def setup(): try: from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, ElasticsearchException except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest("elasticsearch-py not installed.") es = Elasticsearch(settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS['elasticsearch']['URL']) try: es.info() except ElasticsearchException as e: raise unittest.SkipTest("elasticsearch not running on %r" % settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS['elasticsearch']['URL'], e) global test_runner global old_config from django.test.runner import DiscoverRunner test_runner = DiscoverRunner() test_runner.setup_test_environment() old_config = test_runner.setup_databases()
def search(self, body, **kwargs): assert 'index' not in kwargs if isinstance(body, string_types): pass else: body=elastify(body) tries = 0 while True: tries += 1 try: return self.esstore.es.search( index=self.index_base, body=body, **kwargs) except ElasticsearchException as e: if (tries <= 1): self.esstore.yellow() else: raise ESError(e)
def load_records(task, dataset_name, query_idx, records): """Load a single batch of QUEUE_PAGE records from the given query.""" dataset = model.get_dataset(dataset_name) items = [] for record in records: for item in map_record(dataset.queries[query_idx], record): items.append(item) try: index_items(items) except ElasticsearchException as exc: time.sleep(30) raise task.retry(exc=exc, countdown=30, max_retries=5) log.info("[%r] Indexed %s records as %s documents...", dataset_name, len(records), len(items))
def setup(): log = logging.getLogger('haystack') try: import elasticsearch if not ((1, 0, 0) <= elasticsearch.__version__ < (2, 0, 0)): raise ImportError from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, ElasticsearchException except ImportError: log.error("elasticsearch-py not installed.", exc_info=True) raise unittest.SkipTest("elasticsearch-py not installed.") es = Elasticsearch(settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS['default']['URL']) try: es.info() except ElasticsearchException as e: log.error("elasticsearch not running on %r" % \ settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS['default']['URL'], exc_info=True) raise unittest.SkipTest("elasticsearch not running on %r" % \ settings.HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS['default']['URL'], e)
def simple_search(self): """Perform URI-based request search. """ accepted_params = ('q', 'df', 'default_operator', 'from', 'size') kwargs = {k: self.config[k] for k in accepted_params if self.config[k]} wl = curator.IndexList(self.client) indices = ','.join(wl.working_list()) try: result = self.client.search(index=indices, **kwargs) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: logger.error(e.message) sys.exit(2) if self._return_object: return True, result else: self._pp_exit(result) return None
def full_search(self): """Perform search using Query DSL. """ accepted_params = ('from', 'size') kwargs = {k: self.config[k] for k in accepted_params if self.config[k]} try: result = self.client.search(index=self.config.index, body=self.config.body, **kwargs) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: logger.error(e.message) sys.exit(2) if self._return_object: return True, result else: self._pp_exit(result) return None
def getNumberAlerts(timeframe, clientDomain): ''' retrieves number of alerts from index in timeframe (minutes)''' try: res = es.search(index=esindex, body={ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } } ], "filter": [ { "range": { "createTime": { "gte": "now-"+str(timeframe)+"m" } } } ] } }, "size": 0 }) return res['hits']['total'] except ElasticsearchException as err: print('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False ######################## ### Functions to SET data ########################
def queryAlertsWithoutIP(maxAlerts, clientDomain): """ Get IP addresses from alerts in elasticsearch """ try: res = es.search(index=esindex, body={ "query": { "match": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "sort": { "recievedTime": { "order": "desc" } }, "size": maxAlerts, "_source": [ "createTime", "peerType", "country", "originalRequestString", "location", "targetCountry", "countryName", "locationDestination", "recievedTime", "username", "password", "login" ] }) return res["hits"]["hits"] except ElasticsearchException as err: print('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryAlerts(maxAlerts, clientDomain): """ Get IP addresses from alerts in elasticsearch """ try: res = es.search(index=app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], body={ "query": { "match": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "sort": { "recievedTime": { "order": "desc" } }, "size": maxAlerts, "_source": [ "createTime", "recievedTime", "peerIdent", "peerType", "country", "targetCountry", "originalRequestString", "location", "sourceEntryIp" ] }) return res["hits"]["hits"] except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryAlertsWithoutIP(maxAlerts, clientDomain): """ Get IP addresses from alerts in elasticsearch """ try: res = es.search(index=app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], body={ "query": { "match": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "sort": { "recievedTime": { "order": "desc" } }, "size": maxAlerts, "_source": [ "createTime", "peerType", "country", "originalRequestString", "location", "targetCountry", "countryName", "locationDestination", "recievedTime", "username", "password", "login" ] }) return res["hits"]["hits"] except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryAlertsCount(timeframe, clientDomain): """ Get number of Alerts in timeframe in elasticsearch """ # check if timespan = d or number if timeframe == "day": span = "now/d" elif timeframe.isdecimal(): span = "now-%sm" % timeframe else: app.logger.error('Non numeric value in retrieveAlertsCount timespan. Must be decimal number (in minutes) or string "day"') return False try: res = es.search(index=app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], body={ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } } ], "filter": [ { "range": { "recievedTime": { "gte": str(span) } } } ] } }, "size": 0 }) return res['hits']['total'] except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def test_cli_logs_elasticsearch_exceptions(self): indexer = mock.MagicMock() indexer.bulk().__enter__().index_record.side_effect = elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException with mock.patch('kinto_elasticsearch.command_reindex.logger') as logger: with mock.patch('kinto_elasticsearch.command_reindex.get_paginated_records', return_value=[[{}, {}]]) as get_paginated_records: reindex_records(indexer, mock.sentinel.storage, mock.sentinel.bucket_id, mock.sentinel.collection_id) get_paginated_records.assert_called_with(mock.sentinel.storage, mock.sentinel.bucket_id, mock.sentinel.collection_id) logger.exception.assert_called_with('Failed to index record')
def test_response_is_served_if_indexer_fails(self): with mock.patch("kinto_elasticsearch.indexer.elasticsearch.helpers.bulk", side_effect=elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException): r = self.app.post_json("/buckets/bid/collections/cid/records", {"data": {"hola": "mundo"}}, headers=self.headers) assert r.status_code == 201
def test_search_response_is_empty_if_indexer_fails(self): with mock.patch("kinto_elasticsearch.indexer.Indexer.search", side_effect=elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException): resp = self.app.post("/buckets/bid/collections/cid/search", headers=self.headers) result = resp.json assert result == {}
def reindex_records(indexer, storage, bucket_id, collection_id): total = 0 for records in get_paginated_records(storage, bucket_id, collection_id): try: with indexer.bulk() as bulk: for record in records: bulk.index_record(bucket_id, collection_id, record=record) print(".", end="") total += len(bulk.operations) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: logger.exception("Failed to index record") print("\n%s records reindexed." % total)
def create_index(self,index): try: logger.debug("[elastic-logs] Creating index %s ...", index) self.es.indices.create(index) except ElasticsearchException, exp: logger.error("[elastic-logs] exception while creating index %s: %s", index, str(exp))
def is_index_exists(self,index): if not self.is_connected == CONNECTED: try: if self.es.indices.exists(index): return True else: return False except ElasticsearchException, exp: logger.error("[elastic-logs] exception while checking the existance of the index %s: %s", index, str(exp)) return True
def __init__(self, name, host, port, doc_type, index): self.host = host self.port = port self.doc_type = doc_type self.index = index DatabaseInterface.__init__(self, name=name, db_type='ElasticSearch', conn_exception=elasticsearch.ConnectionError, execution_exception=elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException, type_converter=self.TYPE_CONVERTER, deserialize_query=True)
def wait_es(cls): es = AsyncElasticsearch( ['{}:{}'.format(cls.es_host, cls.es_port)], loop=cls.loop) for i in range(40): try: await es.ping() except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: await asyncio.sleep(0.5, loop=cls.loop) else: es.close() break else: raise RuntimeError("es connection error")
def queryAlertStats(clientDomain): """ Get combined statistics from elasticsearch """ try: res = es.search(index=esindex, body={ "aggs": { "communityfilter": { "filter": { "term": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "aggs": { "ctr": { "range": { "field": "createTime", "ranges": [ { "key": "1d", "from": "now-1440m" }, { "key": "1h", "from": "now-60m" }, { "key": "5m", "from": "now-5m" }, { "key": "1m", "from": "now-1m" } ] } }}} }, "size": 0 }) return res['aggregations']['communityfilter']['ctr']['buckets'] except ElasticsearchException as err: print('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryAlertsCountWithType(timeframe, clientDomain): """ Get number of Alerts in timeframe in elasticsearch """ # check if timespan = d or number if timeframe == "day": span = "now/d" elif timeframe.isdecimal(): span = "now-%sm" % timeframe else: print('Non numeric value in retrieveAlertsCountWithType timespan. Must be decimal number (in minutes) or string "day"') return False try: res = es.search(index=esindex, body={ "query": { "range": { "createTime": { "gte": str(span) } } }, "aggs": { "communityfilter": { "filter": { "term": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "aggs": { "honeypotTypes": { "terms": { "field": "peerType.keyword" } } } } }, "size": 0 }) return res except ElasticsearchException as err: print('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def authenticate(username, token): """ Authenticate user from cache or in ES """ # check for user in cache authtoken = getCache(username, "user") if authtoken is not False: if len(authtoken) == 128: tokenhash = hashlib.sha512(token.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if authtoken == tokenhash: return True elif len(authtoken) == 32: tokenhash = hashlib.md5(token.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if authtoken == tokenhash: return True else: app.logger.error('authenticate(): Hash "{0}" for user "{1}" is not matching md5 or sha512 length! Needs to be checked in memcache!'.format(authtoken, username)) # query ES else: try: res = es.search(index=app.config['WSUSERINDEX'], body={ "query": { "term": { "peerName.keyword": username } } }) if res["hits"]["total"] > 1: app.logger.error('authenticate(): More than one user "%s" in ES index "users" found!' % username) elif res["hits"]["total"] < 1: app.logger.error('authenticate(): No user "%s" in ES index "users" found!' % username) elif res["hits"]["total"] == 1: authtoken = res["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["token"] getOnly = res["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["getOnly"] community = res["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["community"] if len(authtoken) == 128: tokenhash = hashlib.sha512(token.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if authtoken == tokenhash: # add user and token to cache for 24h setCache(username, authtoken, (60 * 60 * 24), "user") return True elif len(authtoken) == 32: tokenhash = hashlib.md5(token.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if authtoken == tokenhash: # add user and token to cache for 24h setCache(username, authtoken, (60 * 60 * 24),"user") return True else: app.logger.error('authenticate(): Hash "{0}" for user "{1}" is not matching md5 or sha512 length! Needs to be checked in ES index!'.format(authtoken, username)) return False except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryAlertsCountWithType(timeframe, clientDomain): """ Get number of Alerts in timeframe in elasticsearch """ # check if timespan = d or number if timeframe == "day": span = "now/d" elif timeframe.isdecimal(): span = "now-%sm" % timeframe else: app.logger.error('Non numeric value in retrieveAlertsCountWithType timespan. Must be decimal number (in minutes) or string "day"') return False try: res = es.search(index=app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], body={ "query": { "range": { "recievedTime": { "gte": str(span) } } }, "aggs": { "communityfilter": { "filter": { "term": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "aggs": { "honeypotTypes": { "terms": { "field": "peerType.keyword" } } } } }, "size": 0 }) return res except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryDatasetAlertsPerMonth(days, clientDomain): # check if months is a number if days is None: span = "now-1M/d" elif days.isdecimal(): span = "now-%sd/d" % days else: app.logger.error('Non numeric value in datasetAlertsPerMonth timespan. Must be decimal number in days') return False try: res = es.search(index=app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], body={ "query": { "range": { "createTime": { "gte": str(span) } } }, "aggs": { "communityfilter": { "filter": { "term": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "aggs": { "range": { "date_histogram": { "field": "createTime", "interval": "day" } } } } }, "size": 0 }) return res["aggregations"]["communityfilter"]["range"] except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryAlertStats(clientDomain): """ Get combined statistics from elasticsearch """ try: res = es.search(index=app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], body={ "aggs": { "communityfilter": { "filter": { "term": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } }, "aggs": { "ctr": { "range": { "field": "createTime", "ranges": [ { "key": "1d", "from": "now-1440m" }, { "key": "1h", "from": "now-60m" }, { "key": "5m", "from": "now-5m" }, { "key": "1m", "from": "now-1m" } ] } }}} }, "size": 0 }) return res['aggregations']['communityfilter']['ctr']['buckets'] except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False
def queryForSingleIP(maxAlerts, ip, clientDomain): """ Get data for specific IP addresse from elasticsearch """ try: ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip) if not ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_global: app.logger.debug('No global IP address given on /querySingleIP: %s' % str(request.args.get('ip'))) return False except: app.logger.debug('No valid IP given on /querySingleIP: %s' % str(request.args.get('ip'))) return False try: res = es.search(index=app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], body={ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "sourceEntryIp": str(ip) } }, { "term": { "clientDomain": clientDomain } } ] } }, "size": maxAlerts, "sort": { "createTime": { "order": "desc" } }, "_source": [ "createTime", "peerType", "targetCountry", "originalRequestString" ] }) return res["hits"]["hits"] except ElasticsearchException as err: app.logger.error('ElasticSearch error: %s' % err) return False # Formatting functions
def search_view(request, **kwargs): bucket_id = request.matchdict['bucket_id'] collection_id = request.matchdict['collection_id'] # Limit the number of results to return, based on existing Kinto settings. paginate_by = request.registry.settings.get("paginate_by") max_fetch_size = request.registry.settings["storage_max_fetch_size"] if paginate_by is None or paginate_by <= 0: paginate_by = max_fetch_size configured = min(paginate_by, max_fetch_size) # If the size is specified in query, ignore it if larger than setting. specified = None if "body" in kwargs: try: body = json.loads(kwargs["body"].decode("utf-8")) specified = body.get("size") except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: pass if specified is None or specified > configured: kwargs.setdefault("size", configured) # Access indexer from views using registry. indexer = request.registry.indexer try: results = indexer.search(bucket_id, collection_id, **kwargs) except elasticsearch.NotFoundError as e: # If plugin was enabled after the creation of the collection. indexer.create_index(bucket_id, collection_id) results = indexer.search(bucket_id, collection_id, **kwargs) except elasticsearch.RequestError as e: # Malformed query. if isinstance(e.info["error"], dict): message = e.info["error"]["reason"] details = e.info["error"]["root_cause"][0] else: message = e.info["error"] details = None response = http_error(httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest(), errno=ERRORS.INVALID_PARAMETERS, message=message, details=details) raise response except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: # General failure. logger.exception("Index query failed.") results = {} return results
def commit_logs(self): """ Periodically called (commit_period), this method prepares a bunch of queued logs (commit_colume) to insert them in the index """ if not self.logs_cache: return if not self.is_connected == CONNECTED: if not self.open(): logger.warning("[elastic-logs] log commiting failed") logger.warning("[elastic-logs] %d lines to insert in the index", len(self.logs_cache)) return logger.debug("[elastic-logs] commiting ...") logger.debug("[elastic-logs] %d lines to insert in the index (max insertion is %d lines)", len(self.logs_cache), self.commit_volume) # Flush all the stored log lines logs_to_commit = 1 now = time.time() some_logs = [] while True: try: # result = self.db[self.logs_collection].insert_one(self.logs_cache.popleft()) some_logs.append(self.logs_cache.popleft()) logs_to_commit = logs_to_commit + 1 if logs_to_commit >= self.commit_volume: break except IndexError: logger.debug("[elastic-logs] prepared all available logs for commit") break except Exception, exp: logger.error("[elastic-logs] exception: %s", str(exp)) logger.debug("[elastic-logs] time to prepare %s logs for commit (%2.4f)", logs_to_commit, time.time() - now) now = time.time() try: # Insert lines to commit result = helpers.bulk(self.es,some_logs,self.commit_volume) logger.debug("[elastic-logs] inserted %d logs.", result) except ElasticsearchException, exp: self.close() logger.error("[elastic-logs] Error occurred when commiting: %s", exp) logger.debug("[elastic-logs] time to insert %s logs (%2.4f)", logs_to_commit, time.time() - now)
def query_streets(name=None, locality=None, department=None, state=None, road=None, max=None, fields=[]): """Busca calles según parámetros de búsqueda de una consulta. Args: name (str): Nombre de la calle para filtrar (opcional). locality (str): Nombre de la localidad para filtrar (opcional). department (str): Nombre de departamento para filtrar (opcional). state (str): ID o nombre de provincia para filtrar (opcional). road_type (str): Nombre del tipo de camino para filtrar (opcional). max (int): Limita la cantidad de resultados (opcional). fields (list): Campos a devolver en los resultados (opcional). Returns: list: Resultados de búsqueda de calles. """ index = 'calles-*' # Search in all indexes by default. terms = [] if name: condition = build_condition(NAME, get_abbreviated(name), fuzzy=True) terms.append(condition) if road: condition = build_condition(ROAD_TYPE, road, fuzzy=True) terms.append(condition) if locality: condition = build_condition(LOCALITY, locality, fuzzy=True) terms.append(condition) if department: condition = build_condition(DEPT, department, fuzzy=True) terms.append(condition) if state: target_state = query_entity(STATES, state, max=1) if target_state: # Narrows search to specific index. index = '-'.join([STREETS, target_state[0][ID]]) if LOCATION in fields: fields.extend([GEOM, START_R, START_L, END_R, END_L, FULL_NAME]) query = {'query': {'bool': {'must': terms}} if terms else {"match_all": {}}, 'size': max or 10, '_source': fields} try: result = Elasticsearch().search(index=index, body=query) except ElasticsearchException as error: return [] return [parse_es(hit) for hit in result['hits']['hits']]
def query_entity(index, entity_id=None, name=None, department=None, state=None, max=None, order=None, fields=[], flatten=False): """Busca entidades políticas (localidades, departamentos, o provincias) según parámetros de búsqueda de una consulta. Args: index (str): Nombre del índice sobre el cual realizar la búsqueda. name (str): Nombre del tipo de entidad (opcional). department (str): ID o nombre de departamento para filtrar (opcional). state (str): ID o nombre de provincia para filtrar (opcional). max (int): Limita la cantidad de resultados (opcional). order (str): Campo por el cual ordenar los resultados (opcional). fields (list): Campos a devolver en los resultados (opcional). Returns: list: Resultados de búsqueda de entidades. """ terms = [] sorts = {} if entity_id: condition = build_condition(ID, entity_id) terms.append(condition) if name: condition = build_condition(NAME, name, fuzzy=True) terms.append(condition) if department: if department.isdigit(): condition = build_condition(DEPT_ID, department) else: condition = build_condition(DEPT_NAME, department, fuzzy=True) terms.append(condition) if state: if state.isdigit(): condition = build_condition(STATE_ID, state) else: if len(state.split()) == 1: condition = build_condition(STATE_NAME, state, fuzzy=True) else: condition = build_condition(STATE_NAME, state, kind='match_phrase_prefix') terms.append(condition) if order: if ID in order: sorts[ID_KEYWORD] = {'order': 'asc'} if NAME in order: sorts[NAME_KEYWORD] = {'order': 'asc'} query = {'query': {'bool': {'must': terms}} if terms else {"match_all": {}}, 'size': max or 10, 'sort': sorts, '_source': fields} try: result = Elasticsearch().search(index=index, body=query) except ElasticsearchException as error: return [] return [parse_entity(hit, flatten) for hit in result['hits']['hits']]