def send_share_notification(share_id): """Super simple you're content has been shared notification to a user.""" if settings.DEBUG: return try: content = Content.objects.get(id=share_id, content_type=ContentType.SHARE, share_of__local=True) except Content.DoesNotExist: logger.warning("No share content found with id %s", share_id) return content_url = "%s%s" % (settings.SOCIALHOME_URL, content.share_of.get_absolute_url()) subject = _("New share of: %s" % content.share_of.short_text_inline) context = get_common_context() context.update({ "subject": subject, "actor_name": content.author.name_or_handle, "actor_url": "%s%s" % (settings.SOCIALHOME_URL, content.author.get_absolute_url()), "content_url": content_url, "name": content.share_of.author.name_or_handle, }) send_mail( "%s%s" % (settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, subject), render_to_string("notifications/share.txt", context=context), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [content.share_of.author.user.email], fail_silently=False, html_message=render_to_string("notifications/share.html", context=context), )
def send(self, request): if (not self.last_email) or self.last_email + timedelta(hours=12) < now(): # TODO: TIMEDELTA mit config old_lang = translation.get_language() translation.activate(self.user.language) link = reverse('poll_vote', args=(self.poll.url,)) # TODO: hier direkt das poll oder das Vote? email_content = render_to_string('invitations/mail_invite.txt', { 'receiver': self.user.username, 'creator': self.creator.username, 'link': link }) try: send_mail("Invitation to vote on {}".format(self.poll.title), email_content, None, [self.user.email]) self.last_email = now() self.save() except SMTPRecipientsRefused: translation.activate(old_lang) messages.error( request, _("The mail server had an error sending the notification to {}".format(self.user.username)) ) translation.activate(old_lang) else: messages.error( request, _("You have send an Email for {} in the last 12 Hours".format(self.user.username)) )
def create(request): error = None group_name = '' if request.method == 'POST': group_name = request.POST.get('group_name', '') try: create_usergroup(request.user, group_name) msg = _('Group "{0}" was created.').format(group_name) messages.success(request, msg) return redirect('groups_show', group_name) except GroupError as e: error = e.message return TemplateResponse(request, 'groups/create.html', { 'error': error, 'group_name': group_name, })
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['family', 3], ['category', 3], ['order', 3], ['public', 3], ['type_price', 3], ['price', 3], ['type_value', 3], ['list_value', 3], ['image', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['family', 3], ['category', 3], ['order', 3], ['public', 3], ['type_price', 3], ['price', 3], ['type_value', 3], ['list_value', 3], ['image', 6], ['attribute', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['family', 3], ['category', 3], ['order', 2], ['public', 2], ['unique', 2], ['type_price', 3], ['price', 3], ['type_value', 3], ['list_value', 3], ['image', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['order', 2], ['code', 3], ['category', 3], ['public', 1], ['show_menu', 1], ['show_brand', 1], ['outstanding', 1], ['icon', 6], ['image', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups_details__(): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['order', 2], ['code', 3], ['category', 3], ['public', 1], ['show_menu', 1], ['show_brand', 1], ['outstanding', 1], ['icon', 6], ['image', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [( _('Details'), 12, ["product", 4], ["offer", 2], ["outstanding", 2], ['most_sold', 2], ["sample", 2], ["code", 4], ["price_base_local", 4], ["ean13", 4], ["related", 6], ["related_accesory", 6], ), ( _('Packaging information'), 12, ['packing_cost', 4], ['weight', 4], )] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [( _('Details'), 12, ["offer", 3], ["outstanding", 3], ['most_sold', 3], ["sample", 3], ["code", 4], ["price_base_local", 4], ["ean13", 4], ["related", 6], ["related_accesory", 6], ), ( _('Packaging information'), 12, ['packing_cost', 4], ['weight', 4], )] return g
def lock_delete(self): if self.products.exists(): return _("Cannot delete family model, relationship between family model and products") elif self.features.exists(): return _("Cannot delete family model, relationship between family model and features") elif self.attributes.exists(): return _("Cannot delete family model, relationship between family model and attributes") elif self.feature_specials.exists(): return _("Cannot delete family model, relationship between family model and feature special") elif self.categories.exists(): return _("Cannot delete family model, relationship between family model and categories") else: return super(Family, self).lock_delete() # categorias
