def configure_nginx_if_necessary(): nginx_config_path = os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-available', env.domain_name) if exists(nginx_config_path): print('nginx config found, not creating another one') else: nginx_config_variables = { 'source_dir': PROJECT_FOLDER, 'domain': env.domain_name, 'ssl_params_path': SSL_PARAMS_PATH, 'fullchain_path': os.path.join(env.letsencrypt_folder, 'fullchain.pem'), 'privkey_path': os.path.join(env.letsencrypt_folder, 'privkey.pem'), 'socket_path': SOCKET_PATH } upload_template( filename='deploy_configs/nginx_config', destination=nginx_config_path, context=nginx_config_variables, use_sudo=True ) nginx_config_alias = os.path.join('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled', env.domain_name) sudo('ln -sf %s %s' % (nginx_config_path, nginx_config_alias))
def setup_system(): """Setup the system dependencies and repo. """ add_apt('fkrull/deadsnakes') apt_install( 'emacs-nox', 'python3.6-dev', 'python3.6-gdbm', 'python3.6-venv', 'nginx', 'nginx-core', 'screen', 'gcc', 'libssl-dev', ) ensure_venv('combine') sudo('mkdir -p /tmp/gunicorn_run') sudo('chmod 777 /tmp/gunicorn_run') restart_nginx() sudo('mkdir -p /var/run/watch-ip') sudo('chmod 777 /var/run/watch-ip')
def prepare_apt(): """ Download software from apt Note, on a slower internet connection, this will take a while to finish, because it has to download many packages, include latex and all its dependencies. """ sudo("apt-get -qq update") sudo("apt-get -y install git python3 make python-virtualenv zip python-dev") # Needed to build the docs sudo("apt-get -y install graphviz inkscape texlive texlive-xetex texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra librsvg2-bin") # Our Ubuntu is too old to include Python 3.3 sudo("apt-get -y install python-software-properties") sudo("add-apt-repository -y ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes") sudo("apt-get -y update") sudo("apt-get -y install python3.3")
def deploy_consul_binary(self): """ Install the consul software """ log_green('deploying consul binary...') with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=self.host_string, private_key_filename=self.private_key ): apt_install(packages=['unzip']) with cd('/usr/local/bin'): if 'consul' not in sudo('ls /usr/local/bin'): sudo( 'wget -c https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul/%s' '/consul_%s_linux_amd64.zip' % (self.version, self.version) ) sudo('unzip *zip') sudo('rm -f *.zip') add_usr_local_bin_to_path()
def download_consul_web_ui_files(self): """ installs the consul web ui files """ log_green('install web ui for consul...') with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=self.host_string, private_key_filename=self.private_key, ): if 'dist' not in sudo('ls /home/consul/'): with cd('/home/consul'): sudo( 'wget -c ' 'https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul/' '%s/consul_%s_web_ui.zip' % ( self.version, self.version), user='consul' ) sudo('unzip -o *.zip', user='consul') sudo('rm -f *.zip', user='consul')
def create_consul_server_init_script(self): """ creates the consul server init file """ log_green('create consul server init script...') with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=self.host_string, private_key_filename=self.private_key, ): consul_init_file = '/etc/systemd/system/consul-server.service' upload_template(filename='consul-init-server.j2', template_dir='templates', destination=consul_init_file, use_sudo=True, use_jinja=True, backup=False, context={'consul_interface': self.consul_interface, 'node_ip': self.consul_ip}) sudo('systemctl daemon-reload') sudo('systemctl enable consul-server')
def create_consul_client_init_script(self, tinc_network_name): """ creates the consul client init file """ log_green('create consul client init script ...') with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=self.host_string, private_key_filename=self.private_key, ): consul_init_file = '/etc/systemd/system/consul-client.service' upload_template(filename='consul-init-client.j2', template_dir='templates', destination=consul_init_file, use_sudo=True, use_jinja=True, backup=False, context={'tinc_network_name': tinc_network_name, 'node_ip': self.tinc_ip}) sudo('systemctl daemon-reload') sudo('systemctl enable consul-client')
def install_fsconsul(self): """ installs fsconsul """ log_green('installing fsconsul ...') with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=self.host_string, private_key_filename=self.private_key ): add_usr_local_bin_to_path() with cd('/usr/local/bin'): if 'fsconsul' not in sudo('ls'): sudo('wget -O fsconsul -c ' 'https://bintray.com/cimpress-mcp/Go/download_file?' 'file_path=v0.6.5%2Flinux-amd64%2Ffsconsul') sudo('chmod 755 fsconsul')
