Python flask.request 模块,stream() 实例源码


项目:nametableswapper    作者:graphicore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def changenames():
    result = BytesIO()
    zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(result,  "w")
    for desc, font in _unpack(
        i += 1
        print('#',i,'got oldname', font['name'].getDebugName(6))
        changefont(desc, font)
        filename = desc['filename']
        print('changed', filename)

        # write the font file to the zip
        fontIO = BytesIO()
        fontData = fontIO.getvalue()
        zipf.writestr(filename, fontData)

    data = result.getvalue()
    response = make_response(data)
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
    response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;'
    return response
项目    作者:CodeGra-de    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post_file() -> JSONResponse[str]:
    """Temporarily store some data on the server.

    .. :quickref: File; Safe a file temporarily on the server.

    .. note::
        The posted data will be removed after 60 seconds.

    :returns: A response with the JSON serialized name of the file as content
              and return code 201.

    :raises APIException: If the request is bigger than the maximum upload
                          size. (REQUEST_TOO_LARGE)
    :raises PermissionException: If there is no logged in user. (NOT_LOGGED_IN)
    if (
        request.content_length and
        request.content_length > app.config['MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE']):
        raise APIException(
            'Uploaded file is too big.',
            'Request is bigger than maximum upload size of {}.'.format(
            ), APICodes.REQUEST_TOO_LARGE, 400

    path, name = psef.files.random_file_path('MIRROR_UPLOAD_DIR')


    return jsonify(name, status_code=201)
项目:nametableswapper    作者:graphicore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack(stream):
    # L = unsignedlong 4 bytes
    while True:
        head =
        if not head:
        jsonlen, fontlen = struct.unpack('II', head)
        desc = json.loads('utf-8'))
        font = TTFont(BytesIO(
        yield (desc, font)
项目:duckpond    作者:alexmilowski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def content_item_resource(id,resource):
   if request.method == 'GET':
      wrap = request.args.get('wrap')
      status_code,data,contentType = model.getContentResource(id,resource);
      if status_code==200:
         if contentType.startswith("text/html") and wrap is not None:
            blob = io.BytesIO()
            for chunk in data:
            content = blob.getvalue().decode("utf-8").strip()
            if not content.startswith('<!DOCTYPE'):
               editorConfig = app.config.get('EDITOR_CONFIG')
               header = ''
               bodyStart = ''
               bodyEnd = ''
               if editorConfig is not None and wrap=='preview':
                  wheader = editorConfig.get('wrap-header')
                  pheader = editorConfig.get('preview-wrap-header')
                  if pheader is not None:
                     header = pheader
                  elif wheader is not None:
                     header = wheader
                  wbody = editorConfig.get('wrap-body')
                  pbody = editorConfig.get('preview-body-main')
                  if pbody is not None:
                     bodyStart = pbody[0]
                     bodyEnd = pbody[1]
                  elif wbody is not None:
                     bodyStart = wbody[0]
                     bodyEnd = wbody[1]
               elif editorConfig is not None and wrap=='formatted':
                  wheader = editorConfig.get('wrap-header')
                  if wheader is not None:
                     header = wheader
                  wbody = editorConfig.get('wrap-body')
                  if wbody is not None:
                     bodyStart = wbody[0]
                     bodyEnd = wbody[1]
               content = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>""" + resource + '</title>' + header + """
""" + bodyStart + content + bodyEnd + '</body></html>'
            return Response(stream_with_context(content),content_type = contentType)
            return Response(stream_with_context(data),content_type = contentType)
   if request.method == 'PUT':
      status_code,data,contentType = model.updateContentResource(id,resource,request.headers['Content-Type'],;
      if status_code==200 or status_code==201:
         return Response(stream_with_context(data),status=status_code,content_type = contentType)
         return Response(status=status)

   if request.method == 'DELETE':
      status = model.deleteContentResource(id,resource)
      return Response(status=status)