Python django.utils.six 模块,PY3 实例源码


项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gettext_popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=CommandError, stdout_encoding="utf-8"):
    Makes sure text obtained from stdout of gettext utilities is Unicode.
    # This both decodes utf-8 and cleans line endings. Simply using
    # popen_wrapper(universal_newlines=True) doesn't properly handle the
    # encoding. This goes back to popen's flaky support for encoding:
    # This is a solution for #23271, #21928.
    # No need to do anything on Python 2 because it's already a byte-string there.
    manual_io_wrapper = six.PY3 and stdout_encoding != DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING

    stdout, stderr, status_code = popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=os_err_exc_type,
                                                universal_newlines=not manual_io_wrapper)
    if manual_io_wrapper:
        stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(stdout), encoding=stdout_encoding).read()
    if six.PY2:
        stdout = stdout.decode(stdout_encoding)
    return stdout, stderr, status_code
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ask_default(self):
        print("Please enter the default value now, as valid Python")
        print("The datetime and django.utils.timezone modules are available, so you can do e.g.")
        while True:
            if six.PY3:
                # Six does not correctly abstract over the fact that
                # py3 input returns a unicode string, while py2 raw_input
                # returns a bytestring.
                code = input(">>> ")
                code = input(">>> ").decode(sys.stdin.encoding)
            if not code:
                print("Please enter some code, or 'exit' (with no quotes) to exit.")
            elif code == "exit":
                    return eval(code, {}, {"datetime": datetime_safe, "timezone": timezone})
                except (SyntaxError, NameError) as e:
                    print("Invalid input: %s" % e)
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_queryset_methods(cls, queryset_class):
        def create_method(name, method):
            def manager_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
            manager_method.__name__ = method.__name__
            manager_method.__doc__ = method.__doc__
            return manager_method

        new_methods = {}
        # Refs
        predicate = inspect.isfunction if six.PY3 else inspect.ismethod
        for name, method in inspect.getmembers(queryset_class, predicate=predicate):
            # Only copy missing methods.
            if hasattr(cls, name):
            # Only copy public methods or methods with the attribute `queryset_only=False`.
            queryset_only = getattr(method, 'queryset_only', None)
            if queryset_only or (queryset_only is None and name.startswith('_')):
            # Copy the method onto the manager.
            new_methods[name] = create_method(name, method)
        return new_methods
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def constant_time_compare(val1, val2):
        Returns True if the two strings are equal, False otherwise.

        The time taken is independent of the number of characters that match.

        For the sake of simplicity, this function executes in constant time only
        when the two strings have the same length. It short-circuits when they
        have different lengths. Since Django only uses it to compare hashes of
        known expected length, this is acceptable.
        if len(val1) != len(val2):
            return False
        result = 0
        if six.PY3 and isinstance(val1, bytes) and isinstance(val2, bytes):
            for x, y in zip(val1, val2):
                result |= x ^ y
            for x, y in zip(val1, val2):
                result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
        return result == 0
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, admin_view, field_path):
        self.field = field
        self.field_path = field_path
        self.title = getattr(field, 'verbose_name', field_path)
        self.context_params = {}

        super(FieldFilter, self).__init__(request, params, model, admin_view)

        for name, format in self.lookup_formats.items():
            p = format % field_path
            self.context_params["%s_name" % name] = FILTER_PREFIX + p
            if p in params:
                value = prepare_lookup_value(p, params.pop(p))
                self.used_params[p] = value
                self.context_params["%s_val" % name] = value
                self.context_params["%s_val" % name] = ''

        arr = map(
                lambda kv: setattr(self, 'lookup_' + kv[0], kv[1]),
        if six.PY3:
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

        if self.valid_forms():
            response = self.post_response()
            cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
            if isinstance(response, cls_str):
                return HttpResponseRedirect(response)
                return response

        return self.get_response()
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_block(context, block_name, *args, **kwargs):
    if 'admin_view' not in context:
        return ""

    admin_view = context['admin_view']
    nodes = []
    method_name = 'block_%s' % block_name

