def vulture(): """ try to find dead code paths """ with api.quiet(): if not api.local('which vulture').succeeded: print 'vulture not found, installing it' api.local('pip install vulture') ignore_functions_grep = 'egrep -v "{0}"'.format( '|'.join(VULTURE_IGNORE_FUNCTIONS)) excluded = ",".join(VULTURE_EXCLUDE_PATHS) excluded_paths = (' --exclude ' + excluded) if excluded else '' vulture_cmd = '\n vulture {pkg_name}{exclude}{pipes}' vulture_cmd = vulture_cmd.format( pkg_name=PKG_NAME, exclude=excluded_paths, pipes='|'.join(['', ignore_functions_grep])) changedir = api.lcd(os.path.dirname(__file__)) warn_only = api.settings(warn_only=True) be_quit = api.hide('warnings') with contextlib.nested(changedir, warn_only, be_quit): result = api.local(vulture_cmd, capture=True) exit_code = result.return_code print result.strip() raise SystemExit(exit_code)
def list_platforms(root_dir): """ ??????????????? """ def is_platform(dir): """ ????version.lua??????????????????? """ with quiet(): return run('test -f "{}/{}/version.lua"'.format(root_dir, dir)).succeeded with cd(root_dir), hide('stdout'): result = run('''find ./ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print |grep --color=never -vE '([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){3}\\b)|(lyServers)' ''') dirs = [each.lstrip('./') for each in result.splitlines()] return [each for each in dirs if is_platform(each)]
def fetch_and_inflat_package(template_matchServer_ip, remote_dir, matchServer): mk_remote_dir(remote_dir) with cd(remote_dir): #wget = 'wget -c -t 10 -T 10 -q' #server_name = 'match_download_{}'.format(TIME) #run('''{} --header="Host:{}" http://{}/package.tgz'''.format(wget, server_name, template_matchServer_ip)) run('tar zxf package.tgz') with quiet(): nginx_conf_exsits = run('test -f /app/nginx/conf/vhost/{}.conf'.format(matchServer)).succeeded if nginx_conf_exsits: run('mkdir backup') run('mv /app/nginx/conf/vhost/{}.conf backup/'.format(matchServer)) run('cp nginx_matchServer.conf /app/nginx/conf/vhost/{}.conf'.format(matchServer)) run('''pandora --update -e 'create database {}' '''.format(matchServer)) run('''pandora --update {} <matchServer_init.sql'''.format(matchServer)) run('''mkdir -p /app/{}'''.format(matchServer)) run('''tar zxf matchServer.tgz -C /app/{}'''.format(matchServer))
def update_backend(gameServer, version, mainland=True): backup_dir = '/app/opbak/{}/{}'.format(TIME, gameServer) run(''' [ -d {0} ] || mkdir -p {0} '''.format(backup_dir)) with cd('/app/{}/backend/apps'.format(gameServer)): for conf_file in ['app.properties', 'plugins.xml']: #check if the config exists with quiet(): conf_exists = run('test -f {}'.format(conf_file)).succeeded if conf_exists: run('cp {} {}/'.format(conf_file, backup_dir)) if mainland: cmd = ''' sed -i '/http:\/\/.*\/%s/s/%stest_[0-9]\{1,3\}-[0-9]\{1,3\}-[0-9]\{1,3\}/%s/g' %s ''' % (GAME, GAME, version, conf_file) else: cmd = ''' sed -i '/http:\/\/.*\/%s/s/%stest_[a-z]\{2,5\}_[0-9]\{1,3\}-[0-9]\{1,3\}-[0-9]\{1,3\}/%s/g' %s ''' % (GAME, GAME, version, conf_file) run(cmd)
def ip(): """The ip where the addons site can be accessed""" docker_host = os.environ.get("DOCKER_HOST") or "" if not docker_host: with quiet(): docker_env = local("docker-machine env addons", capture=True) if docker_env: match = re.search(r'DOCKER_HOST="(tcp://[^"]+?)"', docker_env) if match: docker_host = match.group(1) match = re.search(r'tcp://([^:]+):', docker_host) if match: print(match.group(1)) else: try: # host used by dlite _, _, ips = socket.gethostbyname_ex("local.docker") except: abort("Could not determine docker-machine host; perhaps localhost?") else: print(ips[0])
