Python functools 模块,total_ordering() 实例源码


项目:ScenicOverlook    作者:pschanely    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __lt__(self, other):
        >>> viewablelist([]) < viewablelist([3])
        >>> viewablelist([3]) < viewablelist([3])
        >>> viewablelist([4]) < viewablelist([3, 4])
        >>> # @functools.total_ordering gives us other comparison operators too:
        >>> viewablelist([3]) >= viewablelist([3])
        >>> viewablelist([3]) >= viewablelist([3, 0])
        >>> bool(viewablelist())
        >>> bool(viewablelist([2]))
        for a, b in zip(self.__iter__(), other.__iter__()):
            if a < b:
                return True
            elif b < a:
                return False
        return len(self) < len(other)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_lt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.value < other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(1) > A(2))
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_le(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.value <= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(1) >= A(2))
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_gt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.value > other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(2) < A(1))
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_ge(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.value >= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(2) <= A(1))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_lt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.value < other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(1) > A(2))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_le(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.value <= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(1) >= A(2))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_gt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.value > other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(2) < A(1))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_ge(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.value >= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
        self.assertFalse(A(2) <= A(1))
项目:slackbridge    作者:ocf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _part_channel(self, user_bot):
            channel = self.channels[self.raw_message['channel']]

        # For PriorityQueue to order by timestamp, override comparisons.
        # @total_ordering generates the other comparisons given the two below.
项目:python-klmast    作者:staspika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, navn="", type=(0, 0), f=(0, 0, 0),
                 q=(0, 0, 0), b=0, e=(0, 0, 0), T=None, vindretning=None, s=None):
        """Initialiserer :class:`Kraft`-objekt.

        Alternativer for ``vindretning``:

        - 0: Vind fra mast mot spor
        - 1: Vind fra spor mot mast
        - 2: Vind parallelt spor

        Variabelen ``statisk`` settes avhengig av om lasten
        varierer med klimatiske forhold.

        Klassen bruker ``@total_ordering``-dekoratoren for enkel
        sammenlikning av :class:`Kraft`-objekter.

        :param str navn: Identifikasjonstag for kraftens opphav
        :param tuple type: (Rad, etasje) for plassering i R- og D-matrise
        :param tuple f: Kraftkomponenter [x, y, z] :math:`[N]`
        :param tuple q: Kraftkomponenter for fordelt last [x, y, z] :math:`[\\frac{N}{m}]`
        :param list b: Utstrekning av fordelt last :math:`[m]`
        :param tuple e: Eksentrisitet fra origo [x, y, z] :math:`[m]`
        :param int T: Temperatur ved forårsakende last :math:`^{\\circ}C`
        :param int vindretning: Vindretning ved forårsakende last
        :param float s: Strekkraft i lastforårsakende ledning :math:`[N]`

        self.navn = navn
        self.type = type
        self.f = numpy.array(f)
        self.q = numpy.array(q)
        self.b = b
        self.e = numpy.array(e)
        self.T = T
        self.vindretning = vindretning
        self.s = s
        if self.T is None and self.vindretning is None:
            self.statisk = True
            self.statisk = False
项目:coala-decorators-USE-cOALA-UTILS-INSTEAD    作者:coala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_ordering(*members):
    Decorator that generates ordering operators for the decorated class based
    on the given member names. All ordering except equality functions will
    raise a TypeError when a comparison with an unrelated class is attempted.
    (Comparisons with child classes will thus work fine with the capabilities
    of the base class as python will choose the base classes comparison
    operator in that case.)

    Note that this decorator modifies the given class in place!

