def test_create_oauth2_token(self): admin_user = mixer.blend('auth.User', is_staff=True, is_superuser=True) app = Application.objects.create( name='SuperAPI OAUTH2 APP', user=admin_user, client_type=Application.CLIENT_PUBLIC, authorization_grant_type=Application.GRANT_PASSWORD, ) assert Application.objects.count() == 1, "Should be equal" random = get_random_string(length=16) admin_token = AccessToken.objects.create( user=admin_user, scope='read write', # ?? ????? . . . expires=timezone.now() + timedelta(minutes=5), token=f'{random}---{admin_user.username}', application=app ) assert admin_token is not None, "??? ???"
def test_post_pet(client, api_urls, with_tag): payload = { 'name': get_random_string(), } if with_tag: payload['tag'] = get_random_string() pet = get_data_from_response( client.post( '/api/pets', json.dumps(payload), content_type='application/json' ) ) assert pet['name'] == payload['name'] assert pet['id'] if with_tag: assert pet['tag'] == payload['tag'] # Test we can get the pet from the API now assert get_data_from_response(client.get('/api/pets')) == [pet] assert get_data_from_response(client.get('/api/pets/{}'.format(pet['id']))) == pet
def _simulate_preorder(self, client, product): secret = get_random_string(32) p = Preorder.objects.create(order_code=get_random_string(12), is_paid=True) p.positions.create(secret=secret, product=product) resp = client.post('/api/transactions/', json.dumps({ "positions": [ {"product": product.pk, "price": "0.00", "secret": secret, "type": "redeem", "_title": product.name} ] }), content_type="application/json") c = json.loads(resp.content.decode('utf-8')) assert c['success'] return c['id']
def send_activation_email(request, user): subject = _('Profile Activation') from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL current_site = get_current_site(request) domain = current_site.domain code = get_random_string(20) context = { 'domain': domain, 'code': code, } act = Activation() act.code = code act.user = user act.save() html_content = render_to_string('email/activation_profile.html', context=context, request=request) text_content = strip_tags(html_content) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [user.email]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, 'text/html') msg.send()
def send_activation_change_email(request, user, new_email): subject = _('Change email') from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL current_site = get_current_site(request) domain = current_site.domain code = get_random_string(20) context = { 'domain': domain, 'code': code, } act = Activation() act.code = code act.user = user act.email = new_email act.save() html_content = render_to_string('email/change_email.html', context=context, request=request) text_content = strip_tags(html_content) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [user.email]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, 'text/html') msg.send()
def readable_random_token(alphanumeric=False, add_spaces=False, short_token=False, long_token=False): """ Generate a random token that is also reasonably readable. Generates 4 segments of 4 characters, seperated by dashes. Can either use digits only (default), or non-confusing letters and digits (alphanumeric=True). If add_spaces is set, spaces are added around the groups. This is intended to prevent mobile phones that see e.g. "-3" as an emoticon. If short_token is set, the token is two segments of four characters. """ segments = 4 if short_token: segments = 2 if long_token: segments = 8 if alphanumeric: allowed_chars = "BCDFGHJLKMNPQRSTVWXYZ23456789" else: allowed_chars = "1234567890" elements = [get_random_string(length=4, allowed_chars=allowed_chars) for i in range(segments)] join_str = "-" if add_spaces: join_str = " - " return join_str.join(elements)
def setUp(self): self.certificate = Certificate() self.certificate.exam_complete_date = rand_gen.randomDate("2008-1-1", "2009-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.date_certificate_mju = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.date_certificate = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.info_quality = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.save() self.department = Department() self.department.location = get_random_string(allowed_chars="dprmt") self.department.save() self.user = User(username="usr") self.user.save() self.arbitre = Arbitration() self.arbitre.dismissal_date = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.arbitre.certificate = self.certificate self.arbitre.dep = self.department self.arbitre.user = self.user self.arbitre.save() self.DisciplinalPenalty = DisciplinalPenalty() self.DisciplinalPenalty.issue_date = rand_gen.randomDate("2010-1-1", "2011-1-1", random.random()) self.DisciplinalPenalty.Arbitration = self.arbitre self.DisciplinalPenalty.protocol_number = get_random_string(allowed_chars="prtclnbr") self.DisciplinalPenalty.save()
def setUp(self): self.certificate = Certificate() self.certificate.exam_complete_date = rand_gen.randomDate("2008-1-1", "2009-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.date_certificate_mju = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.date_certificate = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.info_quality = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.certificate.save() self.user = User(username="usr") self.user.save() self.department = Department() self.department.location = get_random_string(allowed_chars="dprmt") self.department.save() self.arbitre = Arbitration() self.arbitre.dismissal_date = rand_gen.randomDate("2009-1-1", "2010-1-1", random.random()) self.arbitre.certificate = self.certificate self.arbitre.dep = self.department self.arbitre.user = self.user self.arbitre.save()
def form_valid(self, form): user = User.objects.filter(email=self.request.POST.get('email')) if user: user = user[0] subject = "Password Reset" password = get_random_string(6) message = '<p>Your Password for the forum account is <strong>'+password + \ '</strong></p><br/><p>Use this credentials to login into <a href="' + \ settings.HOST_URL + '/forum/">forum</a></p>' to = user.email from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Memail([to], from_email, subject, message, email_template_name=None, context=None) user.set_password(password) user.save() data = { "error": False, "response": "An Email is sent to the entered email id"} return JsonResponse(data) else: data = { "error": True, "message": "User With this email id doesn't exists!!!"} return JsonResponse(data)
def get_draft_url(url): """ Return the given URL with a draft mode HMAC in its querystring. """ if verify_draft_url(url): # Nothing to do. Already a valid draft URL. return url # Parse querystring and add draft mode HMAC. url = urlparse.urlparse(url) salt = get_random_string(5) # QueryDict requires a bytestring as its first argument query = QueryDict(force_bytes(url.query), mutable=True) query['edit'] = '%s:%s' % (salt, get_draft_hmac(salt, url.path)) # Reconstruct URL. parts = list(url) parts[4] = query.urlencode(safe=':') return urlparse.urlunparse(parts)
def test_slack_notifier(project, settings): settings.GOTIFY_IMMEDIATE = False sn = SlackNotifier.objects.create( webhook_url='http://example.com', message_header_suffix=get_random_string(), ) sn.projects.add(project) event = Event.objects.create_from_raven(project_id=project.id, body=json.loads(exc_payload)) with requests_mock.mock() as m: m.post('http://example.com', text='ok') call_command('gotify_send') assert m.called req = m.request_history[0] assert req.method == 'POST' payload = json.loads(force_text(req.body)) assert event.message in payload['text'] assert event.project.name in payload['text'] assert sn.message_header_suffix in payload['text']
def test_view_list_method(self, mocker): """Test view `list()` method""" projects = {get_random_string(): get_random_string()} mocked_get_projects = mocker.patch( 'projects.views.utils.get_projects', ) mocked_get_or_set = mocker.patch( 'projects.views.cache.get_or_set', return_value=projects ) url = reverse('{0.base_name}:list'.format(self)) response = self.client.get(url) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK assert response.data == projects mocked_get_or_set.assert_called_once_with( key=utils.AVAILABLE_PROJECTS_KEY, default=mocked_get_projects.return_value, timeout=None, )
def user_edit(request, response, user_id=None): has_superuser(request) user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) if user_id else None action = log.UPDATE if user else log.CREATE action_name = u'??' if user else u'??' if request.method == 'POST': form = UserForm(request.POST, instance=user) if form.is_valid(): raw_password = None if not user: raw_password = get_random_string(6) form.instance.password_digest = get_password_digest(raw_password) user = form.save() log(request, log.SUCCESS, u'%s???: %s' % (action_name, user), action, view_name='admin:-user-show', view_args=(user.pk,), form=form) messages.success(request, u'??%s???%s' % (action_name, (u'?????: %s' % raw_password) if raw_password else ''), 'sticky' if raw_password else '') return redirect('admin:-user-show', user.pk) log(request, log.ERROR, u'%s?????' % action_name, action, form=form) else: form = UserForm(instance=user) return locals()
def policy_row_factory(**kwargs): """Generate random data in a policy-row format""" row = { 'policyNumber': str(random.randint(100, 999)), # nosec 'policyTitle': get_random_string(32), 'uriPolicyId': 'http://example.com/' + get_random_string(10), 'ombPolicyId': get_random_string(32), 'policyType': random.choice([t.value for t in PolicyTypes]), # nosec 'policyIssuanceYear': date( random.randint(1950, 2016), # nosec random.randint(1, 12), # nosec random.randint(1, 28)).strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), # nosec 'policySunset': 'NA', 'issuingBody': get_random_string(10) } row.update(kwargs) return row
