Python django.conf.settings 模块,TEMPLATES 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, alias):
            return self._engines[alias]
        except KeyError:
                params = self.templates[alias]
            except KeyError:
                raise InvalidTemplateEngineError(
                    "Could not find config for '{}' "
                    "in settings.TEMPLATES".format(alias))

            # If importing or initializing the backend raises an exception,
            # self._engines[alias] isn't set and this code may get executed
            # again, so we must preserve the original params. See #24265.
            params = params.copy()
            backend = params.pop('BACKEND')
            engine_cls = import_string(backend)
            engine = engine_cls(params)

            self._engines[alias] = engine
            return engine
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:django-open-lecture    作者:DmLitov4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:django-unload    作者:Styria-Digital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_contents(self):
        Test the get_contents function on the master.html template. Avoid
        using the DjangoTemplates class due to frequent changes between
        templates_dir = settings.TEMPLATES[0]['DIRS'][0]
        master_html = templates_dir + '/master.html'
        contents = get_contents(filepath=master_html)
        self.assertIn('DOCTYPE', contents)
        self.assertIn('html', contents)
        self.assertIn('head', contents)
        self.assertIn('title', contents)
        self.assertIn('body', contents)
        self.assertIn('{% block title %}', contents)
        self.assertIn('{% block body %}', contents)
项目:django-unload    作者:Styria-Digital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUpClass(cls):
        The setUpClass is used because the templates paths are not changed in
        the following tests.
        super(TestBase, cls).setUpClass()
        # Find directories with templates
        templates_dir = settings.TEMPLATES[0]['DIRS'][0]
        app = apps.get_app_config('app')
        app_templates = os.path.join(app.path, 'templates', 'app', 'templates')
        app_tags = os.path.join(app.path, 'templates', 'app', 'tags')
        # Save the path of each template for further testing
        cls.master_template = os.path.join(templates_dir, 'master.html')
        cls.tag_template = os.path.join(app_tags, 'tag_template.html')
        cls.double_loads = os.path.join(app_templates, 'double_loads.html')
        cls.with_tags = os.path.join(app_templates, 'with_tags.html')
        cls.without_tags = os.path.join(app_templates, 'without_tags.html')
        cls.from_syntax_with_tags = os.path.join(app_templates,
        cls.from_syntax_without_tags = os.path.join(app_templates,
        cls.double_member_load = os.path.join(app_templates,
        cls.only_filter = os.path.join(app_templates, 'only_filter.html')
项目:travlr    作者:gauravkulkarni96    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:DjangoCMS    作者:farhan711    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cached_show_placeholder_sekizai(self):
        from django.core.cache import cache

        from cms.test_utils import project

        template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(project.__file__), 'templates', 'alt_plugin_templates',
        page = create_page('Test', 'col_two.html', 'en')
        placeholder = page.placeholders.all()[0]
        add_plugin(placeholder, TextPlugin, 'en', body='HIDDEN')
        request = RequestFactory().get('/')
        request.user = self.get_staff_user_with_no_permissions()
        request.current_page = page
        override = {'TEMPLATES': deepcopy(settings.TEMPLATES)}
        override['TEMPLATES'][0]['DIRS'] = [template_dir]
        with self.settings(**override):
            template = "{% load cms_tags sekizai_tags %}{% show_placeholder slot page 'en' 1 %}{% render_block 'js' %}"
            output = self.render_template_obj(template, {'page': page, 'slot': placeholder.slot}, request)
            self.assertIn('JAVASCRIPT', output)
项目:DjangoCMS    作者:farhan711    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_sekizai(output):
    with output.section("Sekizai") as section:
        if is_installed('sekizai'):
            section.success("Sekizai is installed")
            section.error("Sekizai is not installed, could not find 'sekizai' in INSTALLED_APPS")
        processors = list(chain(*[template['OPTIONS'].get('context_processors', []) for template in settings.TEMPLATES]))
        if 'sekizai.context_processors.sekizai' in processors:
            section.success("Sekizai template context processor is installed")
            section.error("Sekizai template context processor is not installed, could not find 'sekizai.context_processors.sekizai' in TEMPLATES option context_processors")