    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    for view in [admin_view] + admin_view.plugins:
        if hasattr(view, method_name) and callable(getattr(view, method_name)):
            block_func = getattr(view, method_name)
            result = block_func(context, nodes, *args, **kwargs)
            if result and isinstance(result, cls_str):
    if nodes:
        return mark_safe(''.join(nodes))
        return ""
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quote(s):
    Ensure that primary key values do not confuse the admin URLs by escaping
    any '/', '_' and ':' characters. Similar to urllib.quote, except that the
    quoting is slightly different so that it doesn't get automatically
    unquoted by the Web browser.
    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    if not isinstance(s, cls_str):
        return s
    res = list(s)
    for i in range(len(res)):
        c = res[i]
        if c in """:/_#?;@&=+$,"<>%\\""":
            res[i] = '_%02X' % ord(c)
    return ''.join(res)
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unquote(s):
    Undo the effects of quote(). Based heavily on urllib.unquote().
    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    if not isinstance(s, cls_str):
        return s
    mychr = chr
    myatoi = int
    list = s.split('_')
    res = [list[0]]
    myappend = res.append
    del list[0]
    for item in list:
        if item[1:2]:
                myappend(mychr(myatoi(item[:2], 16)) + item[2:])
            except ValueError:
                myappend('_' + item)
            myappend('_' + item)
    return "".join(res)
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_actions(self):
        if self.actions is None:
            return OrderedDict()

        actions = [self.get_action(action) for action in self.global_actions]

        for klass in self.admin_view.__class__.mro()[::-1]:
            class_actions = getattr(klass, 'actions', [])
            if not class_actions:
                [self.get_action(action) for action in class_actions])

        # get_action might have returned None, so filter any of those out.
        actions = filter(None, actions)
        if six.PY3:
            actions = list(actions)

        # Convert the actions into a OrderedDict keyed by name.
        actions = OrderedDict([
            (name, (ac, name, desc, icon))
            for ac, name, desc, icon in actions

        return actions
项目:djangoblog    作者:liuhuipy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, admin_view, field_path):
        self.field = field
        self.field_path = field_path
        self.title = getattr(field, 'verbose_name', field_path)
        self.context_params = {}

        super(FieldFilter, self).__init__(request, params, model, admin_view)

        for name, format in self.lookup_formats.items():
            p = format % field_path
            self.context_params["%s_name" % name] = FILTER_PREFIX + p
            if p in params:
                value = prepare_lookup_value(p, params.pop(p))
                self.used_params[p] = value
                self.context_params["%s_val" % name] = value
                self.context_params["%s_val" % name] = ''

        arr = map(
                lambda kv: setattr(self, 'lookup_' + kv[0], kv[1]),
        if six.PY3:
项目:djangoblog    作者:liuhuipy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

        if self.valid_forms():
            response = self.post_response()
            cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
            if isinstance(response, cls_str):
                return HttpResponseRedirect(response)
                return response

        return self.get_response()
项目:djangoblog    作者:liuhuipy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_block(context, block_name, *args, **kwargs):
    if 'admin_view' not in context:
        return ""

    admin_view = context['admin_view']
    nodes = []
    method_name = 'block_%s' % block_name

    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    for view in [admin_view] + admin_view.plugins:
        if hasattr(view, method_name) and callable(getattr(view, method_name)):
            block_func = getattr(view, method_name)
            result = block_func(context, nodes, *args, **kwargs)
            if result and isinstance(result, cls_str):
    if nodes:
        return mark_safe(''.join(nodes))
        return ""
项目:djangoblog    作者:liuhuipy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quote(s):
    Ensure that primary key values do not confuse the admin URLs by escaping
    any '/', '_' and ':' characters. Similar to urllib.quote, except that the
    quoting is slightly different so that it doesn't get automatically
    unquoted by the Web browser.
    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    if not isinstance(s, cls_str):
        return s
    res = list(s)
    for i in range(len(res)):
        c = res[i]
        if c in """:/_#?;@&=+$,"<>%\\""":
            res[i] = '_%02X' % ord(c)
    return ''.join(res)
项目:djangoblog    作者:liuhuipy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unquote(s):
    Undo the effects of quote(). Based heavily on urllib.unquote().
    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    if not isinstance(s, cls_str):
        return s
    mychr = chr
    myatoi = int
    list = s.split('_')
    res = [list[0]]
    myappend = res.append
    del list[0]
    for item in list:
        if item[1:2]:
                myappend(mychr(myatoi(item[:2], 16)) + item[2:])
            except ValueError:
                myappend('_' + item)
            myappend('_' + item)
    return "".join(res)
项目:djangoblog    作者:liuhuipy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_actions(self):
        if self.actions is None:
            return OrderedDict()

        actions = [self.get_action(action) for action in self.global_actions]

        for klass in self.admin_view.__class__.mro()[::-1]:
            class_actions = getattr(klass, 'actions', [])
            if not class_actions:
                [self.get_action(action) for action in class_actions])

