Python docutils.parsers.rst.directives 模块,directive() 实例源码


项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_arguments(self, directive, arg_block):
        required = directive.required_arguments
        optional = directive.optional_arguments
        arg_text = '\n'.join(arg_block)
        arguments = arg_text.split()
        if len(arguments) < required:
            raise MarkupError('%s argument(s) required, %s supplied'
                              % (required, len(arguments)))
        elif len(arguments) > required + optional:
            if directive.final_argument_whitespace:
                arguments = arg_text.split(None, required + optional - 1)
                raise MarkupError(
                    'maximum %s argument(s) allowed, %s supplied'
                    % (required + optional, len(arguments)))
        return arguments
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_arguments(self, directive, arg_block):
        required = directive.required_arguments
        optional = directive.optional_arguments
        arg_text = '\n'.join(arg_block)
        arguments = arg_text.split()
        if len(arguments) < required:
            raise MarkupError('%s argument(s) required, %s supplied'
                              % (required, len(arguments)))
        elif len(arguments) > required + optional:
            if directive.final_argument_whitespace:
                arguments = arg_text.split(None, required + optional - 1)
                raise MarkupError(
                    'maximum %s argument(s) allowed, %s supplied'
                    % (required + optional, len(arguments)))
        return arguments
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_arguments(self, directive, arg_block):
        required = directive.required_arguments
        optional = directive.optional_arguments
        arg_text = '\n'.join(arg_block)
        arguments = arg_text.split()
        if len(arguments) < required:
            raise MarkupError('%s argument(s) required, %s supplied'
                              % (required, len(arguments)))
        elif len(arguments) > required + optional:
            if directive.final_argument_whitespace:
                arguments = arg_text.split(None, required + optional - 1)
                raise MarkupError(
                    'maximum %s argument(s) allowed, %s supplied'
                    % (required + optional, len(arguments)))
        return arguments
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lookup_domain_element(self, type, name):
        """Lookup a markup element (directive or role), given its name which can
        be a full name (with domain).
        name = name.lower()
        # explicit domain given?
        if ':' in name:
            domain_name, name = name.split(':', 1)
            if domain_name in
                domain =[domain_name]
                element = getattr(domain, type)(name)
                if element is not None:
                    return element, []
        # else look in the default domain
            def_domain = self.temp_data.get('default_domain')
            if def_domain is not None:
                element = getattr(def_domain, type)(name)
                if element is not None:
                    return element, []
        # always look in the std domain
        element = getattr(['std'], type)(name)
        if element is not None:
            return element, []
        raise ElementLookupError
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch_lookup_functions(self):
        """Monkey-patch directive and role dispatch, so that domain-specific
        markup takes precedence.
        def directive(name, lang_module, document):
                return self.lookup_domain_element('directive', name)
            except ElementLookupError:
                return orig_directive_function(name, lang_module, document)

        def role(name, lang_module, lineno, reporter):
                return self.lookup_domain_element('role', name)
            except ElementLookupError:
                return orig_role_function(name, lang_module, lineno, reporter)

