def get_index_start(self, index, timestamp_field='@timestamp'): """ Query for one result sorted by timestamp to find the beginning of the index. :param index: The index of which to find the earliest event. :return: Timestamp of the earliest event. """ query = {'sort': {timestamp_field: {'order': 'asc'}}} try: res = self.current_es.search(index=index, size=1, body=query, _source_include=[timestamp_field], ignore_unavailable=True) except ElasticsearchException as e: self.handle_error("Elasticsearch query error: %s" % (e), {'index': index}) return '1969-12-30T00:00:00Z' if len(res['hits']['hits']) == 0: # Index is completely empty, return a date before the epoch return '1969-12-30T00:00:00Z' return res['hits']['hits'][0][timestamp_field]
def get_starttime(self, rule): """ Query ES for the last time we ran this rule. :param rule: The rule configuration. :return: A timestamp or None. """ query = {'filter': {'term': {'rule_name': '%s' % (rule['name'])}}, 'sort': {'@timestamp': {'order': 'desc'}}} try: if self.writeback_es: res = self.writeback_es.search(index=self.writeback_index, doc_type='elastalert_status', size=1, body=query, _source_include=['endtime', 'rule_name']) if res['hits']['hits']: endtime = ts_to_dt(res['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['endtime']) if ts_now() - endtime < self.old_query_limit: return endtime else: elastalert_logger.info("Found expired previous run for %s at %s" % (rule['name'], endtime)) return None except (ElasticsearchException, KeyError) as e: self.handle_error('Error querying for last run: %s' % (e), {'rule': rule['name']}) self.writeback_es = None
def get_aggregated_matches(self, _id): """ Removes and returns all matches from writeback_es that have aggregate_id == _id """ # XXX if there are more than self.max_aggregation matches, you have big alerts and we will leave entries in ES. query = {'query': {'query_string': {'query': 'aggregate_id:%s' % (_id)}}, 'sort': {'@timestamp': 'asc'}} matches = [] if self.writeback_es: try: res = self.writeback_es.search(index=self.writeback_index, doc_type='elastalert', body=query, size=self.max_aggregation) for match in res['hits']['hits']: matches.append(match['_source']) self.writeback_es.delete(index=self.writeback_index, doc_type='elastalert', id=match['_id']) except (KeyError, ElasticsearchException) as e: self.handle_error("Error fetching aggregated matches: %s" % (e), {'id': _id}) return matches
def find_pending_aggregate_alert(self, rule, aggregation_key_value=None): query = {'filter': {'bool': {'must': [{'term': {'rule_name': rule['name']}}, {'range': {'alert_time': {'gt': ts_now()}}}, {'not': {'exists': {'field': 'aggregate_id'}}}, {'term': {'alert_sent': 'false'}}]}}, 'sort': {'alert_time': {'order': 'desc'}}} if aggregation_key_value: query['filter']['bool']['must'].append({'term': {'aggregate_key': aggregation_key_value}}) if not self.writeback_es: self.writeback_es = elasticsearch_client(self.conf) try: res = self.writeback_es.search(index=self.writeback_index, doc_type='elastalert', body=query, size=1) if len(res['hits']['hits']) == 0: return None except (KeyError, ElasticsearchException) as e: self.handle_error("Error searching for pending aggregated matches: %s" % (e), {'rule_name': rule['name']}) return None return res['hits']['hits'][0]
def send_buffered_operations(self): """Send buffered operations to Elasticsearch. This method is periodically called by the AutoCommitThread. """ with self.lock: try: action_buffer = self.BulkBuffer.get_buffer() if action_buffer: successes, errors = bulk(self.elastic, action_buffer) LOG.debug("Bulk request finished, successfully sent %d " "operations", successes) if errors: LOG.error( "Bulk request finished with errors: %r", errors) except es_exceptions.ElasticsearchException: LOG.exception("Bulk request failed with exception")
def _create_index_if_missing(self): try: if not self._es.indices.exists(self._settings['INDEX_NAME']): self._es.indices.create(self._settings['INDEX_NAME']) except ElasticsearchException as e: self._log_error(e)
def _es_call(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): try: return getattr(self._es, cmd)(*args, **kwargs) except ElasticsearchException as e: self._log_error(e) return None
def save_availability(results_queue): """Send availability data to storage backend. :param results_queue: queue.Queue which provides data to save :rtype: None """ results = [] timeout = 3 while True: try: data = results_queue.get(True, timeout=timeout) except queue.Empty: break results.append(data) body = [] indices = set() for data in results: index = "ms_availability_%(region)s" % data metadata = {"index": {"_index": index, "_type": "service_availability", "_id": str(uuid.uuid1())}} body.append(json.dumps(metadata, indent=0).replace("\n", "")) body.append("\n") body.append(json.dumps(data, indent=0).replace("\n", "")) body.append("\n") if index not in indices: storage.ensure_es_index_exists(index) indices.add(index) body = "".join(body) es = storage.get_elasticsearch() LOG.debug("Saving availability:\n%s" % body) try: es.bulk(body=body) except es_exceptions.ElasticsearchException as e: LOG.error("Failed to save availability to Elastic:\n" "Body: %s\nError: %s" % (body, e))
def get_hits_count(self, rule, starttime, endtime, index): """ Query Elasticsearch for the count of results and returns a list of timestamps equal to the endtime. This allows the results to be passed to rules which expect an object for each hit. :param rule: The rule configuration dictionary. :param starttime: The earliest time to query. :param endtime: The latest time to query. :return: A dictionary mapping timestamps to number of hits for that time period. """ query = self.get_query(rule['filter'], starttime, endtime, timestamp_field=rule['timestamp_field'], sort=False, to_ts_func=rule['dt_to_ts']) try: res = self.current_es.count(index=index, doc_type=rule['doc_type'], body=query, ignore_unavailable=True) except ElasticsearchException as e: # Elasticsearch sometimes gives us GIGANTIC error messages # (so big that they will fill the entire terminal buffer) if len(str(e)) > 1024: e = str(e)[:1024] + '... (%d characters removed)' % (len(str(e)) - 1024) self.handle_error('Error running count query: %s' % (e), {'rule': rule['name']}) return None self.num_hits += res['count'] lt = rule.get('use_local_time') elastalert_logger.info("Queried rule %s from %s to %s: %s hits" % (rule['name'], pretty_ts(starttime, lt), pretty_ts(endtime, lt), res['count'])) return {endtime: res['count']}
def get_hits_terms(self, rule, starttime, endtime, index, key, qk=None, size=None): rule_filter = copy.copy(rule['filter']) if qk: filter_key = rule['query_key'] if rule.get('raw_count_keys', True) and not rule['query_key'].endswith('.raw'): filter_key = add_raw_postfix(filter_key) rule_filter.extend([{'term': {filter_key: qk}}]) base_query = self.get_query(rule_filter, starttime, endtime, timestamp_field=rule['timestamp_field'], sort=False, to_ts_func=rule['dt_to_ts']) if size is None: size = rule.get('terms_size', 50) query = self.get_terms_query(base_query, size, key) try: res = self.current_es.search(index=index, doc_type=rule['doc_type'], body=query, search_type='count', ignore_unavailable=True) except ElasticsearchException as e: # Elasticsearch sometimes gives us GIGANTIC error messages # (so big that they will fill the entire terminal buffer) if len(str(e)) > 1024: e = str(e)[:1024] + '... (%d characters removed)' % (len(str(e)) - 1024) self.handle_error('Error running query: %s' % (e), {'rule': rule['name']}) return None if 'aggregations' not in res: return {} buckets = res['aggregations']['filtered']['counts']['buckets'] self.num_hits += len(buckets) lt = rule.get('use_local_time') elastalert_logger.info('Queried rule %s from %s to %s: %s buckets' % (rule['name'], pretty_ts(starttime, lt), pretty_ts(endtime, lt), len(buckets))) return {endtime: buckets}