        # get_action might have returned None, so filter any of those out.
        actions = filter(None, actions)
        if six.PY3:
            actions = list(actions)

        # Convert the actions into a OrderedDict keyed by name.
        actions = OrderedDict([
            (name, (ac, name, desc, icon))
            for ac, name, desc, icon in actions

        return actions
项目:sdining    作者:Lurance    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, admin_view, field_path):
        self.field = field
        self.field_path = field_path
        self.title = getattr(field, 'verbose_name', field_path)
        self.context_params = {}

        super(FieldFilter, self).__init__(request, params, model, admin_view)

        for name, format in self.lookup_formats.items():
            p = format % field_path
            self.context_params["%s_name" % name] = FILTER_PREFIX + p
            if p in params:
                value = prepare_lookup_value(p, params.pop(p))
                self.used_params[p] = value
                self.context_params["%s_val" % name] = value
                self.context_params["%s_val" % name] = ''

        arr = map(
                lambda kv: setattr(self, 'lookup_' + kv[0], kv[1]),
        if six.PY3:
项目:sdining    作者:Lurance    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

        if self.valid_forms():
            response = self.post_response()
            cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
            if isinstance(response, cls_str):
                return HttpResponseRedirect(response)
                return response

        return self.get_response()
项目:sdining    作者:Lurance    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_block(context, block_name, *args, **kwargs):
    if 'admin_view' not in context:
        return ""

    admin_view = context['admin_view']
    nodes = []
    method_name = 'block_%s' % block_name

    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    for view in [admin_view] + admin_view.plugins:
        if hasattr(view, method_name) and callable(getattr(view, method_name)):
            block_func = getattr(view, method_name)
            result = block_func(context, nodes, *args, **kwargs)
            if result and isinstance(result, cls_str):
    if nodes:
        return mark_safe(''.join(nodes))
        return ""
项目:sdining    作者:Lurance    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quote(s):
    Ensure that primary key values do not confuse the admin URLs by escaping
    any '/', '_' and ':' characters. Similar to urllib.quote, except that the
    quoting is slightly different so that it doesn't get automatically
    unquoted by the Web browser.
    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    if not isinstance(s, cls_str):
        return s
    res = list(s)
    for i in range(len(res)):
        c = res[i]
        if c in """:/_#?;@&=+$,"<>%\\""":
            res[i] = '_%02X' % ord(c)
    return ''.join(res)
项目:sdining    作者:Lurance    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unquote(s):
    Undo the effects of quote(). Based heavily on urllib.unquote().
    cls_str = str if six.PY3 else basestring
    if not isinstance(s, cls_str):
        return s
    mychr = chr
    myatoi = int
    list = s.split('_')
    res = [list[0]]
    myappend = res.append
    del list[0]
    for item in list:
        if item[1:2]:
                myappend(mychr(myatoi(item[:2], 16)) + item[2:])
            except ValueError:
                myappend('_' + item)
            myappend('_' + item)
    return "".join(res)
项目:sdining    作者:Lurance    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_actions(self):
        if self.actions is None:
            return OrderedDict()

        actions = [self.get_action(action) for action in self.global_actions]

        for klass in self.admin_view.__class__.mro()[::-1]:
            class_actions = getattr(klass, 'actions', [])
            if not class_actions:
                [self.get_action(action) for action in class_actions])

        # get_action might have returned None, so filter any of those out.
        actions = filter(None, actions)
        if six.PY3:
            actions = list(actions)

        # Convert the actions into a OrderedDict keyed by name.
        actions = OrderedDict([
            (name, (ac, name, desc, icon))
            for ac, name, desc, icon in actions

        return actions
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:django-modern-rpc    作者:alorence    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logger_has_handlers(logger):
    Check if given logger has at least 1 handler associated, return a boolean value.

