Python future.utils 模块,iteritems() 实例源码


项目:brave    作者:chorusai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __parse_relations(self):
        relation_args = {}
        for rel in self.doc_data['relations']:
            key, name, role_ents = rel
            for role, ent_key in role_ents:
                curr_roles = relation_args.get(name, {})
                curr_types = curr_roles.get(role, set())
                curr_roles[role] = curr_types
                relation_args[name] = curr_roles
        range_ = range(0, len(relations_palette), (len(relations_palette) // len(relation_args.keys())))
        colors = [relations_palette[i] for i in range_]
        rel_colors = dict(zip(relation_args.keys(), colors))
        relation_types = []
        for name, args in iteritems(relation_args):
            rel_dict = {
                'args': [{'role': role, 'targets': list(targets)} for role, targets in iteritems(args)],
                'color': rel_colors[name],
                'dashArray': '3,3',
                'labels': [name, name[0:3]],
                'type': name

        self.coll_data['relation_types'] = relation_types
项目:PyAthena    作者:laughingman7743    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(self, operation, parameters=None):
        if not operation or not operation.strip():
            raise ProgrammingError('Query is none or empty.')
        operation = operation.strip()

        if operation.upper().startswith('SELECT') or operation.upper().startswith('WITH'):
            escaper = _escape_presto
            escaper = _escape_hive

        kwargs = dict()
        if parameters:
            if isinstance(parameters, dict):
                for k, v in iteritems(parameters):
                    func = self.get_formatter(v)
                    kwargs.update({k: func(self, escaper, v)})
                raise ProgrammingError('Unsupported parameter ' +
                                       '(Support for dict only): {0}'.format(parameters))

        return (operation % kwargs).strip() if kwargs else operation.strip()
项目:PyAthenaJDBC    作者:laughingman7743    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_driver_args(self, **kwargs):
        props =
        if self.credential_file:
                              'com.amazonaws.athena.jdbc.shaded.' +
        elif self.token:
                              'com.amazonaws.athena.jdbc.shaded.' +
            props.setProperty('user', self.access_key)
            props.setProperty('password', self.secret_key)
        props.setProperty('s3_staging_dir', self.s3_staging_dir)
        for k, v in iteritems(kwargs):
            if k and v:
                props.setProperty(k, v)
        return props
项目:PyAthenaJDBC    作者:laughingman7743    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format(self, operation, parameters=None):
        if not operation or not operation.strip():
            raise ProgrammingError('Query is none or empty.')
        operation = operation.strip()

        if operation.upper().startswith('SELECT') or operation.upper().startswith('WITH'):
            escaper = _escape_presto
            escaper = _escape_hive

        kwargs = dict()
        if parameters:
            if isinstance(parameters, dict):
                for k, v in iteritems(parameters):
                    func = self.get_formatter(v)
                    kwargs.update({k: func(self, escaper, v)})
                raise ProgrammingError('Unsupported parameter ' +
                                       '(Support for dict only): {0}'.format(parameters))

        return (operation % kwargs).strip() if kwargs else operation.strip()
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_arch_state_results(arch, current_details, previous_details, output_state_results=False):
    result_re = re.compile(arch + '_')
    test_results = current_details.find_all('td', id=result_re)
    test_results_previous = previous_details.find_all('td', id=result_re)
    # find differences from previous to current (result_X)
    test_results_dict = {i['id']: i for i in test_results}
    test_results_previous_dict = {i['id']: i for i in test_results_previous if i['id'] in test_results_dict.keys()}
    states = SortedDict(get_state(v, test_results_previous_dict) for k, v in iteritems(test_results_dict))
    # intermediate step:
    # - print report of differences
    interesting_states = SortedDict({k.split(arch + '_')[1]: v for k, v in iteritems(states) if v['state'] != 'STABLE'})
    if output_state_results:
        print("arch: %s" % arch)
        for state in interesting_states_names:
            print("\n%s:\n\t%s\n" % (state, ', '.join(k for k, v in iteritems(interesting_states) if v['state'] == state)))
    return interesting_states
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_builds(builds, running_threshold=0):
    """Find finished builds, ignore still running or empty."""
    threshold = float(running_threshold) if running_threshold is not None else 0

