def deploy(target='dev', sha1=None): if sha1 is None: # get current working git sha1 sha1 = local('git rev-parse HEAD', capture=True) # server code reset to current working sha1 home_dir = '/home/pyconkr/{target}.pycon.kr/pyconkr-2016'.format(target=target) if target == 'dev': python_env = '/home/pyconkr/.pyenv/versions/pyconkr-2016-dev' else: python_env = '/home/pyconkr/.pyenv/versions/pyconkr-2016' with settings(cd(home_dir), shell_env(DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='pyconkr.settings_prod')): sudo('git fetch --all -p', user='pyconkr') sudo('git reset --hard ' + sha1, user='pyconkr') sudo('bower install', user='pyconkr') sudo('%s/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt' % python_env, user='pyconkr') sudo('%s/bin/python manage.py compilemessages' % python_env, user='pyconkr') sudo('%s/bin/python manage.py migrate' % python_env, user='pyconkr') sudo('%s/bin/python manage.py collectstatic --noinput' % python_env, user='pyconkr') # worker reload run('echo r > /var/run/pyconkr-2016-%s.fifo' % target)
def deploy_test(key_file_name="../ec2.pem"): env.key_filename = key_file_name changes = local("git status --porcelain", capture=True) if len(changes): print " {}".format(changes) proceed = prompt( "you have uncommited changes, do you want to proceed", default=False, validate=bool ) if not proceed: return git_branch_name = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True) with prefix(". /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh"): with prefix("workon {}".format(virtual_env_name)): run("git pull origin {}".format(git_branch_name)) run("pip install -r requirements.txt") run("alembic upgrade head") run("pkill twistd||true") run("pkill gloss||true") run("twistd multiple_mllp --receiver gloss.ohc_receiver.OhcReceiver") run("gunicorn -w 1 -b 0.0.0:6767 -D gloss.api:app")
def vagrant(): env.srvr = 'vagrant' env.path = os.path.join('/', env.srvr) # this is necessary because ssh will fail when known hosts keys vary # every time vagrant is destroyed, a new key will be generated env.disable_known_hosts = True env.within_virtualenv = 'source {}'.format( os.path.join('~', 'venv', 'bin', 'activate')) result = dict(line.split() for line in local('vagrant ssh-config', capture=True).splitlines()) env.hosts = ['%s:%s' % (result['HostName'], result['Port'])] env.key_filename = result['IdentityFile'] env.user = result['User'] print(env.key_filename, env.hosts, env.user)
def update(version=None): require('srvr', 'path', 'within_virtualenv', provided_by=env.servers) if version: # try specified version first to_version = version elif not version and env.srvr in ['local', 'vagrant', 'dev']: # if local, vagrant or dev deploy to develop branch to_version = 'develop' else: # else deploy to master branch to_version = 'master' with cd(env.path), prefix(env.within_virtualenv): run('git pull') run('git checkout {}'.format(to_version))
def zfs_get_properties(self, target): if self.properties: properties = ','.join(self.properties) cmd = '/sbin/zfs get -H -o property,value {properties} {target}'.format( properties=properties, target=target ) logger.debug('Getting properties from {}'.format(target)) logger.debug('Executing {}'.format(cmd)) result = local(cmd, capture=True) if result.return_code != 0: raise SnapshotException('Failed to get properties of {}'.format(target)) props = {k.split()[0]: k.split()[1] for k in result.splitlines()} return props return {}
def zfs_clone(self, source, target, properties): prop_list = ' '.join(map(lambda p: "-o {}={}".format(p, properties[p]), properties)) cmd = '/sbin/zfs clone {prop_list} {source} {target}'.format( prop_list=prop_list, source=source, target=target ) logger.debug('Cloning {source} into {target}'.format( source=source, target=target )) logger.debug('Executing: {}'.format(cmd)) if local(cmd).return_code != 0: raise SnapshotException('Failed to clone {}'.format(source))
def check_snapshot_sync(self, znappy, *args, **kwargs): local_snapshots = self.zfs_snapshot_list(self, self.filesystem) local_snapshots = set(x.split('@', 2)[1] for x in local_snapshots) consul_snapshots = set(znappy.host.snapshots.keys()) logger.debug(local_snapshots) logger.debug(consul_snapshots) diff = local_snapshots ^ consul_snapshots if len(diff) == 0: return True, (0, "OK: No differences in consul and local system") elif len(diff) == 1: return False, (1, "WARN: {} difference between consul and local system: {}".format(len(diff), ', '.join(diff))) else: return False, (2, "CRITICAL: {} differences between consul and local system: {}".format(len(diff), ', '.join(diff)))
def style(): """Use flake8 to check Python style, PEP8, and McCabe complexity. See http://pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8/ .. note:: * Files with the following header are skipped:: # flake8: noqa * Lines that end with a ``# NOQA`` comment will not issue a warning. """ with lcd(_relative_to_fabfile('rq_dashboard')): local( 'flake8 ' '--exclude=".svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache__,._*" ' '--max-complexity=9 .')