    Since Python 2 doesn't provide Logger.hasHandlers(), we have to perform the lookup by ourself.
    if six.PY3:
        return logger.hasHandlers()
        c = logger
        rv = False
        while c:
            if c.handlers:
                rv = True
            if not c.propagate:
                c = c.parent
        return rv
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gettext_popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=CommandError, stdout_encoding="utf-8"):
    Makes sure text obtained from stdout of gettext utilities is Unicode.
    # This both decodes utf-8 and cleans line endings. Simply using
    # popen_wrapper(universal_newlines=True) doesn't properly handle the
    # encoding. This goes back to popen's flaky support for encoding:
    # This is a solution for #23271, #21928.
    # No need to do anything on Python 2 because it's already a byte-string there.
    manual_io_wrapper = six.PY3 and stdout_encoding != DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING

    stdout, stderr, status_code = popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=os_err_exc_type,
                                                universal_newlines=not manual_io_wrapper)
    if manual_io_wrapper:
        stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(stdout), encoding=stdout_encoding).read()
    if six.PY2:
        stdout = stdout.decode(stdout_encoding)
    return stdout, stderr, status_code
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gettext_popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=CommandError, stdout_encoding="utf-8"):
    Makes sure text obtained from stdout of gettext utilities is Unicode.
    # This both decodes utf-8 and cleans line endings. Simply using
    # popen_wrapper(universal_newlines=True) doesn't properly handle the
    # encoding. This goes back to popen's flaky support for encoding:
    # This is a solution for #23271, #21928.
    # No need to do anything on Python 2 because it's already a byte-string there.
    manual_io_wrapper = six.PY3 and stdout_encoding != DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING

    stdout, stderr, status_code = popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=os_err_exc_type,
                                                universal_newlines=not manual_io_wrapper)
    if manual_io_wrapper:
        stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(stdout), encoding=stdout_encoding).read()
    if six.PY2:
        stdout = stdout.decode(stdout_encoding)
    return stdout, stderr, status_code
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gettext_popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=CommandError, stdout_encoding="utf-8"):
    Makes sure text obtained from stdout of gettext utilities is Unicode.
    # This both decodes utf-8 and cleans line endings. Simply using
    # popen_wrapper(universal_newlines=True) doesn't properly handle the
    # encoding. This goes back to popen's flaky support for encoding:
    # This is a solution for #23271, #21928.
    # No need to do anything on Python 2 because it's already a byte-string there.
    manual_io_wrapper = six.PY3 and stdout_encoding != DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING

    stdout, stderr, status_code = popen_wrapper(args, os_err_exc_type=os_err_exc_type,
                                                universal_newlines=not manual_io_wrapper)
    if manual_io_wrapper:
        stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(stdout), encoding=stdout_encoding).read()
    if six.PY2:
        stdout = stdout.decode(stdout_encoding)
    return stdout, stderr, status_code
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_environ(self):
        # Strip all headers with underscores in the name before constructing
        # the WSGI environ. This prevents header-spoofing based on ambiguity
        # between underscores and dashes both normalized to underscores in WSGI
        # env vars. Nginx and Apache 2.4+ both do this as well.
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            if '_' in k:
                del self.headers[k]

        env = super(WSGIRequestHandler, self).get_environ()

        path = self.path
        if '?' in path:
            path = path.partition('?')[0]

        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        env['PATH_INFO'] = path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path

        return env
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, _text, _subtype='plain', _charset=None):
        self.encoding = _charset
        if _charset == 'utf-8':
            # Unfortunately, Python doesn't yet pass a Charset instance as
            # MIMEText init parameter to set_payload().
            # We do it manually and trigger re-encoding of the payload.
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(_text, bytes):
                # Sniffing encoding would fail with bytes content in MIMEText.__init__.
                _text = _text.decode('utf-8')
            MIMEText.__init__(self, _text, _subtype, None)
            del self['Content-Transfer-Encoding']
            has_long_lines = any(len(l) > RFC5322_EMAIL_LINE_LENGTH_LIMIT for l in _text.splitlines())
            # Quoted-Printable encoding has the side effect of shortening long
            # lines, if any (#22561).
            self.set_payload(_text, utf8_charset_qp if has_long_lines else utf8_charset)
            self.replace_header('Content-Type', 'text/%s; charset="%s"' % (_subtype, _charset))
        elif _charset is None:
            # the default value of '_charset' is 'us-ascii' on Python 2
            MIMEText.__init__(self, _text, _subtype)
            MIMEText.__init__(self, _text, _subtype, _charset)
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_queryset_methods(cls, queryset_class):
        def create_method(name, method):
            def manager_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
            manager_method.__name__ = method.__name__
            manager_method.__doc__ = method.__doc__
            return manager_method