        directives.directive = directive
        roles.role = role
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_title_from(self, docname, document):
        """Add a title node to the document (just copy the first section title),
        and store that title in the environment.
        titlenode = nodes.title()
        longtitlenode = titlenode
        # explicit title set with title directive; use this only for
        # the <title> tag in HTML output
        if 'title' in document:
            longtitlenode = nodes.title()
            longtitlenode += nodes.Text(document['title'])
        # look for first section title and use that as the title
        for node in document.traverse(nodes.section):
            visitor = SphinxContentsFilter(document)
            titlenode += visitor.get_entry_text()
            # document has no title
            titlenode += nodes.Text('<no title>')
        self.titles[docname] = titlenode
        self.longtitles[docname] = longtitlenode
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_only_nodes(self, doctree, builder, fromdocname=None):
        # A comment on the comment() nodes being inserted: replacing by [] would
        # result in a "Losing ids" exception if there is a target node before
        # the only node, so we make sure docutils can transfer the id to
        # something, even if it's just a comment and will lose the id anyway...
        for node in doctree.traverse(addnodes.only):
                ret = builder.tags.eval_condition(node['expr'])
            except Exception as err:
                self.warn_node('exception while evaluating only '
                               'directive expression: %s' % err, node)
                node.replace_self(node.children or nodes.comment())
                if ret:
                    node.replace_self(node.children or nodes.comment())
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_arguments(self, directive, arg_block):
        required = directive.required_arguments
        optional = directive.optional_arguments
        arg_text = '\n'.join(arg_block)
        arguments = arg_text.split()
        if len(arguments) < required:
            raise MarkupError('%s argument(s) required, %s supplied'
                              % (required, len(arguments)))
        elif len(arguments) > required + optional:
            if directive.final_argument_whitespace:
                arguments = arg_text.split(None, required + optional - 1)
                raise MarkupError(
                    'maximum %s argument(s) allowed, %s supplied'
                    % (required + optional, len(arguments)))
        return arguments
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_arguments(self, directive, arg_block):
        required = directive.required_arguments
        optional = directive.optional_arguments
        arg_text = '\n'.join(arg_block)
        arguments = arg_text.split()
        if len(arguments) < required:
            raise MarkupError('%s argument(s) required, %s supplied'
                              % (required, len(arguments)))
        elif len(arguments) > required + optional:
            if directive.final_argument_whitespace:
                arguments = arg_text.split(None, required + optional - 1)
                raise MarkupError(
                    'maximum %s argument(s) allowed, %s supplied'
                    % (required + optional, len(arguments)))
        return arguments
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_arguments(self, directive, arg_block):
        required = directive.required_arguments
        optional = directive.optional_arguments
        arg_text = '\n'.join(arg_block)
        arguments = arg_text.split()
        if len(arguments) < required:
            raise MarkupError('%s argument(s) required, %s supplied'
                              % (required, len(arguments)))
        elif len(arguments) > required + optional:
            if directive.final_argument_whitespace:
                arguments = arg_text.split(None, required + optional - 1)
                raise MarkupError(
                    'maximum %s argument(s) allowed, %s supplied'
                    % (required + optional, len(arguments)))
        return arguments
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directive(self, match, **option_presets):
        """Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean."""
        type_name =
        directive_class, messages = directives.directive(
            type_name, self.memo.language, self.document)
        self.parent += messages
        if directive_class:
            return self.run_directive(
                directive_class, match, type_name, option_presets)
            return self.unknown_directive(type_name)
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unknown_directive(self, type_name):
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \
            self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(0, strip_indent=False)
        text = '\n'.join(indented)
        error = self.reporter.error(
              'Unknown directive type "%s".' % type_name,
              nodes.literal_block(text, text), line=lineno)
        return [error], blank_finish
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directive(self, match, **option_presets):
        """Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean."""
        type_name =
        directive_class, messages = directives.directive(
