Python django.conf.settings 模块,IGNORABLE_404_URLS 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Return True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers
        according to project settings or in three specific situations:
         - If the referer is empty.
         - If a '?' in referer is identified as a search engine source.
         - If the referer is equal to the current URL, ignoring the scheme
           (assumed to be a poorly implemented bot).
        if not referer:
            return True

        if not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer:
            return True

        parsed_referer = urlparse(referer)
        if parsed_referer.netloc in ['', domain] and parsed_referer.path == uri:
            return True

        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Return True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers
        according to project settings or in three specific situations:
         - If the referer is empty.
         - If a '?' in referer is identified as a search engine source.
         - If the referer is equal to the current URL, ignoring the scheme
           (assumed to be a poorly implemented bot).
        if not referer:
            return True

        if not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer:
            return True

        parsed_referer = urlparse(referer)
        if parsed_referer.netloc in ['', domain] and parsed_referer.path == uri:
            return True

        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Return True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers
        according to project settings or in three specific situations:
         - If the referer is empty.
         - If a '?' in referer is identified as a search engine source.
         - If the referer is equal to the current URL, ignoring the scheme
           (assumed to be a poorly implemented bot).
        if not referer:
            return True

        if not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer:
            return True

        parsed_referer = urlparse(referer)
        if parsed_referer.netloc in ['', domain] and parsed_referer.path == uri:
            return True

        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Returns True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers.
        # '?' in referer is identified as search engine source
        if (not referer or
                (not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer)):
            return True
        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Returns True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers.
        # '?' in referer is identified as search engine source
        if (not referer or
                (not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer)):
            return True
        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Returns True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers.
        # '?' in referer is identified as search engine source
        if (not referer or
                (not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer)):
            return True
        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Return True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers
        according to project settings or in situations outlined by the inline
        # The referer is empty.
        if not referer:
            return True

        # APPEND_SLASH is enabled and the referer is equal to the current URL
        # without a trailing slash indicating an internal redirect.
        if settings.APPEND_SLASH and uri.endswith('/') and referer == uri[:-1]:
            return True

        # A '?' in referer is identified as a search engine source.
        if not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer:
            return True

        # The referer is equal to the current URL, ignoring the scheme (assumed
        # to be a poorly implemented bot).
        parsed_referer = urlparse(referer)
        if parsed_referer.netloc in ['', domain] and parsed_referer.path == uri:
            return True

        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Return True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers
        according to project settings or in situations outlined by the inline
        # The referer is empty.
        if not referer:
            return True

        # APPEND_SLASH is enabled and the referer is equal to the current URL
        # without a trailing slash indicating an internal redirect.
        if settings.APPEND_SLASH and uri.endswith('/') and referer == uri[:-1]:
            return True

        # A '?' in referer is identified as a search engine source.
        if not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer:
            return True

        # The referer is equal to the current URL, ignoring the scheme (assumed
        # to be a poorly implemented bot).
        parsed_referer = urlparse(referer)
        if parsed_referer.netloc in ['', domain] and parsed_referer.path == uri:
            return True

        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:LatinSounds_AppEnviaMail    作者:G3ek-aR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Return True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers
        according to project settings or in situations outlined by the inline
        # The referer is empty.
        if not referer:
            return True

        # APPEND_SLASH is enabled and the referer is equal to the current URL
        # without a trailing slash indicating an internal redirect.
        if settings.APPEND_SLASH and uri.endswith('/') and referer == uri[:-1]:
            return True

        # A '?' in referer is identified as a search engine source.
        if not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer:
            return True

        # The referer is equal to the current URL, ignoring the scheme (assumed
        # to be a poorly implemented bot).
        parsed_referer = urlparse(referer)
        if parsed_referer.netloc in ['', domain] and parsed_referer.path == uri:
            return True

        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_ignorable_request(self, request, uri, domain, referer):
        Returns True if the given request *shouldn't* notify the site managers.
        # '?' in referer is identified as search engine source
        if (not referer or
                (not self.is_internal_request(domain, referer) and '?' in referer)):
            return True
        return any( for pattern in settings.IGNORABLE_404_URLS)