def test_that_patches_were_installed_on(node): line = '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded' with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=node.host_string, private_key_filename=node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % node.host_string) cmd = sudo('apt-get -u upgrade --assume-no') try: assert line in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) try: assert cmd.return_code == 0 except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.return_code, detail))
def test_that_cron_apt_is_installed_on(node): line = 'cron-apt' with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=node.host_string, private_key_filename=node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % node.host_string) cmd = sudo('dpkg -l') try: assert line in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) try: assert cmd.return_code == 0 except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.return_code, detail))
def test_that_tinc_binaries_were_installed_on(node): line = '/usr/sbin/tincd' with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=node.host_string, private_key_filename=node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % node.host_string) cmd = sudo('which tincd') try: assert line in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_tinc_key_pairs_were_deployed_on(tinc_network): for tinc_node in tinc_network.tinc_nodes: with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=tinc_node.host_string, private_key_filename=tinc_node.private_key ): tinc_network_name = tinc_network.tinc_network_name print(" running on %s" % tinc_node.host_string) cmd = sudo('ls -l /etc/tinc/%s' % tinc_network_name) try: assert 'rsa_key.priv' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) try: assert 'rsa_key.pub' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_tinc_conf_files_were_deployed_on(tinc_network): for tinc_node in tinc_network.tinc_nodes: with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=tinc_node.host_string, private_key_filename=tinc_node.private_key ): tinc_network_name = tinc_network.tinc_network_name print(" running on %s" % tinc_node.host_string) cmd = sudo('ls -l /etc/tinc/%s' % tinc_network_name) try: assert 'tinc.conf' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_tinc_nets_boot_files_were_deployed_on(tinc_network): for tinc_node in tinc_network.tinc_nodes: with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=tinc_node.host_string, private_key_filename=tinc_node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % tinc_node.host_string) cmd = sudo('ls -l /etc/tinc/') try: assert 'nets.boot' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_tinc_peers_host_files_were_deployed_on(tinc_network): for tinc_node in tinc_network.tinc_nodes: with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=tinc_node.host_string, private_key_filename=tinc_node.private_key ): tinc_network_name = tinc_network.tinc_network_name print(" running on %s" % tinc_node.host_string) cmd = sudo('ls -l /etc/tinc/%s/hosts' % tinc_network_name) for tinc_peer in tinc_node.tinc_peers: try: assert tinc_peer.tinc_name in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_tinc_is_running_on(node): with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=node.host_string, private_key_filename=node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % node.host_string) cmd = sudo('COLUMNS=1000 ps -edalf | grep tincd | grep -v grep ') try: assert 'tincd' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) cmd = sudo('systemctl is-active tinc') try: assert 'active' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_fail2ban_is_running_on(node): with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=node.host_string, private_key_filename=node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % node.host_string) cmd = sudo('COLUMNS=1000 ps -edalf | grep fail2ban | grep -v grep ') try: assert 'fail2ban' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) cmd = sudo('systemctl is-active fail2ban') try: assert 'active' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_tinc_peers_are_pingable_on(tinc_network): for tinc_node in tinc_network.tinc_nodes: with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=tinc_node.host_string, private_key_filename=tinc_node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % tinc_node.host_string) for tinc_peer in tinc_node.tinc_peers: cmd = sudo('ping -c 1 %s' % tinc_peer.tinc_ip) try: assert cmd.return_code == 0 except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.return_code, detail))
