Python flask.g 模块,csrf_token() 实例源码


项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:flask    作者:bobohope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_csrf_token(self):
        # find the ``csrf_token`` field in the subitted form
        # if the form had a prefix, the name will be
        # ``{prefix}-csrf_token``
        field_name = current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME']

        for key in request.form:
            if key.endswith(field_name):
                csrf_token = request.form[key]

                if csrf_token:
                    return csrf_token

        for header_name in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_HEADERS']:
            csrf_token = request.headers.get(header_name)

            if csrf_token:
                return csrf_token

        return None
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:flask    作者:bobohope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_csrf(secret_key=None, token_key=None):
    """Generate a CSRF token. The token is cached for a request, so multiple
    calls to this function will generate the same token.

    During testing, it might be useful to access the signed token in
    ``g.csrf_token`` and the raw token in ``session['csrf_token']``.

    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'

    if field_name not in g:
        if field_name not in session:
            session[field_name] = hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()

        s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')
        setattr(g, field_name, s.dumps(session[field_name]))

    return g.get(field_name)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_csrf(data, secret_key=None, time_limit=None, token_key=None):
    """Check if the given data is a valid CSRF token. This compares the given
    signed token to the one stored in the session.

    :param data: The signed CSRF token to be checked.
    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param time_limit: Number of seconds that the token is valid. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT`` or 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    :raises ValidationError: Contains the reason that validation failed.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.14
        Raises ``ValidationError`` with a specific error message rather than
        returning ``True`` or ``False``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'
    time_limit = _get_config(
        time_limit, 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600, required=False

    if not data:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is missing.')

    if field_name not in session:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF session token is missing.')

    s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')

        token = s.loads(data, max_age=time_limit)
    except SignatureExpired:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token has expired.')
    except BadData:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is invalid.')

    if not safe_str_cmp(session[field_name], token):
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF tokens do not match.')
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:

项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:

项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_csrf(data, secret_key=None, time_limit=None, token_key=None):
    """Check if the given data is a valid CSRF token. This compares the given
    signed token to the one stored in the session.

    :param data: The signed CSRF token to be checked.
    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param time_limit: Number of seconds that the token is valid. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT`` or 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    :raises ValidationError: Contains the reason that validation failed.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.14
        Raises ``ValidationError`` with a specific error message rather than
        returning ``True`` or ``False``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'
    time_limit = _get_config(
        time_limit, 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600, required=False

    if not data:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is missing.')

    if field_name not in session:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF session token is missing.')

    s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')

        token = s.loads(data, max_age=time_limit)
    except SignatureExpired:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token has expired.')
    except BadData:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is invalid.')

    if not safe_str_cmp(session[field_name], token):
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF tokens do not match.')
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:

项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_csrf(data, secret_key=None, time_limit=None, token_key=None):
    """Check if the given data is a valid CSRF token. This compares the given
    signed token to the one stored in the session.

    :param data: The signed CSRF token to be checked.
    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param time_limit: Number of seconds that the token is valid. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT`` or 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    :raises ValidationError: Contains the reason that validation failed.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.14
        Raises ``ValidationError`` with a specific error message rather than
        returning ``True`` or ``False``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'
    time_limit = _get_config(
        time_limit, 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600, required=False

    if not data:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is missing.')

    if field_name not in session:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF session token is missing.')

    s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')

        token = s.loads(data, max_age=time_limit)
    except SignatureExpired:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token has expired.')
    except BadData:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is invalid.')

    if not safe_str_cmp(session[field_name], token):
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF tokens do not match.')
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:

项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_csrf(data, secret_key=None, time_limit=None, token_key=None):
    """Check if the given data is a valid CSRF token. This compares the given
    signed token to the one stored in the session.

    :param data: The signed CSRF token to be checked.
    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param time_limit: Number of seconds that the token is valid. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT`` or 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    :raises ValidationError: Contains the reason that validation failed.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.14
        Raises ``ValidationError`` with a specific error message rather than
        returning ``True`` or ``False``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'
    time_limit = _get_config(
        time_limit, 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600, required=False

    if not data:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is missing.')

    if field_name not in session:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF session token is missing.')

    s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')

        token = s.loads(data, max_age=time_limit)
    except SignatureExpired:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token has expired.')
    except BadData:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is invalid.')

    if not safe_str_cmp(session[field_name], token):
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF tokens do not match.')
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:

项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_csrf(data, secret_key=None, time_limit=None, token_key=None):
    """Check if the given data is a valid CSRF token. This compares the given
    signed token to the one stored in the session.

