def vagrant(): env.srvr = 'vagrant' env.path = os.path.join('/', env.srvr) # this is necessary because ssh will fail when known hosts keys vary # every time vagrant is destroyed, a new key will be generated env.disable_known_hosts = True env.within_virtualenv = 'source {}'.format( os.path.join('~', 'venv', 'bin', 'activate')) result = dict(line.split() for line in local('vagrant ssh-config', capture=True).splitlines()) env.hosts = ['%s:%s' % (result['HostName'], result['Port'])] env.key_filename = result['IdentityFile'] env.user = result['User'] print(env.key_filename, env.hosts, env.user)
def connect_to_instance_in_ssh(address, keypair_path, user='root'): """ Run the command LS on a given instance :param address: ip or dns name of a machine :type address: str :param keypair_path: keypair path :type keypair_path: str """ env.host_string = address env.user = user env.parallel = False env.key_filename = keypair_path env.disable_known_hosts = True env.connection_attempts = 10 env.timeout = 120 ocb.log(run('ls -la /root'), level='INFO')
def set_fabric_common_env(): """ ??????????fabric env """ env.user = 'astd' env.use_ssh_config = True # This is important when running under root. env.connection_attempts = 5 env.disable_known_hosts = True env.keepalive = 60
def _production_env(): # Speedup connection setup to server. env.disable_known_hosts = True env.key_filename = [os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.ssh', 'id_rsa')] env.project_root = '~/app/'