Python django.db.models 模块,Q 实例源码


项目:stregsystemet    作者:f-klubben    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_inactive_productlist_query(queryset):
    now =
    # Create a query of things are definitively inactive. Some of the ones
    # filtered here might be out of stock, but we include that later.
    inactive_candidates = (
            & (Q(deactivate_date=None) | Q(deactivate_date__gte=now)))
    inactive_out_of_stock = (
    return (
            | Q(id__in=inactive_out_of_stock))
项目:django-codenerix-products    作者:centrologic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_foreign(self, queryset, search, filters):
        # Filter with search string
        query = [Q(code__icontains=search), ]
        for lang in settings.LANGUAGES_DATABASES:
            query.append(Q(**{"{}__name__icontains".format(lang.lower()): search}))

        qs = queryset.filter(
            reduce(operator.or_, query)
        category = filters.get('ProductForm_category', None)
        if category is None:
            category = filters.get('ProductFormCreate_category', None)
        if category is None:
            category = filters.get('ProductFormCreateCustom_category', None)

        if category:
            qs = qs.filter(category__pk=category)

        return qs[:settings.LIMIT_FOREIGNKEY]
项目:django-codenerix-products    作者:centrologic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_foreign(self, queryset, search, filters):
        # Filter with search string
        qsobject = Q(model__icontains=search)

        for lang in settings.LANGUAGES_DATABASES:
            qsobject |= Q(**{"{}__name__icontains".format(lang.lower()): search})
            qsobject |= Q(**{"{}__description_short__icontains".format(lang.lower()): search})
            qsobject |= Q(**{"family__{}__name__icontains".format(lang.lower()): search})
            qsobject |= Q(**{"category__{}__name__icontains".format(lang.lower()): search})
            qsobject |= Q(**{"subcategory__{}__name__icontains".format(lang.lower()): search})

        queryset = queryset.filter(qsobject)

        return queryset[:settings.LIMIT_FOREIGNKEY]

# ###########################################
项目:stregsystemet    作者:f-klubben    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_active_productlist_query(queryset):
    now =
    # Create a query for the set of products that MIGHT be active. Might
    # because they can be out of stock. Which we compute later
    active_candidates = (
            & (Q(deactivate_date=None) | Q(deactivate_date__gte=now)))
    # This query selects all the candidates that are out of stock.
    candidates_out_of_stock = (
    # We can now create a query that selects all the candidates which are not
    # out of stock.
    return (
            & Q(id__in=candidates_out_of_stock)))
项目:Instagram    作者:Fastcampus-WPS-5th    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def youtube_search(request):
    ??? ??? ????? ??? ??
    context = dict()
    q = request.GET.get('q')
    if q:
        # YouTube????? ????
        data =
        for item in data['items']:
        re_pattern = ''.join(['(?=.*{})'.format(item) for item in q.split()])
        videos = Video.objects.filter(
            Q(title__iregex=re_pattern) |
        context['videos'] = videos
    return render(request, 'post/youtube_search.html', context)
项目:BackendAllStars    作者:belatrix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_messages(request, employee_id):
    Get all messages for employee id
    response_serializer: activities.serializers.MessageSerializer
    - code: 401
      message: Unauthorized. Authentication credentials were not provided. Invalid token.
    - code: 403
      message: Forbidden.
    - code: 404
      message: Not found
    - code: 500
      message: Internal Server Error
    if request.method == 'GET':
        employee = get_object_or_404(Employee, pk=employee_id)
        messages = Message.objects.filter(
            Q(to_user='all') |
            Q( |
        paginator = PageNumberPagination()
        results = paginator.paginate_queryset(messages, request)
        serializer = MessageSerializer(results, many=True)
        return paginator.get_paginated_response(
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_snp_list(request, query, exclude):
    snp_list = request.GET.get('snp_list', '')
    snp_list = snp_list.split('\r\n')

