def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """See if we have a direct match. If so redirect, if not, search. Try fetching a remote profile if the search term is a handle. """ try: q = safe_text(request.GET.get("q")) if q: q = q.strip() validate_email(q) except ValidationError: pass else: profile = None try: profile = Profile.objects.visible_for_user(request.user).get(handle=q) except Profile.DoesNotExist: # Try a remote search remote_profile = retrieve_remote_profile(q) if remote_profile: profile = Profile.from_remote_profile(remote_profile) if profile: return redirect(reverse("users:profile-detail", kwargs={"guid": profile.guid})) return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def share(self, profile): """Share this content as the profile given.""" if self.content_type != ContentType.CONTENT: # TODO: support sharing replies too raise ValidationError("Can only share top level content.") if self.author == profile: raise ValidationError("Cannot share own content") if not self.visible_for_user(profile.user): raise ValidationError("Content to be shared is not visible to sharer.") if self.shares.filter(author=profile).exists(): raise ValidationError("Profile has already shared this content.") # Use get or created as a safety to stop duplicates share, _created = Content.objects.get_or_create(author=profile, share_of=self, defaults={ "visibility": self.visibility, }) delete_memoized(Content.has_shared, self.id, profile.id) return share
def form_valid(self, form): if self.__product_pk: product_final = ProductFinal.objects.get(pk=self.__product_pk) self.request.product_final = product_final form.instance.product_final = product_final try: return super(ProductUniqueCreate, self).form_valid(form) except ValidationError as e: errors = form._errors.setdefault("value", ErrorList()) errors.append(e) return super(ProductUniqueCreate, self).form_invalid(form) except IntegrityError: errors = form._errors.setdefault("value", ErrorList()) errors.append(_("Value existing")) return super(ProductUniqueCreate, self).form_invalid(form)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): product_final = ProductFinal.objects.filter(pk=self.product_final_id).first() # se comprueba que no se repite el valor de las caracteristicas especiales de los productos finales cuando sean unicas if product_final: if product_final.product.feature_special and product_final.product.feature_special.unique: if ProductUnique.objects.filter( value=self.value, product_final__product=product_final.product ).exists(): raise ValidationError(_('Ya existe un producto final con el valor de la caracteristicas especial')) else: raise ValidationError(_("Product don't seleted")) # save and update stock of product final with transaction.atomic(): r = super(ProductUnique, self).save(*args, **kwargs) product_final.stock_real = ProductUnique.objects.filter(product_final=product_final).aggregate(stock=Sum('stock_real'))['stock'] product_final.save() return r # producto estrella (solo un registro publico)
def upload_avatar(request): """ Sets new user's avatar. """ with transaction.atomic(): profile_user = get_object_or_404(TheUser, auth_token=request.data.get('user_token')) try: profile_user.user_photo.save('user_{}.png'.format(profile_user.id), request.data.get('file')) profile_user.save() logger.info("User '{}' changed his avatar.".format(profile_user)) resize_image(profile_user.user_photo.path, AVATAR_WIDTH) logger.info("Image '{}' successfully resized!".format(profile_user.user_photo.path)) return Response({'status': 200, 'detail': 'successful', 'data': {'profile_image': profile_user.user_photo.url}}) except ValidationError: logger.info("User '{}' tried to upload not an image as avatar!".format(profile_user)) return Response({'status': 404, 'detail': 'tried to upload not an image', 'data': {}})
def change_email(request, token): try: data = signing.loads(token, max_age=TOKEN_MAX_AGE) except signing.SignatureExpired: return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_expired.html') except signing.BadSignature: return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_invalid.html') if request.user.username != data.get('username'): return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_invalid.html') email = data.get('email') try: validate_email(email) except ValidationError: return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_invalid.html') request.user.email = email request.user.save() messages.success(request, _('Your email address has been changed.')) return redirect('registration_account')
def renew(self): """Renew lendable. If renewals are available update the due_on date by adding another period equal to lending_period_in_days. If no renewals available raise error and display message to user. """ if self.renewals > 0: self.renewals -= 1 self.due_on = self.due_on + timedelta(self.lending_period_in_days) else: raise ValidationError( _("No more renewals are available for this item.") ) return self.save()
def clean_recipient_numbers(self): cleaned_numbers = [] error_numbers = [] # 0?? ???? ?? 9? ?? 10?? ???? ?? p = re.compile(r'^0\d{9}\d?$') number_string = self.cleaned_data['recipient_numbers'] print(number_string) # ???? ?? '-'??? ''(? ???)? ????? sub_string = re.sub(r'\s|-', '', number_string) print(sub_string) # , ?? .? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? numbers? ?? numbers = re.split(r',|\.', sub_string) print(numbers) for number in numbers: if re.match(p, number): cleaned_numbers.append(number) else: error_numbers.append(number) if error_numbers: raise ValidationError('Invalid phone number format! {}'.format(', '.join(error_numbers))) return cleaned_numbers
