Python errno 模块,ENOSPC 实例源码


项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_downloadPageLogsFileCloseError(self):
        If there is an exception closing the file being written to after the
        connection is prematurely closed, that exception is logged.
        class BrokenFile:
            def write(self, bytes):

            def close(self):
                raise IOError(ENOSPC, "No file left on device")

        d = client.downloadPage(self.getURL("broken"), BrokenFile())
        d = self.assertFailure(d, client.PartialDownloadError)
        def cbFailed(ignored):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(IOError)), 1)
        return d
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def oswrite(self, fh, data):
        if self._writestate:
            return os.write(fh, data)
            raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC, "Faked Space problem")
项目:centos-base-consul    作者:zeroc0d3lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def watch_tree(self):
        self.watched_dirs = {}
        self.watched_rmap = {}
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                raise DirTooLarge(self.basedir)
项目:centos-base-consul    作者:zeroc0d3lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_event(self, wd, mask, cookie, name):
        if wd == -1 and (mask & self.Q_OVERFLOW):
            # We missed some INOTIFY events, so we dont
            # know the state of any tracked dirs.
            self.modified = True
        path = self.watched_rmap.get(wd, None)
        if path is not None:
            if not self.ignore_event(path, name):
                self.modified = True
            if mask & self.CREATE:
                # A new sub-directory might have been created, monitor it.
                    if not isinstance(path, bytes):
                        name = name.decode(self.fenc)
                    self.add_watch(os.path.join(path, name))
                except OSError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        # Deleted before add_watch()
                    elif e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                        raise DirTooLarge(self.basedir)
            if (mask & self.DELETE_SELF or mask & self.MOVE_SELF) and path == self.basedir:
                raise BaseDirChanged('The directory %s was moved/deleted' % path)
项目:centos-base-consul    作者:zeroc0d3lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_error(self):
        eno = ctypes.get_errno()
        extra = ''
        if eno == errno.ENOSPC:
            extra = 'You may need to increase the inotify limits on your system, via /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_*'
        raise OSError(eno, self.os.strerror(eno) + str(extra))
项目:annotated-py-asyncio    作者:hhstore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_above_fd_setsize(self):
        # A scalable implementation should have no problem with more than
        # FD_SETSIZE file descriptors. Since we don't know the value, we just
        # try to set the soft RLIMIT_NOFILE to the hard RLIMIT_NOFILE ceiling.
        soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (hard, hard))
            self.addCleanup(resource.setrlimit, resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE,
                            (soft, hard))
            NUM_FDS = min(hard, 2**16)
        except (OSError, ValueError):
            NUM_FDS = soft

        # guard for already allocated FDs (stdin, stdout...)
        NUM_FDS -= 32

        s = self.SELECTOR()

        for i in range(NUM_FDS // 2):
                rd, wr = self.make_socketpair()
            except OSError:
                # too many FDs, skip - note that we should only catch EMFILE
                # here, but apparently *BSD and Solaris can fail upon connect()
                # or bind() with EADDRNOTAVAIL, so let's be safe
                self.skipTest("FD limit reached")

                s.register(rd, selectors.EVENT_READ)
                s.register(wr, selectors.EVENT_WRITE)
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                    # this can be raised by epoll if we go over
                    # fs.epoll.max_user_watches sysctl
                    self.skipTest("FD limit reached")

        self.assertEqual(NUM_FDS // 2, len(
项目:Qyoutube-dl    作者:lzambella    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:lemongraph    作者:NationalSecurityAgency    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def graph(self, uuid, locked=None, **kwargs):
        if locked is None:
            with self.lock.shared(uuid) as locked:
                g = self.graph(uuid, locked=locked, **kwargs)
            return g

            return self.collection.graph(uuid, **kwargs)
        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
            if e.errno is errno.EPERM:
                raise HTTPError(403, str(e))
            elif e.errno is errno.ENOSPC:
                raise HTTPError(507, str(e))
            raise HTTPError(404, "Backend graph for %s is inaccessible: %s" % (uuid, str(e)))
项目:youtube_downloader    作者:aksinghdce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code
        self.msg = msg

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:optimalvibes    作者:littlemika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code
        self.msg = msg

