Python future.standard_library 模块,hooks() 实例源码


项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_requests_cm(self):
        Tests whether requests can be used importing standard_library modules
        previously with the hooks context manager
        code = """
            from future import standard_library
            with standard_library.hooks():
                import builtins
                import html.parser
                import http.client
        with write_module(code, self.tempdir):
            import test_imports_future_stdlib
                import requests
            except ImportError:
                print("Requests doesn't seem to be available. Skipping requests test ...")
                r = requests.get('')
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_import_failure_from_module(self):
        Tests whether e.g. "import socketserver" succeeds in a module
        imported by another module that has used and removed the stdlib hooks.
        We want this to fail; the stdlib hooks should not bleed to imported
        modules too without their explicitly invoking them.
        code1 = '''
                from future import standard_library
                import importme2
        code2 = '''
                import socketserver
                print('Uh oh. importme2 should have raised an ImportError.')
        self._write_test_script(code1, '')
        self._write_test_script(code2, '')
        with self.assertRaises(CalledProcessError):
            output = self._run_test_script('')
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def detect_hooks():
    Returns True if the import hooks are installed, False if not.
    flog.debug('Detecting hooks ...')
    present = any([hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER') for hook in sys.meta_path])
    if present:
        flog.debug('Not detected.')
    return present

# As of v0.12, this no longer happens implicitly:
# if not PY3:
#     install_hooks()
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:UMOG    作者:hsab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:UMOG    作者:hsab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:UMOG    作者:hsab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:hackathon    作者:vertica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:hackathon    作者:vertica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:hackathon    作者:vertica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrub_py2_sys_modules():
    Removes any Python 2 standard library modules from ``sys.modules`` that
    would interfere with Py3-style imports using import hooks. Examples are
    modules with the same names (like urllib or email).

    (Note that currently import hooks are disabled for modules like these
    with ambiguous names anyway ...)
    if PY3:
        return {}
    scrubbed = {}
    for modulename in REPLACED_MODULES & set(RENAMES.keys()):
        if not modulename in sys.modules:

        module = sys.modules[modulename]

        if is_py2_stdlib_module(module):
            flog.debug('Deleting (Py2) {} from sys.modules'.format(modulename))
            scrubbed[modulename] = sys.modules[modulename]
            del sys.modules[modulename]
    return scrubbed
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def install_hooks():
    This function installs the future.standard_library import hook into
    if PY3:


    flog.debug('sys.meta_path was: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
    flog.debug('Installing hooks ...')

    # Add it unless it's there already
    newhook = RenameImport(RENAMES)
    if not detect_hooks():
    flog.debug('sys.meta_path is now: {0}'.format(sys.meta_path))
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_hooks(scrub_sys_modules=False):
    This function removes the import hook from sys.meta_path.
    if PY3:
    flog.debug('Uninstalling hooks ...')
    # Loop backwards, so deleting items keeps the ordering:
    for i, hook in list(enumerate(sys.meta_path))[::-1]:
        if hasattr(hook, 'RENAMER'):
            del sys.meta_path[i]

    # Explicit is better than implicit. In the future the interface should
    # probably change so that scrubbing the import hooks requires a separate
    # function call. Left as is for now for backward compatibility with
    # v0.11.x.
    if scrub_sys_modules:
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __enter__(self):
        # flog.debug('Entering hooks context manager')
        self.old_sys_modules = copy.copy(sys.modules)
        self.hooks_were_installed = detect_hooks()
        # self.scrubbed = scrub_py2_sys_modules()
        return self
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __exit__(self, *args):
        # flog.debug('Exiting hooks context manager')
        # restore_sys_modules(self.scrubbed)
        if not self.hooks_were_installed:
        # scrub_future_sys_modules()

# Sanity check for is_py2_stdlib_module(): We aren't replacing any
# builtin modules names:
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cache_py2_modules():
    Currently this function is unneeded, as we are not attempting to provide import hooks
    for modules with ambiguous names: email, urllib, pickle.
    if len(sys.py2_modules) != 0:
    assert not detect_hooks()
    import urllib
    sys.py2_modules['urllib'] = urllib

    import email
    sys.py2_modules['email'] = email

    import pickle
    sys.py2_modules['pickle'] = pickle

    # Not all Python installations have test module. (Anaconda doesn't, for example.)
    # try:
    #     import test
    # except ImportError:
    #     sys.py2_modules['test'] = None
    # sys.py2_modules['test'] = test

