def default_departure(self, node): """Default node depart method.""" self.level -= 1 if not self.in_simple: self.output.append(self.indent*self.level) self.output.append(node.endtag()) if isinstance(node, (nodes.FixedTextElement, nodes.literal)): self.fixed_text -= 1 if isinstance(node, self.simple_nodes): self.in_simple -= 1 if not self.in_simple: self.output.append(self.newline) # specific visit and depart methods # ---------------------------------
def apply(self): config = self.document.settings.env.config github_project = config.github_project issue_pattern = config.github_issue_pattern if isinstance(issue_pattern, str_t): issue_pattern = re.compile(issue_pattern) for node in self.document.traverse(nodes.Text): parent = node.parent if isinstance(parent, (nodes.literal, nodes.FixedTextElement)): continue text = text_t(node) new_nodes = [] last_issue_ref_end = 0 for match in issue_pattern.finditer(text): head = text[last_issue_ref_end:match.start()] if head: new_nodes.append(nodes.Text(head)) last_issue_ref_end = match.end() issuetext = match.group(0) issue_id = match.group(1) refnode = pending_xref() refnode['reftarget'] = issue_id refnode['reftype'] = 'issue' refnode['github_project'] = github_project reftitle = issuetext refnode.append(nodes.inline( issuetext, reftitle, classes=['xref', 'issue'])) new_nodes.append(refnode) if not new_nodes: continue tail = text[last_issue_ref_end:] if tail: new_nodes.append(nodes.Text(tail)) parent.replace(node, new_nodes)
def default_visit(self, node): """Default node visit method.""" if not self.in_simple: self.output.append(self.indent*self.level) self.output.append(node.starttag(xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr)) self.level += 1 # @@ make nodes.literal an instance of FixedTextElement? if isinstance(node, (nodes.FixedTextElement, nodes.literal)): self.fixed_text += 1 if isinstance(node, self.simple_nodes): self.in_simple += 1 if not self.in_simple: self.output.append(self.newline)
def apply(self): smart_quotes = self.document.settings.smart_quotes if not smart_quotes: return try: alternative = smart_quotes.startswith('alt') except AttributeError: alternative = False # print repr(alternative) document_language = self.document.settings.language_code # "Educate" quotes in normal text. Handle each block of text # (TextElement node) as a unit to keep context around inline nodes: for node in self.document.traverse(nodes.TextElement): # skip preformatted text blocks and special elements: if isinstance(node, (nodes.FixedTextElement, nodes.Special)): continue # nested TextElements are not "block-level" elements: if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.TextElement): continue # list of text nodes in the "text block": txtnodes = [txtnode for txtnode in node.traverse(nodes.Text) if not isinstance(txtnode.parent, nodes.option_string)] # language: use typographical quotes for language "lang" lang = node.get_language_code(document_language) # use alternative form if `smart-quotes` setting starts with "alt": if alternative: if '-x-altquot' in lang: lang = lang.replace('-x-altquot', '') else: lang += '-x-altquot' # drop subtags missing in quotes: for tag in utils.normalize_language_tag(lang): if tag in smartquotes.smartchars.quotes: lang = tag break else: # language not supported: (keep ASCII quotes) if lang not in self.unsupported_languages: self.document.reporter.warning('No smart quotes ' 'defined for language "%s".'%lang, base_node=node) self.unsupported_languages.add(lang) lang = '' # Iterator educating quotes in plain text: # '2': set all, using old school en- and em- dash shortcuts teacher = smartquotes.educate_tokens(self.get_tokens(txtnodes), attr='2', language=lang) for txtnode, newtext in zip(txtnodes, teacher): txtnode.parent.replace(txtnode, nodes.Text(newtext)) self.unsupported_languages = set() # reset