    if snp_list[0] != '':
        safe_snp_list = []
        for row in snp_list:
            row = row.split(',')
            for item in row:
        query['variant_id__in'] = safe_snp_list
    #exclude snp_list
    exclude_snp_list = request.GET.get('exclude_snp_list', '')
    exclude_snp_list = exclude_snp_list.split('\r\n')
    if exclude_snp_list[0] != '':
        safe_exclude_snp_list = []
        for row in exclude_snp_list:
            row = row.split(',')
            for item in row:
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_mutation_type(request, args):

    genotype = request.GET.get('genotype', '')

    if genotype != '':
        print('genotype', genotype)

    mutation_type = request.GET.get('mutation_type', '')
    if mutation_type == 'homozygous':
        # genotypes = ['0/0', './.', '0/1', '1/0', '0/2', '2/0']
    elif mutation_type == 'heterozygous':
        #genotypes = ['0/0', './.', '1/1', '2/1', '1/2', '2/2']
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_by_cadd(request, args):
    cadd = request.GET.get('cadd', '')
    if cadd != '':
        cadd_exclude = request.GET.get('cadd_exclude', '')
        if cadd_exclude == 'on':
            cadd_flag = True
            # print('CADD Flag on')
            cadd_flag = False
        cadd = cadd.split(' - ')
        cadd_min = float(cadd[0]) 
        cadd_max = float(cadd[1])
        # print('CADD', cadd_min, cadd_max)
        if cadd_flag:
            args.append(Q(cadd__lte=cadd_max) & Q(cadd__gte=cadd_min))
            args.append((Q(cadd__lte=cadd_max) & Q(cadd__gte=cadd_min)) | Q(cadd__isnull=True))
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_by_mcap(request, args):
    mcap = request.GET.get('mcap', '')
    if mcap != '':
        mcap_exclude = request.GET.get('mcap_exclude', '')
        if mcap_exclude == 'on':
            mcap_flag = True
            # print('CADD Flag on')
            mcap_flag = False
        mcap = mcap.split(' - ')
        mcap_min = float(mcap[0]) 
        mcap_max = float(mcap[1])
        # print('CADD', cadd_min, cadd_max)
        if mcap_flag:
            args.append(Q(mcap_score__lte=mcap_max) & Q(mcap_score__gte=mcap_min))
            args.append((Q(mcap_score__lte=mcap_max) & Q(mcap_score__gte=mcap_min)) | Q(mcap_score__isnull=True))
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_cgd(request, args):
    cgdmanifestation = request.GET.getlist('cgdmanifestation')
    # interventions = request.GET.getlist('interventions')
    conditions = request.GET.getlist('cgd')
    # print 'FILTER BY CGD'
    # print manifestations, interventions
    if len(cgdmanifestation) > 0:
        if cgdmanifestation[0] != '':
            #get a list of CGDENTRY
            cgdentries = CGDEntry.objects.filter(MANIFESTATION_CATEGORIES__in=cgdmanifestation)
            gene_list = []
            for gene in cgdentries:
    if len(conditions) > 0:
        if conditions[0] != '':
            cgdentries = CGDEntry.objects.filter(CONDITIONS__in=conditions)
            gene_list = []
            for gene in cgdentries:
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_omim(request, args):
    omim = request.GET.getlist('omim')
    print('omim', omim)
    # print 'FILTER BY CGD'
    # print manifestations, interventions
    print('FILTER OMIM')
    if len(omim) > 0:
        if omim[0] != '':
            omimentries = Disease.objects.filter(id__in=omim)
            gene_list = []
            print('omimentries', omimentries)

