Python django.conf.settings 模块,items() 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanse_setting(key, value):
    """Cleanse an individual setting key/value of sensitive content.

    If the value is a dictionary, recursively cleanse the keys in
    that dictionary.
            cleansed = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                cleansed = {k: cleanse_setting(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
                cleansed = value
    except TypeError:
        # If the key isn't regex-able, just return as-is.
        cleansed = value

    if callable(cleansed):
        # For fixing #21345 and #23070
        cleansed = CallableSettingWrapper(cleansed)

    return cleansed
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_post_parameters(self, request):
        Replaces the values of POST parameters marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        if request is None:
            return {}
            sensitive_post_parameters = getattr(request, 'sensitive_post_parameters', [])
            if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_post_parameters:
                cleansed = request.POST.copy()
                if sensitive_post_parameters == '__ALL__':
                    # Cleanse all parameters.
                    for k, v in cleansed.items():
                        cleansed[k] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                    # Cleanse only the specified parameters.
                    for param in sensitive_post_parameters:
                        if param in cleansed:
                            cleansed[param] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                return request.POST
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanse_setting(key, value):
    """Cleanse an individual setting key/value of sensitive content.

    If the value is a dictionary, recursively cleanse the keys in
    that dictionary.
            cleansed = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                cleansed = {k: cleanse_setting(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
                cleansed = value
    except TypeError:
        # If the key isn't regex-able, just return as-is.
        cleansed = value

    if callable(cleansed):
        # For fixing #21345 and #23070
        cleansed = CallableSettingWrapper(cleansed)

    return cleansed
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_post_parameters(self, request):
        Replaces the values of POST parameters marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        if request is None:
            return {}
            sensitive_post_parameters = getattr(request, 'sensitive_post_parameters', [])
            if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_post_parameters:
                cleansed = request.POST.copy()
                if sensitive_post_parameters == '__ALL__':
                    # Cleanse all parameters.
                    for k, v in cleansed.items():
                        cleansed[k] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                    # Cleanse only the specified parameters.
                    for param in sensitive_post_parameters:
                        if param in cleansed:
                            cleansed[param] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                return request.POST
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanse_setting(key, value):
    """Cleanse an individual setting key/value of sensitive content.

    If the value is a dictionary, recursively cleanse the keys in
    that dictionary.
            cleansed = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                cleansed = {k: cleanse_setting(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
                cleansed = value
    except TypeError:
        # If the key isn't regex-able, just return as-is.
        cleansed = value

    if callable(cleansed):
        # For fixing #21345 and #23070
        cleansed = CallableSettingWrapper(cleansed)

    return cleansed
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_post_parameters(self, request):
        Replaces the values of POST parameters marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        if request is None:
            return {}
            sensitive_post_parameters = getattr(request, 'sensitive_post_parameters', [])
            if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_post_parameters:
                cleansed = request.POST.copy()
                if sensitive_post_parameters == '__ALL__':
                    # Cleanse all parameters.
                    for k, v in cleansed.items():
                        cleansed[k] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                    # Cleanse only the specified parameters.
                    for param in sensitive_post_parameters:
                        if param in cleansed:
                            cleansed[param] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                return request.POST
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanse_setting(key, value):
    """Cleanse an individual setting key/value of sensitive content.

    If the value is a dictionary, recursively cleanse the keys in
    that dictionary.
            cleansed = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                cleansed = {k: cleanse_setting(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
                cleansed = value
    except TypeError:
        # If the key isn't regex-able, just return as-is.
        cleansed = value

    if callable(cleansed):
        # For fixing #21345 and #23070
        cleansed = CallableSettingWrapper(cleansed)

    return cleansed
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_post_parameters(self, request):
        Replaces the values of POST parameters marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        if request is None:
            return {}
            sensitive_post_parameters = getattr(request, 'sensitive_post_parameters', [])
            if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_post_parameters:
                cleansed = request.POST.copy()
                if sensitive_post_parameters == '__ALL__':
                    # Cleanse all parameters.
                    for k, v in cleansed.items():
                        cleansed[k] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                    # Cleanse only the specified parameters.
                    for param in sensitive_post_parameters:
                        if param in cleansed:
                            cleansed[param] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                return request.POST
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanse_setting(key, value):
    """Cleanse an individual setting key/value of sensitive content.