        for template, _ in get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES'):
            if template == constants.TEMPLATE_INHERITANCE_MAGIC:
            if validate_template(template, ['js', 'css']):
                section.success("Sekizai namespaces 'js' and 'css' found in %r" % template)
                section.error("Sekizai namespaces 'js' and 'css' not found in %r" % template)
        if section.successful:
            section.finish_success("Sekizai configuration okay")
            section.finish_error("Sekizai configuration has errors")
项目:DjangoCMS    作者:farhan711    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deprecations(output):
    # deprecated placeholder_tags scan (1 in 3.1)
    templates_dirs = getattr(settings, 'TEMPLATES', [])[0]['DIRS']
        [os.path.join(path, 'templates') for path in get_app_paths()]
    with output.section('Usage of deprecated placeholder_tags') as section:
        for template_dir in templates_dirs:
            for tokens, path in _load_all_templates(template_dir):
                for token in tokens:
                    if token.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK:
                        bits = token.split_contents()
                        if bits[0] == 'load' and 'placeholder_tags' in bits:
                                'Usage of deprecated template tag library '
                                'placeholder tags in template %s' % path
项目:logo-gen    作者:jellene4eva    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:gmail_scanner    作者:brandonhub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, alias):
            return self._engines[alias]
        except KeyError:
                params = self.templates[alias]
            except KeyError:
                raise InvalidTemplateEngineError(
                    "Could not find config for '{}' "
                    "in settings.TEMPLATES".format(alias))

            # If importing or initializing the backend raises an exception,
            # self._engines[alias] isn't set and this code may get executed
            # again, so we must preserve the original params. See #24265.
            params = params.copy()
            backend = params.pop('BACKEND')
            engine_cls = import_string(backend)
            engine = engine_cls(params)

            self._engines[alias] = engine
            return engine
项目:CSCE482-WordcloudPlus    作者:ggaytan00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:producthunt    作者:davidgengler    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:django-rtc    作者:scifiswapnil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, alias):
            return self._engines[alias]
        except KeyError:
                params = self.templates[alias]
            except KeyError:
                raise InvalidTemplateEngineError(
                    "Could not find config for '{}' "
                    "in settings.TEMPLATES".format(alias))

            # If importing or initializing the backend raises an exception,
            # self._engines[alias] isn't set and this code may get executed
            # again, so we must preserve the original params. See #24265.
            params = params.copy()
            backend = params.pop('BACKEND')
            engine_cls = import_string(backend)
            engine = engine_cls(params)

            self._engines[alias] = engine
            return engine
项目:LatinSounds_AppEnviaMail    作者:G3ek-aR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        defined = [value for value in values if getattr(settings, value, None)]
        if defined:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(defined),
    return []
项目:DjangoZeroToHero    作者:RayParra    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:Roboism    作者:markroxor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_duplicate_template_settings(app_configs, **kwargs):
    if settings.TEMPLATES:
        values = [
        duplicates = [
            value for value in values
            if getattr(settings, value) != getattr(global_settings, value)
        if duplicates:
            return [Warning(
                "The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django "
                "1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must "
                "put the values of the following settings into your default "
                "TEMPLATES dict: %s." % ", ".join(duplicates),
    return []
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getitem__(self, alias):
            return self._engines[alias]
        except KeyError:
                params = self.templates[alias]
            except KeyError:
                raise InvalidTemplateEngineError(
                    "Could not find config for '{}' "
                    "in settings.TEMPLATES".format(alias))

            # If importing or initializing the backend raises an exception,
            # self._engines[alias] isn't set and this code may get executed
            # again, so we must preserve the original params. See #24265.
            params = params.copy()
            backend = params.pop('BACKEND')
            engine_cls = import_string(backend)
            engine = engine_cls(params)