def lock_delete(self): if self.products.exists(): return _("Cannot delete category model, relationship between category model and products") elif self.features.exists(): return _("Cannot delete category model, relationship between category model and features") elif self.attributes.exists(): return _("Cannot delete category model, relationship between category model and attributes") elif self.feature_specials.exists(): return _("Cannot delete category model, relationship between category model and feature special") elif self.subcategory.exists(): return _("Cannot delete category model, relationship between category model and subcategories") else: return super(Category, self).lock_delete() # subcategorias
def __fields__(self, info): lang = get_language_database() fields = [] fields.append(('family__{}__name'.format(lang), _("Family"))) fields.append(('category__{}__name'.format(lang), _("Category"))) fields.append(('subcategory__{}__name'.format(lang), _("Subcategory"))) fields.append(('public', _("Public"))) fields.append(('tax', _("Tax"))) fields.append(('code', _("Code"))) fields.append(('price_base', _("Price base"))) fields.append(('of_sales', _("Sales"))) fields.append(('of_purchase', _("Purchase"))) fields.append(('force_stock', _("Force stock"))) fields.append(('url_video', _("Url Video"))) fields.append(('feature_special', _("Feature special"))) fields.append(('packing_cost', _("Packing cost"))) fields.append(('weight', _("Weight"))) return fields
def __fields__(self, info): lang = get_language_database() fields = [] fields.append(('code', _("Code"))) fields.append(('product__code', _("Product Code"))) fields.append(('{}__name'.format(lang), _("Product"))) fields.append(('product__family__{}__name'.format(lang), _("Family"))) fields.append(('product__category__{}__name'.format(lang), _("Category"))) fields.append(('product__subcategory__{}__name'.format(lang), _("Subcategory"))) fields.append(('{}__public'.format(lang), _("Public"))) fields.append(('stock_real', _("Stock real"))) fields.append(('stock_lock', _("Stock lock"))) fields.append(('price', _("Price"))) fields.append(('is_pack', _("Is pack"))) fields.append(('sample', _("Sample"))) return fields
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): product_final = ProductFinal.objects.filter(pk=self.product_final_id).first() # se comprueba que no se repite el valor de las caracteristicas especiales de los productos finales cuando sean unicas if product_final: if product_final.product.feature_special and product_final.product.feature_special.unique: if ProductUnique.objects.filter( value=self.value, product_final__product=product_final.product ).exists(): raise ValidationError(_('Ya existe un producto final con el valor de la caracteristicas especial')) else: raise ValidationError(_("Product don't seleted")) # save and update stock of product final with transaction.atomic(): r = super(ProductUnique, self).save(*args, **kwargs) product_final.stock_real = ProductUnique.objects.filter(product_final=product_final).aggregate(stock=Sum('stock_real'))['stock'] product_final.save() return r # producto estrella (solo un registro publico)
def add_sharing_link(page, page_perms, is_parent=False): sharing_url = get_sharing_url(page) if sharing_url: if hasattr(page, 'get_admin_display_title'): title = page.get_admin_display_title() else: title = page.title yield wagtailadmin_widgets.Button( 'View sharing link', sharing_url, attrs={ 'title': _("View shared revision of '{}'").format(title), }, priority=90 )
def clean_invitees(self): self.invitee_users = [] data = self.cleaned_data['invitees'] invitees = [s.strip() for s in data.split(',')] for invitee in invitees: User = get_user_model() try: invitee_user = User.objects.get(username=invitee) self.invitee_users.append(invitee_user) except User.DoesNotExist: raise forms.ValidationError(_('There is no user "%s."') % invitee) has_invitation = bool(GroupInvitation.objects.filter( group=self.group, invitee=invitee_user)) if has_invitation: raise forms.ValidationError( _('"%s" already has an invitation.') % invitee) already_member = \ invitee_user.groups.filter(name=self.group.name).exists() if already_member: raise forms.ValidationError( _('"%s" is already a member of this group.') % invitee)