            type_name, self.memo.language, self.document)
        self.parent += messages
        if directive_class:
            return self.run_directive(
                directive_class, match, type_name, option_presets)
            return self.unknown_directive(type_name)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unknown_directive(self, type_name):
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \
            self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(0, strip_indent=False)
        text = '\n'.join(indented)
        error = self.reporter.error(
              'Unknown directive type "%s".' % type_name,
              nodes.literal_block(text, text), line=lineno)
        return [error], blank_finish
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directive(self, match, **option_presets):
        """Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean."""
        type_name =
        directive_class, messages = directives.directive(
            type_name, self.memo.language, self.document)
        self.parent += messages
        if directive_class:
            return self.run_directive(
                directive_class, match, type_name, option_presets)
            return self.unknown_directive(type_name)
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unknown_directive(self, type_name):
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \
            self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(0, strip_indent=False)
        text = '\n'.join(indented)
        error = self.reporter.error(
              'Unknown directive type "%s".' % type_name,
              nodes.literal_block(text, text), line=lineno)
        return [error], blank_finish
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def note_toctree(self, docname, toctreenode):
        """Note a TOC tree directive in a document and gather information about
        file relations from it.
        if toctreenode['glob']:
        if toctreenode.get('numbered'):
        includefiles = toctreenode['includefiles']
        for includefile in includefiles:
            # note that if the included file is rebuilt, this one must be
            # too (since the TOC of the included file could have changed)
            self.files_to_rebuild.setdefault(includefile, set()).add(docname)
        self.toctree_includes.setdefault(docname, []).extend(includefiles)
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directive(self, match, **option_presets):
        """Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean."""
        type_name =
        directive_class, messages = directives.directive(
            type_name, self.memo.language, self.document)
        self.parent += messages
        if directive_class:
            return self.run_directive(
                directive_class, match, type_name, option_presets)
            return self.unknown_directive(type_name)
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unknown_directive(self, type_name):
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \
            self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(0, strip_indent=False)
        text = '\n'.join(indented)
        error = self.reporter.error(
              'Unknown directive type "%s".' % type_name,
              nodes.literal_block(text, text), line=lineno)
        return [error], blank_finish
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directive(self, match, **option_presets):
        """Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean."""
        type_name =
        directive_class, messages = directives.directive(
            type_name, self.memo.language, self.document)
        self.parent += messages
        if directive_class:
            return self.run_directive(
                directive_class, match, type_name, option_presets)
            return self.unknown_directive(type_name)
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unknown_directive(self, type_name):
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \
            self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(0, strip_indent=False)
        text = '\n'.join(indented)
        error = self.reporter.error(
              'Unknown directive type "%s".' % type_name,
              nodes.literal_block(text, text), line=lineno)
        return [error], blank_finish
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directive(self, match, **option_presets):
        """Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean."""
        type_name =
        directive_class, messages = directives.directive(
            type_name, self.memo.language, self.document)
        self.parent += messages
        if directive_class:
            return self.run_directive(
                directive_class, match, type_name, option_presets)
            return self.unknown_directive(type_name)
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unknown_directive(self, type_name):
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \
            self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(0, strip_indent=False)
        text = '\n'.join(indented)
        error = self.reporter.error(
              'Unknown directive type "%s".' % type_name,
              nodes.literal_block(text, text), line=lineno)
        return [error], blank_finish
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_directive(self, directive, match, type_name, option_presets):
        Parse a directive then run its directive function.