            genes = GeneDisease.objects.filter(diseases__in=omimentries)
            print('omimgenes', genes)
            for gene in genes:
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_hgmd(request, args):
    hgmd = request.GET.getlist('hgmd')
    # print 'omim', omim
    # print 'FILTER BY CGD'
    # print manifestations, interventions
    # print 'FILTER OMIM'
    if len(hgmd) > 0:
        if hgmd[0] != '':
            hgmdentries = HGMDPhenotype.objects.filter(id__in=hgmd)
            gene_list = []
            # print 'hgmdentries', hgmdentries
            genes = HGMDGene.objects.filter(diseases__in=hgmdentries)
            # print 'hgmdgenes', genes
            for gene in genes:
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_sift(request, args):
    sift = request.GET.get('sift', '')
    if sift != '':
        sift_exclude = request.GET.get('sift_exclude', '')
        if sift_exclude == 'on':
            sift_flag = True
            sift_flag = False
        sift_option = request.GET.get('sift_option', '')
        if sift_option == '<':
            if sift_flag:
                args.append(Q(sift__lte=float(sift)) | Q(sift__isnull=True))
        elif sift_option == '>':
            if sift_flag:
                args.append(Q(sift__gte=float(sift)) | Q(sift__isnull=True))
        elif sift_option == '=':
            if sift_flag:
                args.append(Q(sift=float(sift)) | Q(sift__isnull=True))
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_dbsnp_build(request, args):
    dbsnp_build = request.GET.get('dbsnp_build', '')
    if dbsnp_build != '':
        dbsnp_option = request.GET.get('dbsnp_option', '')
        if dbsnp_option == '<':
            # build_list = range(1, int(dbsnp_build))
            # T2 = [str(x) for x in build_list]
            # T2.append('')
            # query['dbsnp_build__in'] = #T2
            args.append(Q(dbsnp_build__lte=int(dbsnp_build)) | Q(dbsnp_build__isnull=True))
        elif dbsnp_option == '>':
            # build_list = range(int(dbsnp_build), 138)
            # T2 = [str(x) for x in build_list]
            # T2.append('')
            # query['dbsnp_build__in'] = T2
            args.append(Q(dbsnp_build__gte=int(dbsnp_build)) | Q(dbsnp_build__isnull=True))
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_genes(summary):

    genes ={}

    genes['genes'] = Gene.objects.filter(symbol__in=list(summary['genes'])).values('symbol', 'diseases').prefetch_related('diseases')                

    genes['genes_hgmd'] = HGMDGene.objects.filter(symbol__in=list(summary['genes'])).prefetch_related('diseases')

    #for each gene name create a query
    queries = [Q(genes__icontains=value) for value in list(summary['genes'])]
    if len(queries) > 0:
        query = queries.pop()
        for item in queries:
            query |= item
        genes['genes_omim'] = GeneDisease.objects.filter(official_name__in=list(summary['genes'])).prefetch_related('diseases').order_by('official_name')#query
        genes['genes_omim'] = []
    #get genes at CGD
    genes['genes_cgd'] = CGDEntry.objects.filter(GENE__in=list(summary['genes'])).prefetch_related('CONDITIONS').order_by('GENE')

    return genes

#This is the most important function
项目:mendelmd    作者:raonyguimaraes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_queryset(self, term, queryset=None):
        Return QuerySet filtered by search_fields matching the passed term.

            term (str): Search term

            QuerySet: Filtered QuerySet

        if queryset is None:
            queryset = self.get_queryset()
        search_fields = self.get_search_fields()
        select = Q()
        term = term.replace('\t', ' ')
        term = term.replace('\n', ' ')
        for t in [t for t in term.split(' ') if not t == '']:
            select &= reduce(lambda x, y: x | Q(**{y: t}), search_fields,
                             Q(**{search_fields[0]: t}))
        return queryset.filter(select).distinct()
项目:django-actions-logger    作者:shtalinberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_for_objects(self, queryset):
        Get log entries for the objects in the specified queryset.
        :param queryset: The queryset to get the log entries for.
        :type queryset: QuerySet
        :return: The LogAction objects for the objects in the given queryset.
        :rtype: QuerySet
        if not isinstance(queryset, QuerySet) or queryset.count() == 0:
            return self.none()

        content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(queryset.model)
        primary_keys = queryset.values_list(, flat=True)

        if isinstance(primary_keys[0], integer_types):
            return self.filter(content_type=content_type).filter(Q(object_id__in=primary_keys)).distinct()
            return self.filter(content_type=content_type).filter(Q(object_pk__in=primary_keys)).distinct()
项目:minimum-entropy    作者:DistrictDataLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(self, terms):
        Produces an icontains lookup on the question title.
        query = None # Query to search for every search term

