def index_worker(self, queue, size=200): actions = [] indexed = 0 while True: item = queue.get() if item is None: break id_submission, analysis = item doc = { '_index': 'fcc-comments', '_type': 'document', '_op_type': 'update', '_id': id_submission, 'doc': {'analysis': analysis}, } actions.append(doc) if len(actions) == size: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') try: response = bulk(self.es, actions) indexed += response[0] print('\tanalyzed %s/%s\t%s%%' % (indexed, self.limit, int(indexed / self.limit * 100))) actions = [] except ConnectionTimeout: print('error indexing: connection timeout') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') response = bulk(self.es, actions) indexed += response[0] print('indexed %s' % (indexed))
def run(self): ''' get documents without a sentiment tag that match significant terms: - significant terms from postive regex tagged vs others - extra multi match clause for stronger terms (in multiple term sets: positive vs negative, untagged, and all - phrase match net neutrality since both terms score high ''' index_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() bulk_index_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.bulk_index, args=(index_queue,), ) bulk_index_process.start() fetched = 0 try: while fetched < self.limit: ''' use search instead of scan because keeping an ordered scan cursor open negates the performance benefits ''' resp = self.es.search(index='fcc-comments', body=self.query, size=self.limit) for doc in resp['hits']['hits']: index_queue.put(doc['_id']) fetched += 1 if not fetched % 100: print('%s\t%s\t%s' % (fetched, doc['_score'], doc['_source']['text_data'])) except ConnectionTimeout: print('error fetching: connection timeout') index_queue.put(None) bulk_index_process.join()
def bulk_index(self, queue, size=20): actions = [] indexed = 0 ids = set() while True: item = queue.get() if item is None: break doc_id = item doc = { '_index': 'fcc-comments', '_type': 'document', '_op_type': 'update', '_id': doc_id, 'doc': {'analysis.sentiment_sig_terms_ordered': True}, } actions.append(doc) ids.add(doc_id) if len(actions) == size: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') try: response = bulk(self.es, actions) indexed += response[0] if not indexed % 200: print('\tindexed %s/%s\t%s%%' % (indexed, self.limit, int(indexed / self.limit * 100))) actions = [] except ConnectionTimeout: print('error indexing: connection timeout') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') response = bulk(self.es, actions) indexed += response[0] print('indexed %s' % (indexed)) ids = list(ids) #print('%s\n%s' % (len(ids), ' '.join(ids))
def create(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The create method allows for documents passed to be elasticsearch handler directly. """ # date = kwargs.get("date", None) # parser = kwargs.get('parser', 'default') # doctype = kwargs.get('type', 'default') # document = kwargs.get('document', {}) # # if date: # # Index document into an index based on index_date field # options = { # "index": "dminer-%s-%s" % (parser, date), # "doc_type": doctype, # "body": document # } # else: # options = { # "index": "dminer-%s" % parser, # "doc_type": doctype, # "body": document # } while True: try: value = self.es.index(*args, **kwargs) except ConnectionTimeout: print "Connection Timeout" continue break return value
def perform_request(self, method, url, params=None, body=None, timeout=None, ignore=(), headers=None): url_path = url if params: url_path = '%s?%s' % (url, urlencode(params or {})) url = self.base_url + url_path start = self.loop.time() response = None try: with aiohttp.Timeout(timeout or self.timeout, loop=self.loop): response = yield from self.session.request(method, url, data=body, headers=headers) raw_data = yield from response.text() duration = self.loop.time() - start except Exception as e: self.log_request_fail(method, url, url_path, body, self.loop.time() - start, exception=e) if isinstance(e, ServerFingerprintMismatch): raise SSLError('N/A', str(e), e) if isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise ConnectionTimeout('TIMEOUT', str(e), e) raise ConnectionError('N/A', str(e), e) finally: if response is not None: yield from response.release() # raise errors based on http status codes, let the client handle those if needed if not (200 <= response.status < 300) and response.status not in ignore: self.log_request_fail(method, url, url_path, body, duration, status_code=response.status, response=raw_data) self._raise_error(response.status, raw_data) self.log_request_success(method, url, url_path, body, response.status, raw_data, duration) return response.status, response.headers, raw_data