def create_virtualenv(): require('srvr', 'path', 'within_virtualenv', provided_by=env.servers) with quiet(): env_vpath = os.path.join(env.envs_path, 'dprr-' + env.srvr) if run('ls {}'.format(env_vpath)).succeeded: print( green('virtual environment at [{}] exists'.format(env_vpath))) return print(yellow('setting up virtual environment in [{}]'.format(env_vpath))) run('virtualenv {}'.format(env_vpath))
def clone_repo(): require('srvr', 'path', 'within_virtualenv', provided_by=env.servers) with quiet(): if run('ls {}'.format(os.path.join(env.path, '.git'))).succeeded: print(green(('repository at' ' [{}] exists').format(env.path))) return print(yellow('cloning repository to [{}]'.format(env.path))) run('git clone --recursive {} {}'.format(REPOSITORY, env.path))
def status_rabbitmq(): with settings(warn_only=True), quiet(): res = local(RABBITMQ_CMD(action='status'), capture=True) if res.return_code == 2 or res.return_code == 69: status = STATUS.STOPPED elif res.return_code == 0: status = STATUS.RUNNING else: raise Exception("Rabbitmq: unknown status " + str(res.return_code)) print status print_status(status, 'rabbitmq') return status
def git_branch(): """ returns (branch-name, hash) """ with api.quiet(): cmd = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD' current_branch = api.local(cmd, capture=True) cmd = 'git rev-parse HEAD' current_hash = api.local(cmd, capture=True) return current_hash, current_branch
def _local_resolver(domain): with quiet(): ret_value = local('''nslookup %s |grep "^Address" |grep -v '#'|awk '{print $2}' ''' % domain, capture=True) if ret_value: return ret_value else: raise Exception('Fail to resolve {} to ip address'.format(domain))
def remote_dir_exists(dir): with quiet(): dir_exists = run('test -d {}'.format(dir)).succeeded return dir_exists
def file_exists_check(file): with quiet(): ret = run('test -f {}'.format(file)).succeeded return ret
def __init__(self, filename, remote_dir=REMOTE_DIR): self.filename = filename with quiet(): has_the_file = run('test -f {}'.format(filename)).succeeded if not has_the_file: raise Exception('File {} NOT exists under backend/apps/'.format(filename)) self.dir = run('pwd') gameServer = self.dir.split('/')[2] backup_dir = '{}/{}'.format(remote_dir, gameServer) run('[ -d {0} ] || mkdir -p {0}'.format(backup_dir)) run('cp {} {}/'.format(self.filename, backup_dir))
def has_the_key(self, key): with quiet(): _has_the_key = run('grep --color=never "^{} *=" {}'.format(key, self.filename)).succeeded return _has_the_key
def remote_file_exists(file): with quiet(): return run('test -f "{}"'.format(file)).succeeded
def remote_dir_exists(file): with quiet(): return run('test -d "{}"'.format(file)).succeeded
def __init__(self, filename, remote_dir=REMOTE_DIR): self.filename = filename self.dir = run('pwd') with quiet(): has_the_file = run('test -f {}'.format(filename)).succeeded if not has_the_file: raise Exception('File {}/{} NOT exists'.format(self.dir, filename)) tmp_tag = self.filename.split('/')[0] backup_dir = '{}/{}'.format(remote_dir, tmp_tag) run('[ -d {0} ] || mkdir -p {0}'.format(backup_dir)) run('cp {} {}/'.format(self.filename, backup_dir))