        # Build the query with Q and icontains
        for term in normalize_query(terms):
            q = models.Q(text__icontains=term) | models.Q(details__icontains=term)
            query = q if query is None else query & q

        return self.filter(query)

## Questions Manager
项目:byro    作者:byro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        search = request.GET.get('search')
        if not search or len(search) < 2:
            return JsonResponse({'count': 0, 'results': []})

        queryset = Member.objects.filter(
            Q(name__icontains=search) | Q(profile_profile__nick__icontains=search)
        return JsonResponse({
            'count': len(queryset),
            'results': [
                    'nick': member.profile_profile.nick,
                for member in queryset
项目:geekcloud    作者:Mr-Linus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def group_list(request):
    list user group
    header_title, path1, path2 = '?????', '????', '?????'
    keyword = request.GET.get('search', '')
    user_group_list = UserGroup.objects.all().order_by('name')
    group_id = request.GET.get('id', '')

    if keyword:
        user_group_list = user_group_list.filter(Q(name__icontains=keyword) | Q(comment__icontains=keyword))

    if group_id:
        user_group_list = user_group_list.filter(id=int(group_id))

    user_group_list, p, user_groups, page_range, current_page, show_first, show_end = pages(user_group_list, request)
    return my_render('juser/group_list.html', locals(), request)
项目:geekcloud    作者:Mr-Linus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def user_list(request):
    user_role = {'SU': u'?????', 'GA': u'????', 'CU': u'????'}
    header_title, path1, path2 = '????', '????', '????'
    keyword = request.GET.get('keyword', '')
    gid = request.GET.get('gid', '')
    users_list = User.objects.all().order_by('username')

    if gid:
        user_group = UserGroup.objects.filter(id=gid)
        if user_group:
            user_group = user_group[0]
            users_list = user_group.user_set.all()

    if keyword:
        users_list = users_list.filter(Q(username__icontains=keyword) | Q(name__icontains=keyword)).order_by('username')

    users_list, p, users, page_range, current_page, show_first, show_end = pages(users_list, request)

    return my_render('juser/user_list.html', locals(), request)
项目:geekcloud    作者:Mr-Linus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def group_list(request):
    list asset group
    header_title, path1, path2 = u'?????', u'????', u'?????'
    keyword = request.GET.get('keyword', '')
    asset_group_list = AssetGroup.objects.all()
    group_id = request.GET.get('id')
    if group_id:
        asset_group_list = asset_group_list.filter(id=group_id)
    if keyword:
        asset_group_list = asset_group_list.filter(Q(name__contains=keyword) | Q(comment__contains=keyword))

    asset_group_list, p, asset_groups, page_range, current_page, show_first, show_end = pages(asset_group_list, request)
    return my_render('jasset/group_list.html', locals(), request)
项目:geekcloud    作者:Mr-Linus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def perm_rule_list(request):
    list rule page
    # ????
    header_title, path1, path2 = "????", "????", "????"
    # ??????
    rules_list = PermRule.objects.all()
    rule_id = request.GET.get('id')
    # TODO: ?????
    keyword = request.GET.get('search', '')
    if rule_id:
        rules_list = rules_list.filter(id=rule_id)

    if keyword:
        rules_list = rules_list.filter(Q(name__icontains=keyword))

    rules_list, p, rules, page_range, current_page, show_first, show_end = pages(rules_list, request)

    return my_render('jperm/perm_rule_list.html', locals(), request)
项目:geekcloud    作者:Mr-Linus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def perm_role_list(request):
    list role page
    # ????
    header_title, path1, path2 = "????", "??????", "??????"

    # ????????
    roles_list = PermRole.objects.all()
    role_id = request.GET.get('id')
    # TODO: ?????
    keyword = request.GET.get('search', '')
    if keyword:
        roles_list = roles_list.filter(Q(name=keyword))

    if role_id:
        roles_list = roles_list.filter(id=role_id)

    roles_list, p, roles, page_range, current_page, show_first, show_end = pages(roles_list, request)

    return my_render('jperm/perm_role_list.html', locals(), request)
项目:geekcloud    作者:Mr-Linus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def perm_sudo_list(request):
    list sudo commands alias
    :param request:
    # ????
    header_title, path1, path2 = "Sudo??", "????", "????"

