Python doctest 模块,master() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doDoctestFile(self, module):
        log = []
        old_master, doctest.master = doctest.master, None
                'xyz.txt', package=module, module_relative=True,
            doctest.master = old_master
项目:rensapy    作者:RensaProject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wntools
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wntools)
项目:rensapy    作者:RensaProject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wordnet
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wordnet)
项目:rensapy    作者:RensaProject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wntools
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wntools)
项目:rensapy    作者:RensaProject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wordnet
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wordnet)
项目:RePhraser    作者:MissLummie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wntools
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wntools)
项目:RePhraser    作者:MissLummie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wordnet
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wordnet)
项目:RePhraser    作者:MissLummie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wntools
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wntools)
项目:RePhraser    作者:MissLummie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wordnet
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wordnet)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:Verideals    作者:Derrreks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wntools
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wntools)
项目:Verideals    作者:Derrreks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wordnet
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wordnet)
项目:Verideals    作者:Derrreks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wntools
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wntools)
项目:Verideals    作者:Derrreks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test(reset=0):
    import doctest, wordnet
    if reset:
        doctest.master = None # This keeps doctest from complaining after a reload.
    return doctest.testmod(wordnet)
项目:kinect-2-libras    作者:inessadl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:MKFQ    作者:maojingios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:NeuroMobile    作者:AndrewADykman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:xxNet    作者:drzorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dash_R_cleanup(fs, ps, pic, zdc, abcs):
    import gc, copy_reg
    import _strptime, linecache
    dircache = test_support.import_module('dircache', deprecated=True)
    import urlparse, urllib, urllib2, mimetypes, doctest
    import struct, filecmp
    from distutils.dir_util import _path_created

    # Clear the warnings registry, so they can be displayed again
    for mod in sys.modules.values():
        if hasattr(mod, '__warningregistry__'):
            del mod.__warningregistry__

    # Restore some original values.
    warnings.filters[:] = fs
        import zipimport
    except ImportError:
        pass # Run unmodified on platforms without zipimport support

    # clear type cache

    # Clear ABC registries, restoring previously saved ABC registries.
    for abc, registry in abcs.items():
        abc._abc_registry = registry.copy()

    # Clear assorted module caches.
    doctest.master = None
        import ctypes
    except ImportError:
        # Don't worry about resetting the cache if ctypes is not supported

    # Collect cyclic trash.
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:dymo-m10-python    作者:pbrf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dash_R_cleanup(fs, ps, pic, zdc, abcs):
    import gc, copy_reg
    import _strptime, linecache
    dircache = test_support.import_module('dircache', deprecated=True)
    import urlparse, urllib, urllib2, mimetypes, doctest
    import struct, filecmp
    from distutils.dir_util import _path_created

    # Clear the warnings registry, so they can be displayed again
    for mod in sys.modules.values():
        if hasattr(mod, '__warningregistry__'):
            del mod.__warningregistry__

    # Restore some original values.
    warnings.filters[:] = fs
        import zipimport
    except ImportError:
        pass # Run unmodified on platforms without zipimport support

    # clear type cache

    # Clear ABC registries, restoring previously saved ABC registries.
    for abc, registry in abcs.items():
        abc._abc_registry = registry.copy()

    # Clear assorted module caches.
    doctest.master = None
        import ctypes
    except ImportError:
        # Don't worry about resetting the cache if ctypes is not supported

    # Collect cyclic trash.
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:empyrion-python-api    作者:huhlig    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:micro-blog    作者:nickChenyx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print(len(notests), "items had no tests:")
                for thing in notests:
                    print("   ", thing)
            if passed:
                print(len(passed), "items passed all tests:")
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print(" %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing))
        if failed:
            print(len(failed), "items had failures:")
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print(" %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing))
        if verbose:
            print(totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items.")
            print(totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed.")
        if totalf:
            print("***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures.")
        elif verbose:
            print("Test passed.")
        return totalf, totalt

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.
项目:Docker-XX-Net    作者:kuanghy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarize(self, verbose=None):
        Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by
        this DocTestRunner, and return a tuple `(f, t)`, where `f` is
        the total number of failed examples, and `t` is the total
        number of tried examples.

        The optional `verbose` argument controls how detailed the
        summary is.  If the verbosity is not specified, then the
        DocTestRunner's verbosity is used.
        if verbose is None:
            verbose = self._verbose
        notests = []
        passed = []
        failed = []
        totalt = totalf = 0
        for x in self._name2ft.items():
            name, (f, t) = x
            assert f <= t
            totalt += t
            totalf += f
            if t == 0:
            elif f == 0:
                passed.append( (name, t) )
        if verbose:
            if notests:
                print len(notests), "items had no tests:"
                for thing in notests:
                    print "   ", thing
            if passed:
                print len(passed), "items passed all tests:"
                for thing, count in passed:
                    print " %3d tests in %s" % (count, thing)
        if failed:
            print self.DIVIDER
            print len(failed), "items had failures:"
            for thing, (f, t) in failed:
                print " %3d of %3d in %s" % (f, t, thing)
        if verbose:
            print totalt, "tests in", len(self._name2ft), "items."
            print totalt - totalf, "passed and", totalf, "failed."
        if totalf:
            print "***Test Failed***", totalf, "failures."
        elif verbose:
            print "Test passed."
        return TestResults(totalf, totalt)

    # Backward compatibility cruft to maintain doctest.master.