    # import dbm
    # sys.py2_modules['dbm'] = dbm
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_urllib(self):
        Tests that urllib isn't changed from under our feet. (This might not
        even be a problem?)
        from future import standard_library
        import urllib
        orig_file = urllib.__file__
        with standard_library.hooks():
            import urllib.response
        self.assertEqual(orig_file, urllib.__file__)
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_urllib_imports_cm(self):
        with standard_library.hooks():
            import urllib
            import urllib.parse
            import urllib.request
            import urllib.robotparser
            import urllib.error
            import urllib.response
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __enter__(self):
        # flog.debug('Entering hooks context manager')
        self.old_sys_modules = copy.copy(sys.modules)
        self.hooks_were_installed = detect_hooks()
        # self.scrubbed = scrub_py2_sys_modules()
        return self
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cache_py2_modules():
    Currently this function is unneeded, as we are not attempting to provide import hooks
    for modules with ambiguous names: email, urllib, pickle.
    if len(sys.py2_modules) != 0:
    assert not detect_hooks()
    import urllib
    sys.py2_modules['urllib'] = urllib

    import email
    sys.py2_modules['email'] = email

    import pickle
    sys.py2_modules['pickle'] = pickle

    # Not all Python installations have test module. (Anaconda doesn't, for example.)
    # try:
    #     import test
    # except ImportError:
    #     sys.py2_modules['test'] = None
    # sys.py2_modules['test'] = test

    # import dbm
    # sys.py2_modules['dbm'] = dbm
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __enter__(self):
        # flog.debug('Entering hooks context manager')
        self.old_sys_modules = copy.copy(sys.modules)
        self.hooks_were_installed = detect_hooks()
        # self.scrubbed = scrub_py2_sys_modules()
        return self
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __exit__(self, *args):
        # flog.debug('Exiting hooks context manager')
        # restore_sys_modules(self.scrubbed)
        if not self.hooks_were_installed:
        # scrub_future_sys_modules()

# Sanity check for is_py2_stdlib_module(): We aren't replacing any
# builtin modules names:
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cache_py2_modules():
    Currently this function is unneeded, as we are not attempting to provide import hooks
    for modules with ambiguous names: email, urllib, pickle.
    if len(sys.py2_modules) != 0:
    assert not detect_hooks()
    import urllib
    sys.py2_modules['urllib'] = urllib

    import email
    sys.py2_modules['email'] = email

    import pickle
    sys.py2_modules['pickle'] = pickle

    # Not all Python installations have test module. (Anaconda doesn't, for example.)
    # try:
    #     import test
    # except ImportError:
    #     sys.py2_modules['test'] = None
    # sys.py2_modules['test'] = test

    # import dbm
    # sys.py2_modules['dbm'] = dbm
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __enter__(self):
        # flog.debug('Entering hooks context manager')
        self.old_sys_modules = copy.copy(sys.modules)
        self.hooks_were_installed = detect_hooks()
        # self.scrubbed = scrub_py2_sys_modules()
        return self
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __exit__(self, *args):
        # flog.debug('Exiting hooks context manager')
        # restore_sys_modules(self.scrubbed)
        if not self.hooks_were_installed:
        # scrub_future_sys_modules()

# Sanity check for is_py2_stdlib_module(): We aren't replacing any
# builtin modules names:
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cache_py2_modules():
    Currently this function is unneeded, as we are not attempting to provide import hooks
    for modules with ambiguous names: email, urllib, pickle.
    if len(sys.py2_modules) != 0:
    assert not detect_hooks()
    import urllib
    sys.py2_modules['urllib'] = urllib

    import email
    sys.py2_modules['email'] = email

    import pickle
    sys.py2_modules['pickle'] = pickle

    # Not all Python installations have test module. (Anaconda doesn't, for example.)
    # try:
    #     import test
    # except ImportError:
    #     sys.py2_modules['test'] = None
    # sys.py2_modules['test'] = test

    # import dbm
    # sys.py2_modules['dbm'] = dbm
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __enter__(self):
        # flog.debug('Entering hooks context manager')
        self.old_sys_modules = copy.copy(sys.modules)
        self.hooks_were_installed = detect_hooks()
        # self.scrubbed = scrub_py2_sys_modules()
        return self