Python docutils.nodes 模块,attribution() 实例源码


项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def block_quote(self, indented, line_offset):
        elements = []
        while indented:
             new_line_offset) = self.split_attribution(indented, line_offset)
            blockquote = nodes.block_quote()
            self.nested_parse(blockquote_lines, line_offset, blockquote)
            if attribution_lines:
                attribution, messages = self.parse_attribution(
                    attribution_lines, attribution_offset)
                blockquote += attribution
                elements += messages
            line_offset = new_line_offset
            while indented and not indented[0]:
                indented = indented[1:]
                line_offset += 1
        return elements

    # U+2014 is an em-dash:
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_attribution(self, indented, attribution_start):
        Check attribution shape.
        Return the index past the end of the attribution, and the indent.
        indent = None
        i = attribution_start + 1
        for i in range(attribution_start + 1, len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if not line:
            if indent is None:
                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
            elif len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) != indent:
                return None, None       # bad shape; not an attribution
            # return index of line after last attribution line:
            i += 1
        return i, (indent or 0)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def block_quote(self, indented, line_offset):
        elements = []
        while indented:
             new_line_offset) = self.split_attribution(indented, line_offset)
            blockquote = nodes.block_quote()
            self.nested_parse(blockquote_lines, line_offset, blockquote)
            if attribution_lines:
                attribution, messages = self.parse_attribution(
                    attribution_lines, attribution_offset)
                blockquote += attribution
                elements += messages
            line_offset = new_line_offset
            while indented and not indented[0]:
                indented = indented[1:]
                line_offset += 1
        return elements

    # U+2014 is an em-dash:
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_attribution(self, indented, attribution_start):
        Check attribution shape.
        Return the index past the end of the attribution, and the indent.
        indent = None
        i = attribution_start + 1
        for i in range(attribution_start + 1, len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if not line:
            if indent is None:
                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
            elif len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) != indent:
                return None, None       # bad shape; not an attribution
            # return index of line after last attribution line:
            i += 1
        return i, (indent or 0)
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def block_quote(self, indented, line_offset):
        elements = []
        while indented:
             new_line_offset) = self.split_attribution(indented, line_offset)
            blockquote = nodes.block_quote()
            self.nested_parse(blockquote_lines, line_offset, blockquote)
            if attribution_lines:
                attribution, messages = self.parse_attribution(
                    attribution_lines, attribution_offset)
                blockquote += attribution
                elements += messages
            line_offset = new_line_offset
            while indented and not indented[0]:
                indented = indented[1:]
                line_offset += 1
        return elements

    # U+2014 is an em-dash:
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_attribution(self, indented, attribution_start):
        Check attribution shape.
        Return the index past the end of the attribution, and the indent.
        indent = None
        i = attribution_start + 1
        for i in range(attribution_start + 1, len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if not line:
            if indent is None:
                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
            elif len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) != indent:
                return None, None       # bad shape; not an attribution
            # return index of line after last attribution line:
            i += 1
        return i, (indent or 0)
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def block_quote(self, indented, line_offset):
        elements = []
        while indented:
             new_line_offset) = self.split_attribution(indented, line_offset)
            blockquote = nodes.block_quote()
            self.nested_parse(blockquote_lines, line_offset, blockquote)
            if attribution_lines:
                attribution, messages = self.parse_attribution(
                    attribution_lines, attribution_offset)
                blockquote += attribution
                elements += messages
            line_offset = new_line_offset
            while indented and not indented[0]:
                indented = indented[1:]
                line_offset += 1
        return elements

    # U+2014 is an em-dash:
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_attribution(self, indented, attribution_start):
        Check attribution shape.
        Return the index past the end of the attribution, and the indent.
        indent = None
        i = attribution_start + 1
        for i in range(attribution_start + 1, len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if not line:
            if indent is None:
                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
            elif len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) != indent:
                return None, None       # bad shape; not an attribution
            # return index of line after last attribution line:
            i += 1
        return i, (indent or 0)
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def block_quote(self, indented, line_offset):
        elements = []
        while indented:
             new_line_offset) = self.split_attribution(indented, line_offset)
            blockquote = nodes.block_quote()
            self.nested_parse(blockquote_lines, line_offset, blockquote)
            if attribution_lines:
                attribution, messages = self.parse_attribution(
                    attribution_lines, attribution_offset)
                blockquote += attribution
                elements += messages
            line_offset = new_line_offset
            while indented and not indented[0]:
                indented = indented[1:]
                line_offset += 1
        return elements

