def run_search(query, fields, sort=None, highlight=None): query_body = { 'query': query, 'fields': fields, } if sort: query_body['sort'] = sort if highlight: query_body['highlight'] = highlight return es.search( index=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX, doc_type=DOCUMENT_TYPE, body=query_body, )
def validate_status(value): """Test if an onion domain is not banned.""" res = get_elasticsearch_object().count( index=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX, doc_type=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX, body={ "query": { "constant_score" : { "filter" : { "bool": { "must": [ {"term": {"domain": value}}, {"term": {"banned": 1}} ] } } } } } ) if res['count'] > 0: raise ValidationError( _("This onion is banned and cannot be added to this index.") )
def index_data(document): """Indexes an instance of the Document model in Elasticsearch.""" sha1 = document.file.sha1 es.index( index=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX, doc_type=DOCUMENT_TYPE, id=sha1, body=document.parsed, )
def handle(self, **options): es.indices.delete(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX, ignore=[400, 404]) es.indices.create(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX, { "mappings": MAPPINGS, "settings": SETTINGS, })
def get_temp_alias(): """ Get name for alias to a the temporary index """ return "{}_temp".format(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX)
def get_default_alias(): """ Get name for the alias to the default index """ return "{}_alias".format(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX)
def setUp(self): """ Start without any index """ super().setUp() conn = get_conn(verify=False) for index in conn.indices.get_aliases().keys(): if index.startswith(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX): conn.indices.delete(index) # Clear globals from search import indexing_api indexing_api._CONN = None # pylint: disable=protected-access indexing_api._CONN_VERIFIED = False # pylint: disable=protected-access
def test_no_mapping(self): """ Test that error is raised if we don't have a mapping """ conn = get_conn(verify=False) backing_index = "{}_backing".format(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) conn.indices.create(backing_index) conn.indices.put_alias(name=get_default_alias(), index=backing_index) with self.assertRaises(ReindexException) as ex: get_conn() assert str(ex.exception) == "Mapping {} not found".format(USER_DOC_TYPE)
def setUp(self): """ Start without any index """ super().setUp() conn = get_conn(verify=False) for index in conn.indices.get_aliases().keys(): if index.startswith(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX): conn.indices.delete(index)
def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.es = search.init_es() connections.add_connection('default', self.es) self.s = Search(index=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) search.Image.init() self.es.cluster.health(wait_for_status='yellow', request_timeout=2000) self.img1 = models.Image(title='greyhounds are fast', creator="Rashid", url='http://example.com/1', license='CC0', provider="flickr", source="openimages", tags_list=['greyhound', 'dog', 'object']) self.img2 = models.Image(title='pumpkins are orange', creator='???', url='http://example.com/2', license='CC-BY', provider="rijksmuseum", source="rijksmuseum", tags_list=['gourds', 'fruit', 'object']) self.img1.save() self.img2.save() self.url = reverse('index') self.removed = models.Image.objects.create(title='removed', url=FOREIGN_URL + TEST_IMAGE_REMOVED, license="cc0")
def tearDown(self): index = Index(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) index.delete(ignore=404)
def _index_img(self, img): """Index a single img and ensure that it's been propagated to the search engine""" image = search.db_image_to_index(img) image.save() index = Index(name=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) index.flush(force=True) index.refresh()
def index_all_images(self, chunk_size=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, num_iterations=DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATIONS, num_threads=DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS): """Index every record in the database with a server-side cursor""" index = Index(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) if not index.exists(): log.info("Creating new index %s", settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) search.Image.init() mapping = search.Image._doc_type.mapping mapping.save(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) log.info("Done creating new index") with Pool(num_threads) as pool: starts = [i * chunk_size for i in range(0, num_iterations)] pool.starmap(do_index, zip(starts, itertools.repeat(chunk_size, len(starts))))
def insert_image(walk_func, serialize_func, chunk_size, max_results=5000, **kwargs): count = 0 success_count = 0 es = search.init() search.Image.init() mapping = search.Image._doc_type.mapping mapping.save(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) for chunk in grouper_it(chunk_size, walk_func(**kwargs)): if max_results is not None and count >= max_results: break else: images = [] for result in chunk: image = serialize_func(result) if image: images.append(image) if len(images) > 0: try: # Bulk update the search engine too if not settings.DEBUG: es.cluster.health(wait_for_status='green', request_timeout=2000) search_objs = [search.db_image_to_index(img).to_dict(include_meta=True) for img in images] elasticsearch.helpers.bulk(es, search_objs) models.Image.objects.bulk_create(images) log.debug("*** Committed set of %d images", len(images)) success_count += len(images) except (requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout, elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError, elasticsearch.helpers.BulkIndexError, IntegrityError) as e: log.warn("Got one or more integrity errors on batch: %s", e) finally: count += len(images) return success_count
def handle(self, *args, **options): if options['verbose']: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) es = search.init_es(timeout=2000) oldindex = Index(options['oldindex']) client = elasticsearch.client.IndicesClient(es) # Create the new index newindex = Index(options['newindex']) newindex.doc_type(search.Image) try: newindex.create() except elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError as e: if options['force']: log.warn("Trying to delete previously-created new index %s", options['newindex']) newindex.delete() newindex.create() else: raise e log.info("Done creating new index %s", options['newindex']) log.info("Copying data on %s to %s", options['oldindex'], options['newindex']) # Would love to use ES native reindex() but AWS's service doesn't support it :( elasticsearch.helpers.reindex(es, options['oldindex'], options['newindex']) # Wait for it to be happy if not settings.DEBUG: es.cluster.health(wait_for_status='green', request_timeout=2000) # Is the value of 'oldindex' an alias or a real index? if client.exists_alias(name=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX): log.info("Confirmed that value of %s is an alias and not a real index" % options['oldindex']) alias_move = """{ "actions" : [ { "remove" : { "index" : "%s", "alias" : "%s" } }, { "add" : { "index" : "%s", "alias" : "%s" } } ] }""" % (options['oldindex'], settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX, options['newindex'], settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) client.update_aliases(alias_move) elif client.exists(options['oldindex']): log.info("%s is a real index and not an alias, fixing" % options['oldindex']) # Delete the old index log.info("Deleting %s -- this will cause some downtime", options['oldindex']) oldindex.delete() client.put_alias(options['newindex'], settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX) # Confirm number of documents in current settings s = Search() response = s.execute() log.info("%d results available in %s" % (response.hits.total, settings.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX))