Python django.utils.itercompat 模块,is_iterable() 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:MxOnline    作者:myTeemo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        """ Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:xadmin-markdown-editor    作者:bluenknight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        """ Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        """ Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:django-open-lecture    作者:DmLitov4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:eduDjango    作者:yuzhou6    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:django-tsvector-field    作者:damoti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_columns_attribute(self, textual_columns):
        if not self.columns:
        if not textual_columns:
            yield checks.Error(
                "No textual columns available in this model for search vector indexing.",
                obj=self, id='postgres.E100',
        elif not is_iterable(self.columns) or \
                not all(isinstance(wc, WeightedColumn) for wc in self.columns):
            yield checks.Error(
                "'columns' must be an iterable containing WeightedColumn instances",
                obj=self, id='postgres.E101',
            for column in self.columns:
                for error in column.check(self, textual_columns):
                    yield error
项目:travlr    作者:gauravkulkarni96    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:Django-IMOOC-Shop    作者:LBruse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:StudyOnline    作者:yipwinghong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:xadmin_python3    作者:mahongquan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, str) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:logo-gen    作者:jellene4eva    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:gmail_scanner    作者:brandonhub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:CSCE482-WordcloudPlus    作者:ggaytan00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:MoocOnline    作者:My-captain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:producthunt    作者:davidgengler    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:django-rtc    作者:scifiswapnil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:followme    作者:wzqnls    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:mxonline    作者:huwei86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:geekpoint    作者:Lujinghu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        """ Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:LatinSounds_AppEnviaMail    作者:G3ek-aR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]
            # By default, 'database'-tagged checks are not run as they do more
            # than mere static code analysis.
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if not hasattr(check, 'tags') or Tags.database not in check.tags]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:DjangoZeroToHero    作者:RayParra    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:Roboism    作者:markroxor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_checks(self, app_configs=None, tags=None, include_deployment_checks=False):
        """ Run all registered checks and return list of Errors and Warnings.
        errors = []
        checks = self.get_checks(include_deployment_checks)

        if tags is not None:
            checks = [check for check in checks
                      if hasattr(check, 'tags') and set(check.tags) & set(tags)]

        for check in checks:
            new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs)
            assert is_iterable(new_errors), (
                "The function %r did not return a list. All functions registered "
                "with the checks registry must return a list." % check)
        return errors
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_choices(self):
        if self.choices:
            if (isinstance(self.choices, six.string_types) or
                    not is_iterable(self.choices)):
                return [
                        "'choices' must be an iterable (e.g., a list or tuple).",
            elif any(isinstance(choice, six.string_types) or
                     not is_iterable(choice) or len(choice) != 2
                     for choice in self.choices):
                return [
                        ("'choices' must be an iterable containing "
                         "(actual value, human readable name) tuples."),
                return []
            return []
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, context):
        Render the specified template and context. Cache the template object
        in render_context to avoid reparsing and loading when used in a for
        resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
        _dict = self.func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)

        t = context.render_context.get(self)
        if t is None:
            if isinstance(self.filename, Template):
                t = self.filename
            elif isinstance(getattr(self.filename, 'template', None), Template):
                t = self.filename.template
            elif not isinstance(self.filename, six.string_types) and is_iterable(self.filename):
                t = context.template.engine.select_template(self.filename)
                t = context.template.engine.get_template(self.filename)
            context.render_context[self] = t
        new_context =
        # Copy across the CSRF token, if present, because inclusion tags are
        # often used for forms, and we need instructions for using CSRF
        # protection to be as simple as possible.
        csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token')
        if csrf_token is not None:
            new_context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token
        return t.render(new_context)
项目:blog_django    作者:chnpmy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            cls_str = str if 2 < sys.version_info.major else basestring
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, cls_str) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, cls_str) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:djangoblog    作者:liuhuipy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, cls_str) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:sdining    作者:Lurance    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, cls_str) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)

            _dict['autoescape'] = context.autoescape
            _dict['use_l10n'] = context.use_l10n
            _dict['use_tz'] = context.use_tz
            _dict['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']