        new_methods = {}
        # Refs
        predicate = inspect.isfunction if six.PY3 else inspect.ismethod
        for name, method in inspect.getmembers(queryset_class, predicate=predicate):
            # Only copy missing methods.
            if hasattr(cls, name):
            # Only copy public methods or methods with the attribute `queryset_only=False`.
            queryset_only = getattr(method, 'queryset_only', None)
            if queryset_only or (queryset_only is None and name.startswith('_')):
            # Copy the method onto the manager.
            new_methods[name] = create_method(name, method)
        return new_methods
项目:cookiecutter-django-app    作者:edx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup(app):
    """Sphinx extension: run sphinx-apidoc."""
    event = 'builder-inited' if six.PY3 else b'builder-inited'
    app.connect(event, on_init)
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, content, name=None):
        if six.PY3:
            stream_class = StringIO if isinstance(content, six.text_type) else BytesIO
            stream_class = BytesIO
            content = force_bytes(content)
        super(ContentFile, self).__init__(stream_class(content), name=name)
        self.size = len(content)
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bytes_from_wsgi(environ, key, default):
    Get a value from the WSGI environ dictionary as bytes.

    key and default should be str objects. Under Python 2 they may also be
    unicode objects provided they only contain ASCII characters.
    value = environ.get(str(key), str(default))
    # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
    # decoded with ISO-8859-1. This is wrong for Django websites where UTF-8
    # is the default. Re-encode to recover the original bytestring.
    return value.encode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else value
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_str_from_wsgi(environ, key, default):
    Get a value from the WSGI environ dictionary as str.

    key and default should be str objects. Under Python 2 they may also be
    unicode objects provided they only contain ASCII characters.
    value = get_bytes_from_wsgi(environ, key, default)
    return value.decode(UTF_8, errors='replace') if six.PY3 else value
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_message(self, message):
        msg = message.message()
        msg_data = msg.as_bytes()
        if six.PY3:
            charset = msg.get_charset().get_output_charset() if msg.get_charset() else 'utf-8'
            msg_data = msg_data.decode(charset)'%s\n' % msg_data)'-' * 79)'\n')
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_header(line):
    """ Parse the header into a key-value.
        Input (line): bytes, output: unicode for key/name, bytes for value which
        will be decoded later
    plist = _parse_header_params(b';' + line)
    key = plist.pop(0).lower().decode('ascii')
    pdict = {}
    for p in plist:
        i = p.find(b'=')
        if i >= 0:
            has_encoding = False
            name = p[:i].strip().lower().decode('ascii')
            if name.endswith('*'):
                # Lang/encoding embedded in the value (like "filename*=UTF-8''file.ext")
                name = name[:-1]
                if p.count(b"'") == 2:
                    has_encoding = True
            value = p[i + 1:].strip()
            if has_encoding:
                encoding, lang, value = value.split(b"'")
                if six.PY3:
                    value = unquote(value.decode(), encoding=encoding.decode())
                    value = unquote(value).decode(encoding)
            if len(value) >= 2 and value[:1] == value[-1:] == b'"':
                value = value[1:-1]
                value = value.replace(b'\\\\', b'\\').replace(b'\\"', b'"')
            pdict[name] = value
    return key, pdict
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _convert_to_charset(self, value, charset, mime_encode=False):
        """Converts headers key/value to ascii/latin-1 native strings.