    # filter out empty builds
    def non_empty(r):
        return r['total'] != 0 and r['total'] > r['skipped'] and not ('build' in r.keys() and r['build'] is None)
    builds = {build: result for build, result in iteritems(builds) if non_empty(result)}

    finished = {build: result for build, result in iteritems(builds) if not result['unfinished'] or
                (100 * float(result['unfinished']) / result['total']) <= threshold}

    log.debug("Found the following finished non-empty builds: %s" % ', '.join(finished.keys()))
    if len(finished) < 2:
        raise NotEnoughBuildsError("not enough finished builds found")
    assert len(finished.keys()) >= 2
    return finished.keys()
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, browser, args, root_url, job_groups):
        """Create openQA review report."""
        self.browser = browser
        self.args = args
        self.root_url = root_url
        self.job_groups = job_groups

        self._label = 'Gathering data and processing report'
        self._progress = 0 = SortedDict()

        for k, v in iteritems(job_groups):
  "Processing '%s'" % v)
            if args.no_progress or not humanfriendly_available:
      [k] = self._one_report(v)
                with AutomaticSpinner(label=self._next_label()):
          [k] = self._one_report(v)
            self._progress += 1
        if not args.no_progress:
            sys.stderr.write("\r%s\n" % self._next_label())  # It's nice to see 100%, too :-)
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reminder_comment_on_issues(report, min_days_unchanged=MIN_DAYS_UNCHANGED):
    processed_issues = set() = SortedDict({p: pr for p, pr in iteritems( if isinstance(pr, ProductReport)})
    for product, pr in iteritems(
        for arch, ar in iteritems(pr.reports):
            for issue_status, issue_types in iteritems(ar.issues):
                for issue_type, ies in iteritems(issue_types):
                    for ie in ies:
                        issue = ie.bug
                        if issue:
                            bugref = issue.bugref.replace('bnc', 'bsc').replace('boo', 'bsc')
                            if bugref not in processed_issues:
                                    reminder_comment_on_issue(ie, min_days_unchanged)
                                except HTTPError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                                    log.error("Encountered error trying to post a reminder comment on issue '%s': %s. Skipping." % (ie, e))
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_additional_rels(self, all_models):
        """Attempts to scan for additional relationship fields for this model based on all of the other models'
        structures and relationships.
        for model_name, model in iteritems(all_models):
            if model_name !=
                for field_name in model.field_names:
                    field = model.fields[field_name]
                    # if this field type references the current model
                    if field.field_type == and field.back_populates is not None and \
                            (isinstance(field, StatikForeignKeyField) or isinstance(field, StatikManyToManyField)):
                        self.additional_rels[field.back_populates] = {
                            'to_model': model_name,
                            'back_populates': field_name,
                                (model_name, field.field_type) if isinstance(field, StatikManyToManyField) else None
                        logger.debug('Additional relationship %s.%s -> %s (%s)' % (
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deep_merge_dict(a, b):
    """Deep merges dictionary b into dictionary a."""
    _a = copy(a)
    _b = copy(b)

    for key_b, val_b in iteritems(_b):
        # if it's a sub-dictionary
        if isinstance(val_b, dict):
            if key_b not in _a or not isinstance(_a[key_b], dict):
                _a[key_b] = {}

            # perform the deep merge recursively
            _a[key_b] = deep_merge_dict(_a[key_b], val_b)
            _a[key_b] = val_b

    # b should now be deep-merged into a
    return _a
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_strip(d):
    """Strips whitespace from the string values of the given dictionary (recursively).

        d: A dictionary object.

        A new dictionary object, whose string values' whitespace has been stripped out.
    _d = deepcopy(d)
    for k, v in iteritems(d):
        if isinstance(v, str):
            _d[k] = v.strip()
        elif isinstance(v, dict):
            _d[k] = dict_strip(v)

    return _d
项目:buildbot-contrib    作者:buildbot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addChange(self, dummy, remote, changei, src='hg'):
        Sends changes from the commit to the buildmaster.
        logging.debug("addChange %s, %s", repr(remote), repr(changei))
            change =
        except StopIteration:
            return None"New revision: %s", change['revision'][:8])
        for key, value in iteritems(change):
            logging.debug("  %s: %s", key, value)

        change['src'] = src
        deferred = remote.callRemote('addChange', change)
        deferred.addCallback(self.addChange, remote, changei, src)
        return deferred
项目:buildbot-contrib    作者:buildbot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addChange(self, _, remote, changei, src='git'):
        Sends changes from the commit to the buildmaster.
        logging.debug("addChange %r, %r", remote, changei)
            change =
        except StopIteration:
            return None"New revision: %s", change['revision'][:8])
        for key, value in iteritems(change):
            logging.debug("  %s: %s", key, value)

        change['src'] = src
        deferred = remote.callRemote('addChange', change)
        deferred.addCallback(self.addChange, remote, changei, src)
        return deferred
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elements(self):
        '''Iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its count.