            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                _dict['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:YouPBX    作者:JoneXiong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inclusion_tag(file_name, context_class=Context, takes_context=False):
    ? AdminView ? block views ????????????? :meth:`django.template.Library.inclusion_tag`
    def wrap(func):
        def method(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs):
            _dict = func(self, context, nodes, *arg, **kwargs)
            from django.template.loader import get_template, select_template
            if isinstance(file_name, Template):
                t = file_name
            elif not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and is_iterable(file_name):
                t = select_template(file_name)
                t = get_template(file_name)
            new_context = context_class(_dict, **{
                'autoescape': context.autoescape,
                'current_app': context.current_app,
                'use_l10n': context.use_l10n,
                'use_tz': context.use_tz,
            # ?? admin_view
            new_context['admin_view'] = context['admin_view']
            csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token', None)
            if csrf_token is not None:
                new_context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token

        return method
    return wrap
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_choices(self):
        if self.choices:
            if (isinstance(self.choices, six.string_types) or
                    not is_iterable(self.choices)):
                return [
                        "'choices' must be an iterable (e.g., a list or tuple).",
            elif any(isinstance(choice, six.string_types) or
                     not is_iterable(choice) or len(choice) != 2
                     for choice in self.choices):
                return [
                        "'choices' must be an iterable containing "
                        "(actual value, human readable name) tuples.",
                return []
            return []
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, context):
        Render the specified template and context. Cache the template object
        in render_context to avoid reparsing and loading when used in a for
        resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
        _dict = self.func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)

        t = context.render_context.get(self)
        if t is None:
            if isinstance(self.filename, Template):
                t = self.filename
            elif isinstance(getattr(self.filename, 'template', None), Template):
                t = self.filename.template
            elif not isinstance(self.filename, six.string_types) and is_iterable(self.filename):
                t = context.template.engine.select_template(self.filename)
                t = context.template.engine.get_template(self.filename)
            context.render_context[self] = t
        new_context =
        # Copy across the CSRF token, if present, because inclusion tags are
        # often used for forms, and we need instructions for using CSRF
        # protection to be as simple as possible.
        csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token')
        if csrf_token is not None:
            new_context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token
        return t.render(new_context)
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_choices(self):
        if self.choices:
            if (isinstance(self.choices, six.string_types) or
                    not is_iterable(self.choices)):
                return [
                        "'choices' must be an iterable (e.g., a list or tuple).",
            elif any(isinstance(choice, six.string_types) or
                     not is_iterable(choice) or len(choice) != 2
                     for choice in self.choices):
                return [
                        "'choices' must be an iterable containing "
                        "(actual value, human readable name) tuples.",
                return []
            return []
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, context):
        Render the specified template and context. Cache the template object
        in render_context to avoid reparsing and loading when used in a for
        resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
        _dict = self.func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)

        t = context.render_context.get(self)
        if t is None:
            if isinstance(self.filename, Template):
                t = self.filename
            elif isinstance(getattr(self.filename, 'template', None), Template):
                t = self.filename.template
            elif not isinstance(self.filename, six.string_types) and is_iterable(self.filename):
                t = context.template.engine.select_template(self.filename)
                t = context.template.engine.get_template(self.filename)
            context.render_context[self] = t
        new_context =
        # Copy across the CSRF token, if present, because inclusion tags are
        # often used for forms, and we need instructions for using CSRF
        # protection to be as simple as possible.
        csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token')
        if csrf_token is not None:
            new_context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token
        return t.render(new_context)
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_choices(self):
        if self.choices:
            if (isinstance(self.choices, six.string_types) or
                    not is_iterable(self.choices)):
                return [
                        "'choices' must be an iterable (e.g., a list or tuple).",
            elif any(isinstance(choice, six.string_types) or
                     not is_iterable(choice) or len(choice) != 2
                     for choice in self.choices):
                return [
                        ("'choices' must be an iterable containing "
                         "(actual value, human readable name) tuples."),
                return []
            return []
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, context):
        Render the specified template and context. Cache the template object
        in render_context to avoid reparsing and loading when used in a for
        resolved_args, resolved_kwargs = self.get_resolved_arguments(context)
        _dict = self.func(*resolved_args, **resolved_kwargs)

        t = context.render_context.get(self)
        if t is None:
            if isinstance(self.filename, Template):
                t = self.filename
            elif isinstance(getattr(self.filename, 'template', None), Template):
                t = self.filename.template
            elif not isinstance(self.filename, six.string_types) and is_iterable(self.filename):
                t = context.template.engine.select_template(self.filename)
                t = context.template.engine.get_template(self.filename)
            context.render_context[self] = t
        new_context =
        # Copy across the CSRF token, if present, because inclusion tags are
        # often used for forms, and we need instructions for using CSRF
        # protection to be as simple as possible.
        csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token')
        if csrf_token is not None:
            new_context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token
        return t.render(new_context)