def create_usergroup(user, name): if not _group_name_re.match(name): raise GroupError(_('Invalid group name.')) if len(name) < MIN_GROUPNAME_LENGTH: err_msg = _('The group name must be at least {} characters').format( MIN_GROUPNAME_LENGTH) raise GroupError(err_msg) if Group.objects.filter(name__iexact=name).count(): raise GroupError(_('Group does already exist.')) group = Group.objects.create(name=name) group_proxy = GroupProxy(group) group_proxy.add_member(user) group.properties.admins.add(user) return group
def can_vote(self, user: BitpollUser, request: HttpRequest, is_edit: bool=False) -> bool: """ Determine if the user is allowed to vote :param is_edit: if the vote is an edit :param user: :param request: :return: """ has_voted = self.has_voted(user) if self.one_vote_per_user and has_voted and not is_edit: messages.error(request, _("It is only one vote allowed. You have already voted.")) return False elif self.require_login and not user.is_authenticated: messages.error(request, _("Login required to vote.")) return False elif self.require_invitation and (not user.is_authenticated or user not in self.invitation_set.all().values('user')): messages.error(request, _("You are not allowed to vote in this poll. You have to be invited")) return False return True
def change_email(request, token): try: data = signing.loads(token, max_age=TOKEN_MAX_AGE) except signing.SignatureExpired: return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_expired.html') except signing.BadSignature: return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_invalid.html') if request.user.username != data.get('username'): return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_invalid.html') email = data.get('email') try: validate_email(email) except ValidationError: return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/token_invalid.html') request.user.email = email request.user.save() messages.success(request, _('Your email address has been changed.')) return redirect('registration_account')
def _send_mail_or_error_page(subject, content, address, request): try: send_mail(subject, content, None, [address]) if settings.DEBUG: print(u"VALIDATION MAIL to {0}\nSubject: {1}\n{2}".format( address, subject, content)) except SMTPRecipientsRefused as e: wrong_email, (error_code, error_msg) = e.recipients.items()[0] unknown = 'User unknown' in error_msg if not unknown: error_email_content = u'{0}: {1}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, repr(e.recipients)) send_mail( _('Registration: Sending mail failed: {}'.format(address)), error_email_content, None, [settings.TEAM_EMAIL]) return TemplateResponse(request, 'registration/email_error.html', { 'unknown': unknown, 'error_code': error_code, 'error_msg': error_msg, 'recipient': wrong_email }) return redirect('registration_request_successful', address)
def renew(self): """Renew lendable. If renewals are available update the due_on date by adding another period equal to lending_period_in_days. If no renewals available raise error and display message to user. """ if self.renewals > 0: self.renewals -= 1 self.due_on = self.due_on + timedelta(self.lending_period_in_days) else: raise ValidationError( _("No more renewals are available for this item.") ) return self.save()
def validate(self, data): if self.instance and (now() - self.instance.created_at) > settings.PARKKIHUBI_TIME_PARKINGS_EDITABLE: if set(data.keys()) != {'time_end'}: raise ParkingException( _('Grace period has passed. Only "time_end" can be updated via PATCH.'), code='grace_period_over', ) if self.instance: # a partial update might be missing one or both of the time fields time_start = data.get('time_start', self.instance.time_start) time_end = data.get('time_end', self.instance.time_end) else: time_start = data['time_start'] time_end = data['time_end'] if time_end is not None and time_start > time_end: raise serializers.ValidationError(_('"time_start" cannot be after "time_end".')) return data
def swift_delete_object(request, container_name, object_name): objects, more = swift_get_objects(request, container_name, prefix=object_name) # In case the given object is pseudo folder, # it can be deleted only if it is empty. # swift_get_objects will return at least # one object (i.e container_name) even if the # given pseudo folder is empty. So if swift_get_objects # returns more than one object then only it will be # considered as non empty folder. if len(objects) > 1: error_msg = _("The pseudo folder cannot be deleted " "since it is not empty.") exc = exceptions.Conflict(error_msg) raise exc swift_api(request).delete_object(container_name, object_name) return True
def _get_cinder_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return OrderedDict([ ('volume', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Existence of volume"), }), ('volume.size', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Size of volume"), }), ])
def _get_kwapi_meters_info(self): """Returns additional info for each meter. That will be used for augmenting the Ceilometer meter. """ # TODO(lsmola) Unless the Ceilometer will provide the information # below, I need to define it as a static here. I will be joining this # to info that I am able to obtain from Ceilometer meters, hopefully # some day it will be supported all. return OrderedDict([ ('energy', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Amount of energy"), }), ('power', { 'label': '', 'description': _("Power consumption"), }), ])
def image_name(self): import glanceclient.exc as glance_exceptions # noqa from openstack_dashboard.api import glance # noqa if not self.image: return _("-") if hasattr(self.image, 'name'): return self.image.name if 'name' in self.image: return self.image['name'] else: try: image = glance.image_get(self.request, self.image['id']) return image.name except (glance_exceptions.ClientException, horizon_exceptions.ServiceCatalogException): return _("-")
def __str__(self): if 'name' in self.group: vals = {'from': self.from_port, 'to': self.to_port, 'ip_protocol': self.ip_protocol, 'group': self.group['name']} return (_('ALLOW %(from)s:%(to)s/%(ip_protocol)s from %(group)s') % vals) else: vals = {'from': self.from_port, 'to': self.to_port, 'ip_protocol': self.ip_protocol, 'cidr': self.ip_range['cidr']} return (_('ALLOW %(from)s:%(to)s/%(ip_protocol)s from %(cidr)s') % vals) # The following attributes are defined to keep compatibility with Neutron
def rule_create(self, parent_group_id, direction=None, ethertype=None, ip_protocol=None, from_port=None, to_port=None, cidr=None, group_id=None): # Nova Security Group API does not use direction and ethertype fields. try: sg = self.client.security_group_rules.create(parent_group_id, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr, group_id) except nova_exceptions.BadRequest: raise horizon_exceptions.Conflict( _('Security group rule already exists.')) return SecurityGroupRule(sg)
def evacuate_host(request, host, target=None, on_shared_storage=False): # TODO(jmolle) This should be change for nova atomic api host_evacuate hypervisors = novaclient(request).hypervisors.search(host, True) response = [] err_code = None for hypervisor in hypervisors: hyper = Hypervisor(hypervisor) # if hypervisor doesn't have servers, the attribute is not present for server in hyper.servers: try: novaclient(request).servers.evacuate(server['uuid'], target, on_shared_storage) except nova_exceptions.ClientException as err: err_code = err.code msg = _("Name: %(name)s ID: %(uuid)s") msg = msg % {'name': server['name'], 'uuid': server['uuid']} response.append(msg) if err_code: msg = _('Failed to evacuate instances: %s') % ', '.join(response) raise nova_exceptions.ClientException(err_code, msg) return True
def object_download(request, container_name, object_path): try: obj = api.swift.swift_get_object(request, container_name, object_path, resp_chunk_size=swift.CHUNK_SIZE) except Exception: redirect = reverse("horizon:project:containers:index") exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve object."), redirect=redirect) # Add the original file extension back on if it wasn't preserved in the # name given to the object. filename = object_path.rsplit(swift.FOLDER_DELIMITER)[-1] if not os.path.splitext(obj.name)[1] and obj.orig_name: name, ext = os.path.splitext(obj.orig_name) filename = "%s%s" % (filename, ext) response = http.StreamingHttpResponse(obj.data) safe_name = filename.replace(",", "") if six.PY2: safe_name = safe_name.encode('utf-8') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % safe_name response['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response['Content-Length'] = obj.bytes return response
def handle(self, request, data): try: if not data['parent']: is_public = data["access"] == "public" metadata = ({'is_public': is_public}) # Create a container api.swift.swift_create_container(request, data["name"], metadata=metadata) messages.success(request, _("Container created successfully.")) else: # Create a pseudo-folder container, slash, remainder = data['parent'].partition("/") remainder = remainder.rstrip("/") subfolder_name = "/".join([bit for bit in (remainder, data['name']) if bit]) api.swift.swift_create_subfolder(request, container, subfolder_name) messages.success(request, _("Folder created successfully.")) return True except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to create container.'))
