def on_post(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): data = self.deserialize(req.context['doc'] if 'doc' in req.context else None) data, errors = self.clean(data) if errors: result = {'errors': errors} status_code = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST self.render_response(result, req, resp, status_code) return try: with self.session_scope(self.db_engine) as db_session: result = self.create(req, resp, data, db_session=db_session) except IntegrityError: raise HTTPConflict('Conflict', 'Unique constraint violated') except ProgrammingError as err: # Cases such as unallowed NULL value should have been checked before we got here (e.g. validate against # schema using falconjsonio) - therefore assume this is a UNIQUE constraint violation if len(err.orig.args) > 1 and err.orig.args[1] == self.VIOLATION_UNIQUE: raise HTTPConflict('Conflict', 'Unique constraint violated') raise status_code = falcon.HTTP_CREATED self.render_response(result, req, resp, status_code)
def on_put(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): status_code = falcon.HTTP_OK try: with self.session_scope(self.db_engine) as db_session: obj = self.get_object(req, resp, kwargs, for_update=True, db_session=db_session) data = self.deserialize(req.context['doc'] if 'doc' in req.context else None) data, errors = self.clean(data) if errors: result = {'errors': errors} status_code = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST else: result = self.update(req, resp, data, obj, db_session) except (IntegrityError, ProgrammingError) as err: # Cases such as unallowed NULL value should have been checked before we got here (e.g. validate against # schema using falconjsonio) - therefore assume this is a UNIQUE constraint violation if isinstance(err, IntegrityError) or err.orig.args[1] == self.VIOLATION_FOREIGN_KEY: raise HTTPConflict('Conflict', 'Unique constraint violated') else: raise self.render_response(result, req, resp, status_code)
def on_post(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): """ Add (create) a new record to the collection. :param req: Falcon request :type req: falcon.request.Request :param resp: Falcon response :type resp: falcon.response.Response """ data = self.deserialize(req.context['doc'] if 'doc' in req.context else None) data, errors = self.clean(data) if errors: result = {'errors': errors} status_code = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST else: result = self.create(req, resp, data) status_code = falcon.HTTP_CREATED self.render_response(result, req, resp, status_code)
def on_put(self, req, resp, *args, **kwargs): """ Updates a single record. This should set all missing fields to default values, but we're not going to be so strict. :param req: Falcon request :type req: falcon.request.Request :param resp: Falcon response :type resp: falcon.response.Response """ obj = self.get_object(req, resp, kwargs, for_update=True) data = self.deserialize(req.context['doc'] if 'doc' in req.context else None) data, errors = self.clean(data) if errors: result = {'errors': errors} status_code = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST else: result = self.update(req, resp, data, obj) status_code = falcon.HTTP_OK self.render_response(result, req, resp, status_code)
def on_get(self, req, resp, fid): '''Return the requested file as a stream. Args: fid (str): The file id. This is a URL safe base64 representation of the file path. The representation can be got by first querying the file tree of e.g the model run 'results' folder Example:: http --download localhost:8000/files/{fid} ''' try: resp.stream, resp.stream_len, resp.content_type = self._data_store.open(fid) except PermissionError as error: resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST resp.body = str(error)
def register(username, password, response=None): if not username or not username.strip(): logger.debug("Empty username") response.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST return "Empty username" username = username.strip().lower() if len(username) > 64: logger.debug("Username too long") response.status = falcon.HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY return "Username too long" if _get_client(username): logger.debug("Username %s already in use", username) response.status = falcon.HTTP_CONFLICT return "Name already in use" if len(password.strip()) < 6: logger.debug("Password too short") response.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST return "Invalid password. Must be of length >= 6" pw_hash = bcrypt_sha256.encrypt(password) client = _SecretClient(username, pw_hash, ["user"]) try: _add_client(client) except ValueError: logger.debug("Username %s already in database", username) response.status = falcon.HTTP_CONFLICT return "Name already in use" logger.debug("Registered new user: %s", username) return _create_user_token(username, client.permissions)