def test_that_consul_server_is_running_on(consul_node): with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=consul_node.host_string, private_key_filename=consul_node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % consul_node.host_string) cmd = sudo('systemctl is-active consul-server') try: assert 'active' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) line = 'consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul.d/server' cmd = sudo('COLUMNS=1000 ps -edalf') try: assert line in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_consul_client_is_running_on(consul_node): with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=consul_node.host_string, private_key_filename=consul_node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % consul_node.host_string) line = 'consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul.d/client' cmd = sudo('COLUMNS=1000 ps -edalf') try: assert line in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) cmd = sudo('systemctl is-active consul-client') try: assert 'active' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def test_that_fsconsul_service_is_running_on(consul_node): with settings( hide('stdout', 'running'), host_string=consul_node.host_string, private_key_filename=consul_node.private_key ): print(" running on %s" % consul_node.host_string) line = 'fsconsul -configFile=/etc/fsconsul.json' cmd = sudo('COLUMNS=1000 ps -edalf') try: assert line in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail)) cmd = sudo('systemctl is-active fsconsul') try: assert 'active' in cmd.stdout except Exception as detail: raise Exception("%s %s" % (cmd.stdout, detail))
def deploy(): test() with cd('/home/deploy/webapp'): run("git pull") run("pip install -r requirements.txt") sudo("cp supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/webapp.conf") sudo("cp nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_domain") sudo("ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_domain " "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/your_domain") sudo("cp apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain") sudo("ln -sf /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain " "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/your_domain") sudo("service nginx restart") sudo("service apache2 restart")
def setup_supervisor(): # We use supervisord to keep Crestify running in the background # Recover from crashes, and to start automatically on bootup # Also, using more than 1 gunicorn worker resulted in socket not being released, so only 1 worker will be used sudo('apt-get -y install supervisor') sudo('mkdir /var/log/crestify/') sudo( 'cd /home/crestify/crestify && ../crestifyenv/bin/honcho export -s /bin/sh -a crestify supervisord /etc/supervisor/conf.d') fd = StringIO() get('/etc/supervisor/conf.d/crestify.conf', fd) content = fd.getvalue().splitlines() for n, i in enumerate(content): if i.startswith("environment="): content[n] = i + ",PATH=/home/crestify/crestifyenv/bin:%(ENV_PATH)s" if i.startswith("user="): content[n] = "user=crestify" if i.startswith("stopsignal="): content[n] = "stopsignal=TERM" # Both Gunicorn and Celery use SIGTERM for graceful shutdown content = StringIO("\n".join(content)) put(content, "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/crestify.conf", use_sudo=True) sudo('supervisorctl reread') sudo('supervisorctl update')
def setupServers(): sudo('yes '' | add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes-python2.7 -y') sudo('apt-get -y update') sudo('apt-get -y install python2.7') sudo('apt-get -y dist-upgrade') sudo('apt-get -y install python-pip python-dev build-essential') sudo('apt-get -y install libssl-dev libffi-dev git-all') sudo('yes | pip install --upgrade pip') sudo('yes | pip install --upgrade virtualenv') sudo('yes | pip install --upgrade petlib') sudo('yes | pip install twisted==16.6.0') sudo('yes | pip install numpy') sudo('yes | pip install service_identity') sudo('yes | pip install sphinxmix') sudo('apt-get -y install htop') #sudo('apt-get -y install tshark') if fabric.contrib.files.exists("loopix"): with cd("loopix"): run("git pull") run("git checkout %s" % BRANCH) else: run("git clone https://github.com/UCL-InfoSec/loopix.git")