        >>> c = Counter('ABCABC')
        >>> sorted(c.elements())
        ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C']

        If an element's count has been set to zero or is a negative number,
        elements() will ignore it.

        for elem, count in iteritems(self):
            for _ in range(count):
                yield elem

    # Override dict methods where the meaning changes for Counter objects.
项目:FermiLib    作者:ProjectQ-Framework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ordered_dual_basis_terms_no_info(dual_basis_hamiltonian):
    """Give terms from the dual basis Hamiltonian in dictionary output order.

        dual_basis_hamiltonian (FermionOperator): The Hamiltonian.

        A list of terms from the dual basis Hamiltonian in simulated order.
    n_qubits = count_qubits(dual_basis_hamiltonian)
    terms = []

    for operators, coefficient in iteritems(dual_basis_hamiltonian.terms):
        terms += [FermionOperator(operators, coefficient)]

    return terms
项目:bitmex-market-maker    作者:amanelis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ticker(self, symbol):
        '''Return a ticker object. Generated from instrument.'''

        instrument = self.get_instrument(symbol)

        # If this is an index, we have to get the data from the last trade.
        if instrument['symbol'][0] == '.':
            ticker = {}
            ticker['mid'] = ticker['buy'] = ticker['sell'] = ticker['last'] = instrument['markPrice']
        # Normal instrument
            bid = instrument['bidPrice'] or instrument['lastPrice']
            ask = instrument['askPrice'] or instrument['lastPrice']
            ticker = {
                "last": instrument['lastPrice'],
                "buy": bid,
                "sell": ask,
                "mid": (bid + ask) / 2

        # The instrument has a tickSize. Use it to round values.
        return {k: round(float(v or 0), instrument['tickLog']) for k, v in iteritems(ticker)}
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elements(self):
        '''Iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its count.

        >>> c = Counter('ABCABC')
        >>> sorted(c.elements())
        ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C']

        If an element's count has been set to zero or is a negative number,
        elements() will ignore it.

        for elem, count in iteritems(self):
            for _ in range(count):
                yield elem

    # Override dict methods where the meaning changes for Counter objects.
项目:osisoftpy    作者:dstcontrols    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create(factory, thing, session, webapi=None):
    Return an object created with factory
    :param webapi: 
    :param factory: 
    :param params: 
    :param session: 

    payload = dict(map(lambda k_v: (k_v[0].lower(), k_v[1]), iteritems(thing)))

    # added to avoid creating Value objects if the value was considered bad values
    # but we don't need this since we don't want the library to cull bad values that
    # the pi web api gave us.
    # if 'good' in payload:
    #     if not payload['good']:
    #         return None

    payload.update({'session': session, 'webapi': webapi})
    thing = factory.create(**payload)
    return thing
项目:market-maker    作者:Behappy123    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ticker(self, symbol):
        '''Return a ticker object. Generated from instrument.'''

        instrument = self.get_instrument(symbol)

        # If this is an index, we have to get the data from the last trade.
        if instrument['symbol'][0] == '.':
            ticker = {}
            ticker['mid'] = ticker['buy'] = ticker['sell'] = ticker['last'] = instrument['markPrice']
        # Normal instrument
            bid = instrument['bidPrice'] or instrument['lastPrice']
            ask = instrument['askPrice'] or instrument['lastPrice']
            ticker = {
                "last": instrument['lastPrice'],
                "buy": bid,
                "sell": ask,
                "mid": (bid + ask) / 2

        # The instrument has a tickSize. Use it to round values.
        return {k: round(float(v or 0), instrument['tickLog']) for k, v in iteritems(ticker)}
项目:lid    作者:codeauroraforum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_top_candidates(self, source):
        # First, compute n-grams for all lines in the source file
        src_ng = n_grams.NGrams()

        # Measure n-gram similarity relative to all licenses in the library
        similarities = OrderedDict()
        for license_name, lic in iteritems(self.license_library.licenses):
            similarity_score = lic.n_grams.measure_similarity(src_ng)
            similarities[license_name] = similarity_score

        # Filter out low-scoring licenses
        best_score = max(similarities.values())
        current_threshold = max(self.threshold,
                                best_score * self.keep_fraction_of_best)

        top_candidates = OrderedDict()
        for license_name, score in iteritems(similarities):
            if score >= current_threshold:
                top_candidates[license_name] = score

        return top_candidates
项目:wft4galaxy    作者:phnmnl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_missing_tools(self, workflow=None):
        Find tools required by the workflow to test and not installed on the configured Galaxy server.