def test_clean_file_upload_form_invalid_json(self): kwargs = {'next_view': 'Launch Stack'} t = forms.TemplateForm({}, **kwargs) precleaned = { 'template_data': 'http://templateurl.com', } json_str = '{notvalidjson::::::json/////json' files = {'template_upload': self.SimpleFile('template_name', json_str)} self.assertRaises( exceptions.ValidationError, t.clean_uploaded_files, 'template', 'template', precleaned, files)
def clean(self, value): if not value and not self.required: return None if not value.startswith(u"1") and not value.startswith(u"3"): raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) value = value.strip() if "\n" in value: raise ValidationError(u"Multiple lines in the bitcoin address") if " " in value: raise ValidationError(u"Spaces in the bitcoin address") if re.match(r"[a-zA-Z1-9]{27,35}$", value) is None: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) version = get_bcaddress_version(value) if version is None: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid']) return value
def has_changed(self, initial, data): """ Return True if data differs from initial. """ try: data = self.to_python(data) if hasattr(self, '_coerce'): return self._coerce(data) != self._coerce(initial) except ValidationError: return True # For purposes of seeing whether something has changed, None is # the same as an empty string, if the data or initial value we get # is None, replace it with ''. initial_value = initial if initial is not None else '' data_value = data if data is not None else '' return initial_value != data_value
def to_python(self, value): """ Validates that int() can be called on the input. Returns the result of int(). Returns None for empty values. """ value = super(IntegerField, self).to_python(value) if value in self.empty_values: return None if self.localize: value = formats.sanitize_separators(value) # Strip trailing decimal and zeros. try: value = int(self.re_decimal.sub('', str(value))) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid') return value
def to_python(self, value): """ Validates that the input is a decimal number. Returns a Decimal instance. Returns None for empty values. Ensures that there are no more than max_digits in the number, and no more than decimal_places digits after the decimal point. """ if value in self.empty_values: return None if self.localize: value = formats.sanitize_separators(value) value = smart_text(value).strip() try: value = Decimal(value) except DecimalException: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid') return value
def clean(self, data, initial=None): # If the widget got contradictory inputs, we raise a validation error if data is FILE_INPUT_CONTRADICTION: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['contradiction'], code='contradiction') # False means the field value should be cleared; further validation is # not needed. if data is False: if not self.required: return False # If the field is required, clearing is not possible (the widget # shouldn't return False data in that case anyway). False is not # in self.empty_value; if a False value makes it this far # it should be validated from here on out as None (so it will be # caught by the required check). data = None if not data and initial: return initial return super(FileField, self).clean(data)
def _coerce(self, value): """ Validates that the values are in self.choices and can be coerced to the right type. """ if value == self.empty_value or value in self.empty_values: return self.empty_value new_value = [] for choice in value: try: new_value.append(self.coerce(choice)) except (ValueError, TypeError, ValidationError): raise ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid_choice'], code='invalid_choice', params={'value': choice}, ) return new_value
def management_form(self): """Returns the ManagementForm instance for this FormSet.""" if self.is_bound: form = ManagementForm(self.data, auto_id=self.auto_id, prefix=self.prefix) if not form.is_valid(): raise ValidationError( _('ManagementForm data is missing or has been tampered with'), code='missing_management_form', ) else: form = ManagementForm(auto_id=self.auto_id, prefix=self.prefix, initial={ TOTAL_FORM_COUNT: self.total_form_count(), INITIAL_FORM_COUNT: self.initial_form_count(), MIN_NUM_FORM_COUNT: self.min_num, MAX_NUM_FORM_COUNT: self.max_num }) return form
def _clean_fields(self): for name, field in self.fields.items(): # value_from_datadict() gets the data from the data dictionaries. # Each widget type knows how to retrieve its own data, because some # widgets split data over several HTML fields. if field.disabled: value = self.initial.get(name, field.initial) else: value = field.widget.value_from_datadict(self.data, self.files, self.add_prefix(name)) try: if isinstance(field, FileField): initial = self.initial.get(name, field.initial) value = field.clean(value, initial) else: value = field.clean(value) self.cleaned_data[name] = value if hasattr(self, 'clean_%s' % name): value = getattr(self, 'clean_%s' % name)() self.cleaned_data[name] = value except ValidationError as e: self.add_error(name, e)