def mount_ebs_volumes(host_config): env.host_string = helper.get_env_host_string(host_config) env.user = helper.get_env_user(host_config) env.key_filename = helper.get_env_key_filename(host_config) sudo("apt-get -y install xfsprogs") for ebs in host_config['ec2-mounts']: device = ebs['device'] mount = ebs['mount'] sudo("mkdir -p {}".format(mount)) sudo("mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old") sudo("touch /etc/fstab") if sudo('mkfs.xfs -f {0}'.format(device), warn_only=True): run("echo '{0}\t{1}\txfs\tdefaults\t0\t0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab".format(device, mount)) sudo('sudo mount -a') logger.info("EBS volume {} : {} mounted.".format(device, mount))
def sync_src(): get_vars() with fab.lcd('..'): destination = '/home/%s/senic-hub' % AV['build_user'] fab.sudo('mkdir -p %s' % destination, user=AV['build_user']) rsync( '-rlptvD', '--exclude', '.*', '--exclude', '*.egg-info', '--exclude', '__pycache__', '--exclude', 'node_modules', '--exclude', '/build', '--exclude', '/development', '--exclude', '/dist', '--exclude', '/docs', '--exclude', '/venv', '.', '{host_string}:%s' % destination)
def init_localdb(flag='all'): with settings(warn_only=True): # clear rabbitmq # if flag == 'all' or flag == 'rabbitmq': # sudo(" echo 'clear the rabbitmq data' ") # sudo("rabbitmqctl stop_app") # sudo("rabbitmqctl reset") # sudo("rabbitmqctl stop") # sudo("rabbitmqctl start_app") # clear leveldb if flag == 'all' or flag == 'leveldb': sudo(" echo 'clear the leveldb data only' ") sudo("rm -rf /localdb/{bigchain,votes,header}/*") # Install localdb
def install_localdb(): # leveldb & plyvel install with settings(warn_only=True): user_group = env.user sudo(" echo 'leveldb & plyvel install' ") sudo("mkdir -p /localdb/{bigchain,votes,header}") sudo("chown -R " + user_group + ':' + user_group + ' /localdb') sudo('pip3 install leveldb==0.194') sudo('apt-get install libleveldb1 libleveldb-dev libsnappy1 libsnappy-dev') sudo('apt-get -y -f install') sudo('pip3 install plyvel==0.9') # ramq & pika install sudo(" echo 'ramq & pika install' ") sudo('apt-get -y install rabbitmq-server') sudo('pip3 install pika==0.10.0') #sudo('rabbitmq-server restart') # Install RethinkDB
def install_newrelic(): newrelic_license_key = environ.get('NEWRELIC_KEY') if newrelic_license_key is None: sys.exit('The NEWRELIC_KEY environment variable is not set') else: # Andreas had this "with settings(..." line, but I'm not sure why: # with settings(warn_only=True): # Use the installation instructions from NewRelic: # http://tinyurl.com/q9kyrud # ...with some modifications sudo("echo 'deb http://apt.newrelic.com/debian/ newrelic non-free' >> " "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/newrelic.list") sudo('wget -O- https://download.newrelic.com/548C16BF.gpg | ' 'apt-key add -') sudo('apt-get update') sudo('apt-get -y --force-yes install newrelic-sysmond') sudo('nrsysmond-config --set license_key=' + newrelic_license_key) sudo('/etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond start') ########################### # Security / Firewall Stuff ###########################
def set_fw(): # snmp sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT') sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT') # dns sudo('iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -o eth0 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT') sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p udp -i eth0 --sport 53 -j ACCEPT') # rethinkdb sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 28015 -j ACCEPT') sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 28015 -j ACCEPT') sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 29015 -j ACCEPT') sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 29015 -j ACCEPT') sudo('iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT') sudo('iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DROP') sudo('iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -s -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT') # save rules sudo('iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables') ######################################################### # Some helper-functions to handle bad behavior of cluster ######################################################### # #read blockchain-nodes and set all nodes
def install_package(): """Install the Hadroid Python package.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as src_files: local('git ls-files --exclude-standard > {}'.format(src_files.name)) rsync_project( remote_dir=env.code_path, local_dir='./', extra_opts=('--rsync-path="sudo -u {} rsync" --files-from={}' .format(env.app_user, src_files.name)), delete=True, default_opts='-thrvz') with sudosu(user=env.app_user), python.virtualenv(env.venv_path), \ cd(env.code_path): with settings(warn_only=True): sudo('pip uninstall -y hadroid') sudo('pip install -e .')
