Python django.conf.settings 模块,USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitize_separators(value):
    Sanitizes a value according to the current decimal and
    thousand separator setting. Used with form field input.
    if settings.USE_L10N and isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        parts = []
        decimal_separator = get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR')
        if decimal_separator in value:
            value, decimals = value.split(decimal_separator, 1)
        if settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR:
            thousand_sep = get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR')
            if thousand_sep == '.' and value.count('.') == 1 and len(value.split('.')[-1]) != 3:
                # Special case where we suspect a dot meant decimal separator (see #22171)
                for replacement in {
                        thousand_sep, unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', thousand_sep)}:
                    value = value.replace(replacement, '')
        value = '.'.join(reversed(parts))
    return value
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitize_separators(value):
    Sanitizes a value according to the current decimal and
    thousand separator setting. Used with form field input.
    if settings.USE_L10N and isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        parts = []
        decimal_separator = get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR')
        if decimal_separator in value:
            value, decimals = value.split(decimal_separator, 1)
        if settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR:
            thousand_sep = get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR')
            if thousand_sep == '.' and value.count('.') == 1 and len(value.split('.')[-1]) != 3:
                # Special case where we suspect a dot meant decimal separator (see #22171)
                for replacement in {
                        thousand_sep, unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', thousand_sep)}:
                    value = value.replace(replacement, '')
        value = '.'.join(reversed(parts))
    return value
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitize_separators(value):
    Sanitizes a value according to the current decimal and
    thousand separator setting. Used with form field input.
    if settings.USE_L10N and isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        parts = []
        decimal_separator = get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR')
        if decimal_separator in value:
            value, decimals = value.split(decimal_separator, 1)
        if settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR:
            thousand_sep = get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR')
            if thousand_sep == '.' and value.count('.') == 1 and len(value.split('.')[-1]) != 3:
                # Special case where we suspect a dot meant decimal separator (see #22171)
                for replacement in {
                        thousand_sep, unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', thousand_sep)}:
                    value = value.replace(replacement, '')
        value = '.'.join(reversed(parts))
    return value
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitize_separators(value):
    Sanitizes a value according to the current decimal and
    thousand separator setting. Used with form field input.
    if settings.USE_L10N and isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        parts = []
        decimal_separator = get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR')
        if decimal_separator in value:
            value, decimals = value.split(decimal_separator, 1)
        if settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR:
            thousand_sep = get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR')
            if thousand_sep == '.' and value.count('.') == 1 and len(value.split('.')[-1]) != 3:
                # Special case where we suspect a dot meant decimal separator (see #22171)
                for replacement in {
                        thousand_sep, unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', thousand_sep)}:
                    value = value.replace(replacement, '')
        value = '.'.join(reversed(parts))
    return value
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitize_separators(value):
    Sanitizes a value according to the current decimal and
    thousand separator setting. Used with form field input.
    if settings.USE_L10N and isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        parts = []
        decimal_separator = get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR')
        if decimal_separator in value:
            value, decimals = value.split(decimal_separator, 1)
        if settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR:
            thousand_sep = get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR')
            if thousand_sep == '.' and value.count('.') == 1 and len(value.split('.')[-1]) != 3:
                # Special case where we suspect a dot meant decimal separator (see #22171)
                for replacement in {
                        thousand_sep, unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', thousand_sep)}:
                    value = value.replace(replacement, '')
        value = '.'.join(reversed(parts))
    return value
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitize_separators(value):
    Sanitizes a value according to the current decimal and
    thousand separator setting. Used with form field input.
    if settings.USE_L10N and isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        parts = []
        decimal_separator = get_format('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR')
        if decimal_separator in value:
            value, decimals = value.split(decimal_separator, 1)
        if settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR:
            thousand_sep = get_format('THOUSAND_SEPARATOR')
            if thousand_sep == '.' and value.count('.') == 1 and len(value.split('.')[-1]) != 3:
                # Special case where we suspect a dot meant decimal separator (see #22171)
                for replacement in {
                        thousand_sep, unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', thousand_sep)}:
                    value = value.replace(replacement, '')
        value = '.'.join(reversed(parts))
    return value
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(number, decimal_sep, decimal_pos=None, grouping=0, thousand_sep='',
    Gets a number (as a number or string), and returns it as a string,
    using formats defined as arguments:

    * decimal_sep: Decimal separator symbol (for example ".")
    * decimal_pos: Number of decimal positions
    * grouping: Number of digits in every group limited by thousand separator
    * thousand_sep: Thousand separator symbol (for example ",")
    use_grouping = settings.USE_L10N and settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR
    use_grouping = use_grouping or force_grouping
    use_grouping = use_grouping and grouping > 0
    # Make the common case fast
    if isinstance(number, int) and not use_grouping and not decimal_pos:
        return mark_safe(six.text_type(number))
    # sign
    sign = ''
    if isinstance(number, Decimal):
        str_number = '{:f}'.format(number)
        str_number = six.text_type(number)
    if str_number[0] == '-':
        sign = '-'
        str_number = str_number[1:]
    # decimal part
    if '.' in str_number:
        int_part, dec_part = str_number.split('.')
        if decimal_pos is not None:
            dec_part = dec_part[:decimal_pos]
        int_part, dec_part = str_number, ''
    if decimal_pos is not None:
        dec_part = dec_part + ('0' * (decimal_pos - len(dec_part)))
    if dec_part:
        dec_part = decimal_sep + dec_part
    # grouping
    if use_grouping:
        int_part_gd = ''
        for cnt, digit in enumerate(int_part[::-1]):
            if cnt and not cnt % grouping:
                int_part_gd += thousand_sep[::-1]
            int_part_gd += digit
        int_part = int_part_gd[::-1]
    return sign + int_part + dec_part
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(number, decimal_sep, decimal_pos=None, grouping=0, thousand_sep='',
    Gets a number (as a number or string), and returns it as a string,
    using formats defined as arguments:

    * decimal_sep: Decimal separator symbol (for example ".")
    * decimal_pos: Number of decimal positions
    * grouping: Number of digits in every group limited by thousand separator.
        For non-uniform digit grouping, it can be a sequence with the number
        of digit group sizes following the format used by the Python locale
        module in locale.localeconv() LC_NUMERIC grouping (e.g. (3, 2, 0)).
    * thousand_sep: Thousand separator symbol (for example ",")
    use_grouping = settings.USE_L10N and settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR
    use_grouping = use_grouping or force_grouping
    use_grouping = use_grouping and grouping != 0
    # Make the common case fast
    if isinstance(number, int) and not use_grouping and not decimal_pos:
        return mark_safe(six.text_type(number))
    # sign
    sign = ''
    if isinstance(number, Decimal):
        str_number = '{:f}'.format(number)
        str_number = six.text_type(number)
    if str_number[0] == '-':
        sign = '-'
        str_number = str_number[1:]
    # decimal part
    if '.' in str_number:
        int_part, dec_part = str_number.split('.')
        if decimal_pos is not None:
            dec_part = dec_part[:decimal_pos]
        int_part, dec_part = str_number, ''
    if decimal_pos is not None:
        dec_part = dec_part + ('0' * (decimal_pos - len(dec_part)))
    if dec_part:
        dec_part = decimal_sep + dec_part
    # grouping
    if use_grouping:
            # if grouping is a sequence
            intervals = list(grouping)
        except TypeError:
            # grouping is a single value
            intervals = [grouping, 0]
        active_interval = intervals.pop(0)
        int_part_gd = ''
        cnt = 0
        for digit in int_part[::-1]:
            if cnt and cnt == active_interval:
                if intervals:
                    active_interval = intervals.pop(0) or active_interval
                int_part_gd += thousand_sep[::-1]
                cnt = 0
            int_part_gd += digit
            cnt += 1
        int_part = int_part_gd[::-1]
    return sign + int_part + dec_part
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(number, decimal_sep, decimal_pos=None, grouping=0, thousand_sep='',
    Gets a number (as a number or string), and returns it as a string,
    using formats defined as arguments:

    * decimal_sep: Decimal separator symbol (for example ".")
    * decimal_pos: Number of decimal positions
    * grouping: Number of digits in every group limited by thousand separator.
        For non-uniform digit grouping, it can be a sequence with the number
        of digit group sizes following the format used by the Python locale
        module in locale.localeconv() LC_NUMERIC grouping (e.g. (3, 2, 0)).
    * thousand_sep: Thousand separator symbol (for example ",")
    use_grouping = settings.USE_L10N and settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR
    use_grouping = use_grouping or force_grouping
    use_grouping = use_grouping and grouping != 0
    # Make the common case fast
    if isinstance(number, int) and not use_grouping and not decimal_pos:
        return mark_safe(six.text_type(number))
    # sign
    sign = ''
    if isinstance(number, Decimal):
        str_number = '{:f}'.format(number)
        str_number = six.text_type(number)
    if str_number[0] == '-':
        sign = '-'
        str_number = str_number[1:]
    # decimal part
    if '.' in str_number:
        int_part, dec_part = str_number.split('.')
        if decimal_pos is not None:
            dec_part = dec_part[:decimal_pos]
        int_part, dec_part = str_number, ''
    if decimal_pos is not None:
        dec_part = dec_part + ('0' * (decimal_pos - len(dec_part)))
    if dec_part:
        dec_part = decimal_sep + dec_part
    # grouping
    if use_grouping:
            # if grouping is a sequence
            intervals = list(grouping)
        except TypeError:
            # grouping is a single value
            intervals = [grouping, 0]
        active_interval = intervals.pop(0)
        int_part_gd = ''
        cnt = 0
        for digit in int_part[::-1]:
            if cnt and cnt == active_interval:
                if intervals:
                    active_interval = intervals.pop(0) or active_interval
                int_part_gd += thousand_sep[::-1]
                cnt = 0
            int_part_gd += digit
            cnt += 1
        int_part = int_part_gd[::-1]
    return sign + int_part + dec_part
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(number, decimal_sep, decimal_pos=None, grouping=0, thousand_sep='',
    Gets a number (as a number or string), and returns it as a string,
    using formats defined as arguments:

    * decimal_sep: Decimal separator symbol (for example ".")
    * decimal_pos: Number of decimal positions
    * grouping: Number of digits in every group limited by thousand separator
    * thousand_sep: Thousand separator symbol (for example ",")
    use_grouping = settings.USE_L10N and settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR
    use_grouping = use_grouping or force_grouping
    use_grouping = use_grouping and grouping > 0
    # Make the common case fast
    if isinstance(number, int) and not use_grouping and not decimal_pos:
        return mark_safe(six.text_type(number))
    # sign
    sign = ''
    if isinstance(number, Decimal):
        str_number = '{:f}'.format(number)
        str_number = six.text_type(number)
    if str_number[0] == '-':
        sign = '-'
        str_number = str_number[1:]
    # decimal part
    if '.' in str_number:
        int_part, dec_part = str_number.split('.')
        if decimal_pos is not None:
            dec_part = dec_part[:decimal_pos]
        int_part, dec_part = str_number, ''
    if decimal_pos is not None:
        dec_part = dec_part + ('0' * (decimal_pos - len(dec_part)))
    if dec_part:
        dec_part = decimal_sep + dec_part
    # grouping
    if use_grouping:
        int_part_gd = ''
        for cnt, digit in enumerate(int_part[::-1]):
            if cnt and not cnt % grouping:
                int_part_gd += thousand_sep[::-1]
            int_part_gd += digit
        int_part = int_part_gd[::-1]
    return sign + int_part + dec_part
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(number, decimal_sep, decimal_pos=None, grouping=0, thousand_sep='',
    Gets a number (as a number or string), and returns it as a string,
    using formats defined as arguments:

    * decimal_sep: Decimal separator symbol (for example ".")
    * decimal_pos: Number of decimal positions
    * grouping: Number of digits in every group limited by thousand separator
    * thousand_sep: Thousand separator symbol (for example ",")
    use_grouping = settings.USE_L10N and settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR
    use_grouping = use_grouping or force_grouping
    use_grouping = use_grouping and grouping > 0
    # Make the common case fast
    if isinstance(number, int) and not use_grouping and not decimal_pos:
        return mark_safe(six.text_type(number))
    # sign
    sign = ''
    if isinstance(number, Decimal):
        str_number = '{:f}'.format(number)
        str_number = six.text_type(number)
    if str_number[0] == '-':
        sign = '-'
        str_number = str_number[1:]
    # decimal part
    if '.' in str_number:
        int_part, dec_part = str_number.split('.')
        if decimal_pos is not None:
            dec_part = dec_part[:decimal_pos]
        int_part, dec_part = str_number, ''
    if decimal_pos is not None:
        dec_part = dec_part + ('0' * (decimal_pos - len(dec_part)))
    if dec_part:
        dec_part = decimal_sep + dec_part
    # grouping
    if use_grouping:
        int_part_gd = ''
        for cnt, digit in enumerate(int_part[::-1]):
            if cnt and not cnt % grouping:
                int_part_gd += thousand_sep[::-1]
            int_part_gd += digit
        int_part = int_part_gd[::-1]
    return sign + int_part + dec_part
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(number, decimal_sep, decimal_pos=None, grouping=0, thousand_sep='',
    Gets a number (as a number or string), and returns it as a string,
    using formats defined as arguments:

    * decimal_sep: Decimal separator symbol (for example ".")
    * decimal_pos: Number of decimal positions
    * grouping: Number of digits in every group limited by thousand separator
    * thousand_sep: Thousand separator symbol (for example ",")
    use_grouping = settings.USE_L10N and settings.USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR
    use_grouping = use_grouping or force_grouping
    use_grouping = use_grouping and grouping > 0
    # Make the common case fast
    if isinstance(number, int) and not use_grouping and not decimal_pos:
        return mark_safe(six.text_type(number))
    # sign
    sign = ''
    if isinstance(number, Decimal):
        str_number = '{:f}'.format(number)
        str_number = six.text_type(number)
    if str_number[0] == '-':
        sign = '-'
        str_number = str_number[1:]
    # decimal part
    if '.' in str_number:
        int_part, dec_part = str_number.split('.')
        if decimal_pos is not None:
            dec_part = dec_part[:decimal_pos]
        int_part, dec_part = str_number, ''
    if decimal_pos is not None:
        dec_part = dec_part + ('0' * (decimal_pos - len(dec_part)))
    if dec_part:
        dec_part = decimal_sep + dec_part
    # grouping
    if use_grouping:
        int_part_gd = ''
        for cnt, digit in enumerate(int_part[::-1]):
            if cnt and not cnt % grouping:
                int_part_gd += thousand_sep[::-1]
            int_part_gd += digit
        int_part = int_part_gd[::-1]
    return sign + int_part + dec_part