    If the value is a dictionary, recursively cleanse the keys in
    that dictionary.
            cleansed = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                cleansed = {k: cleanse_setting(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
                cleansed = value
    except TypeError:
        # If the key isn't regex-able, just return as-is.
        cleansed = value

    if callable(cleansed):
        # For fixing #21345 and #23070
        cleansed = CallableSettingWrapper(cleansed)

    return cleansed
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_post_parameters(self, request):
        Replaces the values of POST parameters marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        if request is None:
            return {}
            sensitive_post_parameters = getattr(request, 'sensitive_post_parameters', [])
            if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_post_parameters:
                cleansed = request.POST.copy()
                if sensitive_post_parameters == '__ALL__':
                    # Cleanse all parameters.
                    for k, v in cleansed.items():
                        cleansed[k] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                    # Cleanse only the specified parameters.
                    for param in sensitive_post_parameters:
                        if param in cleansed:
                            cleansed[param] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                    return cleansed
                return request.POST
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        return list(tb_frame.f_locals.items())
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        return list(tb_frame.f_locals.items())
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        return list(tb_frame.f_locals.items())
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        return list(tb_frame.f_locals.items())
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        Replaces the values of variables marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        # Loop through the frame's callers to see if the sensitive_variables
        # decorator was used.
        current_frame = tb_frame.f_back
        sensitive_variables = None
        while current_frame is not None:
            if (current_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                    and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in current_frame.f_locals):
                # The sensitive_variables decorator was used, so we take note
                # of the sensitive variables' names.
                wrapper = current_frame.f_locals['sensitive_variables_wrapper']
                sensitive_variables = getattr(wrapper, 'sensitive_variables', None)
            current_frame = current_frame.f_back

        cleansed = {}
        if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_variables:
            if sensitive_variables == '__ALL__':
                # Cleanse all variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    cleansed[name] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                # Cleanse specified variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    if name in sensitive_variables:
                        value = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                        value = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)
                    cleansed[name] = value
            # Potentially cleanse the request and any MultiValueDicts if they
            # are one of the frame variables.
            for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                cleansed[name] = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)

        if (tb_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in tb_frame.f_locals):
            # For good measure, obfuscate the decorated function's arguments in
            # the sensitive_variables decorator's frame, in case the variables
            # associated with those arguments were meant to be obfuscated from
            # the decorated function's frame.
            cleansed['func_args'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            cleansed['func_kwargs'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE

        return cleansed.items()
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        Replaces the values of variables marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        # Loop through the frame's callers to see if the sensitive_variables
        # decorator was used.
        current_frame = tb_frame.f_back
        sensitive_variables = None
        while current_frame is not None:
            if (current_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' and
                    'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in current_frame.f_locals):
                # The sensitive_variables decorator was used, so we take note
                # of the sensitive variables' names.
                wrapper = current_frame.f_locals['sensitive_variables_wrapper']
                sensitive_variables = getattr(wrapper, 'sensitive_variables', None)
            current_frame = current_frame.f_back

        cleansed = {}
        if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_variables:
            if sensitive_variables == '__ALL__':
                # Cleanse all variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    cleansed[name] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                # Cleanse specified variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    if name in sensitive_variables:
                        value = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                        value = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)
                    cleansed[name] = value
            # Potentially cleanse the request and any MultiValueDicts if they
            # are one of the frame variables.
            for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                cleansed[name] = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)

        if (tb_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' and
                'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in tb_frame.f_locals):
            # For good measure, obfuscate the decorated function's arguments in
            # the sensitive_variables decorator's frame, in case the variables
            # associated with those arguments were meant to be obfuscated from
            # the decorated function's frame.
            cleansed['func_args'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            cleansed['func_kwargs'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE

        return cleansed.items()
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_data(self):
        """Return a dictionary containing traceback information."""
        if self.exc_type and issubclass(self.exc_type, TemplateDoesNotExist):
            self.template_does_not_exist = True
            self.postmortem = self.exc_value.chain or [self.exc_value]

        frames = self.get_traceback_frames()
        for i, frame in enumerate(frames):
            if 'vars' in frame:
                frame_vars = []
                for k, v in frame['vars']:
                    v = pprint(v)
                    # The force_escape filter assume unicode, make sure that works
                    if isinstance(v, six.binary_type):
                        v = v.decode('utf-8', 'replace')  # don't choke on non-utf-8 input
                    # Trim large blobs of data
                    if len(v) > 4096:
                        v = '%s... <trimmed %d bytes string>' % (v[0:4096], len(v))
                    frame_vars.append((k, force_escape(v)))
                frame['vars'] = frame_vars
            frames[i] = frame