        :type workflow: :class:`bioblend.galaxy.objects.wrappers.Workflow`
        :param workflow: an optional instance of :class:`bioblend.galaxy.objects.wrappers.Workflow`

        :rtype: list
        :return: the list of missing tools
        _logger.debug("Checking required tools ...")
        workflow = self.get_galaxy_workflow() if not workflow else workflow
        available_tools =
        missing_tools = []
        _logger.debug("Available tools: %s", ", ".join(["{0}, {1}".format(, t.version) for t in available_tools]))
        for order, step in _iteritems(workflow.steps):
            if step.tool_id and len([t for t in available_tools
                                     if == step.tool_id and t.version == step.tool_version]) == 0:
                missing_tools.append((step.tool_id, step.tool_version))
        _logger.debug("Missing tools: {0}".format("None"
                                                  if len(missing_tools) == 0
                                                  else ", ".join(["{0} (version {1})"
                                                                 .format(x[0], x[1]) for x in missing_tools])))
        _logger.debug("Checking required tools: DONE")
        return missing_tools
项目:wft4galaxy    作者:phnmnl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanup(self, output_folder=None):
        Perform a complete clean up of the data produced during the execution of a workflow test,
        i.e., the uploaded workflow and the created history are removed from Galaxy and the actual
        output datasets (downloaded from Galaxy) are deleted from the output path of the local file system.
        _logger.debug("Cleanup of workflow test '%s'...", self._uuid)
        for test_uuid, test_result in _iteritems(self._test_cases):
            if test_result.output_history:
        if self._galaxy_workflow:
            self._galaxy_workflow = None
        _logger.debug("Cleanup of workflow test '%s': DONE", self._uuid)
        if output_folder and _os.path.exists(output_folder):
            _logger.debug("Deleted WF output folder '%s': DONE", output_folder)
项目:iCompleteMe    作者:jerrymarino    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _GetKeptAndNewSigns( placed_signs, buffer_number_to_line_to_diags,
                         next_sign_id ):
  new_signs = []
  kept_signs = []
  for buffer_number, line_to_diags in iteritems(
                                            buffer_number_to_line_to_diags ):
    if not vimsupport.BufferIsVisible( buffer_number ):

    for line, diags in iteritems( line_to_diags ):
      # Only one sign is visible by line.
      first_diag = diags[ 0 ]
      sign = _DiagSignPlacement( next_sign_id,
                                 _DiagnosticIsError( first_diag ) )
      if sign not in placed_signs:
        new_signs.append( sign )
        next_sign_id += 1
        # We use .index here because `sign` contains a new id, but
        # we need the sign with the old id to unplace it later on.
        # We won't be placing the new sign.
        kept_signs.append( placed_signs[ placed_signs.index( sign ) ] )
  return new_signs, kept_signs, next_sign_id
项目:NAIBR    作者:raphael-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def largest_overlap(items):
    positions_i = collections.defaultdict(int)
    positions_j = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for disc in items:
        start,end = signi(disc)
        for pos in range(start,end):
            positions_i[pos] += 1
        start,end = signj(disc)
        for pos in range(start,end):
            positions_j[pos] += 1
    i = 0
    overlap_i = 0
    for pos,overlap in iteritems(positions_i):
        if overlap > overlap_i:
            overlap_i = overlap
            i = pos
    j = 0
    overlap_j = 0
    for pos,overlap in iteritems(positions_j):
        if overlap > overlap_j:
            overlap_j = overlap
            j = pos
    return i,j,overlap_i,overlap_j
项目:NAIBR    作者:raphael-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_candidates(discs,reads_by_LR):
    candidates = []
    r = lmax
    p_len,p_rate,barcode_overlap = get_distributions(reads_by_LR)
    if p_len == None or p_rate == None:
        return None,None,None
    num_cands = 0
    for key,items in iteritems(discs):
        orient = key[4]
        si,ei,sj,ej = disc_intersection(items)
        if si and sj and len(items) >= MIN_DISCS:
            i = coordinates(si,ei,orient[0])
            j = coordinates(sj,ej,orient[1])
            cand = copy.copy(items[0])
            cand.i = i
            cand.j = j
            barcode_overlaps = barcode_overlap[(cand.chrm,int(cand.i/d)*d,cand.nextchrm,int(cand.j/d)*d)]
            if not inblacklist(cand) and ((cand.chrm == cand.nextchrm and cand.j-cand.i < d)\
                or barcode_overlaps >= k):
                already_appended = sum([1 for x in candidates if x.i == cand.i and x.j == cand.j])
                if not already_appended:
                    num_cands += 1
    return candidates,p_len,p_rate
项目:NAIBR    作者:raphael-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_distributions(reads_by_LR):
    LRs = []
    global barcode_overlap,LRs_by_barcode
    LRs_by_barcode = collections.defaultdict(list)
    barcode_overlap = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for key,reads in iteritems(reads_by_LR):
        chrom,barcode = key
        barcode_LRS = linked_reads(reads,chrom)
        LRs += barcode_LRS
        LRs_by_barcode[barcode] += barcode_LRS
    for barcode,barcode_LRS in iteritems(LRs_by_barcode):
        if len(barcode_LRS) > 1:
    if len(LRs) < 100:
        return None,None,None
    p_rate = get_rate_distr(LRs)
    p_len = get_length_distr(LRs)   
    return p_len,p_rate,barcode_overlap
项目:LTTL    作者:axanthos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_transposed(self):
        """Return a transposed copy of the crosstab"""
        new_col_ids = self.row_ids[:]
        return PivotCrosstab(
                (tuple(reversed(key)), count)
                for key, count in iteritems(self.values)
            dict([(col_id, 'continuous') for col_id in new_col_ids]),
            self.header_col_id,    # TODO: check this (was self._cached_row_id).