def send_user_confirmation(self, request): """ Called after user completes initial registration form. Generate a confirmation key, then send an email to the associated user with a link (containing the key) to a form allowing them to set their password and confirm their identity. """ # Generate and set a random confirmation key self.confirmation_key = get_random_string(length=20, allowed_chars='0123456789') self.save() # Use appropriate email templates to generate and send the email context = { "site": get_current_site(request), "conf_key": self.confirmation_key, } self.user.email_user( render_to_string("registration/confirmation_email_subject.txt", context=context), render_to_string("registration/confirmation_email.html", context=context), html_message=render_to_string("registration/confirmation_email.html", context=context), )
def test_post_issue_no_jurisdiction(mf_api_client, random_service): assert not Jurisdiction.objects.exists() for attempt in [1, 2]: issues = get_data_from_response( mf_api_client.post(ISSUE_LIST_ENDPOINT, { "service_code": random_service.service_code, "lat": 30, "long": 30, "description": get_random_string(), }), 201, schema=LIST_OF_ISSUES_SCHEMA ) issue = issues[0] assert Issue.objects.filter(identifier=issue['service_request_id']).exists() assert Jurisdiction.objects.filter(identifier="default").exists() # default Jurisdiction was created assert Jurisdiction.objects.count() == 1 issues = get_data_from_response( mf_api_client.get( reverse('georeport/v2:issue-detail', kwargs={'identifier': issue['service_request_id']}), ), schema=LIST_OF_ISSUES_SCHEMA ) verify_issue(issues[0])
def test_get_issue_multi_jurisdiction_filters_correctly(mf_api_client, random_service): assert not Jurisdiction.objects.exists() # Precondition check jurisdictions = [ Jurisdiction.objects.create(identifier="j%s" % x, name="j%s" % x) for x in range(4) ] for j in jurisdictions: for x in range(5): Issue.objects.create( jurisdiction=j, service=random_service, description=get_random_string(), address='Test Street 10', ) for j in jurisdictions: issues = get_data_from_response( mf_api_client.get(ISSUE_LIST_ENDPOINT, {'jurisdiction_id': j.identifier}), schema=LIST_OF_ISSUES_SCHEMA ) # Only getting the Issues for the requested Jurisdiction: assert len(issues) == Issue.objects.filter(jurisdiction=j).count()
def test_default_moderation_status(mf_api_client, random_service, settings, status): """ Test that when the default mod status is not 'public', freshly created issues are not visible via the list endpoint """ settings.ISSUES_DEFAULT_MODERATION_STATUS = status posted_issues = get_data_from_response( mf_api_client.post(ISSUE_LIST_ENDPOINT, { "lat": 15, "long": 15, "description": get_random_string(), "service_code": random_service.service_code, }), 201, schema=LIST_OF_ISSUES_SCHEMA ) verify_issue(posted_issues[0]) listed_issues = get_data_from_response( mf_api_client.get(ISSUE_LIST_ENDPOINT), 200, ) assert bool(listed_issues) == (status == 'public')
def test_post_issue_api_key(mf_api_client, random_service, api_key_mode, pass_api_key): expected_app = Application.autodetermine() expected_status = 201 if api_key_mode == 'actual-apps': for x in range(5): expected_app = Application.objects.create(identifier='app%d' % (x + 1)) if not pass_api_key: expected_status = 400 input_data = dict( description=get_random_string(), service_code=random_service.service_code, address='hello', api_key=(expected_app.key if pass_api_key else ''), ) issues = get_data_from_response( mf_api_client.post(ISSUE_LIST_ENDPOINT, input_data), status_code=expected_status, schema=LIST_OF_ISSUES_SCHEMA, ) if expected_status >= 400: return # Nothing more to do here issue = verify_issue(issues[0]) assert issue.application == expected_app
def test_create_fake_data_then_send_get_request_via_user_viewset(self): admin_user = mixer.blend('auth.User', is_staff=True, is_superuser=True) app = Application.objects.create( name='SuperAPI OAUTH2 APP', user=admin_user, client_type=Application.CLIENT_PUBLIC, authorization_grant_type=Application.GRANT_PASSWORD, ) assert Application.objects.count() == 1, "Should be equal" random = get_random_string(length=16) admin_token = AccessToken.objects.create( user=admin_user, scope='read write', # ?? ????? . . . expires=timezone.now() + timedelta(minutes=5), token=f'{random}---{admin_user.username}', application=app ) for cnt in range(50): mixer.blend('auth.User', is_active=True) url = reverse('user-list') # ? ??? ??? ???. self.client.credentials( HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=f'Bearer {admin_token.token}' ) response = self.client.get(url, format='json') assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
def get_token(self, access_user, app): random = get_random_string(length=1024) access_token = AccessToken.objects.create( user=access_user, scope='read write', expires=timezone.now() + timedelta(minutes=5), token=f'{random}---{access_user.username}', application=app ) return access_token.token
