def make_route(self, host=None, net=None, gw=None, dev=None): if host is not None: thenet,msk = host,32 elif net is not None: thenet,msk = net.split("/") msk = int(msk) else: raise Scapy_Exception("make_route: Incorrect parameters. You should specify a host or a net") if gw is None: gw="" if dev is None: if gw: nhop = gw else: nhop = thenet dev,ifaddr,x = self.route(nhop) else: ifaddr = get_if_addr(dev) return (atol(thenet), itom(msk), gw, dev, ifaddr)
def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename try: self.f = gzip.open(filename,"rb") magic = self.f.read(4) except IOError: self.f = open(filename,"rb") magic = self.f.read(4) if magic == "\xa1\xb2\xc3\xd4": #big endian self.endian = ">" elif magic == "\xd4\xc3\xb2\xa1": #little endian self.endian = "<" else: raise Scapy_Exception("Not a pcap capture file (bad magic)") hdr = self.f.read(20) if len(hdr)<20: raise Scapy_Exception("Invalid pcap file (too short)") vermaj,vermin,tz,sig,snaplen,linktype = struct.unpack(self.endian+"HHIIII",hdr) self.linktype = linktype
def __call__(cls, filename): """Creates a cls instance, use the `alternative` if that fails. """ i = cls.__new__(cls, cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__) filename, fdesc, magic = cls.open(filename) try: i.__init__(filename, fdesc, magic) except Scapy_Exception: if "alternative" in cls.__dict__: cls = cls.__dict__["alternative"] i = cls.__new__(cls, cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__) try: i.__init__(filename, fdesc, magic) except Scapy_Exception: try: self.f.seek(-4, 1) except: pass raise Scapy_Exception("Not a supported capture file") return i
def __init__(self, filename, fdesc, magic): self.filename = filename self.f = fdesc # A list of (linktype, snaplen); will be populated by IDBs. self.interfaces = [] self.blocktypes = { 1: self.read_block_idb, 6: self.read_block_epb, } if magic != "\x0a\x0d\x0d\x0a": # PcapNg: raise Scapy_Exception( "Not a pcapng capture file (bad magic: %r)" % magic ) # see https://github.com/pcapng/pcapng blocklen, magic = self.f.read(4), self.f.read(4) if magic == "\x1a\x2b\x3c\x4d": self.endian = ">" elif magic == "\x4d\x3c\x2b\x1a": self.endian = "<" else: raise Scapy_Exception("Not a pcapng capture file (bad magic)") self.f.seek(0)
def read_packet(self, size=MTU): """Read blocks until it reaches either EOF or a packet, and returns None or (packet, (linktype, sec, usec, wirelen)), where packet is a string. """ while True: try: blocktype, blocklen = struct.unpack(self.endian + "2I", self.f.read(8)) except struct.error: return None block = self.f.read(blocklen - 12) try: if (blocklen,) != struct.unpack(self.endian + 'I', self.f.read(4)): raise Scapy_Exception( "Invalid pcapng block (bad blocklen)" ) except struct.error: return None res = self.blocktypes.get(blocktype, lambda block, size: None)(block, size) if res is not None: return res
def add_payload(self, payload): raise Scapy_Exception("Can't add payload to NoPayload instance")
def fragment(self, *args, **kargs): raise Scapy_Exception("cannot fragment this packet")
def sprintf(self, fmt, relax): if relax: return "??" else: raise Scapy_Exception("Format not found [%s]"%fmt)