def u(text): if isinstance(text, exceptions.BaseException): text = text.args[0] if type(text) is str: return text if isinstance(text, str): if sys.stdin.encoding: return codecs.decode(text, sys.stdin.encoding) else: return codecs.decode(text, "utf-8") return str(text)
def requestURL(callPoint, url): time.sleep(PARSING_SLEEP + random.randrange(-PARSING_SLEEP_RAND_RANGE,PARSING_SLEEP_RAND_RANGE,1)) while True: try: r = requests.get(url, headers = headers, proxies = proxy, timeout = PROXY_TIMEOUT) if r.text.find('Busy, try again (504)') != -1: print "proxy failed: ", proxy['https'] #print callPoint, ': response: ', r.status_code, ', "Busy, try again (504)" retrying connection in ', TIMEOUT_RETRY , ' sec.' time.sleep(TIMEOUT_RETRY + random.randrange(-TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,1)) rotateProxy() continue elif r.text.find('<h1>Busy, try again (502)</h1>') != -1: print "proxy failed: ", proxy['https'] #print callPoint, ': response: ', r.status_code, ', "Busy, try again (502)" retrying connection in ', TIMEOUT_RETRY , ' sec.' time.sleep(TIMEOUT_RETRY + random.randrange(-TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,1)) rotateProxy() continue elif r.text.find('<head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>') != -1: print "Forum failed, need to take a timeout" #print callPoint, ': response: ', r.status_code, ', "500 Internal Server Error" retrying connection in ', TIMEOUT_RETRY , ' sec. dumped to error_page_500.dmp' f = open("error_page_500.dmp", "w") f.write(r.text) f.close() time.sleep(TIMEOUT_RETRY + random.randrange(-TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,1)) rotateProxy(failed=False) continue elif r.text.find('Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database') != -1: print "Forum failed, need to take a timeout" #print callPoint, ': response: ', r.status_code, ', "Busy, try again (502)" retrying connection in ', TIMEOUT_RETRY , ' sec.' time.sleep(TIMEOUT_RETRY * 10 + random.randrange(-TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,1)) rotateProxy(failed=False) continue elif r.status_code != 200: print "proxy failed: ", proxy['https'] #print callPoint, ': response: ', r.status_code, ', retrying connection in ', TIMEOUT_RETRY , ' sec.' time.sleep(TIMEOUT_RETRY + random.randrange(-TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,1)) rotateProxy() continue else: break except exceptions.BaseException as e: print "proxy failed: ", proxy['https'] # print 'Error:', exception.__class__.__name__, ' retrying connection in ', TIMEOUT_RETRY , ' sec.' # print callPoint, ': Exception:', e.message, ' retrying connection in ', TIMEOUT_RETRY , ' sec.' time.sleep(TIMEOUT_RETRY + random.randrange(-TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,TIMEOUT_RAND_RANGE,1)) rotateProxy() rotateProxy(failed=False) print "URL request success" return r.text