def changed_data(self): data = [] for name, field in self.fields.items(): prefixed_name = self.add_prefix(name) data_value = field.widget.value_from_datadict(self.data, self.files, prefixed_name) if not field.show_hidden_initial: initial_value = self.initial.get(name, field.initial) if callable(initial_value): initial_value = initial_value() else: initial_prefixed_name = self.add_initial_prefix(name) hidden_widget = field.hidden_widget() try: initial_value = field.to_python(hidden_widget.value_from_datadict( self.data, self.files, initial_prefixed_name)) except ValidationError: # Always assume data has changed if validation fails. data.append(name) continue if field.has_changed(initial_value, data_value): data.append(name) return data
def __call__(self, value): value = force_text(value) if not value or '@' not in value: raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code) user_part, domain_part = value.rsplit('@', 1) if not self.user_regex.match(user_part): raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code) if (domain_part not in self.domain_whitelist and not self.validate_domain_part(domain_part)): # Try for possible IDN domain-part try: domain_part = domain_part.encode('idna').decode('ascii') if self.validate_domain_part(domain_part): return except UnicodeError: pass raise ValidationError(self.message, code=self.code)
def validate_password(password, user=None, password_validators=None): """ Validate whether the password meets all validator requirements. If the password is valid, return ``None``. If the password is invalid, raise ValidationError with all error messages. """ errors = [] if password_validators is None: password_validators = get_default_password_validators() for validator in password_validators: try: validator.validate(password, user) except ValidationError as error: errors.append(error) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
def validate(self, password, user=None): if not user: return for attribute_name in self.user_attributes: value = getattr(user, attribute_name, None) if not value or not isinstance(value, string_types): continue value_parts = re.split('\W+', value) + [value] for value_part in value_parts: if SequenceMatcher(a=password.lower(), b=value_part.lower()).quick_ratio() > self.max_similarity: verbose_name = force_text(user._meta.get_field(attribute_name).verbose_name) raise ValidationError( _("The password is too similar to the %(verbose_name)s."), code='password_too_similar', params={'verbose_name': verbose_name}, )
def to_python(self, value): if value: items = value.split(self.delimiter) else: items = [] errors = [] values = [] for i, item in enumerate(items): try: values.append(self.base_field.to_python(item)) except ValidationError as e: for error in e.error_list: errors.append(ValidationError( string_concat(self.error_messages['item_invalid'], error.message), code='item_invalid', params={'nth': i}, )) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) return values
def to_python(self, value): if not value: return {} if not isinstance(value, dict): try: value = json.loads(value) except ValueError: raise ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid_json'], code='invalid_json', ) if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid_format'], code='invalid_format', ) # Cast everything to strings for ease. for key, val in value.items(): value[key] = six.text_type(val) return value
def compress(self, values): if not values: return None lower, upper = values if lower is not None and upper is not None and lower > upper: raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['bound_ordering'], code='bound_ordering', ) try: range_value = self.range_type(lower, upper) except TypeError: raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', ) else: return range_value
def validate(self, value, model_instance): super(ArrayField, self).validate(value, model_instance) for i, part in enumerate(value): try: self.base_field.validate(part, model_instance) except exceptions.ValidationError as e: raise exceptions.ValidationError( string_concat(self.error_messages['item_invalid'], e.message), code='item_invalid', params={'nth': i}, ) if isinstance(self.base_field, ArrayField): if len({len(i) for i in value}) > 1: raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['nested_array_mismatch'], code='nested_array_mismatch', )
def validate(self, value, model_instance): if self.remote_field.parent_link: return super(ForeignKey, self).validate(value, model_instance) if value is None: return using = router.db_for_read(model_instance.__class__, instance=model_instance) qs = self.remote_field.model._default_manager.using(using).filter( **{self.remote_field.field_name: value} ) qs = qs.complex_filter(self.get_limit_choices_to()) if not qs.exists(): raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', params={ 'model': self.remote_field.model._meta.verbose_name, 'pk': value, 'field': self.remote_field.field_name, 'value': value, }, # 'pk' is included for backwards compatibility )
def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return value if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): return value try: parsed = parse_duration(value) except ValueError: pass else: if parsed is not None: return parsed raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', params={'value': value}, )