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:tvalacarta    作者:tvalacarta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code
        self.msg = msg

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:web_develop    作者:dongweiming    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def listdir(dirname):
    except OSError as e:
        error = e.errno
        if error == errno.ENOENT:
            print 'No such file or directory'
        elif error == errno.EACCES:
            print 'Prmission denied'
        elif error == errno.ENOSPC:
            print 'No space left on device'
            print e.strerror
        print 'No error!'
项目    作者:daineseh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def oswrite(self, fh, data):
        if self._writestate:
            return os.write(fh, data)
            raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC, "Faked Space problem")
项目:GUIYoutube    作者:coltking    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code
        self.msg = msg

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:siphon-cli    作者:getsiphon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_error():
        Raises errors for inotify failures.
        err = ctypes.get_errno()
        if err == errno.ENOSPC:
            raise OSError("inotify watch limit reached")
        elif err == errno.EMFILE:
            raise OSError("inotify instance limit reached")
            raise OSError(os.strerror(err))
项目:Yv-dl    作者:r0oth3x49    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code
        self.msg = msg

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_above_fd_setsize(self):
        # A scalable implementation should have no problem with more than
        # FD_SETSIZE file descriptors. Since we don't know the value, we just
        # try to set the soft RLIMIT_NOFILE to the hard RLIMIT_NOFILE ceiling.
        soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (hard, hard))
            self.addCleanup(resource.setrlimit, resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE,
                            (soft, hard))
            NUM_FDS = min(hard, 2**16)
        except (OSError, ValueError):
            NUM_FDS = soft

        # guard for already allocated FDs (stdin, stdout...)
        NUM_FDS -= 32

        s = self.SELECTOR()

        for i in range(NUM_FDS // 2):
                rd, wr = self.make_socketpair()
            except OSError:
                # too many FDs, skip - note that we should only catch EMFILE
                # here, but apparently *BSD and Solaris can fail upon connect()
                # or bind() with EADDRNOTAVAIL, so let's be safe
                self.skipTest("FD limit reached")

                s.register(rd, selectors.EVENT_READ)
                s.register(wr, selectors.EVENT_WRITE)
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                    # this can be raised by epoll if we go over
                    # fs.epoll.max_user_watches sysctl
                    self.skipTest("FD limit reached")

        self.assertEqual(NUM_FDS // 2, len(
项目:alicloud-duplicity    作者:aliyun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_code_from_exception(backend, operation, e):
    if isinstance(e, BackendException) and e.code != log.ErrorCode.backend_error:
        return e.code
    elif hasattr(backend, '_error_code'):
        return backend._error_code(operation, e) or log.ErrorCode.backend_error
    elif hasattr(e, 'errno'):
        # A few backends return such errors (local, paramiko, etc)
        if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
            return log.ErrorCode.backend_permission_denied
        elif e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            return log.ErrorCode.backend_not_found
        elif e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
            return log.ErrorCode.backend_no_space
    return log.ErrorCode.backend_error
项目:anime-dl    作者:Xonshiz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code
        self.msg = msg

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:yggdrasil    作者:locore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mknod(self, parent, name, mode, mtime):
        assertion(self.is_dir(parent), "mknod: parent is not a directory")
        assertion(name[0] != 0, "mknod: name is null")


        parent_block, parent_bid, off, valid = self.locate_empty_dentry_slot_err_ino(parent)
        if Not(valid):
            return 0, errno.ENOSPC

        ino = self.ialloc()

        attr = Stat(size=0, mtime=mtime, mode=mode, nlink=2)

        self._inode.set_iattr(ino, attr)

        attr = self._inode.get_iattr(parent)
        assertion(ULE(attr.bsize, 522), "mknod: bsize is larger than 522")
        attr.size = Concat32(BitVecVal(522, 32), BitVecVal(4096 * 522, 32))
        assertion(ULT(attr.nlink, attr.nlink + 1), "mknod: nlink overflow")
        attr.nlink += 1

        self._inode.set_iattr(parent, attr)

        self.write_dentry(parent_block, off, ino, name)
        parent_block[off] = ino

        self._inode.write(parent_bid, parent_block)