    # ????sudo ????
    sudos_list = PermSudo.objects.all()

    # TODO: ?????
    keyword = request.GET.get('search', '')
    if keyword:
        sudos_list = sudos_list.filter(Q(name=keyword))

    sudos_list, p, sudos, page_range, current_page, show_first, show_end = pages(sudos_list, request)

    return my_render('jperm/perm_sudo_list.html', locals(), request)
项目:gitgud    作者:123z    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def searched(request):
    global filtered, lname, lcity, ltype
    bool = False
    if request.method=="POST":
        form = SearchForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            lname = form.cleaned_data['Name']
            lcity = form.cleaned_data['City']
            ltype = form.cleaned_data['Type']
            bool = True
            filtered = Location.objects.filter(Q(name=lname) | Q(city=lcity) | Q(locationtype=ltype))
            filtered = ""
        form = SearchForm()
        filtered = ""
    context = {
        'filtered': filtered,
        'form': form,
        'bool': bool,
    return render(request, 'auscities/result.html', context, {'form':form})
项目:dprr-django    作者:kingsdigitallab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def author(self, request, author=None):
        """listing of posts by a specific author"""

        if not author:
            # Invalid author filter
            raise Http404('Invalid Author')

        posts = self.posts.filter(
            models.Q(owner__username=author) |

        return render(request,
                      {'self': self,
                       'posts': self._paginate(request, posts),
                       'filter_type': 'author',
                       'filter': author})
项目:dprr-django    作者:kingsdigitallab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tag(self, request, tag=None):
        """listing of posts in a specific tag"""
        if not tag:
            # Invalid tag filter
            raise Http404('Invalid Tag')

        posts = self.posts.filter(
            models.Q(tags__name=tag) |

        return render(request,
                      {'self': self,
                       'posts': self._paginate(request, posts),
                       'filter_type': 'tag',
                       'filter': tag})
项目:ecs_sclm    作者:meaningful    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_folder(self, qs, terms=()):
        # Source:  flake8: noqa
        def construct_search(field_name):
            if field_name.startswith('^'):
                return "%s__istartswith" % field_name[1:]
            elif field_name.startswith('='):
                return "%s__iexact" % field_name[1:]
            elif field_name.startswith('@'):
                return "%s__search" % field_name[1:]
                return "%s__icontains" % field_name

        for term in terms:
            filters = models.Q()
            for filter_ in self.search_fields:
                filters |= models.Q(**{construct_search(filter_): term})
            for filter_ in self.get_owner_filter_lookups():
                filters |= models.Q(**{filter_: term})
            qs = qs.filter(filters)
        return qs
项目:ecs_sclm    作者:meaningful    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        search_text = request.GET.get('search_text')
        groupname = request.session.get('user_group')
        hasgroup = Group.objects.get(name=groupname)
        print search_text
        filelist = File.objects.filter(Q(name__icontains=search_text)&(Q(perm__groups=hasgroup)|Q(ispublic="True"))).distinct()
        # filelist = File.objects.filter((Q(name=search_text)|Q(ispublic="True"))).distinct()
        folderlist = {}
        template = loader.get_template('wxWeb/index2.html')
        context = Context({
        'filepath': listoffiledir,
        'foldlist': folderlist,
        return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_reverse_related_filter(self, obj):
        Complement to get_forward_related_filter(). Return the keyword
        arguments that when passed to self.related_field.model.object.filter()
        select all instances of self.related_field.model related through
        this field to obj. obj is an instance of self.model.
        base_filter = {
            rh_field.attname: getattr(obj, lh_field.attname)
            for lh_field, rh_field in self.related_fields
        descriptor_filter = self.get_extra_descriptor_filter(obj)
        base_q = Q(**base_filter)
        if isinstance(descriptor_filter, dict):
            return base_q & Q(**descriptor_filter)
        elif descriptor_filter:
            return base_q & descriptor_filter
        return base_q
项目:django-modeltrans    作者:zostera    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _filter_or_exclude(self, negate, *args, **kwargs):
        Annotate lookups for `filter()` and `exclude()`.