    :param data: The signed CSRF token to be checked.
    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param time_limit: Number of seconds that the token is valid. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT`` or 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    :raises ValidationError: Contains the reason that validation failed.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.14
        Raises ``ValidationError`` with a specific error message rather than
        returning ``True`` or ``False``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'
    time_limit = _get_config(
        time_limit, 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600, required=False

    if not data:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is missing.')

    if field_name not in session:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF session token is missing.')

    s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')

        token = s.loads(data, max_age=time_limit)
    except SignatureExpired:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token has expired.')
    except BadData:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is invalid.')

    if not safe_str_cmp(session[field_name], token):
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF tokens do not match.')
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:

项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_csrf(data, secret_key=None, time_limit=None, token_key=None):
    """Check if the given data is a valid CSRF token. This compares the given
    signed token to the one stored in the session.

    :param data: The signed CSRF token to be checked.
    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param time_limit: Number of seconds that the token is valid. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT`` or 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    :raises ValidationError: Contains the reason that validation failed.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.14
        Raises ``ValidationError`` with a specific error message rather than
        returning ``True`` or ``False``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'
    time_limit = _get_config(
        time_limit, 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600, required=False

    if not data:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is missing.')

    if field_name not in session:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF session token is missing.')

    s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')

        token = s.loads(data, max_age=time_limit)
    except SignatureExpired:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token has expired.')
    except BadData:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is invalid.')

    if not safe_str_cmp(session[field_name], token):
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF tokens do not match.')
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:

项目:flask    作者:bobohope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_csrf(data, secret_key=None, time_limit=None, token_key=None):
    """Check if the given data is a valid CSRF token. This compares the given
    signed token to the one stored in the session.

    :param data: The signed CSRF token to be checked.
    :param secret_key: Used to securely sign the token. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY`` or ``SECRET_KEY``.
    :param time_limit: Number of seconds that the token is valid. Default is
        ``WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT`` or 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
    :param token_key: Key where token is stored in session for comparision.
        Default is ``WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME`` or ``'csrf_token'``.

    :raises ValidationError: Contains the reason that validation failed.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.14
        Raises ``ValidationError`` with a specific error message rather than
        returning ``True`` or ``False``.

    secret_key = _get_config(
        secret_key, 'WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY', current_app.secret_key,
        message='A secret key is required to use CSRF.'
    field_name = _get_config(
        token_key, 'WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token',
        message='A field name is required to use CSRF.'
    time_limit = _get_config(
        time_limit, 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600, required=False

    if not data:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is missing.')

    if field_name not in session:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF session token is missing.')

    s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt='wtf-csrf-token')

        token = s.loads(data, max_age=time_limit)
    except SignatureExpired:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token has expired.')
    except BadData:
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF token is invalid.')

    if not safe_str_cmp(session[field_name], token):
        raise ValidationError('The CSRF tokens do not match.')
项目:flask    作者:bobohope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_app(self, app):
        app.extensions['csrf'] = self

        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_ENABLED', True)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT', True)
        app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS'] = set(app.config.get(
            'WTF_CSRF_METHODS', ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME', 'csrf_token')
            'WTF_CSRF_HEADERS', ['X-CSRFToken', 'X-CSRF-Token']
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', 3600)
        app.config.setdefault('WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT', True)

        app.jinja_env.globals['csrf_token'] = generate_csrf
        app.context_processor(lambda: {'csrf_token': generate_csrf})

        def csrf_protect():
            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED']:

            if not app.config['WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT']:

            if request.method not in app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:

            if not request.endpoint:

            view = app.view_functions.get(request.endpoint)

            if not view:

            if request.blueprint in self._exempt_blueprints:

            dest = '%s.%s' % (view.__module__, view.__name__)

            if dest in self._exempt_views:
