Python distutils.command.build_scripts.first_line_re 模块,match() 实例源码


项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:NeuroMobile    作者:AndrewADykman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:dymo-m10-python    作者:pbrf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr
项目:BD_T2    作者:jfmolano1587    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_script_header(script_text, executable=sys_executable, wininst=False):
    """Create a #! line, getting options (if any) from script_text"""
    from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re

    # first_line_re in Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1 is a bytes pattern.
    if not isinstance(first_line_re.pattern, str):
        first_line_re = re.compile(first_line_re.pattern.decode())

    first = (script_text+'\n').splitlines()[0]
    match = first_line_re.match(first)
    options = ''
    if match:
        options = or ''
        if options: options = ' '+options
    if wininst:
        executable = "python.exe"
        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    if not isascii(hdr):
        # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings
        if options:
            if options.strip().startswith('-'):
                options = ' -x'+options.strip()[1:]
            # else: punt, we can't do it, let the warning happen anyway
            options = ' -x'
    executable = fix_jython_executable(executable, options)
    hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
    return hdr