def _deploy_appconf(): """ jinja renders appconf files. """ appconf = {'app_shortname' : env.app_shortname, 'app_name' : env.appname, 'deploy_dir' : env.deploydir, 'virtualenv_dir' : env.virtualenv_dir, 'app_user' : env.chown_user, 'app_group' : env.chown_group, } if env.sudo: usesudo = True else: usesudo = False for template,conffile in APPCONF_FILES: print red("%s :: %s" % (template, conffile)) upload_template(template, os.path.join(env.deploydir, 'appconf', conffile), context=appconf, use_jinja=True, template_dir='appconf', use_sudo=usesudo)
def install_uwsgi(self): if self.args.force or prompt(red(' * Install Uwsgi service (y/n)?'), default='y') == 'y': sudo('pip3 install uwsgi') # uwsgi config need real env path with cd(self.python_env_dir): real_env_path = run('pwd') # get user home_user = run('echo $USER') # uwsgi config string django_uwsgi_ini = self.django_uwsgi_ini.format(self.nginx_web_dir, self.project, real_env_path, home_user) # modify uwsgi config file with cd(self.project_dir): if not exists('{0}.ini'.format(self.project)): run('touch {0}.ini'.format(self.project)) put(StringIO(django_uwsgi_ini), '{0}.ini'.format(self.project), use_sudo=True) print(green(' * Installed Uwsgi service in the system.')) print(green(' * Done ')) print()
def common_config_nginx_ssl(self): """ Convert nginx server from http to https """ if prompt(red(' * Change url from http to https (y/n)?'), default='n') == 'y': if not exists(self.nginx_ssl_dir): sudo('mkdir -p {0}'.format(self.nginx_ssl_dir)) # generate ssh key sudo('openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout {0}/cert.key -out {0}/cert.pem'.format(self.nginx_ssl_dir)) # do nginx config config put(StringIO(self.nginx_web_ssl_config), '/etc/nginx/sites-available/default', use_sudo=True) sudo('service nginx restart') print(green(' * Make Nginx from http to https.')) print(green(' * Done')) print()
def spark_install(self): """ download and install spark :return: """ sudo('apt-get -y install build-essential python-dev python-six \ python-virtualenv libcurl4-nss-dev libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules \ maven libapr1-dev libsvn-dev zlib1g-dev') with cd('/tmp'): if not exists('spark.tgz'): sudo('wget {0} -O spark.tgz'.format( bigdata_conf.spark_download_url )) sudo('rm -rf spark-*') sudo('tar -zxf spark.tgz') sudo('rm -rf {0}'.format(bigdata_conf.spark_home)) sudo('mv spark-* {0}'.format(bigdata_conf.spark_home))
def generate_ssh(self, server, args, configure): """ ??????SSH?? generate ssh :param server: :param args: :param configure: :return: """ self.reset_server_env(server, configure) # chmod project root owner sudo('chown {user}:{user} -R {path}'.format( user=configure[server]['user'], path=bigdata_conf.project_root )) # generate ssh key if not exists('~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'): run('ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa')
def install_php(self): if self.args.force or prompt(red(' * Install PHP (y/n)?'), default='y') == 'y': try: sudo('apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-curl libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt -y') # do apache config put(StringIO(self.apache_dir_index), '/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf', use_sudo=True) sudo('service apache2 restart') print(green(' * Installed php5 and php5-mysql in the system.')) except: print(red(' * Install php5 and php5-mysql failed.')) # write phpinfo for test put(StringIO(self.phpinfo), '{0}/info.php'.format(self.apache_web_dir), use_sudo=True) print(green(' * Done')) print()
def virtualbox_host(): '''Install a VirtualBox host system. More Infos: * overview: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VirtualBox/ * installation: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VirtualBox/Installation/ ''' if query_yes_no(question='Uninstall virtualbox-dkms?', default='yes'): run('sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-dkms') install_packages([ 'virtualbox', 'virtualbox-qt', 'virtualbox-dkms', 'virtualbox-guest-dkms', 'virtualbox-guest-additions-iso', ]) users = [env.user] for username in users: run(flo('sudo adduser {username} vboxusers')) #run('newgrp - vboxusers')