            self._engines[alias] = engine
            return engine
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, templates=None):
        templates is an optional list of template engine definitions
        (structured like settings.TEMPLATES).
        self._templates = templates
        self._engines = {}
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_string_if_invalid_is_string(app_configs, **kwargs):
    errors = []
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        string_if_invalid = conf.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('string_if_invalid', '')
        if not isinstance(string_if_invalid, six.string_types):
            error = copy.copy(E002)
            error.msg = error.msg.format(string_if_invalid, type(string_if_invalid).__name__)
    return errors
项目:django-email-pal    作者:18F    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def enable(self):
        return override_settings(TEMPLATES=[{
            'BACKEND': self.ENGINE_BACKENDS[self]
项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_string_if_invalid_is_string(app_configs, **kwargs):
    errors = []
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        string_if_invalid = conf.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('string_if_invalid', '')
        if not isinstance(string_if_invalid, six.string_types):
            error = copy.copy(E002)
            error.msg = error.msg.format(string_if_invalid, type(string_if_invalid).__name__)
    return errors
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_string_if_invalid_is_string(app_configs, **kwargs):
    errors = []
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        string_if_invalid = conf.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('string_if_invalid', '')
        if not isinstance(string_if_invalid, six.string_types):
            error = copy.copy(E002)
            error.msg = error.msg.format(string_if_invalid, type(string_if_invalid).__name__)
    return errors
项目:apm-agent-python    作者:elastic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_stacktraces_have_templates(client, django_elasticapm_client):
    # only Django 1.9+ have the necessary information stored on Node/Template
    # instances when TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False

    TEMPLATE_DEBUG = django.VERSION < (1, 9)

    with mock.patch("elasticapm.traces.TransactionsStore.should_collect") as should_collect:
        should_collect.return_value = False
        TEMPLATES_copy = deepcopy(settings.TEMPLATES)
        TEMPLATES_copy[0]['OPTIONS']['debug'] = TEMPLATE_DEBUG
        with override_settings(
            **middleware_setting(django.VERSION, [
            resp = client.get(reverse("render-heavy-template"))
    assert resp.status_code == 200

    transactions = django_elasticapm_client.instrumentation_store.get_all()
    assert len(transactions) == 1
    transaction = transactions[0]
    assert transaction['result'] == 'HTTP 2xx'
    spans = transaction['spans']
    assert len(spans) == 2, [t['name'] for t in spans]

    expected_names = {'list_users.html', 'something_expensive'}

    assert {t['name'] for t in spans} == expected_names

    assert spans[0]['name'] == 'something_expensive'

    # Find the template
    for frame in spans[0]['stacktrace']:
        if frame['lineno'] == 4 and frame['filename'].endswith(
        assert False is True, "Template was not found"
项目:django-template-check    作者:joostrijneveld    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _template_names(proj_only=False):
    for engine in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if (engine['BACKEND']
                == 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates'):
            for template_dir in chain(engine['DIRS'],
                if not proj_only or template_dir.startswith(settings.BASE_DIR):
                    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(template_dir):
                        for template_name in filenames:
                            yield os.path.join(dirpath[len(template_dir)+1:],
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Currently only supports default DjangoTemplates backend."
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_string_if_invalid_is_string(app_configs, **kwargs):
    errors = []
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        string_if_invalid = conf.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('string_if_invalid', '')
        if not isinstance(string_if_invalid, six.string_types):
            error = copy.copy(E002)
            error.msg = error.msg.format(string_if_invalid, type(string_if_invalid).__name__)
    return errors
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_string_if_invalid_is_string(app_configs, **kwargs):
    errors = []
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        string_if_invalid = conf.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('string_if_invalid', '')
        if not isinstance(string_if_invalid, six.string_types):
            error = copy.copy(E002)
            error.msg = error.msg.format(string_if_invalid, type(string_if_invalid).__name__)
    return errors
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_setting_app_dirs_loaders(app_configs, **kwargs):
    passed_check = True
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        if not conf.get('APP_DIRS'):
        if 'loaders' in conf.get('OPTIONS', {}):
            passed_check = False
    return [] if passed_check else [E001]
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_string_if_invalid_is_string(app_configs, **kwargs):
    errors = []
    for conf in settings.TEMPLATES:
        string_if_invalid = conf.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('string_if_invalid', '')
        if not isinstance(string_if_invalid, six.string_types):
            error = copy.copy(E002)
            error.msg = error.msg.format(string_if_invalid, type(string_if_invalid).__name__)
    return errors