def build_vocab(language, corpus_files_root): corpus_dir = CORPUS_DIR.format(lang=language) local("mkdir -p {}".format(corpus_dir)) model_dir = MODEL_DIR.format(lang=language) local("mkdir -p {}".format(model_dir)) corpus_file = join(corpus_dir, "{}_wiki.corpus".format(language)) merge_corpus(corpus_files_root, corpus_file) word_freq_path = join(model_dir, "{}_wiki.freqs".format(language)) word_counts(corpus_files_root + "/*", word_freq_path) word2vec_model_path = join(model_dir, "{}_wiki.word2vec".format(language)) word2vec(corpus_file, word2vec_model_path) brown_out_dir = join(model_dir, "brown") brown_clusters(corpus_file, brown_out_dir) init_vocab(language, model_dir, word_freq_path, word2vec_model_path, brown_out_dir)
def word2vec(corpus_path, out_path, dim=150, threads=4, min_count=10, cbow=0): local("mkdir -p {}".format(dirname(out_path))) local( "python -m gensim.scripts.word2vec_standalone " + "-train {corpus_file} -output {file} -size {dim} -threads {threads} -min_count {min} -cbow {cbow}".format( corpus_file=corpus_path, dim=dim, file=out_path, threads=threads, min=min_count, cbow=cbow ) ) local("bzip2 {}".format(out_path), capture=True) # local( # "python training/word_vectors.py {lang} {in_dir} {out_file} -n {threads} -d {dim}".format( # dim=dim, # in_dir=corpus_path, # out_file=out_path, # threads=threads, # lang=language, # ) # )
def provision(provider='digitalocean'): if provider == 'digitalocean': local('docker-machine create ' '--driver digitalocean ' '--digitalocean-region=ams2 ' '--digitalocean-size=1gb ' '--digitalocean-access-token={digital_ocean_token} ' '--digitalocean-ssh-user {user}' '{host_name}'.format(digital_ocean_token=env.digital_ocean_token, user=env.username, host_name=env.host_name)) # for gcloud, first install gcloud and do gcloud auth login elif provider == 'gcloud': local('docker-machine create ' '--driver google ' '--google-project play-server ' '--google-zone europe-west1-c ' '--google-machine-type g1-small ' '--google-disk-size 20 ' '--google-disk-type pd-standard ' '--google-username {user} ' '{host_name}'.format(host_name=env.host_name, user=env.username))
def ssh_config(): ip_address = local( 'docker-machine ip {host_name}'.format(host_name=env.host_name), capture=True) keyfile = '~/.docker/machine/machines/{host_name}/id_rsa'.format( host_name=env.host_name) ssh_config = env.ssh_config_template.format( host_name=env.host_name, ip=ip_address, port=env.sshd_port, user=env.username, keyfile=keyfile, ) local('echo "\nHost {host_name}\n\tHostName {ip}\n\tPort {ssh_port}\n\tUser {user}\n\tIdentityFile {keyfile}"' '>> ~/.ssh/config'.format(host_name=env.host_name, ip=ip_address, ssh_port=env.sshd_port, user=env.username, keyfile=keyfile)) print(ssh_config)
def install(): # Add user to sudo: sudo('adduser {user} sudo'.format(user=env.username)) # Install Docker Compose: sudo('curl -L ' 'https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/{docker_compose_version}/' 'docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m`' ' > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose'.format(docker_compose_version=env.docker_compose_version)) sudo('chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose') # Add user to docker group: sudo('gpasswd -a {user} docker'.format(user=env.username)) sudo('service docker restart') # Create server directory structure: sudo("mkdir -p /srv/certs /srv/config /srv/apps/default /srv/htdocs /srv/build") sudo("chown -R %s:%s /srv/" % (env.username, env.username))
def _get_versioning_metadata(): """ Extracts version metadata from the version control system """ if _is_hg(): commit_summary = local('hg id -i', capture=True).translate("+") # Extract the current branch/bookmark from the bookmarks list. bookmarks = local("hg bookmarks", capture=True) branch = "master" for line in bookmarks.split("\n"): if "*" in line: branch = line.split()[1] break elif _is_git(): branch = local("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", capture=True) commit_summary = local('git rev-parse HEAD', capture=True).translate(None, "+") else: raise Exception("Not git or hg") # dpkg requires the version start with a number, so lead with `0-` version = "0-%s" % commit_summary.split()[0] return branch, commit_summary, version
