Python django.conf.settings 模块,USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_raw_host(self):
        Return the HTTP host using the environment or request headers. Skip
        allowed hosts protection, so may return an insecure host.
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = self.get_port()
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)
        return host
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_raw_host(self):
        Return the HTTP host using the environment or request headers. Skip
        allowed hosts protection, so may return an insecure host.
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = self.get_port()
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)
        return host
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_raw_host(self):
        Return the HTTP host using the environment or request headers. Skip
        allowed hosts protection, so may return an insecure host.
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = self.get_port()
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)
        return host
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_raw_host(self):
        Return the HTTP host using the environment or request headers. Skip
        allowed hosts protection, so may return an insecure host.
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = self.get_port()
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)
        return host
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_raw_host(self):
        Return the HTTP host using the environment or request headers. Skip
        allowed hosts protection, so may return an insecure host.
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = self.get_port()
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)
        return host
项目:LatinSounds_AppEnviaMail    作者:G3ek-aR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_raw_host(self):
        Return the HTTP host using the environment or request headers. Skip
        allowed hosts protection, so may return an insecure host.
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = self.get_port()
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)
        return host
项目:pretalx    作者:pretalx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_with_forwarded_host(event_on_foobar, client):
    settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = True
    r = client.get(f'/{event_on_foobar.slug}/', HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST='foobar')
    assert r.status_code == 200
项目:pretalx    作者:pretalx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_host(self, request):
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in request.META):
            host = request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in request.META:
            host = request.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = request.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = str(request.META['SERVER_PORT'])
            if server_port != ('443' if request.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = f'{host}:{server_port}'
        return host
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_host(self):
        """Returns the HTTP host using the environment or request headers."""
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = str(self.META['SERVER_PORT'])
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)

        # There is no hostname validation when DEBUG=True
        if settings.DEBUG:
            return host

        domain, port = split_domain_port(host)
        if domain and validate_host(domain, settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS):
            return host
            msg = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." % host
            if domain:
                msg += " You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." % domain
                msg += " The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035."
            raise DisallowedHost(msg)
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_host(self):
        """Returns the HTTP host using the environment or request headers."""
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = str(self.META['SERVER_PORT'])
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)

        # There is no hostname validation when DEBUG=True
        if settings.DEBUG:
            return host

        domain, port = split_domain_port(host)
        if domain and validate_host(domain, settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS):
            return host
            msg = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." % host
            if domain:
                msg += " You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." % domain
                msg += " The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035."
            raise DisallowedHost(msg)
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_host(self):
        """Returns the HTTP host using the environment or request headers."""
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = str(self.META['SERVER_PORT'])
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)

        # There is no hostname validation when DEBUG=True
        if settings.DEBUG:
            return host

        domain, port = split_domain_port(host)
        if domain and validate_host(domain, settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS):
            return host
            msg = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." % host
            if domain:
                msg += " You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." % domain
                msg += " The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035."
            raise DisallowedHost(msg)
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_host(self):
        """Returns the HTTP host using the environment or request headers."""
        # We try three options, in order of decreasing preference.
        if settings.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST and (
                'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in self.META):
            host = self.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']
        elif 'HTTP_HOST' in self.META:
            host = self.META['HTTP_HOST']
            # Reconstruct the host using the algorithm from PEP 333.
            host = self.META['SERVER_NAME']
            server_port = str(self.META['SERVER_PORT'])
            if server_port != ('443' if self.is_secure() else '80'):
                host = '%s:%s' % (host, server_port)

        # There is no hostname validation when DEBUG=True
        if settings.DEBUG:
            return host

        domain, port = split_domain_port(host)
        if domain and validate_host(domain, settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS):
            return host
            msg = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." % host
            if domain:
                msg += " You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." % domain
                msg += " The domain name provided is not valid according to RFC 1034/1035."
            raise DisallowedHost(msg)