        return ino, 0
项目:yggdrasil    作者:locore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dir_find_empty(self, blk):
        res = BitVecVal(-errno.ENOSPC, 64)
        for i in range(2):
            res = If(blk[self.I_OFF_DATA + i * 2] == 0, i, res)
        return res
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def oswrite(self, fh, data):
        if self._writestate:
            return os.write(fh, data)
            raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC, "Faked Space problem")
项目:get-youtube-subtitle-url-node    作者:joegesualdo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_above_fd_setsize(self):
        # A scalable implementation should have no problem with more than
        # FD_SETSIZE file descriptors. Since we don't know the value, we just
        # try to set the soft RLIMIT_NOFILE to the hard RLIMIT_NOFILE ceiling.
        soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
            resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (hard, hard))
            self.addCleanup(resource.setrlimit, resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE,
                            (soft, hard))
            NUM_FDS = min(hard, 2**16)
        except (OSError, ValueError):
            NUM_FDS = soft

        # guard for already allocated FDs (stdin, stdout...)
        NUM_FDS -= 32

        s = self.SELECTOR()

        for i in range(NUM_FDS // 2):
                rd, wr = self.make_socketpair()
            except OSError:
                # too many FDs, skip - note that we should only catch EMFILE
                # here, but apparently *BSD and Solaris can fail upon connect()
                # or bind() with EADDRNOTAVAIL, so let's be safe
                self.skipTest("FD limit reached")

                s.register(rd, selectors.EVENT_READ)
                s.register(wr, selectors.EVENT_WRITE)
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                    # this can be raised by epoll if we go over
                    # fs.epoll.max_user_watches sysctl
                    self.skipTest("FD limit reached")

        self.assertEqual(NUM_FDS // 2, len(
项目:hacker-scripts    作者:restran    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _raise_error():
        Raises errors for inotify failures.
        err = ctypes.get_errno()
        if err == errno.ENOSPC:
            raise OSError("inotify watch limit reached")
        elif err == errno.EMFILE:
            raise OSError("inotify instance limit reached")
            raise OSError(os.strerror(err))
项目:dotfiles    作者:gbraad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def watch_tree(self):
        self.watched_dirs = {}
        self.watched_rmap = {}
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                raise DirTooLarge(self.basedir)
项目:dotfiles    作者:gbraad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_event(self, wd, mask, cookie, name):
        if wd == -1 and (mask & self.Q_OVERFLOW):
            # We missed some INOTIFY events, so we dont
            # know the state of any tracked dirs.
            self.modified = True
        path = self.watched_rmap.get(wd, None)
        if path is not None:
            if not self.ignore_event(path, name):
                self.modified = True
            if mask & self.CREATE:
                # A new sub-directory might have been created, monitor it.
                    if not isinstance(path, bytes):
                        name = name.decode(self.fenc)
                    self.add_watch(os.path.join(path, name))
                except OSError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        # Deleted before add_watch()
                    elif e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
                        raise DirTooLarge(self.basedir)
            if (mask & self.DELETE_SELF or mask & self.MOVE_SELF) and path == self.basedir:
                raise BaseDirChanged('The directory %s was moved/deleted' % path)
项目:dotfiles    作者:gbraad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_error(self):
        eno = ctypes.get_errno()
        extra = ''
        if eno == errno.ENOSPC:
            extra = 'You may need to increase the inotify limits on your system, via /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_*'
        raise OSError(eno, self.os.strerror(eno) + str(extra))
项目:ngDownloaderAPI    作者:manishbisht    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, code=None, msg='Unknown error'):
        super(XAttrMetadataError, self).__init__(msg)
        self.code = code
        self.msg = msg