            - `title_nl__contains='foo'` will add an annotation for `title_nl`
            - `title_nl='bar'` will add an annotation for `title_nl`
            - `title_i18n='foo'` will add an annotation for a coalesce of the
               current active language, and all items of the fallback chain.
            - `Q(title_nl__contains='foo') will add an annotation for `title_nl`

        In all cases, the field part of the field lookup will be changed to use
        the annotated verion.
        # handle Q expressions / args
        new_args = []
        for arg in args:

        # handle the kwargs
        new_kwargs = {}
        for field, value in kwargs.items():
            new_kwargs.update(dict((self._rewrite_filter_clause(field, value), )))

        return super(MultilingualQuerySet, self)._filter_or_exclude(negate, *new_args, **new_kwargs)
项目:pyconjp-website    作者:pyconjp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_assignments(cls, proposal, origin=AUTO_ASSIGNED_INITIAL):
        speakers = [proposal.speaker] + list(proposal.additional_speakers.all())
        reviewers = User.objects.exclude(
                for speaker in speakers
                if speaker.user_id is not None
            Q(reviewassignment__opted_out=False) | Q(reviewassignment=None)
        for reviewer in reviewers[:3]:
项目:zing    作者:evernote    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_email(self):
        """Ensure emails are unique across the models tracking emails.

        Since it's essential to keep email addresses unique to support our
        workflows, a `ValidationError` will be raised if the email trying
        to be saved is already assigned to some other user.
        lookup = Q(
        if is not None:
            # When there's an update, ensure no one else has this address
            lookup &= ~Q(user=self)

        except EmailAddress.DoesNotExist:
            raise ValidationError({
                'email': [_('This email address already exists.')]
项目:Server    作者:malaonline    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        # ?????????kwargs['query_data'], ??template??
        kwargs['query_data'] = self.request.GET.dict()
        region = self.request.GET.get('region')
        subject = self.request.GET.get('subject')
        prices = None
        if region and region.isdigit():
            prices = models.Price.objects.filter(region_id=region)
        if subject and subject.isdigit():
            prices = prices and prices.filter(ability__subject_id=subject)
        all_levels= models.Level.objects.all()
        all_grades = models.Grade.objects.filter(leaf=True)
        all_subject = models.Subject.objects.all()
        self.build_context(kwargs, prices, all_levels, all_grades)
        kwargs['grade_list'] = all_grades
        kwargs['subject_list'] = all_subject
        kwargs['region_list'] = models.Region.objects.filter(Q(opened=True)|Q(name='??'))
        return super(LevelPriceConfigView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
项目:gennotes    作者:madprime    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return all variant data, or a subset if a specific list is requested.
        queryset = super(VariantViewSet, self).get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)

        variant_list_json = self.request.query_params.get('variant_list', None)
        if not variant_list_json:
            return queryset
        variant_list = json.loads(variant_list_json)

        # Combine the variant list to make a single db query.
        Q_obj = None
        for variant_lookup in variant_list:
            if variant_lookup.isdigit():
                filter_kwargs = {'id': variant_lookup}
                filter_kwargs = self._custom_variant_filter_kwargs(variant_lookup)
            if filter_kwargs:
                if not Q_obj:
                    Q_obj = Q(**filter_kwargs)
                    Q_obj = Q_obj | Q(**filter_kwargs)
        queryset = queryset.filter(Q_obj)
        return queryset
项目:blog_django    作者:chnpmy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_limit_choices_to_from_path(model, path):
    """ Return Q object for limiting choices if applicable.