    :param members: A list of members to compare, ordered from high priority to
                    low. I.e. if the first member is equal the second will be
                    taken for comparison and so on. If a member is None it is
                    considered smaller than any other value except None.
    def decorator(cls):
        def lt(self, other):
            if not isinstance(other, cls):
                raise TypeError("Comparison with unrelated classes is "

            for member in members:
                if getattr(self, member) == getattr(other, member):

                if (
                        getattr(self, member) is None or
                        getattr(other, member) is None):
                    return getattr(self, member) is None

                return getattr(self, member) < getattr(other, member)

            return False

        cls.__lt__ = lt
        return total_ordering(generate_eq(*members)(cls))

    return decorator
项目:pyextinction    作者:mfouesneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                #print (opname, opfunc)
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_lt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.value < other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_le(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.value <= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_gt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.value > other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_ge(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.value >= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_no_overwrite(self):
        # new methods should not overwrite existing
        class A(int):
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bug_10042(self):
        class TestTO:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value == other.value
                return False
            def __lt__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value < other.value
                raise TypeError
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            TestTO(8) <= ()
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: other < self),
                    ('__le__', lambda self, other: not other < self),
                    ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: other <= self),
                    ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not other <= self),
                    ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: other > self),
                    ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not other > self),
                    ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: other >= self),
                    ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not other >= self),
                    ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')  # noqa
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError(
                'must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls

# ======= Compatibility for datasets that care about Python versions ========

# The following datasets have a /PY3 subdirectory containing
# a full copy of the data which has been re-encoded or repickled.
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_lt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.value < other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_le(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.value <= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_gt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.value > other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_ge(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.value >= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_no_overwrite(self):
        # new methods should not overwrite existing
        class A(str):
        self.assertTrue(A("a") < A("b"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") > A("a"))
        self.assertTrue(A("a") <= A("b"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") >= A("a"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") <= A("b"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") >= A("b"))
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bug_10042(self):
        class TestTO:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value == other.value
                return False
            def __lt__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value < other.value
                raise TypeError
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            TestTO(8) <= ()
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_lt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.value < other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_le(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.value <= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_gt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.value > other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_ge(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.value >= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_no_overwrite(self):
        # new methods should not overwrite existing
        class A(str):
        self.assertTrue(A("a") < A("b"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") > A("a"))
        self.assertTrue(A("a") <= A("b"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") >= A("a"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") <= A("b"))
        self.assertTrue(A("b") >= A("b"))
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bug_10042(self):
        class TestTO:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value == other.value
                return False
            def __lt__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value < other.value
                raise TypeError
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            TestTO(8) <= ()
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_lt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.value < other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_le(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.value <= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_gt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __gt__(self, other):
                return self.value > other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_ge(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __ge__(self, other):
                return self.value >= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_no_overwrite(self):
        # new methods should not overwrite existing
        class A(int):
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bug_10042(self):
        class TestTO:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value == other.value
                return False
            def __lt__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, TestTO):
                    return self.value < other.value
                raise TypeError
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            TestTO(8) <= ()
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError(
                'must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls

# ======= Compatibility for datasets that care about Python versions ========

# The following datasets have a /PY3 subdirectory containing
# a full copy of the data which has been re-encoded or repickled.
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:pyphot    作者:mfouesneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                #print (opname, opfunc)
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls
项目:neighborhood_mood_aws    作者:jarrellmark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_ordering(cls):
        """Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
        convert = {
            '__lt__': [('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self < other or self == other)),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: self < other or self == other),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self < other)],
            '__le__': [('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self <= other or self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: self <= other and not self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: not self <= other)],
            '__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not (self > other or self == other)),
                       ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self > other or self == other),
                       ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self > other)],
            '__ge__': [('__le__', lambda self, other: (not self >= other) or self == other),
                       ('__gt__', lambda self, other: self >= other and not self == other),
                       ('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self >= other)]
        roots = set(dir(cls)) & set(convert)
        if not roots:
            raise ValueError(
                'must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
        root = max(roots)       # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
        for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
            if opname not in roots:
                opfunc.__name__ = opname
                opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
                setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
        return cls

# ======= Compatibility for datasets that care about Python versions ========

# The following datasets have a /PY3 subdirectory containing
# a full copy of the data which has been re-encoded or repickled.
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_lt(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __lt__(self, other):
                return self.value < other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_ordering_le(self):
        class A:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.value = value
            def __le__(self, other):
                return self.value <= other.value
            def __eq__(self, other):
                return self.value == other.value
        self.assertTrue(A(1) < A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) > A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(1) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(1))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) <= A(2))
        self.assertTrue(A(2) >= A(2))