def check_file(file): pattern = r'^/.*/hotswap.zip$' file_with_full_path = '/app/online/{}{}'.format(GAME, file) file_path = os.path.dirname(file_with_full_path) pattern_matched = (re.match(pattern, file), 'Hotswap filename should be hotswap.zip') with quiet(): file_exists = (local('test -f {}'.format(file_with_full_path)).succeeded, '{} does NOT exists on FTP, please check'.format(file)) md5_exists = (local('test -f {}/md5.txt'.format(file_path)).succeeded, 'md5.txt does NOT exists on FTP, please check') for each_check in [pattern_matched, file_exists, md5_exists]: if each_check[0]: pass else: raise Exception(each_check[1])
def print_help(): with quiet(): @hosts(DNS_SERVER) def _dnsapi(): result = run('/app/opbin/dns/dnsapi -h') print(result) execute(_dnsapi)
def matchServer_exists(matchServer, ip): with quiet(): exists = local('''grep "\\b{}\\b" /etc/hosts '''.format(matchServer)).succeeded if exists: raise Exception('''The match server {} already exists in /etc/hosts'''.format(matchServer)) else: matchServer_dir_exists = execute(remote_dir_exists, '/app/{}'.format(matchServer), hosts=[ip])[ip] if matchServer_dir_exists: raise Exception('''The match dir: /app/{} already exists on {}'''.format(matchServer, ip)) #def create_nginx_conf(remote_dir): # server_name = 'match_download_{}'.format(TIME) # conf_name = 'download_{}.conf'.format(TIME) # with cd('/app/nginx/conf/vhost'): # run('''echo -e "server {\\n listen 80;\\n server_name %s;\\n root %s;\\n index Main.html;\\n access_log logs/default.access.log main;\\n location / {\\n expires 0;\\n }\\n\\n error_page 404 500 502 503 504 /404.html;\\n}" >%s''' % (server_name, remote_dir, conf_name))
def load_file(game_servers, local_file, remote_file, load_type='upload'): test_server_info = get_test_server_info(GAME) check_game_servers(game_servers, test_server_info) locate_game_servers = transform_gameservers(game_servers, test_server_info) ips = locate_game_servers.keys() @hosts(ips) def _upload_file(): upload(local_file, REMOTE_DIR, env.host_string) for game_server in locate_game_servers[env.host_string]: replace_file(game_server, remote_file) @hosts(ips) def _download_file(): for game_server in locate_game_servers[env.host_string]: local_path = '{}/{}/'.format(local_root_path, game_server) local('su - astd -c "mkdir -p {}"'.format(local_path)) target_file = '/app/{}/{}'.format(game_server, remote_file) with quiet(): target_file_exists = run('test -f {}'.format(target_file)).succeeded if target_file_exists: get(target_file, local_path) else: raise Exception('File {} NOT exists on {}'.format(target_file, game_server)) local('chown -R astd.astd {}'.format(local_root_path)) if load_type == 'upload': ftp_file_check(local_file) file_name_consistence_check(local_file, remote_file) execute(_upload_file) print('{} was uploaded to {} successfully.'.format(local_file, game_servers)) elif load_type == 'download': ftp_path = 'download/{}/{}'.format(GAME, TIMESTAMP) local_root_path = '/app/online/{}'.format(ftp_path) execute(_download_file) print('Downloaded remote file: {} to FTP: {}/'.format(remote_file, ftp_path))
def get_clusterdock_container_id(): """Returns the container ID of the Docker container running clusterdock. """ with quiet(): for cgroup in local('cat /proc/self/cgroup', capture=True).stdout.split('\n'): if 'docker' in cgroup: return cgroup.rsplit('/')[-1] # If we get through the loop and never find the cgroup, something has gone very wrong. raise ContainerNotFoundException('Could not find container name from /proc/self/cgroup.')
def _get_images(): return client.images(quiet=True)
def _get_running_containers(): return client.containers(all=False, quiet=True)