def package(): """ [deploy] Creates a deployment package. """ branch, summary, version = _get_versioning_metadata() # Builds the deployment package. local('fpm -s dir -t deb -n endagaweb -a all -v %(version)s \ --description "%(branch)s: %(cs)s" \ -d byobu -d nginx -d python-pip -d python-dev \ -d libpq-dev -d git -d supervisor \ --after-install configs/deployment/endagaweb-postinst \ endagaweb=/var/www ../common/ccm=/var/www \ requirements.txt=/var/opt/ \ sason=/var/www settings.py=/var/www urls.py=/var/www \ manage.py=/var/www/ configs/nginx.conf=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ \ configs/uwsgi.conf=/etc/init/ \ configs/endagaweb.ini=/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/ \ configs/celeryd.conf=/etc/supervisor/conf.d/ \ configs/celerybeat.conf=/etc/supervisor/conf.d/ \ configs/celerystick.conf=/etc/supervisor/conf.d/' \ % {'branch': branch, 'cs': summary, 'version': version}) return version
def refresh_staging_db(): """ [deploy] Delete staging DB and clone current prod DB. """ cmd = ("aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier staging \ --skip-final-snapshot") # if this fails, db doesn't exist, so just continue with settings(warn_only=True): local(cmd, capture=True) puts("Waiting for DB to be deleted...") while True: cmd = "aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier staging" with settings(warn_only=True): # This will keep returning a success until the DB is deleted. if local(cmd, capture=True).failed: break time.sleep(30) clonedb("elephant", "staging")
def _push_packages_to_repo(repo_name="dev"): """Push local deploy directory of packages to actual repo, and refresh the repo. """ if env.pkgfmt != "deb": # We only support freight, which is only for deb packages. We'd need to # add something that understands RPM repos as well if we want to add # support for CentOS here. print("Only pushing deb packages is supported, not pushing.") return run('mkdir -p /tmp/endaga-packages-deploy') put(local_path='/tmp/endaga-packages-deploy/*.deb', remote_path='/tmp/endaga-packages-deploy/') sudo('freight add /tmp/endaga-packages-deploy/*.deb apt/%s' % repo_name) sudo('freight cache apt/%s' % repo_name) run('rm -r /tmp/endaga-packages-deploy')
def gitrepos(branch=None, fork='sympy'): """ Clone the repo fab vagrant prepare (namely, checkout_cache()) must be run first. By default, the branch checked out is the same one as the one checked out locally. The master branch is not allowed--use a release branch (see the README). No naming convention is put on the release branch. To test the release, create a branch in your fork, and set the fork option. """ with cd("/home/vagrant"): if not exists("sympy-cache.git"): error("Run fab vagrant prepare first") if not branch: # Use the current branch (of this git repo, not the one in Vagrant) branch = local("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", capture=True) if branch == "master": raise Exception("Cannot release from master") run("mkdir -p repos") with cd("/home/vagrant/repos"): run("git clone --reference ../sympy-cache.git https://github.com/{fork}/sympy.git".format(fork=fork)) with cd("/home/vagrant/repos/sympy"): run("git checkout -t origin/%s" % branch)
def release(branch=None, fork='sympy'): """ Perform all the steps required for the release, except uploading In particular, it builds all the release files, and puts them in the release/ directory in the same directory as this one. At the end, it prints some things that need to be pasted into various places as part of the release. To test the release, push a branch to your fork on GitHub and set the fork option to your username. """ remove_userspace() gitrepos(branch, fork) # This has to be run locally because it itself uses fabric. I split it out # into a separate script so that it can be used without vagrant. local("../bin/mailmap_update.py") source_tarball() build_docs() copy_release_files() test_tarball('2') test_tarball('3') compare_tar_against_git() print_authors()