    # U+2014 is an em-dash:
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_attribution(self, indented, attribution_start):
        Check attribution shape.
        Return the index past the end of the attribution, and the indent.
        indent = None
        i = attribution_start + 1
        for i in range(attribution_start + 1, len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if not line:
            if indent is None:
                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
            elif len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) != indent:
                return None, None       # bad shape; not an attribution
            # return index of line after last attribution line:
            i += 1
        return i, (indent or 0)
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def block_quote(self, indented, line_offset):
        elements = []
        while indented:
             new_line_offset) = self.split_attribution(indented, line_offset)
            blockquote = nodes.block_quote()
            self.nested_parse(blockquote_lines, line_offset, blockquote)
            if attribution_lines:
                attribution, messages = self.parse_attribution(
                    attribution_lines, attribution_offset)
                blockquote += attribution
                elements += messages
            line_offset = new_line_offset
            while indented and not indented[0]:
                indented = indented[1:]
                line_offset += 1
        return elements

    # U+2014 is an em-dash:
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_attribution(self, indented, attribution_start):
        Check attribution shape.
        Return the index past the end of the attribution, and the indent.
        indent = None
        i = attribution_start + 1
        for i in range(attribution_start + 1, len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if not line:
            if indent is None:
                indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
            elif len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) != indent:
                return None, None       # bad shape; not an attribution
            # return index of line after last attribution line:
            i += 1
        return i, (indent or 0)
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        Check for a block quote attribution and split it off:

        * First line after a blank line must begin with a dash ("--", "---",
          em-dash; matches `self.attribution_pattern`).
        * Every line after that must have consistent indentation.
        * Attributions must be preceded by block quote content.

        Return a tuple of: (block quote content lines, content offset,
        attribution lines, attribution offset, remaining indented lines).
        blank = None
        nonblank_seen = False
        for i in range(len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if line:
                if nonblank_seen and blank == i - 1: # last line blank
                    match = self.attribution_pattern.match(line)
                    if match:
                        attribution_end, indent = self.check_attribution(
                            indented, i)
                        if attribution_end:
                            a_lines = indented[i:attribution_end]
                            a_lines.trim_left(match.end(), end=1)
                            a_lines.trim_left(indent, start=1)
                            return (indented[:i], a_lines,
                                    i, indented[attribution_end:],
                                    line_offset + attribution_end)
                nonblank_seen = True
                blank = i
            return (indented, None, None, None, None)
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        text = '\n'.join(indented).rstrip()
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() + line_offset
        textnodes, messages = self.inline_text(text, lineno)
        node = nodes.attribution(text, '', *textnodes)
        node.source, node.line = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno)
        return node, messages
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        Check for a block quote attribution and split it off:

        * First line after a blank line must begin with a dash ("--", "---",
          em-dash; matches `self.attribution_pattern`).
        * Every line after that must have consistent indentation.
        * Attributions must be preceded by block quote content.

        Return a tuple of: (block quote content lines, content offset,
        attribution lines, attribution offset, remaining indented lines).
        blank = None
        nonblank_seen = False
        for i in range(len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if line:
                if nonblank_seen and blank == i - 1: # last line blank
                    match = self.attribution_pattern.match(line)
                    if match:
                        attribution_end, indent = self.check_attribution(
                            indented, i)
                        if attribution_end:
                            a_lines = indented[i:attribution_end]
                            a_lines.trim_left(match.end(), end=1)
                            a_lines.trim_left(indent, start=1)
                            return (indented[:i], a_lines,
                                    i, indented[attribution_end:],
                                    line_offset + attribution_end)
                nonblank_seen = True
                blank = i
            return (indented, None, None, None, None)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        text = '\n'.join(indented).rstrip()
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() + line_offset
        textnodes, messages = self.inline_text(text, lineno)
        node = nodes.attribution(text, '', *textnodes)
        node.source, node.line = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno)
        return node, messages
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        Check for a block quote attribution and split it off:

        * First line after a blank line must begin with a dash ("--", "---",
          em-dash; matches `self.attribution_pattern`).
        * Every line after that must have consistent indentation.
        * Attributions must be preceded by block quote content.