def writeback(self, doc_type, body): # ES 2.0 - 2.3 does not support dots in field names. if self.replace_dots_in_field_names: writeback_body = replace_dots_in_field_names(body) else: writeback_body = body for key in writeback_body.keys(): # Convert any datetime objects to timestamps if isinstance(writeback_body[key], datetime.datetime): writeback_body[key] = dt_to_ts(writeback_body[key]) if self.debug: elastalert_logger.info("Skipping writing to ES: %s" % (writeback_body)) return None if '@timestamp' not in writeback_body: writeback_body['@timestamp'] = dt_to_ts(ts_now()) if self.writeback_es: try: res = self.writeback_es.create(index=self.writeback_index, doc_type=doc_type, body=writeback_body) return res except ElasticsearchException as e: logging.exception("Error writing alert info to Elasticsearch: %s" % (e)) self.writeback_es = None
def is_silenced(self, rule_name): """ Checks if rule_name is currently silenced. Returns false on exception. """ if rule_name in self.silence_cache: if ts_now() < self.silence_cache[rule_name][0]: return True else: return False if self.debug: return False query = {'filter': {'term': {'rule_name': rule_name}}, 'sort': {'until': {'order': 'desc'}}} if self.writeback_es: try: res = self.writeback_es.search(index=self.writeback_index, doc_type='silence', size=1, body=query, _source_include=['until', 'exponent']) except ElasticsearchException as e: self.handle_error("Error while querying for alert silence status: %s" % (e), {'rule': rule_name}) return False if res['hits']['hits']: until_ts = res['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['until'] exponent = res['hits']['hits'][0]['_source'].get('exponent', 0) self.silence_cache[rule_name] = (ts_to_dt(until_ts), exponent) if ts_now() < ts_to_dt(until_ts): return True return False
def healthcheck(request): index = request.registry.settings['elasticsearch_index'] try: status = request.es.cluster.health(index=index)['status'] except exceptions.ElasticsearchException as exc: raise FailedHealthcheck('elasticsearch exception') from exc if status not in ('yellow', 'green'): raise FailedHealthcheck('cluster status was {!r}'.format(status)) return {'status': 'ok', 'version': bouncer_version}
def save(tweets, es_host, es_port): es = Elasticsearch(host = es_host, port = es_port) print('Saving tweets into ElasticSearch on {}...'.format(es_host)) if es.indices.exists(index_name): print ('Index {} already exists'.format(index_name)) try: es.indices.put_mapping(doc_type, tweet_mapping, index_name) except ElasticsearchException as e: print('Error while putting mapping:\n' + str(e)) print('Deleting index {} on...'.format(index_name)) es.indices.delete(index_name) print('Creating index {}...'.format(index_name)) es.indices.create(index_name, body = {'mappings': mapping}) else: print('Index {} does not exist'.format(index_name)) print('Creating index {}...'.format(index_name)) es.indices.create(index_name, body = {'mappings': mapping}) counter = 0 bulk_data = [] list_size = len(tweets) for doc in tweets: tweet = analyze_and_get_tweet(doc) bulk_doc = { "_index": index_name, "_type": doc_type, "_id": tweet[id_field], "_source": tweet } bulk_data.append(bulk_doc) counter += 1 if counter % bulk_chunk_size == 0 or counter == list_size: print('ElasticSearch bulk index (index: {INDEX}, type: {TYPE})...'.format(INDEX=index_name, TYPE=doc_type)) success, _ = bulk(es, bulk_data) print 'ElasticSearch has indexed %d documents' % success bulk_data = []