def handle(self, request, data): object_file = self.files.get('object_file') if object_file: object_path = self._set_object_path(data) try: obj = api.swift.swift_upload_object(request, data['container_name'], object_path, object_file) messages.success( request, _("Object was successfully updated.")) return obj except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to update object.")) return False else: # If object file is not provided, then a POST method is needed # to update ONLY metadata. This must be implemented when # object metadata can be updated from this panel. return True
def get_data(self): try: volume_id = self.kwargs['volume_id'] volume = cinder.volume_get(self.request, volume_id) snapshots = cinder.volume_snapshot_list( self.request, search_opts={'volume_id': volume.id}) if snapshots: setattr(volume, 'has_snapshot', True) for att in volume.attachments: att['instance'] = api.nova.server_get(self.request, att['server_id']) except Exception: redirect = self.get_redirect_url() exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve volume details.'), redirect=redirect) return volume
def _get_volume_types(self): try: volume_types = cinder.volume_type_list(self.request) except Exception: exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve volume type list.')) # check if we have default volume type so we can present the # description of no volume type differently no_type_description = None if self.default_vol_type is None: message = \ _("If \"No volume type\" is selected, the volume will be " "created without a volume type.") no_type_description = encoding.force_text(message) type_descriptions = [{'name': 'no_type', 'description': no_type_description}] + \ [{'name': type.name, 'description': getattr(type, "description", "")} for type in volume_types] return json.dumps(type_descriptions)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(CreateSnapshotView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['volume_id'] = self.kwargs['volume_id'] args = (self.kwargs['volume_id'],) context['submit_url'] = reverse(self.submit_url, args=args) try: volume = cinder.volume_get(self.request, context['volume_id']) if (volume.status == 'in-use'): context['attached'] = True context['form'].set_warning(_("This volume is currently " "attached to an instance. " "In some cases, creating a " "snapshot from an attached " "volume can result in a " "corrupted snapshot.")) context['usages'] = quotas.tenant_limit_usages(self.request) except Exception: exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve volume information.')) return context
def prepare_source_fields_if_snapshot_specified(self, request): try: snapshot = self.get_snapshot(request, request.GET["snapshot_id"]) self.fields['name'].initial = snapshot.name self.fields['size'].initial = snapshot.size self.fields['snapshot_source'].choices = ((snapshot.id, snapshot),) try: # Set the volume type from the original volume orig_volume = cinder.volume_get(request, snapshot.volume_id) self.fields['type'].initial = orig_volume.volume_type except Exception: pass self.fields['size'].help_text = ( _('Volume size must be equal to or greater than the ' 'snapshot size (%sGiB)') % snapshot.size) del self.fields['image_source'] del self.fields['volume_source'] del self.fields['volume_source_type'] del self.fields['availability_zone'] except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to load the specified snapshot.'))
def prepare_source_fields_if_volume_specified(self, request): self.fields['availability_zone'].choices = \ availability_zones(request) volume = None try: volume = self.get_volume(request, request.GET["volume_id"]) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to load the specified volume. %s') exceptions.handle(request, msg % request.GET['volume_id']) if volume is not None: self.fields['name'].initial = volume.name self.fields['description'].initial = volume.description min_vol_size = volume.size size_help_text = (_('Volume size must be equal to or greater ' 'than the origin volume size (%sGiB)') % volume.size) self.fields['size'].initial = min_vol_size self.fields['size'].help_text = size_help_text self.fields['volume_source'].choices = ((volume.id, volume),) self.fields['type'].initial = volume.type del self.fields['snapshot_source'] del self.fields['image_source'] del self.fields['volume_source_type']
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(CreateForm, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) volume_types = cinder.volume_type_list(request) self.fields['type'].choices = [("no_type", _("No volume type"))] + \ [(type.name, type.name) for type in volume_types] if 'initial' in kwargs and 'type' in kwargs['initial']: # if there is a default volume type to select, then remove # the first ""No volume type" entry self.fields['type'].choices.pop(0) if "snapshot_id" in request.GET: self.prepare_source_fields_if_snapshot_specified(request) elif 'image_id' in request.GET: self.prepare_source_fields_if_image_specified(request) elif 'volume_id' in request.GET: self.prepare_source_fields_if_volume_specified(request) else: self.prepare_source_fields_default(request)