        unicode_hint = ''
        if self.exc_type and issubclass(self.exc_type, UnicodeError):
            start = getattr(self.exc_value, 'start', None)
            end = getattr(self.exc_value, 'end', None)
            if start is not None and end is not None:
                unicode_str = self.exc_value.args[1]
                unicode_hint = force_text(
                    unicode_str[max(start - 5, 0):min(end + 5, len(unicode_str))],
                    'ascii', errors='replace'
        from django import get_version
        c = {
            'is_email': self.is_email,
            'unicode_hint': unicode_hint,
            'frames': frames,
            'request': self.request,
            'filtered_POST_items': self.filter.get_post_parameters(self.request).items(),
            'settings': get_safe_settings(),
            'sys_executable': sys.executable,
            'sys_version_info': '%d.%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:3],
            'django_version_info': get_version(),
            'sys_path': sys.path,
            'template_info': self.template_info,
            'template_does_not_exist': self.template_does_not_exist,
            'postmortem': self.postmortem,
        if self.request is not None:
            c['request_GET_items'] = self.request.GET.items()
            c['request_FILES_items'] = self.request.FILES.items()
            c['request_COOKIES_items'] = self.request.COOKIES.items()
        # Check whether exception info is available
        if self.exc_type:
            c['exception_type'] = self.exc_type.__name__
        if self.exc_value:
            c['exception_value'] = force_text(self.exc_value, errors='replace')
        if frames:
            c['lastframe'] = frames[-1]
        return c
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        Replaces the values of variables marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        # Loop through the frame's callers to see if the sensitive_variables
        # decorator was used.
        current_frame = tb_frame.f_back
        sensitive_variables = None
        while current_frame is not None:
            if (current_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                    and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in current_frame.f_locals):
                # The sensitive_variables decorator was used, so we take note
                # of the sensitive variables' names.
                wrapper = current_frame.f_locals['sensitive_variables_wrapper']
                sensitive_variables = getattr(wrapper, 'sensitive_variables', None)
            current_frame = current_frame.f_back

        cleansed = {}
        if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_variables:
            if sensitive_variables == '__ALL__':
                # Cleanse all variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    cleansed[name] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                # Cleanse specified variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    if name in sensitive_variables:
                        value = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                        value = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)
                    cleansed[name] = value
            # Potentially cleanse the request and any MultiValueDicts if they
            # are one of the frame variables.
            for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                cleansed[name] = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)

        if (tb_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in tb_frame.f_locals):
            # For good measure, obfuscate the decorated function's arguments in
            # the sensitive_variables decorator's frame, in case the variables
            # associated with those arguments were meant to be obfuscated from
            # the decorated function's frame.
            cleansed['func_args'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            cleansed['func_kwargs'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE

        return cleansed.items()
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        Replaces the values of variables marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        # Loop through the frame's callers to see if the sensitive_variables
        # decorator was used.
        current_frame = tb_frame.f_back
        sensitive_variables = None
        while current_frame is not None:
            if (current_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                    and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in current_frame.f_locals):
                # The sensitive_variables decorator was used, so we take note
                # of the sensitive variables' names.
                wrapper = current_frame.f_locals['sensitive_variables_wrapper']
                sensitive_variables = getattr(wrapper, 'sensitive_variables', None)
            current_frame = current_frame.f_back

        cleansed = {}
        if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_variables:
            if sensitive_variables == '__ALL__':
                # Cleanse all variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    cleansed[name] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                # Cleanse specified variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    if name in sensitive_variables:
                        value = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                        value = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)
                    cleansed[name] = value
            # Potentially cleanse the request and any MultiValueDicts if they
            # are one of the frame variables.
            for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                cleansed[name] = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)

        if (tb_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in tb_frame.f_locals):
            # For good measure, obfuscate the decorated function's arguments in
            # the sensitive_variables decorator's frame, in case the variables
            # associated with those arguments were meant to be obfuscated from
            # the decorated function's frame.
            cleansed['func_args'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            cleansed['func_kwargs'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE

        return cleansed.items()
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_traceback_frame_variables(self, request, tb_frame):
        Replaces the values of variables marked as sensitive with
        stars (*********).
        # Loop through the frame's callers to see if the sensitive_variables
        # decorator was used.
        current_frame = tb_frame.f_back
        sensitive_variables = None
        while current_frame is not None:
            if (current_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                    and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in current_frame.f_locals):
                # The sensitive_variables decorator was used, so we take note
                # of the sensitive variables' names.
                wrapper = current_frame.f_locals['sensitive_variables_wrapper']
                sensitive_variables = getattr(wrapper, 'sensitive_variables', None)
            current_frame = current_frame.f_back

        cleansed = {}
        if self.is_active(request) and sensitive_variables:
            if sensitive_variables == '__ALL__':
                # Cleanse all variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    cleansed[name] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                # Cleanse specified variables
                for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                    if name in sensitive_variables:
                        value = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
                        value = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)
                    cleansed[name] = value
            # Potentially cleanse the request and any MultiValueDicts if they
            # are one of the frame variables.
            for name, value in tb_frame.f_locals.items():
                cleansed[name] = self.cleanse_special_types(request, value)

        if (tb_frame.f_code.co_name == 'sensitive_variables_wrapper'
                and 'sensitive_variables_wrapper' in tb_frame.f_locals):
            # For good measure, obfuscate the decorated function's arguments in
            # the sensitive_variables decorator's frame, in case the variables
            # associated with those arguments were meant to be obfuscated from
            # the decorated function's frame.
            cleansed['func_args'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE
            cleansed['func_kwargs'] = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE

        return cleansed.items()