def get_hits(self, rule, starttime, endtime, index, scroll=False): """ Query Elasticsearch for the given rule and return the results. :param rule: The rule configuration. :param starttime: The earliest time to query. :param endtime: The latest time to query. :return: A list of hits, bounded by rule['max_query_size']. """ query = self.get_query(rule['filter'], starttime, endtime, timestamp_field=rule['timestamp_field'], to_ts_func=rule['dt_to_ts']) extra_args = {'_source_include': rule['include']} scroll_keepalive = rule.get('scroll_keepalive', self.scroll_keepalive) if not rule.get('_source_enabled'): query['fields'] = rule['include'] extra_args = {} try: if scroll: res = self.current_es.scroll(scroll_id=rule['scroll_id'], scroll=scroll_keepalive) else: res = self.current_es.search(scroll=scroll_keepalive, index=index, size=rule['max_query_size'], body=query, ignore_unavailable=True, **extra_args) self.total_hits = int(res['hits']['total']) logging.debug(str(res)) except ElasticsearchException as e: # Elasticsearch sometimes gives us GIGANTIC error messages # (so big that they will fill the entire terminal buffer) if len(str(e)) > 1024: e = str(e)[:1024] + '... (%d characters removed)' % (len(str(e)) - 1024) self.handle_error('Error running query: %s' % (e), {'rule': rule['name']}) return None hits = res['hits']['hits'] self.num_hits += len(hits) lt = rule.get('use_local_time') status_log = "Queried rule %s from %s to %s: %s / %s hits" % (rule['name'], pretty_ts(starttime, lt), pretty_ts(endtime, lt), self.num_hits, len(hits)) if self.total_hits > rule.get('max_query_size', self.max_query_size): elastalert_logger.info("%s (scrolling..)" % status_log) rule['scroll_id'] = res['_scroll_id'] else: elastalert_logger.info(status_log) hits = self.process_hits(rule, hits) # Record doc_type for use in get_top_counts if 'doc_type' not in rule and len(hits): rule['doc_type'] = hits[0]['_type'] return hits
def post(json_request_body: dict, replica: str, per_page: int, output_format: str, _scroll_id: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> dict: es_query = json_request_body['es_query'] per_page = PerPageBounds.check(per_page) replica_enum = Replica[replica] if replica is not None else Replica.aws get_logger().debug("Received posted query. Replica: %s Query: %s Per_page: %i Timeout: %s Scroll_id: %s", replica_enum.name, json.dumps(es_query, indent=4), per_page, _scroll_id) # TODO: (tsmith12) determine if a search operation timeout limit is needed # TODO: (tsmith12) allow users to retrieve previous search results # TODO: (tsmith12) if page returns 0 hits, then all results have been found. delete search id try: page = _es_search_page(es_query, replica_enum, per_page, _scroll_id, output_format) request_dict = _format_request_body(page, es_query, replica_enum, output_format) request_body = jsonify(request_dict) if len(request_dict['results']) < per_page: response = make_response(request_body, requests.codes.ok) else: response = make_response(request_body, requests.codes.partial) next_url = _build_scroll_url(page['_scroll_id'], per_page, replica_enum, output_format) response.headers['Link'] = _build_link_header({next_url: {"rel": "next"}}) return response except TransportError as ex: if ex.status_code == requests.codes.bad_request: get_logger().debug("%s", f"Invalid Query Recieved. Exception: {ex}") raise DSSException(requests.codes.bad_request, "elasticsearch_bad_request", f"Invalid Elasticsearch query was received: {str(ex)}") elif ex.status_code == requests.codes.not_found: get_logger().debug("%s", f"Search Context Error. Exception: {ex}") raise DSSException(requests.codes.not_found, "elasticsearch_context_not_found", "Elasticsearch context has returned all results or timeout has expired.") elif ex.status_code == 'N/A': get_logger().error("%s", f"Elasticsearch Invalid Endpoint. Exception: {ex}") raise DSSException(requests.codes.service_unavailable, "service_unavailable", "Elasticsearch reached an invalid endpoint. Try again later.") else: get_logger().error("%s", f"Elasticsearch Internal Server Error. Exception: {ex}") raise DSSException(requests.codes.internal_server_error, "internal_server_error", "Elasticsearch Internal Server Error") except ElasticsearchException as ex: get_logger().error("%s", f"Elasticsearch Internal Server Error. Exception: {ex}") raise DSSException(requests.codes.internal_server_error, "internal_server_error", "Elasticsearch Internal Server Error")