def send_follow_notification(follower_id, followed_id): """Super simple you've been followed notification to a user.""" if settings.DEBUG: return try: user = User.objects.get(profile__id=followed_id, is_active=True) except User.DoesNotExist: logger.warning("No active user with profile %s found for follow notification", followed_id) return try: follower = Profile.objects.get(id=follower_id) except Profile.DoesNotExist: logger.warning("No follower profile %s found for follow notifications", follower_id) return logger.info("send_follow_notification - Sending mail to %s", user.email) subject = _("New follower: %s" % follower.handle) context = get_common_context() context.update({ "subject": subject, "actor_name": follower.name_or_handle, "actor_url": "%s%s" % (settings.SOCIALHOME_URL, follower.get_absolute_url()), "name": user.profile.name_or_handle, }) send_mail( "%s%s" % (settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, subject), render_to_string("notifications/follow.txt", context=context), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.email], fail_silently=False, html_message=render_to_string("notifications/follow.html", context=context), )
def send_reply_notifications(content_id): """Super simple reply notification to content local participants. Until proper notifications is supported, just pop out an email. """ if settings.DEBUG: return try: content = Content.objects.get(id=content_id, content_type=ContentType.REPLY) except Content.DoesNotExist: logger.warning("No reply content found with id %s", content_id) return root_content = content.root exclude_user = content.author.user if content.local else None participants = get_root_content_participants(root_content, exclude_user=exclude_user) if not participants: return subject = _("New reply to: %s" % root_content.short_text_inline) # TODO use fragment url to reply directly when available content_url = "%s%s" % (settings.SOCIALHOME_URL, root_content.get_absolute_url()) context = get_common_context() context.update({ "subject": subject, "actor_name": content.author.name_or_handle, "actor_url": "%s%s" % (settings.SOCIALHOME_URL, content.author.get_absolute_url()), "reply_text": content.text, "reply_rendered": content.rendered, "reply_url": content_url, }) for participant in participants: context["name"] = participant.profile.name_or_handle logger.info("send_reply_notifications - Sending mail to %s", participant.email) send_mail( "%s%s" % (settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, subject), render_to_string("notifications/reply.txt", context=context), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [participant.email], fail_silently=False, html_message=render_to_string("notifications/reply.html", context=context), )
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['name', 6], ['tax', 3], ['default', 3], ['recargo_equivalencia', 4], ) ] return g
def __groups_details__(): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['name', 6], ['tax', 3], ['default', 3], ['recargo_equivalencia', 4], ) ] return g
def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(FeatureForm, self).clean() type_value = cleaned_data.get("type_value") list_value = cleaned_data.get("list_value") if type_value == TYPE_VALUES[2][0] and list_value is None: self._errors["type_value"] = ErrorList([_("Debe elegir un lista de valores")])
def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(FeatureSpecialForm, self).clean() type_value = cleaned_data.get("type_value") list_value = cleaned_data.get("list_value") if type_value == TYPE_VALUES[2][0] and list_value is None: self._errors["type_value"] = ErrorList([_("Debe elegir un lista de valores")])
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['order', 2], ['code', 4], ['public', 3], ['show_menu', 3], ['icon', 6], ['image', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['order', 2], ['code', 2], ['family', 4], ['public', 1], ['show_menu', 1], ['show_only_product_stock', 2], ['icon', 6], ['image', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups_details__(): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['order', 2], ['code', 4], ['family', 4], ['public', 1], ['show_menu', 1], ['show_only_product_stock', 2], ['image', 6], ['icon', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['order', 3], ['code', 3], ['public', 2], ['show_menu', 2], ['outstanding', 2], ['icon', 6], ['image', 6], ) ] return g
def __groups__(self): g = [ ( _('Details'), 12, ['code', 4], ['price_base', 4], ['public', 1], ['of_sales', 1], ['of_purchase', 1], ['force_stock', 1], ['model', 4], ['brand', 4], ['feature_special', 4], ['family', 4], ['category', 4], ['subcategory', 4], ['tax', 4], ['url_video', 4], ), ( _('Packaging information'), 12, ['packing_cost', 4], ['weight', 4], ) ] return g