def server_letsencrypt(): '''Create tls-webserver certificates which are trusted by the web pki. More info: * www.letsencrypt.org * https://letsencrypt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ * https://tty1.net/blog/2015/using-letsencrypt-in-manual-mode_en.html ''' checkup_git_repo(url='https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.git') sudo('service nginx stop') options = ' '.join([ '--standalone', '--rsa-key-size 4096', # obtain a new certificate that duplicates an existing certificate # '--duplicate', ]) from config import domain_groups for domains in domain_groups: domain_opts = ' '.join([flo(' -d {domain}') for domain in domains]) # command 'letsencrypt-auto' requests for root by itself via 'sudo' run(flo('~/repos/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly {options} {domain_opts}')) # FIXME 'letsencrypt-auto reenwal' of already existing certificates sudo('service nginx start') sudo('tree /etc/letsencrypt')
def samba(): '''Install smb server samba and create a share (common read-write-access). More infos: * https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Samba%20Server/ ''' username = env.user install_packages(['samba']) run(flo('sudo smbpasswd -a {username}')) path = '$HOME/shared' sharename = 'shared' comment = '"smb share; everyone has full access (read/write)"' acl = flo('Everyone:F,{username}:F guest_ok=y') with warn_only(): run(flo('mkdir {path}')) run(flo('sudo net usershare add {sharename} {path} {comment} {acl}')) run(flo('sudo net usershare info {sharename}'))
def _update_remote_bvars(stackname, buildvars): LOG.info('updating %r with new vars %r', stackname, buildvars) # not all projects have a 'revision' #ensure(core_utils.hasallkeys(buildvars, ['revision']), "buildvars missing key 'revision'") encoded = encode_bvars(buildvars) fid = core_utils.ymd(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') cmds = [ # make a backup 'if [ -f /etc/build-vars.json.b64 ]; then cp /etc/build-vars.json.b64 /tmp/build-vars.json.b64.%s; fi;' % fid, ] map(sudo, cmds) put(StringIO(encoded), "/etc/build-vars.json.b64", use_sudo=True) LOG.info("%r updated", stackname) # # #
def run_script(script_filename, *script_params, **environment_variables): """uploads a script for SCRIPTS_PATH and executes it in the /tmp dir with given params. ASSUMES YOU ARE CONNECTED TO A STACK""" start = datetime.now() remote_script = _put_temporary_script(script_filename) def escape_string_parameter(parameter): return "'%s'" % parameter env_string = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in environment_variables.items()] cmd = ["/bin/bash", remote_script] + map(escape_string_parameter, list(script_params)) retval = sudo(" ".join(env_string + cmd)) sudo("rm " + remote_script) # remove the script after executing it end = datetime.now() LOG.info("Executed script %s in %2.4f seconds", script_filename, (end - start).total_seconds()) return retval
def create_app_dir(): """Create the application directory and setup a virtualenv.""" # create app dir if exists(remote_app_dir) is False: sudo('mkdir -p ' + remote_app_dir) # create virtual env with cd(remote_app_dir): if exists(remote_app_dir + '/env') is False: sudo('virtualenv env') # Change permissions sudo('chown {}:{} {} -R'.format(env.user, env.user, remote_app_dir)) # Create log dir if exists(remote_log_dir) is False: sudo('mkdir {}'.format(remote_log_dir))
def install_python(): sudo('apt-get update') sudo('apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev python3-venv')
def fetch_sources_from_repo(branch, code_directory): if exists(code_directory): print('Removing the following directory: %s' % code_directory) sudo('rm -rf %s' % code_directory) git_clone_command = 'git clone {1} {2} --branch {0} --single-branch' sudo(git_clone_command.format(branch, REPOSITORY_URL, code_directory))
def reinstall_venv(): with cd(PERMANENT_PROJECT_FOLDER): sudo('rm -rf %s' % VENV_FOLDER) sudo('python3 -m venv %s' % VENV_FOLDER)
def install_modules(): requirements_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_FOLDER, 'requirements.txt') venv_activate_path = os.path.join(VENV_BIN_DIRECTORY, 'activate') with prefix('source %s' % venv_activate_path): sudo('pip install wheel') sudo('pip install -r %s' % requirements_path)
def install_nginx(): sudo('apt-get update') sudo('apt-get install nginx')
def setup_ufw(): sudo('ufw allow "Nginx Full"') sudo('ufw allow OpenSSH') sudo('echo "y" | ufw enable')