        # Parsing code and msg
        if (self.code in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EDQUOT) or
                'No space left' in self.msg or 'Disk quota excedded' in self.msg):
            self.reason = 'NO_SPACE'
        elif self.code == errno.E2BIG or 'Argument list too long' in self.msg:
            self.reason = 'VALUE_TOO_LONG'
            self.reason = 'NOT_SUPPORTED'
项目:lemongraph    作者:NationalSecurityAgency    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def graphtxn(write=False, create=False, excl=False, on_success=None, on_failure=None):
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(self, _, uuid, *args, **kwargs):
            g = self.graph(uuid, readonly=not write, create=create, excl=excl)
            success = None
                with g.transaction(write=write) as txn:
                    lastID = txn.lastID
                    success = False
                    ret = func(self, g, txn, _, uuid, *args, **kwargs)
                        next = getattr(ret, 'next')
                    except AttributeError:
                        ret = [ret] if ret is not None else []
                        if write:
                            self.res.headers.set('X-lg-updates', txn.lastID - lastID)
                        self.res.headers.set('X-lg-maxID', txn.lastID)
                        for x in ret:
                            yield x
                    success = True
                # delay final chunking trailer until txn has been committed
                if write:
                    if 'x-lg-sync' in self.req.headers:
                    yield ''
            except HTTPError:
            except (IOError, OSError) as e:
                raise HTTPError(507 if e.errno is errno.ENOSPC else 500, str(e))
            except Exception as e:
                info = sys.exc_info()
                log.error('Unhandled exception: %s', traceback.print_exception(*info))
                if success is True:
                    if on_success:
                elif success is False:
                    if on_failure:
        return wrapper
    return decorator
项目:lemongraph    作者:NationalSecurityAgency    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def put(self, _, uuid):
        with self.lock.exclusive(uuid) as locked:
            (fd, name, dbname, path) = self.tmp_graph(uuid)
            cleanup = [lambda: os.unlink(path)]
#                with self.graph(uuid, readonly=True, locked=locked) as g1, self.collection.graph(dbname, create=True, hook=False) as g2:
                with self.graph(uuid, locked=locked) as g1, self.collection.graph(dbname, create=True, hook=False) as g2:
                    with g1.transaction(write=False) as t1, g2.transaction(write=True) as t2:
                        # fixme
                        cleanup.append(lambda: os.unlink('%s-lock' % path))
                        keep = self.input()
                        if keep is None:
                            keep = self.default_keep

                        if keep.get('kv',False):
                            self.clone_kv(t1, t2)

                        seeds = keep.get('seeds', None)
                        if seeds:
                            self.clone_seeds(uuid, t1, t2, seeds)
                    target = g1.path
                cleanup.pop()() # unlink(path-lock)
                    # fixme
                    os.unlink('%s-lock' % target)
                except OSError:
                os.rename(path, target)
                cleanup.pop() # unlink(path)
                # bypass creds check, allow hooks to run
#                with self.collection.graph(uuid, readonly=True):
                with self.collection.graph(uuid):
            except (IOError, OSError) as e:
                if e.errno is errno.EPERM:
                    raise HTTPError(403, str(e))
                elif e.errno is errno.ENOSPC:
                    raise HTTPError(507, str(e))
                raise HTTPError(404, "Reset failed for graph %s: %s" % (uuid, repr(e)))
                for x in cleanup:
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _add_watch_for_path(self, path):
    # Must be called with _inotify_fd_lock held.
    logging.debug('_add_watch_for_path(%r)', path)

    for dirpath, directories, _ in itertools.chain(
        [(os.path.dirname(path), [os.path.basename(path)], None)],
        os.walk(path, topdown=True, followlinks=True)):
      # TODO: this is not an ideal solution as there are other ways for
      # symlinks to confuse our algorithm but a general solution is going to
      # be very complex and this is good enough to solve the immediate problem
      # with Dart's directory structure.
          self._real_directories, dirpath, directories)
      for directory in directories:
        directory_path = os.path.join(dirpath, directory)
        # dirpath cannot be used as the parent directory path because it is the
        # empty string for symlinks :-(
        parent_path = os.path.dirname(directory_path)

        watch_descriptor = _libc.inotify_add_watch(
        if watch_descriptor < 0:
          if ctypes.get_errno() == errno.ENOSPC:
                'There are too many directories in your application for '
                'changes in all of them to be monitored. You may have to '
                'restart the development server to see some changes to your '
          error = OSError('could not add watch for %r' % directory_path)
          error.errno = ctypes.get_errno()
          error.strerror = errno.errorcode[ctypes.get_errno()]
          error.filename = directory_path
          raise error

        if parent_path in self._directory_to_subdirs:
        self._watch_to_directory[watch_descriptor] = directory_path
        self._directory_to_watch_descriptor[directory_path] = watch_descriptor
        self._directory_to_subdirs[directory_path] = set()
项目:obnam    作者:obnam-mirror    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backup_root(self, root, absroots):'Backing up root %s', root)
        self.progress.what('connecting to live data %s' % root)


        self.progress.what('scanning for files in %s' % root)
        absroot = self.fs.abspath('.')