def render_confs(): """ Renders server configurations. """ require('settings', provided_by=['production', 'staging']) with settings(warn_only=True): local('mkdir confs/rendered') # Copy the app_config so that when we load the secrets they don't # get exposed to other management commands context = copy.copy(app_config.__dict__) context.update(app_config.get_secrets()) for service, remote_path, extension in app_config.SERVER_SERVICES: template_path = _get_template_conf_path(service, extension) rendered_path = _get_rendered_conf_path(service, extension) with open(template_path, 'r') as read_template: with open(rendered_path, 'w') as write_template: payload = Template(read_template.read()) write_template.write(payload.render(**context))
def create_or_update_ecs_service(): # Create the service with no workers (0 desired count) info = local('aws ecs list-services', capture=True) data = json.loads(info) service = [srv for srv in data['serviceArns'] if srv.endswith(ECS_SERVICE_NAME)] if len(service) > 0: print 'Service exists. Removing' local('aws ecs delete-service --cluster ' + ECS_CLUSTER + ' --service ' + ECS_SERVICE_NAME, capture=True) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME) print 'Creating new service' local('aws ecs create-service --cluster ' + ECS_CLUSTER + ' --service-name ' + ECS_SERVICE_NAME + ' --task-definition ' + ECS_TASK_NAME + ' --desired-count 0 ', capture=True ) # Amazon SQS
def reset_website(): # WARNING: destroys the existing website and creates with all # of the required inital data loaded (e.g., the KnobCatalog) # Recreate the ottertune database user = DATABASES['default']['USER'] passwd = DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] name = DATABASES['default']['NAME'] local("mysql -u {} -p{} -N -B -e \"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {}\"".format( user, passwd, name)) local("mysql -u {} -p{} -N -B -e \"CREATE DATABASE {}\"".format( user, passwd, name)) # Reinitialize the website local('python manage.py migrate website') local('python manage.py migrate')
def run(self): display.info('Registering deployment to Opbeat...') # Do not communicate to Opbeat if it's not set up if 'opbeat' not in self.roledef: display.warning( 'Opbeat is not set up for {}'.format(self.roledef['name'])) return revision = local('git log -n 1 --pretty="format:%H"', capture=True) branch = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True) local(( 'curl {base_url}/organizations/{opbeat[ORGANIZATION_ID]}/apps' '/{opbeat[APP_ID]}/releases/' ' -H "Authorization: Bearer {opbeat[SECRET_TOKEN]}"' ' -d rev={rev}' ' -d branch={branch}' ' -d status=completed').format( base_url=BASE_URL, opbeat=self.roledef['opbeat'], rev=revision, branch=branch, ))
def vulture(): """ try to find dead code paths """ with api.quiet(): if not api.local('which vulture').succeeded: print 'vulture not found, installing it' api.local('pip install vulture') ignore_functions_grep = 'egrep -v "{0}"'.format( '|'.join(VULTURE_IGNORE_FUNCTIONS)) excluded = ",".join(VULTURE_EXCLUDE_PATHS) excluded_paths = (' --exclude ' + excluded) if excluded else '' vulture_cmd = '\n vulture {pkg_name}{exclude}{pipes}' vulture_cmd = vulture_cmd.format( pkg_name=PKG_NAME, exclude=excluded_paths, pipes='|'.join(['', ignore_functions_grep])) changedir = api.lcd(os.path.dirname(__file__)) warn_only = api.settings(warn_only=True) be_quit = api.hide('warnings') with contextlib.nested(changedir, warn_only, be_quit): result = api.local(vulture_cmd, capture=True) exit_code = result.return_code print result.strip() raise SystemExit(exit_code)