def create_access_key(self, kwarg): """Create access key for user if user exists.""" if kwarg[username] not in self.users: raise client_error('CreateAccessKey', '404', 'User %s not found' % kwarg[username]) key_id = get_random_string(length=20) key = get_random_string(length=40) self.users[kwarg[username]].access_keys[key_id] = key return access_key_response(kwarg[username], key, key_id)
def create_group(self, kwarg): """Create group if it does not exist.""" if kwarg[group_name] in self.groups: raise client_error('CreateGroup', '409', 'Group %s exists' % kwarg[group_name]) group_id = get_random_string(length=10) self.groups[kwarg[group_name]] = group_id return group_response(kwarg[group_name], group_id)
def _set_username(self): """Set username to user.username and validate.""" self.username = self.user.username # If username is invalid generate a new username. Lendable must # be available for checkout by user to hit this code. if not self._validate_username(): self.username = get_random_string(length=20)
def _set_username(self): """Normalize username to remove none ascii chars and validate.""" self.username = unidecode(self.user.username) # If username is invalid or username account already exists create # a new username. Lendable must be available for checkout by user # to hit this code. if not self._validate_username() or \ self.amazon_account_utils.iam_user_exists(self.username): self.username = get_random_string(length=20)
def inject_html(request, response, data, summary_data): try: body_closing_index = response.content.rindex(b'</body>') except ValueError: return content = ' | '.join( '%s=%s' % (key, round(value, 3) if isinstance(value, float) else value) for (key, value) in sorted(summary_data.items()) ) ns = 'cv_%s' % get_random_string() html = """<style>{style}</style><div id="{ns}">{content}</div>""".format( ns=ns, content=content, style=STYLE.replace('#cv', '#' + ns), ) script = generate_console_script(data, with_stacks=bool(request.GET.get('_cavalry_stacks'))) html += "<script>{script}</script>".format(script='\n'.join(script)) response.content = ( response.content[:body_closing_index] + html.encode('utf-8') + response.content[body_closing_index:] ) if 'content-length' in response: response['content-length'] = len(response.content)
def generate_origin_id(): return get_random_string(32)
def get_available_name(self, name, max_length=None): """ Returns a filename that's free on the target storage system, and available for new content to be written to. """ dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(name) file_root, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) # If the filename already exists, add an underscore and a random 7 # character alphanumeric string (before the file extension, if one # exists) to the filename until the generated filename doesn't exist. # Truncate original name if required, so the new filename does not # exceed the max_length. while self.exists(name) or (max_length and len(name) > max_length): # file_ext includes the dot. name = os.path.join(dir_name, "%s_%s%s" % (file_root, get_random_string(7), file_ext)) if max_length is None: continue # Truncate file_root if max_length exceeded. truncation = len(name) - max_length if truncation > 0: file_root = file_root[:-truncation] # Entire file_root was truncated in attempt to find an available filename. if not file_root: raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 'Storage can not find an available filename for "%s". ' 'Please make sure that the corresponding file field ' 'allows sufficient "max_length".' % name ) name = os.path.join(dir_name, "%s_%s%s" % (file_root, get_random_string(7), file_ext)) return name
def make_random_password(self, length=10, allowed_chars='abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ' '23456789'): """ Generate a random password with the given length and given allowed_chars. The default value of allowed_chars does not have "I" or "O" or letters and digits that look similar -- just to avoid confusion. """ return get_random_string(length, allowed_chars)
def _get_new_csrf_key(): return get_random_string(CSRF_KEY_LENGTH)
def __init__(self, index): self.alias = index self.index = index.backend.index_class( index.backend, self.alias.name + '_' + get_random_string(7).lower() )
def user_factory(troubleshooter=False, superuser=False, backoffice=False, password=None): fake = Faker('en-US') u = User(username=fake.user_name(), firstname=fake.first_name(), lastname=fake.last_name(), is_active=True, is_superuser=superuser, is_backoffice_user=backoffice, is_troubleshooter=troubleshooter) u.set_password(password or fake.password()) if troubleshooter: u.auth_token = get_random_string(32) u.save() return u
def generate_ping_secret(): prefix = '/ping ' return prefix + get_random_string(length=MAX_LENGTH - len(prefix))