Python django.contrib.admin.options 模块,IS_POPUP_VAR 实例源码


项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST = request.POST.copy()
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST = request.POST.copy()
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST = request.POST.copy()
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:tissuelab    作者:VirtualPlants    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _is_changelist_popup(request):
    Returns True if the popup GET parameter is set.

    This function is introduced to facilitate deprecating the legacy
    value for IS_POPUP_VAR and should be removed at the end of the
    deprecation cycle.

    if IS_POPUP_VAR in request.GET:
        return True

    if IS_LEGACY_POPUP_VAR in request.GET:
        "The `%s` GET parameter has been renamed to `%s`." %
        PendingDeprecationWarning, 2)
        return True

    return False
项目:django-rtc    作者:scifiswapnil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST = request.POST.copy()
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:LatinSounds_AppEnviaMail    作者:G3ek-aR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST = request.POST.copy()
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:ecs_sclm    作者:meaningful    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def popup_status(request):
    return (IS_POPUP_VAR in request.GET or 'pop' in request.GET or
            IS_POPUP_VAR in request.POST or 'pop' in request.POST)
项目:ecs_sclm    作者:meaningful    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def admin_url_params(request, params=None):
    given a request, looks at GET and POST values to determine which params
    should be added. Is used to keep the context of popup and picker mode.
    params = params or {}
    if popup_status(request):
        params[IS_POPUP_VAR] = '1'
    pick_type = popup_pick_type(request)
    if pick_type:
        params['_pick'] = pick_type
    return params
项目:ecs_sclm    作者:meaningful    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __missing__(self, key):
        Always allow accessing the keys 'popup', 'pick', 'pick_file' and
        'pick_folder' as keys.
        if key == 'popup':
            return self.get(IS_POPUP_VAR, False) == '1'
        elif key == 'pick':
            return self.get('_pick', '')
        elif key.startswith('pick_'):
            return self.get('_pick', '') == key.split('pick_')[1]
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:djangocms-reversion2    作者:Blueshoe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        resp = super(PageVersionAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj, post_url_continue=post_url_continue)
        if IS_POPUP_VAR in request.POST:
            return self.render_close_frame()
        return resp
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:django-open-lecture    作者:DmLitov4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:django-open-lecture    作者:DmLitov4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:auction-backend    作者:luissalgadofreire    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:travlr    作者:gauravkulkarni96    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:travlr    作者:gauravkulkarni96    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:gougo    作者:amaozhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def popup_status(request):
    return (IS_POPUP_VAR in request.GET or 'pop' in request.GET or
            IS_POPUP_VAR in request.POST or 'pop' in request.POST)
项目:gougo    作者:amaozhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def admin_url_params(request, params=None):
    given a request, looks at GET and POST values to determine which params
    should be added. Is used to keep the context of popup and picker mode.
    params = params or {}
    if popup_status(request):
        params[IS_POPUP_VAR] = '1'
    pick_type = popup_pick_type(request)
    if pick_type:
        params['_pick'] = pick_type
    return params
项目:gougo    作者:amaozhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __missing__(self, key):
        Always allow accessing the keys 'popup', 'pick', 'pick_file' and
        'pick_folder' as keys.
        if key == 'popup':
            return self.get(IS_POPUP_VAR, False) == '1'
        elif key == 'pick':
            return self.get('_pick', '')
        elif key.startswith('pick_'):
            return self.get('_pick', '') == key.split('pick_')[1]
项目:logo-gen    作者:jellene4eva    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:logo-gen    作者:jellene4eva    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:gmail_scanner    作者:brandonhub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:gmail_scanner    作者:brandonhub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:omni-forms    作者:omni-digital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        Gets context data required for the admin view

        :param kwargs: Default keyword args
        :type kwargs: {}

        :return: Dict of data for the admin template
        context_data = super(AdminView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        opts = self.admin_site.model._meta
            'add': False,
            'change': False,
            'has_add_permission': self.admin_site.has_add_permission(self.request),
            'has_change_permission': self.admin_site.has_change_permission(self.request),
            'has_delete_permission': self.admin_site.has_delete_permission(self.request),
            'has_absolute_url': False,
            'absolute_url': None,
            'opts': opts,
            'content_type_id': get_content_type_for_model(self.admin_site.model).pk,
            'save_as': self.admin_site.save_as,
            'save_on_top': self.admin_site.save_on_top,
            'to_field_var': TO_FIELD_VAR,
            'is_popup_var': IS_POPUP_VAR,
            'is_popup': False,
            'app_label': opts.app_label,
        return context_data
项目:CSCE482-WordcloudPlus    作者:ggaytan00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
        Determines the HttpResponse for the add_view stage. It mostly defers to
        its superclass implementation but is customized because the User model
        has a slightly different workflow.
        # We should allow further modification of the user just added i.e. the
        # 'Save' button should behave like the 'Save and continue editing'
        # button except in two scenarios:
        # * The user has pressed the 'Save and add another' button
        # * We are adding a user in a popup
        if '_addanother' not in request.POST and IS_POPUP_VAR not in request.POST:
            request.POST['_continue'] = 1
        return super(UserAdmin, self).response_add(request, obj,
项目:CSCE482-WordcloudPlus    作者:ggaytan00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_preserved_filters(context, url, popup=False, to_field=None):
    opts = context.get('opts')
    preserved_filters = context.get('preserved_filters')

    parsed_url = list(urlparse(url))
    parsed_qs = dict(parse_qsl(parsed_url[4]))
    merged_qs = dict()

    if opts and preserved_filters:
        preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters))

        match_url = '/%s' % url.partition(get_script_prefix())[2]
            match = resolve(match_url)
        except Resolver404:
            current_url = '%s:%s' % (match.app_name, match.url_name)
            changelist_url = 'admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name)
            if changelist_url == current_url and '_changelist_filters' in preserved_filters:
                preserved_filters = dict(parse_qsl(preserved_filters['_changelist_filters']))


    if popup:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import IS_POPUP_VAR
        merged_qs[IS_POPUP_VAR] = 1
    if to_field:
        from django.contrib.admin.options import TO_FIELD_VAR
        merged_qs[TO_FIELD_VAR] = to_field


    parsed_url[4] = urlencode(merged_qs)
    return urlunparse(parsed_url)
项目:tissuelab    作者:VirtualPlants    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def user_change_password(self, request, id, form_url=''):
        if not self.has_change_permission(request):
            raise PermissionDenied
        user = get_object_or_404(self.get_queryset(request), pk=id)
        if request.method == 'POST':
            form = self.change_password_form(user, request.POST)
            if form.is_valid():
                change_message = self.construct_change_message(request, form, None)
                self.log_change(request, request.user, change_message)
                msg = ugettext('Password changed successfully.')
                messages.success(request, msg)
                return HttpResponseRedirect('..')
            form = self.change_password_form(user)

        fieldsets = [(None, {'fields': list(form.base_fields)})]
        adminForm = admin.helpers.AdminForm(form, fieldsets, {})

        context = {
            'title': _('Change password: %s') % escape(user.get_username()),
            'adminForm': adminForm,
            'form_url': form_url,
            'form': form,
            'is_popup': IS_POPUP_VAR in request.REQUEST,
            'add': True,
            'change': False,
            'has_delete_permission': False,
            'has_change_permission': True,
            'has_absolute_url': False,
            'opts': self.model._meta,
            'original': user,
            'save_as': False,
            'show_save': True,
        return TemplateResponse(request,
            self.change_user_password_template or