def merge(self, s_server, t_server): """ ?? .. ???: s_server .. ???: t_server """ import json game, t_yx, t_id = t_server.split('_') game, s_yx, s_id = s_server.split('_') cmd = '''curl -H "host:{}" --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 --data "mix={}_S{}&master={}_S{}" http://{}/backStage\\!mixServer.action'''.format(self.backstage_header, s_yx, s_id, t_yx, t_id, self.backstage_interface_url) result = local(cmd, capture=True) json_result = json.loads(result) status = json_result['status'] if status == '1': return True else: print('The error msg for "{}" is {}'.format(cmd, json_result['msg'])) return False
def make_diff(remote_script_dir, diff_from_lua, diff_to_lua, resource_dir, dest): """ ???????????????????????with cd(dir): ??????? Example: /app/opbak/make_diff_3/make_diff.py --resource-dir --diff-from --diff-to --dest /app/opbak/make_diff_20150909_xxxxx/,/app/opbak/make_diff_20150909_xxxxx/ """ with hide('running', 'stdout'): run('''python {remote_script_dir}/make_diff.py --resource-dir {resource_dir} --diff-from {diff_from_lua} --diff-to {diff_to_lua} --dest {dest}'''.format(remote_script_dir=remote_script_dir, resource_dir=resource_dir, diff_from_lua=diff_from_lua, diff_to_lua=diff_to_lua, dest=dest)) #?????????.lua?? _zipfile = dest.split(',')[0] zipfile = _zipfile.rstrip('.zip') zip_lua = '{}.lua'.format(zipfile) with hide('running', 'stdout'): file_size = run('stat --printf="%s" {}'.format(zipfile)) md5 = run("md5sum {} | awk '{{print $1}}'".format(zipfile)).strip('\n') run('''echo -ne 'local updateZipSize = {{}}\nupdateZipSize.value = {file_size}\nupdateZipSize.md5 = "{md5}"\nreturn updateZipSize' >{zip_lua}'''.format(file_size=file_size, md5=md5, zip_lua=zip_lua))
def gettodaylist(game, language): #d1 = datetime.date.today() d1 = datetime.date.today() d1 = d1 + datetime.timedelta(2) d2 = d1 + datetime.timedelta(4) serverList = [] servers = {} result = local("python /app/opbin/work/bible/main.py serverlist -g {} -l {} --startdate {} --enddate {} -s '.*'".format(game,language,d1,d2),capture=True) for i in result.split("\n"): serverList.append(i) nums = len(serverList) for i in serverList: server = i.split("@")[0] server_ip = i.split("@")[1] servers.setdefault(server_ip,[]).append(server) return servers,len
def aws_teardown(tags=None): '''Teardown resources on AWS Args: tags: only execute tasks matching specific tags (comma-separated) ''' ansible_playbook('aws_teardown.yml', 'localhost,',tags=tags) domain = '.glow-dev.com' local('grep {} inventory/*.yml | xargs -n1 ssh-keygen -R ' .format(domain)) rds_conn = boto.rds.connect_to_region(aws_vars['region']) for rds in aws_vars['rds_instances']: print 'RDS: {} degraded to db.t2.micro'.format(rds['name']) rds_conn.modify_dbinstance(rds['name'], instance_class='db.t2.micro', apply_immediately=True)
def last_commit(remote=True, short=False): ''' Get the last commit of the git repository. Note: This assumes the current working directory (on remote or local host) to be a git repository. So, make sure current directory is set before using this. ''' cmd = 'git rev-parse{}HEAD'.format(' --short ' if short else ' ') with hide('everything'): result = run(cmd) if remote else local(cmd, capture=True) return result.strip()
def current_branch(remote=True): ''' Get the current branch of the git repository. Note: This assumes the current working directory (on remote or local host) to be a git repository. So, make sure current directory is set before using this. ''' cmd = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD' with hide('everything'): result = run(cmd) if remote else local(cmd, capture=True) return result.strip()
def run(command, remote=True): ''' Run a command using fabric. ''' if remote: return _run(command) else: return _local(command)
def localhost(): """ local server """ env.srvr = 'local' env.path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) env.within_virtualenv = 'workon dprr' env.hosts = [gethostname()] env.user = getuser()
def collect_static(process=False): require('srvr', 'path', 'within_virtualenv', provided_by=env.servers) if env.srvr in ['local', 'vagrant']: print(yellow('Do not run collect_static on local servers')) return with cd(env.path), prefix(env.within_virtualenv): run('./manage.py collectstatic {process} --noinput'.format( process=('--no-post-process' if not process else '')))