        Return a tuple of: (block quote content lines, content offset,
        attribution lines, attribution offset, remaining indented lines).
        blank = None
        nonblank_seen = False
        for i in range(len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if line:
                if nonblank_seen and blank == i - 1: # last line blank
                    match = self.attribution_pattern.match(line)
                    if match:
                        attribution_end, indent = self.check_attribution(
                            indented, i)
                        if attribution_end:
                            a_lines = indented[i:attribution_end]
                            a_lines.trim_left(match.end(), end=1)
                            a_lines.trim_left(indent, start=1)
                            return (indented[:i], a_lines,
                                    i, indented[attribution_end:],
                                    line_offset + attribution_end)
                nonblank_seen = True
                blank = i
            return (indented, None, None, None, None)
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        text = '\n'.join(indented).rstrip()
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() + line_offset
        textnodes, messages = self.inline_text(text, lineno)
        node = nodes.attribution(text, '', *textnodes)
        node.source, node.line = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno)
        return node, messages
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        Check for a block quote attribution and split it off:

        * First line after a blank line must begin with a dash ("--", "---",
          em-dash; matches `self.attribution_pattern`).
        * Every line after that must have consistent indentation.
        * Attributions must be preceded by block quote content.

        Return a tuple of: (block quote content lines, content offset,
        attribution lines, attribution offset, remaining indented lines).
        blank = None
        nonblank_seen = False
        for i in range(len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if line:
                if nonblank_seen and blank == i - 1: # last line blank
                    match = self.attribution_pattern.match(line)
                    if match:
                        attribution_end, indent = self.check_attribution(
                            indented, i)
                        if attribution_end:
                            a_lines = indented[i:attribution_end]
                            a_lines.trim_left(match.end(), end=1)
                            a_lines.trim_left(indent, start=1)
                            return (indented[:i], a_lines,
                                    i, indented[attribution_end:],
                                    line_offset + attribution_end)
                nonblank_seen = True
                blank = i
            return (indented, None, None, None, None)
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        text = '\n'.join(indented).rstrip()
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() + line_offset
        textnodes, messages = self.inline_text(text, lineno)
        node = nodes.attribution(text, '', *textnodes)
        node.source, node.line = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno)
        return node, messages
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        Check for a block quote attribution and split it off:

        * First line after a blank line must begin with a dash ("--", "---",
          em-dash; matches `self.attribution_pattern`).
        * Every line after that must have consistent indentation.
        * Attributions must be preceded by block quote content.

        Return a tuple of: (block quote content lines, content offset,
        attribution lines, attribution offset, remaining indented lines).
        blank = None
        nonblank_seen = False
        for i in range(len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if line:
                if nonblank_seen and blank == i - 1: # last line blank
                    match = self.attribution_pattern.match(line)
                    if match:
                        attribution_end, indent = self.check_attribution(
                            indented, i)
                        if attribution_end:
                            a_lines = indented[i:attribution_end]
                            a_lines.trim_left(match.end(), end=1)
                            a_lines.trim_left(indent, start=1)
                            return (indented[:i], a_lines,
                                    i, indented[attribution_end:],
                                    line_offset + attribution_end)
                nonblank_seen = True
                blank = i
            return (indented, None, None, None, None)
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        text = '\n'.join(indented).rstrip()
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() + line_offset
        textnodes, messages = self.inline_text(text, lineno)
        node = nodes.attribution(text, '', *textnodes)
        node.source, node.line = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno)
        return node, messages
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        Check for a block quote attribution and split it off:

        * First line after a blank line must begin with a dash ("--", "---",
          em-dash; matches `self.attribution_pattern`).
        * Every line after that must have consistent indentation.
        * Attributions must be preceded by block quote content.

        Return a tuple of: (block quote content lines, content offset,
        attribution lines, attribution offset, remaining indented lines).
        blank = None
        nonblank_seen = False
        for i in range(len(indented)):
            line = indented[i].rstrip()
            if line:
                if nonblank_seen and blank == i - 1: # last line blank
                    match = self.attribution_pattern.match(line)
                    if match:
                        attribution_end, indent = self.check_attribution(
                            indented, i)
                        if attribution_end:
                            a_lines = indented[i:attribution_end]
                            a_lines.trim_left(match.end(), end=1)
                            a_lines.trim_left(indent, start=1)
                            return (indented[:i], a_lines,
                                    i, indented[attribution_end:],
                                    line_offset + attribution_end)
                nonblank_seen = True
                blank = i
            return (indented, None, None, None, None)
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_attribution(self, indented, line_offset):
        text = '\n'.join(indented).rstrip()
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() + line_offset
        textnodes, messages = self.inline_text(text, lineno)
        node = nodes.attribution(text, '', *textnodes)
        node.source, node.line = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno)
        return node, messages