        - `directive`: The class implementing the directive.  Must be
          a subclass of `rst.Directive`.

        - `match`: A regular expression match object which matched the first
          line of the directive.

        - `type_name`: The directive name, as used in the source text.

        - `option_presets`: A dictionary of preset options, defaults for the
          directive options.  Currently, only an "alt" option is passed by
          substitution definitions (value: the substitution name), which may
          be used by an embedded image directive.

        Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean.
        if isinstance(directive, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
            from docutils.parsers.rst import convert_directive_function
            directive = convert_directive_function(directive)
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        initial_line_offset = self.state_machine.line_offset
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish \
                  = self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end(),
        block_text = '\n'.join(self.state_machine.input_lines[
            initial_line_offset : self.state_machine.line_offset + 1])
            arguments, options, content, content_offset = (
                self.parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset,
                                           directive, option_presets))
        except MarkupError, detail:
            error = self.reporter.error(
                'Error in "%s" directive:\n%s.' % (type_name,
                                                   ' '.join(detail.args)),
                nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
            return [error], blank_finish
        directive_instance = directive(
            type_name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
            content_offset, block_text, self, self.state_machine)
            result =
        except docutils.parsers.rst.DirectiveError, error:
            msg_node = self.reporter.system_message(error.level, error.msg,
            msg_node += nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text)
            result = [msg_node]
        assert isinstance(result, list), \
               'Directive "%s" must return a list of nodes.' % type_name
        for i in range(len(result)):
            assert isinstance(result[i], nodes.Node), \
                   ('Directive "%s" returned non-Node object (index %s): %r'
                    % (type_name, i, result[i]))
        return (result,
                blank_finish or self.state_machine.is_next_line_blank())
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_block(self, indented, line_offset, directive,
        option_spec = directive.option_spec
        has_content = directive.has_content
        if indented and not indented[0].strip():
            line_offset += 1
        while indented and not indented[-1].strip():
        if indented and (directive.required_arguments
                         or directive.optional_arguments
                         or option_spec):
            for i, line in enumerate(indented):
                if not line.strip():
                i += 1
            arg_block = indented[:i]
            content = indented[i+1:]
            content_offset = line_offset + i + 1
            content = indented
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        if option_spec:
            options, arg_block = self.parse_directive_options(
                option_presets, option_spec, arg_block)
            options = {}
        if arg_block and not (directive.required_arguments
                              or directive.optional_arguments):
            content = arg_block + indented[i:]
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        while content and not content[0].strip():
            content_offset += 1
        if directive.required_arguments or directive.optional_arguments:
            arguments = self.parse_directive_arguments(
                directive, arg_block)
            arguments = []
        if content and not has_content:
            raise MarkupError('no content permitted')
        return (arguments, options, content, content_offset)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_directive(self, directive, match, type_name, option_presets):
        Parse a directive then run its directive function.


        - `directive`: The class implementing the directive.  Must be
          a subclass of `rst.Directive`.

        - `match`: A regular expression match object which matched the first
          line of the directive.

        - `type_name`: The directive name, as used in the source text.

        - `option_presets`: A dictionary of preset options, defaults for the
          directive options.  Currently, only an "alt" option is passed by
          substitution definitions (value: the substitution name), which may
          be used by an embedded image directive.

        Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean.
        if isinstance(directive, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
            from docutils.parsers.rst import convert_directive_function
            directive = convert_directive_function(directive)
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        initial_line_offset = self.state_machine.line_offset
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish \
                  = self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end(),
        block_text = '\n'.join(self.state_machine.input_lines[
            initial_line_offset : self.state_machine.line_offset + 1])
            arguments, options, content, content_offset = (
                self.parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset,
                                           directive, option_presets))
        except MarkupError, detail:
            error = self.reporter.error(
                'Error in "%s" directive:\n%s.' % (type_name,
                                                   ' '.join(detail.args)),
                nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
            return [error], blank_finish
        directive_instance = directive(
            type_name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
            content_offset, block_text, self, self.state_machine)
            result =
        except docutils.parsers.rst.DirectiveError, error:
            msg_node = self.reporter.system_message(error.level, error.msg,
            msg_node += nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text)
            result = [msg_node]
        assert isinstance(result, list), \
               'Directive "%s" must return a list of nodes.' % type_name
        for i in range(len(result)):
            assert isinstance(result[i], nodes.Node), \
                   ('Directive "%s" returned non-Node object (index %s): %r'
                    % (type_name, i, result[i]))
        return (result,
                blank_finish or self.state_machine.is_next_line_blank())
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_block(self, indented, line_offset, directive,
        option_spec = directive.option_spec
        has_content = directive.has_content
        if indented and not indented[0].strip():
            line_offset += 1
        while indented and not indented[-1].strip():
        if indented and (directive.required_arguments
                         or directive.optional_arguments
                         or option_spec):
            for i, line in enumerate(indented):
                if not line.strip():
                i += 1
            arg_block = indented[:i]
            content = indented[i+1:]
            content_offset = line_offset + i + 1
            content = indented
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        if option_spec:
            options, arg_block = self.parse_directive_options(
                option_presets, option_spec, arg_block)
            options = {}
        if arg_block and not (directive.required_arguments
                              or directive.optional_arguments):
            content = arg_block + indented[i:]
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        while content and not content[0].strip():
            content_offset += 1
        if directive.required_arguments or directive.optional_arguments:
            arguments = self.parse_directive_arguments(
                directive, arg_block)
            arguments = []
        if content and not has_content:
            raise MarkupError('no content permitted')
        return (arguments, options, content, content_offset)
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_directive(self, directive, match, type_name, option_presets):
        Parse a directive then run its directive function.