def change_password(old_password, new_password, user: hug.directives.user, response=None): """ Change the password of the user if the old password is correct and the new one satisfies the password requirements. :param old_password: the old password :param new_password: the new password """ client = _get_client(user['name']) success = bcrypt_sha256.verify(old_password, client.pw_hash) if not success: logger.debug("%s tried to change his password with a wrong old password", user['name']) response.status = falcon.HTTP_FORBIDDEN return "Wrong password" new_password = new_password.strip() if len(new_password) < 6: logger.debug("Password too short") response.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST return "Invalid password. Must be of length >= 6" pw_hash = bcrypt_sha256.encrypt(new_password) db = _get_db_conn() try: with db: db.execute("UPDATE clients SET pw_hash=? WHERE username=?", (pw_hash, user['name'])) return "OK" finally: db.close()
def on_get(self, req, resp, fid): ''' Return a JSON representation of the directory tree. The JSON response has the following attributes: - ``type``: file or folder - ``name``: The base name of the file/folder - ``path``: Absolute path to the object. - ``id``: URL-safe base64 encoding of the ``path`` - ``children``: Only present if ``type`` is ``folder``. A list of all children of this folder, each having the same representation. Args: fid (str): the base64 encoded url safe ID for the path to the root folder Example:: http localhost:8000/files/tree/{fid} ''' try: self._data_store.validate_fid(fid) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_OK path = serializers.path_from_id(fid) resp.body = json.dumps(serializers.directory_tree_serializer(path)) except PermissionError as error: resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST resp.body = str(error)
def __init__(self, message, input_=None): FalconSwaggerError.__init__(self, message, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) self.input_ = input_
def __init__(self, message, headers=None, input_=None): FalconSwaggerError.__init__(self, message, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, headers=headers, input_=input_)
def on_post(self, req, resp): self.process_request(req, resp) password = req.context.get('_body', {}).get('password') if password is None: resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST return None result = self.parse_password(password) resp.body = json.dumps(result)
def on_post(self, req, resp): '''Create a new ``Model`` by uploading a zip file containing the input data required to run the model using a supported flood modelling software. The zip file will be saved and unpacked to the data folder configured in the ``data_store`` instance. This folder path will be stored in the ``Model`` instance. The name of the model is generated automatically and can be overwritten with a PUT request. A JSON representation of the created model is returned in the response body and the GET URL in the response location header. Example:: http post localhost:8000/models @/path/to/my/archive.zip ''' if req.content_type == 'application/json': # Create a model without data. data = json.load(req.bounded_stream) model = self._document( name=data['name'] ) if 'description' in data: model.description = data['description'] if 'email' in data: model.email = data['email'] model.save() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_CREATED resp.location = '/models/{}'.format(model.name) resp.body = model.to_json() elif req.content_type == 'application/zip': directory, name = self._data_store.save_zip(req.stream, req.content_type) # Create the model model = self._document( name=name, folder=directory ).save() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_CREATED resp.location = '/models/{}'.format(model.name) resp.body = model.to_json() else: resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST resp.body = 'Content type must be zip or json'
def on_patch(self, req, resp, name): '''Update a ``Model`` instance with new data. Data is submitted as a JSON object. Any of the following attributes are accepted: - ``description``: A new description of the model - ``name``: A new name for the model - ``email``: Email address of an existing user to transfer ownership of the model to. ''' model = self.get_object(name) if req.content_type == 'application/json': data = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if 'description' in data: model.description = data['description'] if 'name' in data: model.name = data['name'] if 'email' in data: model.email = data['email'] try: model.save() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_NO_CONTENT except fmdb.NotUniqueError: resp.status = falcon.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST resp.body = 'Name {} is already taken'.format(data['name']) else: if model.folder: folder = model.resolve_folder() else: folder = model.name if req.content_type == 'application/zip': # Extract any uploaded zip file into the model data folder root, name = self._data_store.save_zip(req.stream, req.content_type, folder) else: # Save a single uploaded file to the model folder. # If the filename is given, use that, otherwise # try to guess the file type and generate a name disp = req.get_header('content-disposition') result = disp.split('filename=') if len(result) == 2: filename = result[1].replace('"', '').replace("'", '') else: ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(req.content_type) filename = '{}{}'.format(uuid.uuid4(), ext) root, fid = self._data_store.save(req.stream, folder, filename) resp.body = json.dumps({ 'fid': fid }) model.folder = root model.save() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_ACCEPTED