Python fabric.api.env 模块,key_filename() 实例源码


项目:boss    作者:kabirbaidhya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def configure_env():
    ''' Configures the fabric env. '''
    config = get_config()
    stage = get_stage()
    stage_config = get_stage_config(stage)
    env.user = stage_config.get('user') or config['user']
    env.port = stage_config.get('port') or config['port']
    env.cwd = stage_config.get('app_dir') or config['app_dir']
    env.key_filename = stage_config.get(
        'key_filename') or config['key_filename']
    env.hosts = [stage_config['host']]
    ssh_forward_agent = stage_config.get(
        'ssh_forward_agent') or config['ssh_forward_agent']

    env.forward_agent = (
        ssh_forward_agent and
        str(ssh_forward_agent).lower() == 'true'

    # If Verbose logging is turned on show verbose logs.
    verbose_logging = stage_config.get('verbose_logging') or config[

    if str(verbose_logging).lower() == 'true':
项目:gloss    作者:openhealthcare    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deploy_test(key_file_name="../ec2.pem"):
    env.key_filename = key_file_name
    changes = local("git status --porcelain", capture=True)
    if len(changes):
        print " {}".format(changes)
        proceed = prompt(
            "you have uncommited changes, do you want to proceed",

        if not proceed:

    git_branch_name = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True)
    with prefix(". /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/"):
        with prefix("workon {}".format(virtual_env_name)):
            run("git pull origin {}".format(git_branch_name))
            run("pip install -r requirements.txt")
            run("alembic upgrade head")
            run("pkill twistd||true")
            run("pkill gloss||true")
            run("twistd multiple_mllp --receiver gloss.ohc_receiver.OhcReceiver")
            run("gunicorn -w 1 -b 0.0.0:6767 -D gloss.api:app")
项目:dprr-django    作者:kingsdigitallab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vagrant():
    env.srvr = 'vagrant'
    env.path = os.path.join('/', env.srvr)

    # this is necessary because ssh will fail when known hosts keys vary
    # every time vagrant is destroyed, a new key will be generated
    env.disable_known_hosts = True

    env.within_virtualenv = 'source {}'.format(
        os.path.join('~', 'venv', 'bin', 'activate'))

    result = dict(line.split()
                  for line in local('vagrant ssh-config',

    env.hosts = ['%s:%s' % (result['HostName'], result['Port'])]
    env.key_filename = result['IdentityFile']
    env.user = result['User']

    print(env.key_filename, env.hosts, env.user)
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install(host_config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    software_config = helper.get_software_config(host_config, 'redis')

    redis_version = software_config.get('version', '3.2.6')
    redis_port = software_config.get('port', '6379')
    redis_data_dir = software_config.get('data-directory', '/var/lib/redis')

    machine.set_overcommit_memory(env.host_string, 1)

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(os.getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod +x")
    sudo(". ~/ {} {} {}".format(redis_version, redis_port, redis_data_dir))
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install(host_config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    software_config = helper.get_software_config(host_config, 'zookeeper')


    port = software_config.get('port', '2181')
    zk_server_id = software_config.get('id', '0')
    zk_nodes = ",".join(software_config.get('nodes'))

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(os.getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod +x")
    sudo(". ~/ {} {} {}".format(port, zk_server_id, zk_nodes))
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mount_ebs_volumes(host_config):

    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    sudo("apt-get -y install xfsprogs")

    for ebs in host_config['ec2-mounts']:

        device = ebs['device']
        mount = ebs['mount']

        sudo("mkdir -p {}".format(mount))

        sudo("mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old")
        sudo("touch /etc/fstab")
        if sudo('mkfs.xfs -f {0}'.format(device), warn_only=True):
            run("echo '{0}\t{1}\txfs\tdefaults\t0\t0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab".format(device, mount))
            sudo('sudo mount -a')"EBS volume {} : {} mounted.".format(device, mount))
项目:osc_cloud_builder    作者:outscale    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect_to_instance_in_ssh(address, keypair_path, user='root'):
    Run the command LS on a given instance
    :param address: ip or dns name of a machine
    :type address: str
    :param keypair_path: keypair path
    :type keypair_path: str

    env.host_string = address
    env.user = user
    env.parallel = False
    env.key_filename = keypair_path
    env.disable_known_hosts = True
    env.connection_attempts = 10
    env.timeout = 120

    ocb.log(run('ls -la /root'), level='INFO')
项目:thecovfefeblog    作者:othreecodes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_download_db(filename=None):
    Downloads the database from the server into your local machine.
    In order to import the downloaded database, run ``fab import_db``
        fab prod run_download_db
        fab prod run_download_db:filename=foobar.dump
    if not filename:
        filename = settings.DB_DUMP_FILENAME
    if env.key_filename:
        ssh = settings.PROJECT_NAME
        ssh = '{0}@{1}'.format(env.user, env.host_string)
    local('scp {0}:{1}{2} .'.format(
        ssh, settings.FAB_SETTING('SERVER_DB_BACKUP_DIR'), filename))
项目:thecovfefeblog    作者:othreecodes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_download_media(filename=None):
    Downloads the media dump from the server into your local machine.
    In order to import the downloaded media dump, run ``fab import_media``
        fab prod run_download_media
        fab prod run_download_media:filename=foobar.tar.gz
    if not filename:
        filename = settings.MEDIA_DUMP_FILENAME
    if env.key_filename:
        ssh = settings.PROJECT_NAME
        ssh = '{0}@{1}'.format(env.user, env.host_string)
    local('scp {0}:{1}{2} .'.format(
        ssh, settings.FAB_SETTING('SERVER_MEDIA_BACKUP_DIR'), filename))
项目:thecovfefeblog    作者:othreecodes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_upload_db(filename=None):
    Uploads your local database to the server.
    You can create a local dump with ``fab export_db`` first.
    In order to import the database on the server you still need to SSH into
    the server.
        fab prod run_upload_db
        fab prod run_upload_db:filename=foobar.dump
    if not filename:
        filename = settings.DB_DUMP_FILENAME
    if env.key_filename:
        ssh = settings.PROJECT_NAME
        ssh = '{0}@{1}'.format(env.user, env.host_string)
    local('scp {0} {1}:{3}'.format(
        filename, ssh, settings.FAB_SETTING('SERVER_DB_BACKUP_DIR')))
项目:kuberdock-platform    作者:cloudlinux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_fabric():
    env.user = 'root'
    env.abort_exception = UpgradeError
    env.key_filename = settings.SSH_KEY_FILENAME
    env.warn_only = True
    output.stdout = False
    output.aborts = False
项目:kuberdock-platform    作者:cloudlinux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_start_hook(app):
    from ..nodes.models import Node
    # env.warn_only = True
    env.user = 'root'
    env.key_filename = SSH_KEY_FILENAME
    output.stdout = False
    output.running = False
    PLUGIN_DIR = '/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/net/exec/kuberdock/'
    with app.app_context():
        for node in Node.query.all():
            env.host_string = node.hostname
            put('./', PLUGIN_DIR + 'kuberdock')
            put('./', PLUGIN_DIR + '')
            run('systemctl restart kuberdock-watcher')
            print 'Kuberdock node parts are updated'
项目:kuberdock-platform    作者:cloudlinux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        env.user = 'root'
        env.skip_bad_hosts = True
        env.key_filename = SSH_KEY_FILENAME
        self._cached_drives = None
        self._cached_node_ip = None
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vagrant():
    Run commands using vagrant
    vc = get_vagrant_config()
    # change from the default user to 'vagrant'
    env.user = vc['User']
    # connect to the port-forwarded ssh
    env.hosts = ['%s:%s' % (vc['HostName'], vc['Port'])]
    # use vagrant ssh key
    env.key_filename = vc['IdentityFile'].strip('"')
    # Forward the agent if specified:
    env.forward_agent = vc.get('ForwardAgent', 'no') == 'yes'
项目:crestify    作者:crestify    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_vagrant_connection():
    local('vagrant up')
    result = local('vagrant ssh-config', capture=True)
    hostname = re.findall(r'HostName\s+([^\n]+)', result)[0]
    port = re.findall(r'Port\s+([^\n]+)', result)[0]
    env.hosts = ['%s:%s' % (hostname, port)]
    env.user = re.findall(r'User\s+([^\n]+)', result)[0]
    env.key_filename = re.findall(r'IdentityFile\s+([^\n]+)', result)[0].lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"")
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def restart_all(config_file):
    """Restarts crate service on all hosts"""
    cfg = helper.get_config(config_file)

    for host_config in cfg['hosts']:
        env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
        env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
        env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)
        sudo('service crate restart')
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tail_log(config_file, lines=50):
    """Tails the log"""
    cfg = helper.get_config(config_file)

    for host_config in cfg['hosts']:
        env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
        env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
        env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)
        sudo('tail -{} /var/log/crate/uber-cluster.log'.format(lines))
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def broker_install(host_config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)


    software_config = helper.get_software_config(host_config, 'kafka-broker')

    version = software_config.get('version', '')

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(os.getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod +x")
    sudo(". ~/ {}".format(version))

    broker_id = software_config.get('broker-id', '0')
    zk_hosts = software_config.get('zookeeper-hosts', 'localhost:2181')
    log_directories = software_config.get('log-directories', '/var/lib/kafka-logs')

    tag = '## ---- CUSTOM CONFIGURATION ---'

    sudo('echo "{}" | sudo tee -a /srv/kafka/config/'.format(tag))
    sudo('echo "delete.topic.enable = true" | sudo tee -a /srv/kafka/config/')
    sudo('echo "{}" | sudo tee -a /srv/kafka/config/'.format(broker_id))
    sudo('echo "zookeeper.connect={}" | sudo tee -a /srv/kafka/config/'.format(zk_hosts))
    sudo('echo "log.dirs={}" | sudo tee -a /srv/kafka/config/'.format(log_directories))
    sudo('echo "listeners=PLAINTEXT://{}:9093" | sudo tee -a /srv/kafka/config/'.format(host_config['private-ip']))
    sudo('echo "{}" | sudo tee -a /srv/kafka/config/'.format(tag))

    sudo("service kafka restart")
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def manager_install(host_config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    software_config = helper.get_software_config(host_config, 'kafka-manager')
    zk_hosts = software_config.get('zookeeper-hosts', 'localhost:2181')

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(os.getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod +x")
    sudo(". ~/ {}".format(zk_hosts))
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delete_topic(config_file, topic):
    """Deletes a Kafka topic | args: config_file, topic name"""
    cfg = helper.get_config(config_file)
    host_config = get_kafka_host_cfg(cfg)

    cmd = "/srv/kafka/bin/ --delete --zookeeper {} --topic {}".format(get_zk_host(cfg), topic)

    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_kv(host_config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod +x")
    sudo(". ~/")
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def v8_install(host_config):

    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod +x")
    sudo(". ~/")
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nodetool(config_file, cmd):
    """Send commands to Cassandra nodetool | args: config file, nodetool command """
    cfg = helper.get_config(config_file)
    host_config = get_cassandra_host_cfg(cfg)

    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    sudo("nodetool {}".format(cmd))
项目:djdeploy    作者:ntuwang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, hostip):
        env.hosts = hostip
        env.user = settings.DEPLOYUSER
        env.abort_on_prompts = True
        env.key_filename = settings.DEPLOYKEY
项目:ezhost    作者:zhexiao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_host(self):
            Initial host
        env.host_string = self.host_string
        env.user = self.host_user
        env.password = self.host_passwd
        env.key_filename = self.host_keyfile
项目:ezhost    作者:zhexiao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def login_server(self):
        Login to server
        local('ssh -i {0} {1}@{2}'.format(
            env.key_filename, env.user, env.host_string
项目:charm-nova-compute-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, user, ssh_key, hosts,
                 repository, password):
        if None in [user, ssh_key, hosts, repository]:
            # XXX: Charm should block instead.
            raise Exception('Missing configuration')
        self.user = user
        self.ssh_key = ssh_key
        self.hosts = hosts.split()
        self.repository = repository
        self.password = password
        self.key_filename = self._write_key()
项目:charm-nova-compute-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _init_fabric(self):
        env.warn_only = True
        env.connection_attempts = 10
        env.timeout = 10
        env.user = self.user
        env.key_filename = self.key_filename
        env.hosts = self.hosts
        env.password = self.password
项目:docker-django-webpack-skeleton    作者:phpdude    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _production_env():
    # Speedup connection setup to server.
    env.disable_known_hosts = True

    env.key_filename = [os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.ssh', 'id_rsa')]
    env.project_root = '~/app/'
项目:drift    作者:dgnorth    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_command(args):
    cmd = args.cmd
    if not cmd:
        print "Please enter command to run. Example: remotecmd \"ls -l\""
    tier_config = get_tier_config()
    service_info = get_service_info()
    tier = tier_config["tier"]
    region = tier_config["region"]
    service_name = service_info["name"]
    public = args.public

    pem_file = None
    for deployable in tier_config["deployables"]:
        if deployable["name"] == service_name:
            pem_file = deployable["ssh_key"]
        print "Service {} not found in tier config for {}".format(service_name, tier)
    print "\n*** EXECUTING REMOTE COMMAND '{}' ON SERVICE '{}' / TIER '{}' IN REGION '{}'\n".format(cmd, service_name, tier, region)

    filters = {
            'tag:service-name': service_name,
            "instance-state-name": "running",
            "tag:tier": tier,
    print "Finding ec2 instances in region %s from filters: %s" % (region, filters)
    instances = get_ec2_instances(region, filters=filters)
    if not instances:
        print "Found no running ec2 instances with tag service-name={}".format(service_name)

    for ec2 in instances:
        if not public:
            ip_address = ec2.private_ip_address
            ip_address = ec2.ip_address
        print "*** Running '{}' on {}...".format(cmd, ip_address)

        env.host_string = ip_address
        env.user = EC2_USERNAME
        env.key_filename = '~/.ssh/{}'.format(pem_file)
项目:kuberdock-platform    作者:cloudlinux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_celery(app=None):
    if app is None:
        app = create_app('kubedock', os.path.dirname(__file__))
        import socket
        import celery
        import raven
        from raven.contrib.celery import register_signal
        from raven.contrib.celery import register_logger_signal
        from kubedock.settings import MASTER_IP
        from kubedock.settings import SENTRY_DSN, SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS
        from kubedock.settings import SENTRY_PROCESSORS
        from kubedock.utils import get_version
        from kubedock.kapi.licensing import get_license_info
        authkey = get_license_info().get('auth_key', 'no installation id')
        from celery.utils import log

        class Celery(celery.Celery):

            def on_configure(self):
                hostname = "{}({})".format(socket.gethostname(), MASTER_IP)
                tags = {'installation_id': authkey}
                client = raven.Client(SENTRY_DSN, name=hostname,
                                      tags=tags, processors=SENTRY_PROCESSORS,

                # register a custom filter to filter out duplicate logs

                # hook into the Celery error handler
        from celery import Celery
    celery = Celery(app.import_name, broker=app.config['CELERY_BROKER_URL'])
    TaskBase = celery.Task

    class ContextTask(TaskBase):
        abstract = True
        flask_app = app

        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            with app.app_context():
                env.user = 'root'
                env.key_filename = SSH_KEY_FILENAME
                return TaskBase.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    celery.Task = ContextTask
    return celery
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def db_install(host_config, config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    software_config = helper.get_software_config(host_config, 'crate')

    sudo("sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144")

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(os.getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo(". ~/")

    cluster_name = software_config.get('cluster-name')
    data_dir = software_config.get('data-dir')
    heap_size = software_config.get('heap-size', '2g')
    security_group = software_config.get('security-group')
    product_tag = software_config.get('product-tag')
    aws_access_key = software_config.get('aws-access-key')
    aws_secret_key = software_config.get('aws-secret-key')

    configfile = '/etc/crate/crate.yml'
    sudo('cp {} {}.save'.format(configfile, configfile))

    sudo('echo "### CrateDB Settings ###" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(cluster_name, configfile))
    sudo('echo " {}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(cluster_name, configfile))
    sudo('echo " node-{}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(host_config['private-ip'], configfile))
    sudo('echo " {}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(data_dir, configfile))

    sudo('echo "network.publish_host: {}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(host_config['private-ip'], configfile))
    sudo('echo " _site_" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(configfile))
    sudo('echo "psql.enabled: true" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(configfile))
    sudo('echo "psql.port: 6432" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(configfile))
    sudo('echo "license.enterprise: false" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(configfile))

    if security_group is not None:
        sudo('echo "discovery.type: ec2" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(configfile))
        sudo('echo "discovery.ec2.groups: {}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(security_group, configfile))

    if product_tag is not None:
        sudo('echo "discovery.ec2.tag.product: {}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(product_tag, configfile))

    if aws_access_key is not None:
        sudo('echo " {}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(aws_access_key, configfile))
        sudo('echo " {}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(aws_secret_key, configfile))

    default_configfile = '/etc/default/crate'
    sudo('cp {} {}.save'.format(default_configfile, default_configfile))
    sudo('echo "### CrateDB Default Settings ###" | sudo tee {}'.format(default_configfile))
    sudo('echo "CRATE_HEAP_SIZE={}" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(heap_size, default_configfile))

    for mount in data_dir.split(','):
        sudo('chown -R crate:crate {}'.format(mount))

    sudo("service crate restart")
项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install(host_config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    software_config = helper.get_software_config(host_config, 'cassandra')