def lookup_portal_item(esclient, index_name, item_id): """ Returns an array of the collections that this item belongs to, according to Portal's ES index. :param esclient: Elastic search client object to use :param index_name: Name of the index to search within :param item_id: item ID to look for :return: array of collection names that this belongs to. Blank array if it does not belong. """ parts = id_xplodr.match(item_id) query = { 'query': { 'filtered': { 'filter': { 'term': { 'vidispine_id_str_ex': item_id } } } } } wait_time = 2 while True: try: result = esclient.search(index=index_name, doc_type='item', body=query) break except ReadTimeoutError as e: logger.warning(str(e)) sleep(wait_time) wait_time *= 2 except ConnectionTimeout as e: logger.warning(str(e)) sleep(wait_time) wait_time *= 2 hits = result['hits']['hits'] if len(hits) == 0: raise PortalItemNotFound(item_id) # pprint(hits[0]['_source']) if not 'f___collection_str' in hits[0]['_source']: return None return hits[0]['_source']['f___collection_str'] # this is an array
def collect(self): try: response = self.es_client.cluster.health(level=self.level, request_timeout=self.timeout) metrics = cluster_health_parser.parse_response(response, self.metric_name_list) except ConnectionTimeout: logging.warn('Timeout while fetching %s (timeout %ss).', self.description, self.timeout) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description, succeeded=False) except Exception: logging.exception('Error while fetching %s.', self.description) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description, succeeded=False) else: yield from gauge_generator(metrics) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description)
def collect(self): try: response = self.es_client.nodes.stats(metric=self.metrics, request_timeout=self.timeout) metrics = nodes_stats_parser.parse_response(response, self.metric_name_list) except ConnectionTimeout: logging.warn('Timeout while fetching %s (timeout %ss).', self.description, self.timeout) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description, succeeded=False) except Exception: logging.exception('Error while fetching %s.', self.description) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description, succeeded=False) else: yield from gauge_generator(metrics) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description)
def collect(self): try: response = self.es_client.indices.stats(metric=self.metrics, fields=self.fields, request_timeout=self.timeout) metrics = indices_stats_parser.parse_response(response, self.parse_indices, self.metric_name_list) except ConnectionTimeout: logging.warn('Timeout while fetching %s (timeout %ss).', self.description, self.timeout) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description, succeeded=False) except Exception: logging.exception('Error while fetching %s.', self.description) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description, succeeded=False) else: yield from gauge_generator(metrics) yield collector_up_gauge(self.metric_name_list, self.description)
def test_failed_es_request(self): request = mock_request() exc = es_exceptions.ConnectionTimeout() request.es.cluster.health.side_effect = exc with pytest.raises(views.FailedHealthcheck) as e: views.healthcheck(request) assert e.value.__cause__ == exc
def exists_es_index(str_valid_index): """Returns if given index exists in Elasticsearch cluster""" connection_attempts = 0 while connection_attempts < 3: try: es = get_es_object() es_indices = es.indices return es_indices.exists(index=str_valid_index) except exceptions.ConnectionTimeout: connection_attempts += 1 sys.exit('Elasticsearch connection timeout, exiting now...')
def perform_request( self, method, url, params=None, body=None, timeout=None, ignore=()): url = self.url_prefix + url if params: url = '{}?{}'.format(url, urlencode(params)) full_url = self.host + url start = self._loop.time() try: with async_timeout.timeout(timeout, loop=self._loop): async with self._session.request( method, full_url, data=body) as resp: raw_data = await resp.text() except Exception as e: self.log_request_fail( method, full_url, url, body, self._loop.time() - start, exception=e) if isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise ConnectionTimeout('TIMEOUT', str(e), e) raise ConnectionError('N/A', str(e), e) duration = self._loop.time() - start # raise errors based on http status codes, # let the client handle those if needed if not (200 <= resp.status < 300) and resp.status not in ignore: self.log_request_fail( method, full_url, url, body, duration, resp.status, raw_data) self._raise_error(resp.status, raw_data) self.log_request_success( method, full_url, url, body, resp.status, raw_data, duration) return resp.status, resp.headers, raw_data