    If final model in path is linked via a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField which
    has a `limit_choices_to` attribute, return it as a Q object.

    fields = get_fields_from_path(model, path)
    fields = remove_trailing_data_field(fields)
    limit_choices_to = (
        fields and hasattr(fields[-1], 'rel') and
        getattr(fields[-1].rel, 'limit_choices_to', None))
    if not limit_choices_to:
        return models.Q()  # empty Q
    elif isinstance(limit_choices_to, models.Q):
        return limit_choices_to  # already a Q
        return models.Q(**limit_choices_to)  # convert dict to Q
项目:quora-django    作者:hndrxr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index(request, page):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect('account:signup')
    profile = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user)
    following = Follow.objects.filter(profile=profile).all()
    followed_topics = []
    for topic in following:
    queries = [Q(topic=topic) for topic in followed_topics]
    if queries:
        query = queries.pop()
        for item in queries:
            query |= item
        questions = Question.objects.filter(query).order_by('-created_at').all()
        questions = []
    paginator = Paginator(questions, 10)
    questions =
    return render(request, "question/index.html", {
        "questions": questions, "following": followed_topics
项目:epuap-watchdog    作者:ad-m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def guest_by_name(self, name, email, confidence=1):
        if not name:
            return self.none()
        normalized_name = normalize(name)
        attribs = ['name__startswith',
        q_f = reduce(lambda x, y: x | Q(**{y: name}) | Q(**{y: normalized_name}) | Q(**{y: name.upper()}) | Q(**{y: normalized_name.upper()}),
        if not email:
            return self.filter(q_f)

        domain = email.split('@', 2)[1].lower()
        q_f |= Q(data__adresstronyinternetowej=domain) | Q(data__adresstronyinternetowej="www.{}".format(domain))
        q_f |= Q(data__adresstronyinternetowej=domain.upper()) | Q(data__adresstronyinternetowej="www.{}".format(domain).upper())

        result = list(self.filter(q_f))

        if result:
            return result

        all_possible = REGON.objects.exclude(~Q(Q(data__adresemail='') & Q(data__adresemail2=""))).iterator()
        return filter(lambda x:'adresemail', '').upper().endswith("@" + domain) |
                      'adresemail2', '').upper().endswith("@" + domain), all_possible)
项目:epuap-watchdog    作者:ad-m    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle(self, query, outfile, *args, **options):
        queries = [Q(name__icontains=x) | Q(regon__icontains=x) for x in query]
        q = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, queries)

        f_csv = csv.writer(outfile)
        f_csv.writerow(['name', 'clean_name', 'regon14', 'regon9', 'region', 'terc'])
        for regon in REGON.objects.filter(q).select_related('regonjst', 'regonjst__jst').all():
            name =
            clean_name = normalize(
            regon14 ='regon14', '')
            regon9 ='regon9', '')
            if hasattr(regon, 'regonjst'):
                region = " > ".join( for x in regon.regonjst.jst.get_ancestors(ascending=False, include_self=True))
                teryt = regon.regonjst.jst_id
                region = ''
                teryt = ''
            f_csv.writerow((name, clean_name, regon14, regon9, region, teryt))
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_limit_choices_to_from_path(model, path):
    """ Return Q object for limiting choices if applicable.

    If final model in path is linked via a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField which
    has a `limit_choices_to` attribute, return it as a Q object.

    fields = get_fields_from_path(model, path)
    fields = remove_trailing_data_field(fields)
    limit_choices_to = (
        fields and hasattr(fields[-1], 'rel') and
        getattr(fields[-1].rel, 'limit_choices_to', None))
    if not limit_choices_to:
        return models.Q()  # empty Q
    elif isinstance(limit_choices_to, models.Q):
        return limit_choices_to  # already a Q
        return models.Q(**limit_choices_to)  # convert dict to Q
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(request):
    ???? 2017?6?17?16:11:15
    :param request:
    q = request.GET.get('q')
    error_msg = ''
    if not q:
        error_msg = '??????'
        return render(request, 'blog/index.html', {'error_msg': error_msg})

    post_list = Post.objects.filter(Q(title__icontains=q) | Q(body__icontains=q)).filter(is_pub=True).filter(
    return render(request, 'blog/index.html', {'post_list': post_list, 'error_msg': error_msg})
项目:MxOnline    作者:myTeemo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_limit_choices_to_from_path(model, path):
    """ Return Q object for limiting choices if applicable.

