def get_zip(self, project, ty): """Get a ZIP file directly from uploaded directory or generate one on the fly and upload it if not existing.""" filename = self.download_name(project, ty) if not self.zip_existing(project, ty): print "Warning: Generating %s on the fly now!" % filename self._make_zip(project, ty) if isinstance(uploader, local.LocalUploader): filepath = self._download_path(project) res = send_file(filename_or_fp=safe_join(filepath, filename), mimetype='application/octet-stream', as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=filename) # fail safe mode for more encoded filenames. # It seems Flask and Werkzeug do not support RFC 5987 http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/#encoding-2231-char # res.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename*=%s' % filename return res else: return redirect(url_for('rackspace', filename=filename, container=self._container(project), _external=True))
def _download_path(self, project): container = self._container(project) if isinstance(uploader, local.LocalUploader): filepath = safe_join(uploader.upload_folder, container) else: print("The method Exporter _download_path should not be used for Rackspace etc.!") # TODO: Log this stuff filepath = container return filepath
def files_head(path): """ access(path) -> HEAD /files/<path> 200 404 Not Found """ if path == "/": path = app.config['serve_dir'] else: path = flask.safe_join(app.config['serve_dir'], path) if not os.path.exists(path): return "File not found.", 404 return ""
def files_post(path): """ create(path) -> POST /files/<path>?op=create 200 mkdir(path) -> POST /files/<path>?op=mkdir 200 400 Directory exists. """ if 'op' not in flask.request.args: return 'Missing operation.', 400 op = flask.request.args['op'] path = flask.safe_join(app.config['serve_dir'], path) if op == "create": fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o755) os.close(fd) return "" elif op == "mkdir": try: fd = os.mkdir(path, 0o755) except FileExistsError: return 'Directory exists.', 400 return "" return 'Unknown operation.', 400
def files_put(path): """ write(path, data, offset) -> PUT /files/<path> {"data": "<base64 str>", "offset": <offset int>} 200 <bytes written int> 404 File not found. """ path = flask.safe_join(app.config['serve_dir'], path) payload = flask.request.json if 'data' not in payload: return 'Missing data.', 400 elif 'offset' not in payload: return 'Missing offset.', 400 data = base64.b64decode(payload['data']) offset = int(payload['offset']) # Open, seek, write, close try: fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY) os.lseek(fd, offset, os.SEEK_SET) n = os.write(fd, data) os.close(fd) except FileNotFoundError: return 'File not found.', 404 return flask.jsonify({"count": n})
def files_delete(path): """ unlink(path) -> DELETE /files/<path>?op=unlink 200 404 File not found. rmdir(path) -> DELETE /files/<path>?op=rmdir 200 404 File not found. """ if 'op' not in flask.request.args: return 'Missing operation.', 400 op = flask.request.args['op'] path = flask.safe_join(app.config['serve_dir'], path) if op == 'unlink': try: os.unlink(path) except FileNotFoundError: return 'File not found.', 404 return "" elif op == 'rmdir': try: os.rmdir(path) except FileNotFoundError: return 'File not found.', 404 except OSError as e: return 'Errno {}'.format(e.errno), 400 return "" return 'Unknown operation.', 400
def get_file_path(path): """ Gets the real filepath of a file within the Alexandria environment """ return safe_join(app.config.get('storage','location',None),path)
def preview_file(name): # get information about the file basepath=app.config.get("storage", "location") # Now, we're going to join the two together and normalize path fullpath = safe_join(basepath, name) # TODO: This could be nicer. if(not os.path.exists(fullpath)): abort(404) parent_dir='/'.join(name.split('/')[:-1]) file_stat = os.stat(fullpath) file_record = { "path":name, "name":name.split('/')[-1], "size":sizeof_fmt(file_stat.st_size) } previews = get_previews(name) if(len(previews) > 0): file_record["previews"] = previews # Render the preview template. return render_template('browser/preview_panel.html', parent_dir=parent_dir, file=file_record )