        # If the root is a file, we can just back up the file.
        if os.path.isfile(root):
            self.just_one_file = os.path.join(absroot, os.path.split(root)[1])
            self.just_one_file = None

        self.root_metadata = self.fs.lstat(absroot)

        num_dirs = 0
        # The following is a very approximate guess, but we have no
        # way of being exact.
        dir_entry_size = 1000
        flush_threshold = obnamlib.DEFAULT_DIR_BAG_BYTES / dir_entry_size

        for pathname, metadata in self.find_files(absroot):
  'Backing up %s', pathname)

            if not self.pretend:
                existed = self.repo.file_exists(self.new_generation, pathname)
                if stat.S_ISDIR(metadata.st_mode):
                    self.backup_directory(pathname, metadata, absroots)
                    self.backup_non_directory(pathname, metadata)
            except (IOError, OSError) as e:
                e2 = self.translate_enverror_to_obnamerror(pathname, e)
                msg = 'Can\'t back up %s: %s' % (pathname, str(e2))
                self.progress.error(msg, exc=e)
                if not existed and not self.pretend:
                if e.errno in (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EPIPE):

            if metadata.isdir() and not self.pretend:
                num_dirs += 1
                if num_dirs >= flush_threshold:
          'after flushing client')
                    num_dirs = 0

            if self.checkpoint_manager.time_for_checkpoint():
                num_dirs = 0

项目:tm-librarian    作者:FabricAttachedMemory    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _policy_RequestIG(self, books_needed):
        '''Select books from IGs specified in interleave_request attribute.
           If interleave_request_pos is present use it as the starting point.'''
        db = self.LCEobj.db
        ig_req = db.get_xattr(self.shelf, self.XATTR_IG_REQ)
        self.LCEobj.errno = errno.ERANGE
        assert ig_req is not None, \
            'RequestIG policy requires prior %s' % self.XATTR_IG_REQ
        assert len(ig_req), \
            'RequestIG policy requires prior %s' % self.XATTR_IG_REQ

        # Get a starting position for the interleave_request list
        self.LCEobj.errno = errno.ENOSPC
        pos = db.get_xattr(self.shelf, self.XATTR_IG_REQ_POS)
            ig_pos = int(pos)
            if ig_pos < 0 or ig_pos > (len(ig_req) - 1):
                ig_pos = 0
        except TypeError as err:    # TSNH, see create_shelf.  Legacy paranoia.
            ig_pos = 0
            resp = db.create_xattr(self.shelf, self.XATTR_IG_REQ_POS, ig_pos)
        except ValueError as err:
            ig_pos = 0

        reqIGs = [ord(ig_req[i:i+1]) for i in range(0, len(ig_req), 1)]

        # Determine number of books needed from each IG
        igCnt = defaultdict(int)
        cur = ig_pos
        for cnt in range(0, books_needed):
            ig = reqIGs[cur % len(reqIGs)]
            igCnt[ig] += 1
            cur += 1

        # Allocate specified number of books from each selected IG
        booksIG = {}
        for ig in igCnt.keys():
            booksIG[ig] = db.get_books_by_intlv_group(
                igCnt[ig], (ig, ), exclude=False)

        # Build list of books using request_interleave pattern
        self.LCEobj.errno = errno.ENOSPC
        bookList = []
        cur = ig_pos
        for cnt in range(0, books_needed):
            ig = reqIGs[cur % len(reqIGs)]
            assert len(booksIG[ig]) != 0, 'Not enough books remaining in IG'
            cur += 1

        # Save current position in interleave_request list
        db.modify_xattr(self.shelf, self.XATTR_IG_REQ_POS, cur % len(reqIGs))

        return bookList