    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(os.getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo("chmod +x")
    sudo(". ~/ {}")

    # Configuration values from config or use defaults if do not exist
    cluster_name = software_config.get('cluster-name', 'Test Cluster')
    data_file_directory = software_config.get('data-file-directory', '/var/lib/cassandra/data')
    commit_log_directory = software_config.get('commit-log-directory', '/var/lib/cassandra/commit_log')
    saved_caches_directory = software_config.get('saved-caches-directory', '/var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches')
    endpoint_snitch = software_config.get('endpoint-snitch', 'SimpleSnitch')
    seeds = software_config.get('seeds', host_config['private-ip'])
    listen_address = software_config.get('listen-address', host_config['private-ip'])
    rpc_address = software_config.get('rpc-address', host_config['private-ip'])

    configfile = '{}/software/config/cassandra/cassandra.yaml'.format(os.getcwd())
    tempfile = 'cassandra.yaml'
    configdata = open(configfile, 'r').read()

    configdata = configdata.replace('{{CLUSTER_NAME}}', cluster_name)
    configdata = configdata.replace('{{DATA_FILE_DIRECTORY}}', data_file_directory)
    configdata = configdata.replace('{{COMMIT_LOG_DIRECTORY}}', commit_log_directory)
    configdata = configdata.replace('{{SAVED_CACHES_DIRECTORY}}', saved_caches_directory)
    configdata = configdata.replace('{{ENDPOINT_SNITCH}}', endpoint_snitch)
    configdata = configdata.replace('{{SEEDS}}', seeds)
    configdata = configdata.replace('{{LISTEN_ADDRESS}}', listen_address)
    configdata = configdata.replace('{{RPC_ADDRESS}}', rpc_address)

    _file = open(tempfile, 'w')

    sudo('mkdir -p {0}; chown -R cassandra {0}'.format(data_file_directory))
    sudo('mkdir -p {0}; chown -R cassandra {0}'.format(commit_log_directory))
    sudo('mkdir -p {0}; chown -R cassandra {0}'.format(saved_caches_directory))

    put('cassandra.yaml'.format(os.getcwd()), '/etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml', use_sudo=True)

    sudo('sudo pkill -f CassandraDaemon', warn_only=True)
    sudo('service cassandra restart')

项目:bigdata-tools    作者:kylebush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def db_install(host_config, config):
    env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config)
    env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config)
    env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config)

    software_config = helper.get_software_config(host_config, 'citusdb')
    db_name = software_config.get('db-name')
    db_user = software_config.get('db-user')
    db_password = software_config.get('db-password')
    data_dir = software_config.get('data-dir')
    postgres_config = '/etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf'

    put('{}/software/scripts/'.format(os.getcwd()), '~/', use_sudo=True)
    sudo(". ~/")

    sudo('sudo service postgresql stop')

    for mount in data_dir.split(','):
        sudo('chown -R postgres:postgres {}'.format(mount))

    sudo('sudo sed -i.bu "s/data_directory/#data_directory/" {}'.format(postgres_config))
    sudo('echo "data_directory = \'{}\'" | sudo tee -a {}'.format(data_dir, postgres_config))

    sudo('sudo -u postgres bash -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin/initdb -D {}"'.format(data_dir))

    sudo('service postgresql start')
    sudo('sudo pg_conftool 9.6 main set shared_preload_libraries citus')
    sudo("sudo pg_conftool 9.6 main set listen_addresses '*'")
    sudo("cp /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf.backup")

    sudo('echo "##### Custom Configuration ######" | sudo tee /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf')
    sudo('echo "local   all             postgres                                peer" | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf')
    sudo('echo "local   all             all                                     peer" | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf')
    sudo('echo "host    all             all                 trust" | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf')
    sudo('echo "host    all             all               trust" | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf')
    sudo('echo "host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust" | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf')
    sudo('echo "host    all             all                  md5" | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf')

    sudo('update-rc.d postgresql enable')
    sudo('sudo service postgresql restart')
    sudo('sudo -i -u postgres psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION citus;"')

    sudo('sudo -u postgres psql -c \"CREATE USER {} WITH PASSWORD \'{}\'\";'.format(db_user, db_password))
    sudo('sudo -u postgres psql -c \"ALTER USER {} WITH SUPERUSER\";'.format(db_user))
    sudo('sudo -u postgres psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE {} OWNER {}\";'.format(db_name, db_user))