def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return None if value in (True, False): return bool(value) if value in ('None',): return None if value in ('t', 'True', '1'): return True if value in ('f', 'False', '0'): return False raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid', params={'value': value}, )
def to_python(self, value): """ Validates that int() can be called on the input. Returns the result of int(). Returns None for empty values. """ value = super(IntegerField, self).to_python(value) if value in self.empty_values: return None if self.localize: value = formats.sanitize_separators(value) # Strip trailing decimal and zeros. try: value = int(self.re_decimal.sub('', force_text(value))) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'], code='invalid') return value
def to_python(self, value): if value: items = value.split(self.delimiter) else: items = [] errors = [] values = [] for index, item in enumerate(items): try: values.append(self.base_field.to_python(item)) except ValidationError as error: errors.append(prefix_validation_error( error, prefix=self.error_messages['item_invalid'], code='item_invalid', params={'nth': index}, )) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) return values
def __call__(self, value): keys = set(value.keys()) missing_keys = self.keys - keys if missing_keys: raise ValidationError( self.messages['missing_keys'], code='missing_keys', params={'keys': ', '.join(missing_keys)}, ) if self.strict: extra_keys = keys - self.keys if extra_keys: raise ValidationError( self.messages['extra_keys'], code='extra_keys', params={'keys': ', '.join(extra_keys)}, )
def validate(self, value, model_instance): super(ArrayField, self).validate(value, model_instance) for index, part in enumerate(value): try: self.base_field.validate(part, model_instance) except exceptions.ValidationError as error: raise prefix_validation_error( error, prefix=self.error_messages['item_invalid'], code='item_invalid', params={'nth': index}, ) if isinstance(self.base_field, ArrayField): if len({len(i) for i in value}) > 1: raise exceptions.ValidationError( self.error_messages['nested_array_mismatch'], code='nested_array_mismatch', )
def prefix_validation_error(error, prefix, code, params): """ Prefix a validation error message while maintaining the existing validation data structure. """ if error.error_list == [error]: error_params = error.params or {} return ValidationError( # We can't simply concatenate messages since they might require # their associated parameters to be expressed correctly which # is not something `string_concat` does. For example, proxied # ungettext calls require a count parameter and are converted # to an empty string if they are missing it. message=string_concat( SimpleLazyObject(lambda: prefix % params), SimpleLazyObject(lambda: error.message % error_params), ), code=code, params=dict(error_params, **params), ) return ValidationError([ prefix_validation_error(e, prefix, code, params) for e in error.error_list ])
def test_clean(self): ''' Blog has required_languages=('nl', ), so this should raise an error if `title_nl` is not set. ''' m = Blog(title='Horse', body='Horses are nice') with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as e: m.full_clean() self.assertEquals( {(field, tuple(errors)) for field, errors in e.exception}, { ('title_nl', ('This field cannot be null.', )), ('body_nl', ('This field cannot be null.', )) } ) # With an added `title_nl`, it should validate. m.title_nl = 'Paard' m.body_nl = 'foo' m.full_clean()
def validate_shipping_address(view): """Decorate a view making it require a valid shipping address. Expects to be decorated with `@validate_cart`. If either the shipping address or customer email is empty redirects to the shipping address step. """ @wraps(view) def func(request, checkout): if checkout.email is None or checkout.shipping_address is None: return redirect('checkout:shipping-address') try: checkout.shipping_address.full_clean() except ValidationError: return redirect('checkout:shipping-address') return view(request, checkout) return func
def test_create_project_reserved_code(english, reserved_code): """Tests projects are not created with reserved project codes.""" with pytest.raises(ValidationError): Project( code=reserved_code, fullname="whatever", source_language=english ).save() reserved_code_with_padding = " %s " % reserved_code with pytest.raises(ValidationError): Project( code=reserved_code_with_padding, fullname="whatever", source_language=english ).save()
def _share(self): content = self.get_object() try: share = content.share(self.request.user.profile) except ValidationError as e: raise exceptions.ValidationError(e.message) except Exception: raise exceptions.APIException("Unknown error when creating share.") return Response({"status": "ok", "content_id": share.id}, status=HTTP_201_CREATED)
def _unshare(self): content = self.get_object() try: content.unshare(self.request.user.profile) except ValidationError as e: raise exceptions.ValidationError(e.message) except Exception: raise exceptions.APIException("Unknown error when creating share.") return Response({"status": "ok"}, status=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)