot.say(embed=dog) except: await self.bot.say("Couldn't Get An Image")
def rquote(self): """To make human pointless existence worth.""" try: async with self.session.get(self.qturl) as r: result = await r.text() qt = discord.Embed(description="\u2063", color=discord.Color(0xffb6c1)) qt.set_image(url=result) await self.bot.say(embed=qt) except: await self.bot.say("Couldn't Get An Image")
def vanity(self, ctx, name: str, color: discord.Color = None, assign_to: discord.Member = None): """ Creates a vanity role. A vanity role is defined as a role with no permissions. """ role = await ctx.guild.create_role(name=name, permissions=discord.Permissions.none(), color=color or discord.Color.default()) if assign_to: try: await assign_to.add_roles(role) except discord.HTTPException: return await ctx.send(f"{ctx.red_tick} Couldn't give {role.name} to that person.") await ctx.send(f'{ctx.green_tick} Created vanity role {describe(role, quote=True)}.')
def profile_describe(self, ctx, color: discord.Color, *, description): """Sets your profile description and color. Supporter only.""" if len(description) > 1024: return await ctx.send('That description is too long. There is a maximum of 1024 characters.') async with ctx.acquire() as conn: sql = """INSERT INTO profile_descriptions (id, description, color) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET description = $2, color = $3""" await conn.execute(sql, ctx.author.id, description, color.value) await ctx.send('\N{OK HAND SIGN} Updated your profile!')
def changelog(self, ctx): """Gets a rough changelog for mangobyte Note that this is a very rough changelog built from git commit messages and so will sometimes not relate directly to your perspective. For more commit versions or better detailed information, check out the source on [GitHub](https://github.com/mdiller/MangoByte/commits/master) """ commit_url = "https://github.com/mdiller/MangoByte" description = f"For more information check out the [commit history]({commit_url}/commits/master) on GitHub\n" lines = get_changelog().split("\n") recent_date = 0 for line in lines: if line == "": continue commit = line.split(",") full_sha = commit[0] timestamp = int(commit[1]) small_sha = commit[2] message = ",".join(commit[3:]) if timestamp > recent_date: recent_date = timestamp description += f"\n[`{small_sha}`]({commit_url}/commit/{full_sha}) {message}" if recent_date != 0: embed = discord.Embed(description=description, color=discord.Color.green(), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(recent_date)) embed.set_footer(text="Most recent change at") else: embed = discord.Embed(description=description, color=discord.Color.green()) embed.set_author(name="Changelog", url=f"{commit_url}/commits/master") await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def info(self, ctx): """Prints info about mangobyte""" github = "https://github.com/mdiller/MangoByte" python_version = "[Python {}.{}.{}]({})".format(*os.sys.version_info[:3], "https://www.python.org/") discordpy = "https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py" embed = discord.Embed(description="The juiciest unsigned 8 bit integer you eva gonna see", color=discord.Color.green()) embed.set_author(name=self.bot.user.name, icon_url=self.bot.user.avatar_url, url=github) embed.add_field(name="Development Info", value=( "Developed as an open source project, hosted on [GitHub]({}). " "Implemented using {} and a python discord api wrapper [discord.py]({})".format(github, python_version, discordpy))) embed.add_field(name="Features", value=( "• Answers questions (`?ask`)\n" "• Plays audio clips (`?play`, `?dota`)\n" "• Greets users joining a voice channel\n" "• For a list of command categories, try `?help`")) help_guild_link = "https://discord.gg/d6WWHxx" embed.add_field(name="Help", value=( f"If you want to invite mangobyte to your server/guild, click this [invite link]({invite_link}). " f"If you have a question, suggestion, or just want to try out mah features, check out the [Help Server/Guild]({help_guild_link}).")) owner = (await self.bot.application_info()).owner embed.set_footer(text="MangoByte developed by {}".format(owner.name), icon_url=owner.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def botstats(self, ctx): """Displays some bot statistics""" embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.green()) embed.set_author(name=self.bot.user.name, icon_url=self.bot.user.avatar_url) embed.add_field(name="Servers/Guilds", value="{:,}".format(len(self.bot.guilds))) embed.add_field(name="Registered Users", value="{:,}".format(len(list(filter(lambda user: user.steam32, botdata.userinfo_list()))))) commands = loggingdb_session.query(loggingdb.Message).filter(loggingdb.Message.command != None) commands_weekly = commands.filter(loggingdb.Message.timestamp > datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)) embed.add_field(name="Commands", value=f"{commands.count():,}") embed.add_field(name="Commands (This Week)", value=f"{commands_weekly.count():,}") top_commands = loggingdb_session.query(loggingdb.Message.command, func.count(loggingdb.Message.command)).filter(loggingdb.Message.command != None).group_by(loggingdb.Message.command).order_by(func.count(loggingdb.Message.command).desc()) if top_commands.count() >= 3: embed.add_field(name="Top Commands", value=( f"`?{top_commands[0][0]}`\n" f"`?{top_commands[1][0]}`\n" f"`?{top_commands[2][0]}`\n")) top_commands_weekly = top_commands.filter(loggingdb.Message.timestamp > datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)) if top_commands_weekly.count() >= 3: embed.add_field(name="Top Commands (This Week)", value=( f"`?{top_commands_weekly[0][0]}`\n" f"`?{top_commands_weekly[1][0]}`\n" f"`?{top_commands_weekly[2][0]}`\n")) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def poke_color(color): return { "black": discord.Color(0x000000), "blue": discord.Color.blue(), "brown": discord.Color(0xD2691E), "gray": discord.Color(0xA9A9A9), "green": discord.Color.green(), "pink": discord.Color(0xFF69B4), "purple": discord.Color.purple(), "red": discord.Color.red(), "white": discord.Color(0xFFFFFF), "yellow": discord.Color(0xFFFF00) }[color]
def neko(self, ctx): """Posts a random neko picture.""" api_url = 'http://nekos.life/api/neko' response = await self.get_json(api_url) image_url = response['neko'] embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color(0xf84a6e)) embed.set_image(url=image_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def simple_embed(self, text, title="", color=discord.Color.default()): embed = discord.Embed(title=title, color=color) embed.description = text await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def soundhax(self): """Links to Soundhax Website""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Soundhax", color=discord.Color.blue()) embed.set_author(name="Ned Williamson", url="http://soundhax.com/") embed.set_thumbnail(url="http://i.imgur.com/lYf0jan.png") embed.url = "http://soundhax.com" embed.description = "Free 3DS Primary Entrypoint <= 11.3" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) # dsp dumper command
def dsp(self): """Links to Dsp1.""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Dsp1", color=discord.Color.green()) embed.set_author(name="zoogie", url="https://github.com/zoogie", icon_url="https://gbatemp.net/data/avatars/l/357/357147.jpg?1426471484") embed.description = "Dump 3DS's DSP component to SD for homebrew audio." embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cruel/DspDump/master/icon.png") embed.url = "https://github.com/zoogie/DSP1/releases" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def updateb9s(self): """Links to the guide for updating b9s versions""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Updating B9S Guide", color=discord.Color(0xCE181E)) embed.set_author(name="Plailect", url="https://3ds.guide/updating-b9s") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://3ds.guide/images/bio-photo.png") embed.url = "https://3ds.guide/updating-b9s" embed.description = "A guide for updating to new B9S versions." await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def atob(self): """Links to the guide for updating from a9lh to b9s""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Upgrading a9lh to b9s", color=discord.Color(0xCE181E)) embed.set_author(name="Plailect", url="https://3ds.guide/a9lh-to-b9s") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://3ds.guide/images/bio-photo.png") embed.url = "https://3ds.guide/a9lh-to-b9s" embed.description = "A guide for upgrading your device from arm9loaderhax to boot9strap." await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) # Gateway h&s troubleshooting command
def ctr(self): """Links to ctrtransfer guide""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Guide - ctrtransfer", color=discord.Color.orange()) embed.set_author(name="Plailect", url="https://3ds.guide/") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://3ds.guide/images/bio-photo.png") embed.url = "https://3ds.guide/ctrtransfer" embed.description = "How to do the 11.5.0-38 ctrtransfer" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def brick(self): """Warns about 2.1 dangers""" await self.simple_embed("While on 2.1, **NEVER** shut the N3DS lid, update any model, format a 2DS or attempt to play a game on a cartridge. Doing any of these things *will* brick your system.", color=discord.Color.red())
def vguides(self): """Information about video guides relating to custom firmware""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Why you should not use video guides", color=discord.Color.dark_orange()) embed.description = "\"Video guides\" for custom firmware and arm9loaderhax/boot9strap are not recommended for use. Their contents generally become outdated very quickly for them to be of any use, and they are harder to update unlike a written guide.\n\nWhen this happens, video guides become more complicated than current methods, having users do certain tasks which may not be required anymore.\n\nThere is also a risk of the uploader spreading misinformation or including potentially harmful files, sometimes unintentionally. Using other people's files to install arm9loaderhax can cause serious issues and even brick your system." embed.add_field(name="Recommended", value="The recommended thing to do is to use [Plailect's written complete guide for boot9strap](https://3ds.guide). It is the most up to date one and is recommended for everyone.") await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def stock114(self): """Advisory for consoles on stock 11.4+ firmware""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Running stock (unmodified) 11.4+ firmware?", color=discord.Color.dark_orange()) embed.description = "You have 3 possible options for installing CFW:\n- [NTRBoot](https://3ds.guide/ntrboot) which needs a compatible DS flashcart and maybe an additional hacked 3DS or DS(i) console depending on the flashcart\n- [DSiWare](https://3ds.guide/installing-boot9strap-\(dsiware\)) which involves system transferring from a hacked 3DS to an unhacked 3DS\n- [Hardmod](https://3ds.guide/installing-boot9strap-\(hardmod\)) which requires soldering **Not for beginners!**\n **Downgrading is impossible on 11.4+!**" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def failedupdate(self): """Notice about failed update on Wii U""" await self.simple_embed("A failed update in Download Management does not mean there is an update and the system is trying to download it. This means your blocking method (DNS etc.) is working and the system can't check for an update.", color=discord.Color(0x009AC7))
def emptysd(self): """What to do if you delete all your SD card contents""" await self.simple_embed("If you have lost the contents of your SD card with CFW, you will need in SD root:\n-Homebrew launcher executable [here](https://smealum.github.io/ninjhax2/boot.3dsx)\n-`boot.firm` from [luma3ds latest release 7z](https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/latest)\nThen repeat the [finalizing setup](https://3ds.guide/finalizing-setup) page.", color=discord.Color.red()) # Embed to broken TWL Troubleshooting
def twl(self): """Information on how to fix a broken TWL Partition""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Fix broken TWL", color=discord.Color(0xA2BAE0)) embed.set_author(name="Plailect", url="https://3ds.guide/troubleshooting#dsi--ds-functionality-is-broken-after-completing-the-guide") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://3ds.guide/images/bio-photo.png") embed.url = "https://3ds.guide/troubleshooting#dsi--ds-functionality-is-broken-after-completing-the-guide" embed.description = "Instructions on how to fix a broken TWL after doing the guide" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def gm9(self): """Links to the guide on GodMode9""" embed = discord.Embed(title="GodMode9 Usage", color=discord.Color(0x66FFFF)) embed.set_author(name="Plailect", url="https://3ds.guide/godmode9-usage") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://3ds.guide/images/bio-photo.png") embed.url = "https://3ds.guide/godmode9-usage" embed.description = "GodMode9 usage guide" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def dump(self): """How to dump/build CIAs using GodMode9""" embed = discord.Embed(title="GodMode9 dump/build Guide", color=discord.Color(0x66FFFF)) embed.set_author(name="ih8ih8sn0w", url="https://pastebin.com/sx8HYULr") embed.set_thumbnail(url="http://i.imgur.com/QEUfyrp.png") embed.url = "https://pastebin.com/sx8HYULr" embed.description = "How to dump/build CIAs using GodMode9" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) # Embed to ih8ih8sn0w's layeredfs guide
def layeredfs(self): """How to use Luma 8.0+ LayeredFs""" embed = discord.Embed(title="LayeredFs Guide", color=discord.Color(0x66FFFF)) embed.set_author(name="ih8ih8sn0w", url="https://pastebin.com/sx8HYULr") embed.set_thumbnail(url="http://i.imgur.com/QEUfyrp.png") embed.url = "https://pastebin.com/QdzBv4Te" embed.description = "How to use Luma 8.0+ LayeredFs for ROM Hacking." await self.bot.say("", embed=embed) # Information about sighax
def sighax(self): """Information about sighax""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Sighax Information", color=discord.Color(0x0000ff)) embed.set_author(name="SciresM", url="https://www.reddit.com/r/3dshacks/comments/67f6as/psa_clearing_up_some_misconceptions_about_sighax/") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://i.imgur.com/11ajkdJ.jpg") embed.url = "https://www.reddit.com/r/3dshacks/comments/67f6as/psa_clearing_up_some_misconceptions_about_sighax/" embed.description = "PSA About Sighax" await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def p7zip(self): """Download 7zip""" embed = discord.Embed(title="Download 7zip", color=discord.Color(0x0000ff)) embed.set_thumbnail(url="http://i.imgur.com/cX1fuf6.png") embed.url = "http://www.7-zip.org/download.html" embed.description = "To be able to extract .7z files you need 7zip installed, get it here." await self.bot.say("", embed=embed)
def user_spam_check(self, message): if message.author.id not in self.user_antispam: self.user_antispam[message.author.id] = [] self.user_antispam[message.author.id].append(message) if len(self.user_antispam[message.author.id]) == 6: # it can trigger it multiple times if I use >. it can't skip to a number so this should work await self.bot.add_roles(message.author, self.bot.muted_role) await self.add_restriction(message.author, "Muted") msg_user = "You were automatically muted for sending too many messages in a short period of time!\n\nIf you believe this was done in error, send a direct message to one of the staff in {}.".format(self.bot.welcome_channel.mention) try: await self.bot.send_message(message.author, msg_user) except discord.errors.Forbidden: pass # don't fail in case user has DMs disabled for this server, or blocked the bot log_msg = "?? **Auto-muted**: {} muted for spamming | {}#{}\n?? __Creation__: {}\n?? __User ID__: {}".format(message.author.mention, message.author.name, message.author.discriminator, message.author.created_at, message.author.id) embed = discord.Embed(title="Deleted messages", color=discord.Color.gold()) msgs_to_delete = self.user_antispam[message.author.id][:] # clone list so nothing is removed while going through it for msg in msgs_to_delete: embed.add_field(name="#"+msg.channel.name, value="\u200b" + msg.content) # added zero-width char to prevent an error with an empty string (lazy workaround) await self.bot.send_message(self.bot.modlogs_channel, log_msg, embed=embed) await self.bot.send_message(self.bot.mods_channel, log_msg + "\nSee {} for a list of deleted messages.".format(self.bot.modlogs_channel.mention)) for msg in msgs_to_delete: try: await self.bot.delete_message(msg) except discord.errors.NotFound: pass # don't fail if the message doesn't exist await asyncio.sleep(3) self.user_antispam[message.author.id].remove(message) try: if len(self.user_antispam[message.author.id]) == 0: self.user_antispam.pop(message.author.id) except KeyError: pass # if the array doesn't exist, don't raise an error