        - `directive`: The class implementing the directive.  Must be
          a subclass of `rst.Directive`.

        - `match`: A regular expression match object which matched the first
          line of the directive.

        - `type_name`: The directive name, as used in the source text.

        - `option_presets`: A dictionary of preset options, defaults for the
          directive options.  Currently, only an "alt" option is passed by
          substitution definitions (value: the substitution name), which may
          be used by an embedded image directive.

        Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean.
        if isinstance(directive, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
            from docutils.parsers.rst import convert_directive_function
            directive = convert_directive_function(directive)
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        initial_line_offset = self.state_machine.line_offset
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish \
                  = self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end(),
        block_text = '\n'.join(self.state_machine.input_lines[
            initial_line_offset : self.state_machine.line_offset + 1])
            arguments, options, content, content_offset = (
                self.parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset,
                                           directive, option_presets))
        except MarkupError, detail:
            error = self.reporter.error(
                'Error in "%s" directive:\n%s.' % (type_name,
                                                   ' '.join(detail.args)),
                nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
            return [error], blank_finish
        directive_instance = directive(
            type_name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
            content_offset, block_text, self, self.state_machine)
            result =
        except docutils.parsers.rst.DirectiveError, error:
            msg_node = self.reporter.system_message(error.level, error.msg,
            msg_node += nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text)
            result = [msg_node]
        assert isinstance(result, list), \
               'Directive "%s" must return a list of nodes.' % type_name
        for i in range(len(result)):
            assert isinstance(result[i], nodes.Node), \
                   ('Directive "%s" returned non-Node object (index %s): %r'
                    % (type_name, i, result[i]))
        return (result,
                blank_finish or self.state_machine.is_next_line_blank())
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_block(self, indented, line_offset, directive,
        option_spec = directive.option_spec
        has_content = directive.has_content
        if indented and not indented[0].strip():
            line_offset += 1
        while indented and not indented[-1].strip():
        if indented and (directive.required_arguments
                         or directive.optional_arguments
                         or option_spec):
            for i, line in enumerate(indented):
                if not line.strip():
                i += 1
            arg_block = indented[:i]
            content = indented[i+1:]
            content_offset = line_offset + i + 1
            content = indented
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        if option_spec:
            options, arg_block = self.parse_directive_options(
                option_presets, option_spec, arg_block)
            options = {}
        if arg_block and not (directive.required_arguments
                              or directive.optional_arguments):
            content = arg_block + indented[i:]
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        while content and not content[0].strip():
            content_offset += 1
        if directive.required_arguments or directive.optional_arguments:
            arguments = self.parse_directive_arguments(
                directive, arg_block)
            arguments = []
        if content and not has_content:
            raise MarkupError('no content permitted')
        return (arguments, options, content, content_offset)
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_directive(self, directive, match, type_name, option_presets):
        Parse a directive then run its directive function.


        - `directive`: The class implementing the directive.  Must be
          a subclass of `rst.Directive`.

        - `match`: A regular expression match object which matched the first
          line of the directive.

        - `type_name`: The directive name, as used in the source text.

        - `option_presets`: A dictionary of preset options, defaults for the
          directive options.  Currently, only an "alt" option is passed by
          substitution definitions (value: the substitution name), which may
          be used by an embedded image directive.

        Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean.
        if isinstance(directive, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
            from docutils.parsers.rst import convert_directive_function
            directive = convert_directive_function(directive)
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        initial_line_offset = self.state_machine.line_offset
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish \
                  = self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end(),
        block_text = '\n'.join(self.state_machine.input_lines[
            initial_line_offset : self.state_machine.line_offset + 1])
            arguments, options, content, content_offset = (
                self.parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset,
                                           directive, option_presets))
        except MarkupError as detail:
            error = self.reporter.error(
                'Error in "%s" directive:\n%s.' % (type_name,
                                                   ' '.join(detail.args)),
                nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
            return [error], blank_finish
        directive_instance = directive(
            type_name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
            content_offset, block_text, self, self.state_machine)
            result =
        except docutils.parsers.rst.DirectiveError as error:
            msg_node = self.reporter.system_message(error.level, error.msg,
            msg_node += nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text)
            result = [msg_node]
        assert isinstance(result, list), \
               'Directive "%s" must return a list of nodes.' % type_name
        for i in range(len(result)):
            assert isinstance(result[i], nodes.Node), \
                   ('Directive "%s" returned non-Node object (index %s): %r'
                    % (type_name, i, result[i]))
        return (result,
                blank_finish or self.state_machine.is_next_line_blank())
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_block(self, indented, line_offset, directive,
        option_spec = directive.option_spec
        has_content = directive.has_content
        if indented and not indented[0].strip():
            line_offset += 1
        while indented and not indented[-1].strip():
        if indented and (directive.required_arguments
                         or directive.optional_arguments
                         or option_spec):
            for i, line in enumerate(indented):
                if not line.strip():
                i += 1
            arg_block = indented[:i]
            content = indented[i+1:]
            content_offset = line_offset + i + 1
            content = indented
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        if option_spec:
            options, arg_block = self.parse_directive_options(
                option_presets, option_spec, arg_block)
            options = {}
        if arg_block and not (directive.required_arguments
                              or directive.optional_arguments):
            content = arg_block + indented[i:]
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        while content and not content[0].strip():
            content_offset += 1
        if directive.required_arguments or directive.optional_arguments:
            arguments = self.parse_directive_arguments(
                directive, arg_block)
            arguments = []
        if content and not has_content:
            raise MarkupError('no content permitted')
        return (arguments, options, content, content_offset)
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_directive(self, directive, match, type_name, option_presets):
        Parse a directive then run its directive function.


        - `directive`: The class implementing the directive.  Must be
          a subclass of `rst.Directive`.

        - `match`: A regular expression match object which matched the first
          line of the directive.

        - `type_name`: The directive name, as used in the source text.

        - `option_presets`: A dictionary of preset options, defaults for the
          directive options.  Currently, only an "alt" option is passed by
          substitution definitions (value: the substitution name), which may
          be used by an embedded image directive.

        Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean.
        if isinstance(directive, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
            from docutils.parsers.rst import convert_directive_function
            directive = convert_directive_function(directive)
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        initial_line_offset = self.state_machine.line_offset
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish \
                  = self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end(),
        block_text = '\n'.join(self.state_machine.input_lines[
            initial_line_offset : self.state_machine.line_offset + 1])
            arguments, options, content, content_offset = (
                self.parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset,
                                           directive, option_presets))
        except MarkupError, detail:
            error = self.reporter.error(
                'Error in "%s" directive:\n%s.' % (type_name,
                                                   ' '.join(detail.args)),
                nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
            return [error], blank_finish
        directive_instance = directive(
            type_name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
            content_offset, block_text, self, self.state_machine)
            result =
        except docutils.parsers.rst.DirectiveError, error:
            msg_node = self.reporter.system_message(error.level, error.msg,
            msg_node += nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text)
            result = [msg_node]
        assert isinstance(result, list), \
               'Directive "%s" must return a list of nodes.' % type_name
        for i in range(len(result)):
            assert isinstance(result[i], nodes.Node), \
                   ('Directive "%s" returned non-Node object (index %s): %r'
                    % (type_name, i, result[i]))
        return (result,
                blank_finish or self.state_machine.is_next_line_blank())
项目:RST-vscode    作者:tht13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_block(self, indented, line_offset, directive,
        option_spec = directive.option_spec
        has_content = directive.has_content
        if indented and not indented[0].strip():
            line_offset += 1
        while indented and not indented[-1].strip():
        if indented and (directive.required_arguments
                         or directive.optional_arguments
                         or option_spec):
            for i, line in enumerate(indented):
                if not line.strip():
                i += 1
            arg_block = indented[:i]
            content = indented[i+1:]
            content_offset = line_offset + i + 1
            content = indented
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        if option_spec:
            options, arg_block = self.parse_directive_options(
                option_presets, option_spec, arg_block)
            options = {}
        if arg_block and not (directive.required_arguments
                              or directive.optional_arguments):
            content = arg_block + indented[i:]
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        while content and not content[0].strip():
            content_offset += 1
        if directive.required_arguments or directive.optional_arguments:
            arguments = self.parse_directive_arguments(
                directive, arg_block)
            arguments = []
        if content and not has_content:
            raise MarkupError('no content permitted')
        return (arguments, options, content, content_offset)
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_directive(self, directive, match, type_name, option_presets):
        Parse a directive then run its directive function.