def upload(path=""): """ Uploads a file to a place. """ # Check that uploads are OK if not can_upload(): return redirect(sign_auth_path(request.full_path)) if request.method=='POST': # handle uploaded files if not 'file' in request.files: abort(400) # General UA error file = request.files["file"] # We default to using the name of the file provided, # but allow the filename to be changed via POST details. fname = file.filename if 'name' in request.form: fname = request.form['name'] safe_fname = secure_filename(fname) if not allowed_filename(safe_fname): abort(400) # General client error # We're handling a potentially dangerous path, better run it through # The flask path jointer. basepath=app.config.get("storage", "location") fullpath = safe_join(basepath, path) file.save(os.path.join(fullpath,fname)) flash("File uploaded successfully") return redirect(url_for('browser.upload',path=path)) else: return render_template("browser/upload.html",path=path,title="Upload Files")
def send_js(path): return send_from_directory(safe_join(app.config['STATIC_FOLDER'], 'js'), path)
def send_css(path): return send_from_directory(safe_join(app.config['STATIC_FOLDER'], 'css'), path)
def send_fonts(path): return send_from_directory(safe_join(app.config['STATIC_FOLDER'], 'fonts'), path)
def root(): print(safe_join(app.config['FRONT_END_ROOT'], 'index.html')) file = send_from_directory(app.config['FRONT_END_ROOT'], 'index.html') return file
def files_get(path): """ getattr(path) -> GET /files/<path>?op=getattr 200 {"st_mode": <mode int>, "st_size": <size int>} 404 Not Found readdir(path) -> GET /files/<path>?op=readdir 200 {"files": ["<file str>", ... ]} 404 Not Found read(path, size, offset) -> GET /files/<path>?op=read&size=<size>&offset=<offset> 200 "<base64 str>" 404 Not Found """ if 'op' not in flask.request.args: return 'Missing operation.', 400 op = flask.request.args['op'] if path == "/": path = app.config['serve_dir'] else: path = flask.safe_join(app.config['serve_dir'], path) if op == 'getattr': try: info = os.stat(path) return flask.jsonify({'st_mode': info.st_mode, 'st_size': info.st_size}) except FileNotFoundError: return 'File not found.', 404 elif op == 'readdir': try: return flask.jsonify({"files": os.listdir(path)}) except FileNotFoundError: return 'File not found.', 404 elif op == 'read': if 'size' not in flask.request.args: return 'Missing size.', 400 elif 'offset' not in flask.request.args: return 'Missing offset.', 400 size = int(flask.request.args['size']) offset = int(flask.request.args['offset']) # Open, seek, read, close try: fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDONLY) os.lseek(fd, offset, os.SEEK_SET) buf = os.read(fd, size) os.close(fd) except FileNotFoundError: return 'File not found.', 404 return flask.jsonify({"data": base64.b64encode(buf).decode()}) return 'Unknown operation.', 400
def get_file( file_name: str, name: str = 'export' ) -> werkzeug.wrappers.Response: """Serve some specific file in the uploads folder. .. :quickref: File; Get an uploaded file directory. .. note:: Only files uploaded using :http:post:`/api/v1/files/` may be retrieved. :param str file_name: The filename of the file to get. :returns: The requested file. :raises PermissionException: If there is no logged in user. (NOT_LOGGED_IN) """ name = request.args.get('name', name) directory = app.config['MIRROR_UPLOAD_DIR'] error = False @after_this_request def delete_file(response: t.Any) -> t.Any: if not error: filename = safe_join(directory, file_name) os.unlink(filename) return response try: mimetype = request.args.get('mime', None) as_attachment = request.args.get('not_as_attachment', False) return send_from_directory( directory, file_name, attachment_filename=name, as_attachment=as_attachment, mimetype=mimetype ) except NotFound: error = True raise APIException( 'The specified file was not found', f'The file with name "{file_name}" was not found or is deleted.', APICodes.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, 404, )