def mods(self, ctx): """ Shows mods in this server. A mod is defined as a human in this server with the "Kick Members" permission, or is a Dogbot Moderator. """ is_mod = lambda m: (m.guild_permissions.kick_members or checks.member_is_moderator(m)) and not m.bot mods = [m for m in ctx.guild.members if is_mod(m)] embed = discord.Embed(title='Moderators in ' + ctx.guild.name, color=discord.Color.blurple(), description=f'There are {len(mods)} mod(s) total in {ctx.guild.name}.') for status in discord.Status: those_mods = [m for m in mods if m.status is status] if not those_mods: continue embed.add_field(name=str(status).title(), value='\n'.join(str(m) for m in those_mods)) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def c_presence(self, author, option=None): """ Changes presence status on Discord {prefix}presence <online/idle/dnd/invisible> Invisible makes you appear offline. Leave blank to reset presence to online. """ afk = False if option is None: option = 'online' else: option = option.lower() if any(s == option for s in [e.value for e in discord.Status]): if option == 'idle': afk = True await self.bot.change_presence(game=author.game, status=option, afk=afk) return Response(":white_check_mark: Set presence to {}!".format(option)) else: raise InvalidUsage()
def idle(client, message, parameter): await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='with live wires'), status=discord.Status('idle'), afk=True) await client.send_message(message.channel, '...') # vision status
def vision(client, message, parameter): await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name='V I S I O N'), status=discord.Status('online'), afk=False) await client.send_message(message.channel, 'I have been V I S I O N\'d.') # trigger definitions
def __init__(self, cfg): super().__init__( config.get_prefix, description='Welcome. Welcome to my guild young ones. Please forgive the belated salutations. I am the holy program Excalibot!', command_not_found='BAKA! That command does not exist!', status=discord.Status[cfg['status']] ) self.config = cfg self.ready = False self.session = db.Session() self.check(self.permission_check)
def on_ready(self): log.info('Logged in as %s (%s)', self.user, self.user.id) game_config = self.config['game'] if game_config is not None: game_config = dict(game_config) # Copy, to write in formatted game name game_config['name'] = game_config['name'].format(client=self, guild_count=len(self.guilds)) await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status[self.config['status']], game=discord.Game(**game_config)) # Must set status again, as leaving it empty will revert to Online self.ready = True
def game(ctx, game, status=None): status = discord.Status[status] if status else discord.Status.online await ctx.bot.change_presence(status=status, game=discord.Game(name=game)) await ctx.message.delete()
def afk(ctx, *args, status=None, **kwargs): await afk_send(ctx, 'afk_message', *args, **kwargs) if status == 'offline': await ctx.bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.invisible) elif status is not None: await ctx.bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status[status], game=discord.Game(name='AFK: ' + ', '.join(args)))
def status(ctx): rank, channel, message = await init_command(ctx.message) if rank in ['ADMIN', 'MASTER']: parameters = message.content.replace(commandPrefix + 'status ', "") playmessage = parameters.split(" | ")[0] status = parameters.split(" | ")[1] await asyncio.sleep(1) await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=playmessage), status=discord.Status(status)) await client.send_message(channel, "Play message set to:``" + playmessage + "``, status set to:``" + status + "``") else: await missing_permissions_message(channel)
def on_ready(): global mainChannel, logsChannel, visible, databasePath, botOwner, Refresh mainChannel = client.get_server(constants.Settings.mainServerID).get_channel(constants.Settings.mainChannelId) logsChannel = client.get_server(constants.Settings.mainServerID).get_channel(constants.Settings.logsChannelId) print('Logged in !') botOwner = await client.get_user_info(str(constants.Settings.ownerDiscordId)) hello = False if (datetime.now().strftime('%H') == "02" and Refresh) or ((set(sys.argv) & set(["refresh"])) and Refresh): await change_presence(status=discord.Status('dnd'), game=discord.Game(name='Booting ...')) message = await client.send_message(mainChannel, "<:empty:317951266355544065> Updating stats ...") #try: print('Refreshing users stats ...') update_stats.update_all_stats(conn, cursor) Refresh = False print(" - Done") print('Creating new backup ...', end="") create_backup() print(" Done !") await client.edit_message(message, "<:check:317951246084341761> Updating stats ... Done !") # except: # await client.edit_message(message, "<:xmark:317951256889131008> Updating stats ... Fail !") if not set(sys.argv) & set(["dev"]): await client.send_message(mainChannel, "<:online:317951041838514179> Uso!<:Bot:317951180737347587> is now online !") await change_presence(status=discord.Status('online'), game=discord.Game(name='Osu !')) hello = True if (set(sys.argv) & set(["online"])) and hello == False: await client.send_message(mainChannel, "<:online:317951041838514179> Uso!<:Bot:317951180737347587> is now online !") if set(sys.argv) & set(["dev"]): await change_presence(status=discord.Status('idle'), game=discord.Game(name='Dev mode')) else: await change_presence(status=discord.Status('online'), game=discord.Game(name='o!help')) print ('Ready !')
def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): # do not handle invisibility in dms if isinstance(message.channel, discord.abc.PrivateChannel): return if await self.bot.config_is_set(message.guild, 'invisible_nag'): if message.author.status is discord.Status.offline: reply = 'Hey {0.mention}! You\'re invisible. Stop being invisible, please. Thanks.' await message.channel.send(reply.format(message.author))
def on_ready(): print('---------------------') print('Logged in as :') print('Username: ' + bot.user.name) print('ID: ' + str(bot.user.id)) print('---------------------') await bot.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name="Manger des pommes ! .help !"), status=discord.Status("dnd"), afk=False) if not hasattr(bot, 'uptime'): bot.uptime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def __init__(self, bot, config, http): self.declare_metric( "opcodes", prometheus_client.Counter, 'Opcodes', ['opcode']) self.declare_metric( "dispatch_events", prometheus_client.Counter, 'Dispatch Events', ['event']) self.declare_metric( "command_triggers", prometheus_client.Counter, 'Command Triggers', ['command']) self.declare_metric( "command_completions", prometheus_client.Counter, 'Command Completions', ['command']) self.declare_metric( "command_errors", prometheus_client.Counter, 'Command Errors', ['command', 'error']) self.declare_metric( "command_timing", prometheus_client.Histogram, 'Command Timing', ['command']) self.declare_metric( "server_count", prometheus_client.Gauge, "Server Count", function=lambda: len(self.bot.guilds)) self.declare_metric( "member_count", prometheus_client.Gauge, "Member Count", ['status']) for status in discord.Status: self.member_count.labels(status=status.name).set_function( _count_members_fac(bot, status)) for opcode in OPCODE_NAMES.values(): self.opcodes.labels(opcode=opcode) for dispatch_name in DISPATCH_NAMES: self.dispatch_events.labels(event=dispatch_name) self._in_flight_ctx = {} self.bot = bot http.add_handler("GET", "/metrics", self.handle_metrics)