        - `directive`: The class implementing the directive.  Must be
          a subclass of `rst.Directive`.

        - `match`: A regular expression match object which matched the first
          line of the directive.

        - `type_name`: The directive name, as used in the source text.

        - `option_presets`: A dictionary of preset options, defaults for the
          directive options.  Currently, only an "alt" option is passed by
          substitution definitions (value: the substitution name), which may
          be used by an embedded image directive.

        Returns a 2-tuple: list of nodes, and a "blank finish" boolean.
        if isinstance(directive, (FunctionType, MethodType)):
            from docutils.parsers.rst import convert_directive_function
            directive = convert_directive_function(directive)
        lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
        initial_line_offset = self.state_machine.line_offset
        indented, indent, line_offset, blank_finish \
                  = self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end(),
        block_text = '\n'.join(self.state_machine.input_lines[
            initial_line_offset : self.state_machine.line_offset + 1])
            arguments, options, content, content_offset = (
                self.parse_directive_block(indented, line_offset,
                                           directive, option_presets))
        except MarkupError, detail:
            error = self.reporter.error(
                'Error in "%s" directive:\n%s.' % (type_name,
                                                   ' '.join(detail.args)),
                nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text), line=lineno)
            return [error], blank_finish
        directive_instance = directive(
            type_name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
            content_offset, block_text, self, self.state_machine)
            result =
        except docutils.parsers.rst.DirectiveError, error:
            msg_node = self.reporter.system_message(error.level, error.msg,
            msg_node += nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text)
            result = [msg_node]
        assert isinstance(result, list), \
               'Directive "%s" must return a list of nodes.' % type_name
        for i in range(len(result)):
            assert isinstance(result[i], nodes.Node), \
                   ('Directive "%s" returned non-Node object (index %s): %r'
                    % (type_name, i, result[i]))
        return (result,
                blank_finish or self.state_machine.is_next_line_blank())
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_directive_block(self, indented, line_offset, directive,
        option_spec = directive.option_spec
        has_content = directive.has_content
        if indented and not indented[0].strip():
            line_offset += 1
        while indented and not indented[-1].strip():
        if indented and (directive.required_arguments
                         or directive.optional_arguments
                         or option_spec):
            for i, line in enumerate(indented):
                if not line.strip():
                i += 1
            arg_block = indented[:i]
            content = indented[i+1:]
            content_offset = line_offset + i + 1
            content = indented
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        if option_spec:
            options, arg_block = self.parse_directive_options(
                option_presets, option_spec, arg_block)
            options = {}
        if arg_block and not (directive.required_arguments
                              or directive.optional_arguments):
            content = arg_block + indented[i:]
            content_offset = line_offset
            arg_block = []
        while content and not content[0].strip():
            content_offset += 1
        if directive.required_arguments or directive.optional_arguments:
            arguments = self.parse_directive_arguments(
                directive, arg_block)
            arguments = []
        if content and not has_content:
            raise MarkupError('no content permitted')
        return (arguments, options, content, content_offset)