        `charset` must be 'ascii' or 'latin-1'. If `mime_encode` is True and
        `value` can't be represented in the given charset, MIME-encoding
        is applied.
        if not isinstance(value, (bytes, six.text_type)):
            value = str(value)
        if ((isinstance(value, bytes) and (b'\n' in value or b'\r' in value)) or
                isinstance(value, six.text_type) and ('\n' in value or '\r' in value)):
            raise BadHeaderError("Header values can't contain newlines (got %r)" % value)
            if six.PY3:
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    # Ensure string is valid in given charset
                    # Convert bytestring using given charset
                    value = value.decode(charset)
                if isinstance(value, str):
                    # Ensure string is valid in given charset
                    # Convert unicode string to given charset
                    value = value.encode(charset)
        except UnicodeError as e:
            if mime_encode:
                # Wrapping in str() is a workaround for #12422 under Python 2.
                value = str(Header(value, 'utf-8', maxlinelen=sys.maxsize).encode())
                e.reason += ', HTTP response headers must be in %s format' % charset
        return value
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, query_string=None, mutable=False, encoding=None):
        super(QueryDict, self).__init__()
        if not encoding:
            encoding = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
        self.encoding = encoding
        if six.PY3:
            if isinstance(query_string, bytes):
                # query_string normally contains URL-encoded data, a subset of ASCII.
                    query_string = query_string.decode(encoding)
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    # ... but some user agents are misbehaving :-(
                    query_string = query_string.decode('iso-8859-1')
            for key, value in parse_qsl(query_string or '',
                self.appendlist(key, value)
            for key, value in parse_qsl(query_string or '',
                    value = value.decode(encoding)
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    value = value.decode('iso-8859-1')
                self.appendlist(force_text(key, encoding, errors='replace'),
        self._mutable = mutable
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_related_name_is_valid(self):
        import re
        import keyword
        related_name = self.remote_field.related_name
        if related_name is None:
            return []
        is_valid_id = True
        if keyword.iskeyword(related_name):
            is_valid_id = False
        if six.PY3:
            if not related_name.isidentifier():
                is_valid_id = False
            if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\Z', related_name):
                is_valid_id = False
        if not (is_valid_id or related_name.endswith('+')):
            return [
                    "The name '%s' is invalid related_name for field %s.%s" %
                    (self.remote_field.related_name, self.model._meta.object_name,
                    hint="Related name must be a valid Python identifier or end with a '+'",
        return []
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def allow_migrate(self, db, app_label, **hints):
        for router in self.routers:
                method = router.allow_migrate
            except AttributeError:
                # If the router doesn't have a method, skip to the next one.

            if six.PY3:
                sig = inspect.signature(router.allow_migrate)
                has_deprecated_signature = not any(
                    p.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD for p in sig.parameters.values()
                argspec = inspect.getargspec(router.allow_migrate)
                has_deprecated_signature = len(argspec.args) == 3 and not argspec.keywords

            if has_deprecated_signature:
                    "The signature of allow_migrate has changed from "
                    "allow_migrate(self, db, model) to "
                    "allow_migrate(self, db, app_label, model_name=None, **hints). "
                    "Support for the old signature will be removed in Django 1.10.",
                model = hints.get('model')
                allow = None if model is None else method(db, model)
                allow = method(db, app_label, **hints)

            if allow is not None:
                return allow
        return True
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_path(self, parsed):
        path = force_str(parsed[2])
        # If there are parameters, add them
        if parsed[3]:
            path += str(";") + force_str(parsed[3])
        path = uri_to_iri(path).encode(UTF_8)
        # Under Python 3, non-ASCII values in the WSGI environ are arbitrarily
        # decoded with ISO-8859-1. We replicate this behavior here.
        # Refs comment in `get_bytes_from_wsgi()`.
        return path.decode(ISO_8859_1) if six.PY3 else path
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_prefix(s):
    return s % {'_': '' if six.PY3 else 'u'}
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def force_text(s, encoding='utf-8', strings_only=False, errors='strict'):
    Similar to smart_text, except that lazy instances are resolved to
    strings, rather than kept as lazy objects.

    If strings_only is True, don't convert (some) non-string-like objects.
    # Handle the common case first for performance reasons.
    if issubclass(type(s), six.text_type):
        return s
    if strings_only and is_protected_type(s):
        return s
        if not issubclass(type(s), six.string_types):
            if six.PY3:
                if isinstance(s, bytes):
                    s = six.text_type(s, encoding, errors)
                    s = six.text_type(s)
            elif hasattr(s, '__unicode__'):
                s = six.text_type(s)
                s = six.text_type(bytes(s), encoding, errors)
            # Note: We use .decode() here, instead of six.text_type(s, encoding,
            # errors), so that if s is a SafeBytes, it ends up being a
            # SafeText at the end.
            s = s.decode(encoding, errors)
    except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
        if not isinstance(s, Exception):
            raise DjangoUnicodeDecodeError(s, *e.args)
            # If we get to here, the caller has passed in an Exception
            # subclass populated with non-ASCII bytestring data without a
            # working unicode method. Try to handle this without raising a
            # further exception by individually forcing the exception args
            # to unicode.
            s = ' '.join(force_text(arg, encoding, strings_only, errors)
                         for arg in s)
    return s