def own_django_log(): """ make sure logs/django.log is owned by www-data """ require('srvr', 'path', 'within_virtualenv', provided_by=env.servers) if env.srvr in ['local', 'vagrant']: print(yellow('Do not change ownership of django log on local servers')) return sudo( 'chown www-data:www-data {}'.format( os.path.join(env.path, 'logs', 'django.log')))
def zfs_unmount(self, target): cmd = '/sbin/zfs unmount {}'.format(target) logger.debug('Unmounting {}'.format(target)) logger.debug('Executing: {}'.format(cmd)) if local(cmd).return_code != 0: raise SnapshotException('Failed to unmount filesystem')
def zfs_promote(self, target): cmd = '/sbin/zfs promote {target}'.format(target=target) logger.debug('Promoting {}'.format(target)) logger.debug('Executing: {}'.format(cmd)) if local(cmd).return_code != 0: raise SnapshotException('Failed to promote {}'.format(target))
def zfs_rename(self, source, target): cmd = '/sbin/zfs rename {source} {target}'.format( source=source, target=target ) logger.debug('Renaming {source} to {target}'.format(source=source, target=target)) logger.debug('Executing: {}'.format(cmd)) if local(cmd).return_code != 0: raise SnapshotException('Failed to clone snapshot')
def zfs_destroy(self, target): cmd = '/sbin/zfs destroy -r {target}'.format(target=target) logger.debug('Destroying {}'.format(target)) logger.debug('Executing: {}'.format(cmd)) if local(cmd).return_code != 0: raise SnapshotException('Failed to destroy {}'.format(target))
def zfs_snapshot_list(self, target): cmd = '/sbin/zfs get -r -H -o value name -t snapshot {target}'.format(target=target) logger.debug("Executing {}".format(cmd)) result = local(cmd, capture=True) if result.return_code != 0: raise SnapshotException('Failed to list snapshots') return result.split('\n')
def start_restore(self, *args, **kwargs): cmd = local("fuser -k -9 -m /$(zfs get -H -o value mountpoint {})".format(self.filesystem)) logger.debug(cmd) return True, ''
def stop_mysql(self): with settings(hide('running', 'stdout')): result = local('service mysql stop') return result.return_code == 0, "stop_mysql"
def failover(self, *args, **kwargs): cred_file = self.config.get('failover_creds', '/etc/mysql/failover.cnf') master = kwargs.get('master_host') if not master: return False, "No master_host given" with settings(hide('running')): return local("/usr/bin/mysqlmaster.py switch --new-master {} --defaults-extra-file={} " "--dead-master --assume-yes".format(master, cred_file)).return_code == 0, ""
def ssh(): """Ssh to a given server""" require('environment') local("ssh %s" % env.hosts[0])
def make_messages(): """Extract English text from code and templates, and update the .po files for translators to translate""" # Make sure gettext is installed local("gettext --help >/dev/null 2>&1") if os.path.exists("locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po"): local("python manage.py makemessages -a") else: local("python manage.py makemessages -l fr")
def compile_messages(): """Compile the translated .po files into more efficient .mo files for runtime use""" # Make sure gettext is installed local("gettext --help >/dev/null 2>&1") local("python manage.py compilemessages")
def todo(*args): """List the TODOs and FIXMEs in the code and documentation.""" with lcd(_relative_to_fabfile()): local( 'grin -e ".pyc,.pyo" "FIXME|TODO" *') local( 'grind -0 \'*.feature\' | ' 'grin -I \'*.feature\' -0 -f - "FIXME|TODO"')
def isort(): """Use isort to automatically (re-)order the import statements on the top of files""" with lcd(_relative_to_fabfile()): local('isort **/*.py')
def clean(): """Remove all generated files (.pyc, .coverage, .egg, etc).""" with lcd(_relative_to_fabfile()): local('find -name "*.pyc" | xargs rm -f') local('find -name .coverage | xargs rm -f') local('find -name .DS_Store | xargs rm -f') # Created by OSX local('find -name ._DS_Store | xargs rm -f') # Created by OSX local('find -name "._*.*" | xargs rm -f') # E.g. created by Caret local('rm -f .coverage.*') local('rm -rf build') local('rm -rf dist')