def error_handler(self, view): """Register a function that will generate the response for CSRF errors. .. deprecated:: 0.14 Use the standard Flask error system with ``@app.errorhandler(CSRFError)`` instead. This will be removed in version 1.0. The function will be passed one argument, ``reason``. By default it will raise a :class:`~flask_wtf.csrf.CSRFError`. :: @csrf.error_handler def csrf_error(reason): return render_template('error.html', reason=reason) Due to historical reasons, the function may either return a response or raise an exception with :func:`flask.abort`. """ warnings.warn(FlaskWTFDeprecationWarning( '"@csrf.error_handler" is deprecated. Use the standard Flask error ' 'system with "@app.errorhandler(CSRFError)" instead. This will be' 'removed in 1.0.' ), stacklevel=2) @wraps(view) def handler(reason): response = current_app.make_response(view(reason)) raise CSRFError(response.get_data(as_text=True), response=response) self._error_response = handler return view
def build_tar(namespace, package_name, release, media_type): reponame = repo_name(namespace, package_name) k = _build(reponame, release, media_type) resp = current_app.make_response(k.build_tar()) resp.mimetype = 'application/tar' resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename="%s_%s.tar.gz"' % (k.name.replace("/", "_"), k.version) return resp
def _pull(data, json_format=True): if json_format: resp = jsonify(data) else: resp = current_app.make_response(b64decode(data['blob'])) resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = data['filename'] resp.mimetype = 'application/x-gzip' return resp
def list_packages(): values = getvalues() namespace = values.get('namespace', None) result = appr.api.impl.registry.list_packages(namespace, Package, search=values.get( 'query', None), media_type=values.get('media_type', None)) resp = current_app.make_response(json.dumps(result)) resp.mimetype = 'application/json' return resp
def list_channels(namespace, package_name): reponame = repo_name(namespace, package_name) result = appr.api.impl.registry.list_channels(reponame, Channel) resp = current_app.make_response(json.dumps(result)) resp.mimetype = 'application/json' return resp