def main(): if not os.path.exists('.env'): print('ERROR!! .env file is missing!') print("Please copy 'env.example' to '.env' and add appropriate values") exit() command = ['eb', 'setenv'] failures = [] for key, value in dotenv.Dotenv('.env').items(): if key.startswith('POSTGRES'): print('Skipping POSTGRES values - Amazon RDS provides these') continue if value: command.append("{}={}".format(key, value)) else: failures.append(key) if failures: for failure in failures: print("{} requires a value".format(failure)) else: print(' '.join(command)) check_call(command)
def __init__(self, sort_key): try: env = Dotenv('./.env') credential_table = env["CREDENTIAL_TABLE_ARN"] except IOError: try: env = Dotenv('../.env') credential_table = env["CREDENTIAL_TABLE_ARN"] except: credential_table ="arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:576309420438:table/dev_credential" self.sort_key = sort_key self.table_name = credential_table.split('/')[1] self.dynamodb = None