    If final model in path is linked via a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField which
    has a `limit_choices_to` attribute, return it as a Q object.

    fields = get_fields_from_path(model, path)
    fields = remove_trailing_data_field(fields)
    limit_choices_to = (
        fields and hasattr(fields[-1], 'rel') and
        getattr(fields[-1].rel, 'limit_choices_to', None))
    if not limit_choices_to:
        return models.Q()  # empty Q
    elif isinstance(limit_choices_to, models.Q):
        return limit_choices_to  # already a Q
        return models.Q(**limit_choices_to)  # convert dict to Q
项目:healthchecks_asgards    作者:andela    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_one_run(self):
        now =
        month_before = now - timedelta(days=30)

        report_due = Q(next_report_date__lt=now)
        report_not_scheduled = Q(next_report_date__isnull=True)

        q = Profile.objects.filter(report_due | report_not_scheduled)
        q = q.filter(reports_allowed=True)
        q = q.filter(user__date_joined__lt=month_before)
        sent = 0
        for profile in q:
            if num_pinged_checks(profile) > 0:
                self.stdout.write(self.tmpl %
                sent += 1

        return sent
项目:django-lb-workflow    作者:vicalloy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_base_wf_permit_query_param(user, process_instance_field_prefix='pinstance__'):
    def p(param_name, value):
        return {process_instance_field_prefix + param_name: value}
    q_param = Q()
    # Submit
    q_param = q_param | Q(
        **p('created_by', user)
    # share
    q_param = q_param | Q(
        **p('can_view_users', user)
    # Can process
    q_param = q_param | Q(
        **p('task__user', user)
    q_param = q_param | Q(
        **p('task__agent_user', user)
    return q_param
项目:micromasters    作者:mitodl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def serialize(cls, user, program):
        Serializes financial aid info for a user in a program
        if not program.financial_aid_availability:
            return {}
        serialized = copy.copy(cls.default_serialized)
        financial_aid_qset = FinancialAid.objects.filter(
            Q(user=user) & Q(tier_program__program=program)
        serialized["has_user_applied"] = financial_aid_qset.exists()
        if serialized["has_user_applied"]:
            financial_aid = financial_aid_qset.first()
                "application_status": financial_aid.status,
                "date_documents_sent": financial_aid.date_documents_sent,
        financial_aid_min_price, financial_aid_max_price = cls.get_program_price_range(program)
            "min_possible_cost": financial_aid_min_price,
            "max_possible_cost": financial_aid_max_price
        return serialized
项目:micromasters    作者:mitodl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_program_price_range(cls, program):
        Returns the financial aid possible cost range
        course_max_price = program.price
        # get all the possible discounts for the program
        program_tiers_qset = TierProgram.objects.filter(
            Q(program=program) & Q(current=True)).order_by('discount_amount')
        if not program_tiers_qset.exists():
            log.error('The program "%s" needs at least one tier configured', program.title)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                'The program "{}" needs at least one tier configured'.format(program.title))
        min_discount = program_tiers_qset.aggregate(
            Min('discount_amount')).get('discount_amount__min', 0)
        max_discount = program_tiers_qset.aggregate(
            Max('discount_amount')).get('discount_amount__max', 0)
        return course_max_price - max_discount, course_max_price - min_discount
项目:micromasters    作者:mitodl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_searchable_programs(user, staff_program_ids):
    Determines the programs a user is eligible to search

        user (django.contrib.auth.models.User): the user that is searching
        staff_program_ids (list of int): the list of program ids the user is staff for if any

        set(courses.models.Program): set of programs the user can search in

    # filter only to the staff programs or enrolled programs
    # NOTE: this has an accepted limitation that if you are staff on any program,
    # you can't use search on non-staff programs
    return set(Program.objects.filter(
        Query(id__in=staff_program_ids) if staff_program_ids else Query(programenrollment__user=user)
项目:socialhome    作者:jaywink    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visible_for_user(self, user):
        if not user.is_authenticated:
            return self.filter(visibility=Visibility.PUBLIC)
        if user.is_staff:
            return self
        return self.filter(Q( | Q(visibility__in=[
            Visibility.LIMITED, Visibility.SITE, Visibility.PUBLIC