    # TODO: test.
项目:LTTL    作者:axanthos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_dict(dictionary, sample_size):
    """Return a randomly sampled frequency dict"""
    new_dict = dict()
    num_to_sample = sample_size
    num_to_process = sum(itervalues(dictionary))
    for (k, v) in iteritems(dictionary):
        for i in range(v):
            if random.random() < num_to_sample / num_to_process:
                new_dict[k] = new_dict.get(k, 0) + 1
                num_to_sample -= 1
            num_to_process -= 1
            if num_to_sample == 0:
    if num_to_sample > 0:
        raise ValueError(u'Not enough elements in dictionary')
    return new_dict
项目:pylogging    作者:ansrivas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __set_log_levels(level_dict):
    """Set the log levels for any log-handler for e.g. level_dict = {'requests':'error'}."""
    if not isinstance(level_dict, dict):
        rwt(TypeError('Expecting dict object with format:  \{\'requests\':\'warning\'\} \n' +
                      'Available levels are: {0}'.format(LogLevel.levels.keys)))
        for key, val in iteritems(level_dict):
项目:blog_django    作者:chnpmy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_xml(self, xml, data):
        if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
            for item in data:
                xml.startElement("row", {})
                self._to_xml(xml, item)
        elif isinstance(data, dict):
            for key, value in iteritems(data):
                key = key.replace(' ', '_')
                xml.startElement(key, {})
                self._to_xml(xml, value)
项目:dream_blog    作者:fanlion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_xml(self, xml, data):
        if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
            for item in data:
                xml.startElement("row", {})
                self._to_xml(xml, item)
        elif isinstance(data, dict):
            for key, value in iteritems(data):
                key = key.replace(' ', '_')
                xml.startElement(key, {})
                self._to_xml(xml, value)
项目:ngraph    作者:NervanaSystems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_device_tensor_initializations(self):
        for device_tensor_view, host_tensor in iteritems(self.device_initializations):
            device_tensor_view[()] = host_tensor
        self.device_initializations = dict()
项目:ngraph    作者:NervanaSystems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def end_pass(self, **kwargs):
        super(SSAConversion, self).end_pass(**kwargs)
        for source_tensor_decl, current_exop in iteritems(self.tensor_map):
            if current_exop.output_decls[0].tensor_decl is source_tensor_decl:
            if not source_tensor_decl.is_output:
            copy_exop = ExOp(computation_decl=self.computation_decl,
项目:PyAthenaJDBC    作者:laughingman7743    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        types =
        self.jdbc_type_mappings = dict()
        for field in types.__javaclass__.getClassFields():
            self.jdbc_type_mappings[field.getName()] = field.getStaticAttribute()
        self.converter_mappings = dict()
        for k, v in iteritems(_DEFAULT_CONVERTERS):
            type_code = self.jdbc_type_mappings.get(k, None)
            if type_code is not None:
                self.converter_mappings[type_code] = v
                _logger.warning('%s is not defined java.sql.Types.', k)
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_reminder_comments_on_referenced_bugs_are_posted():
    args = bugrefs_test_args_factory()
    args.verbose_test = 1
    args.query_issue_status = True
    args.dry_run = True
    report = openqa_review.generate_report(args)

    # test double comment prevention code
    p, pr = list(iteritems([0][p + 237] = pr

    args.dry_run = False
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_results_by_bugref(results, args):
    include_tags = ['STILL_FAILING', 'NEW_ISSUE']
    if args.include_softfails:
        include_tags += soft_fail_states

    # plain for-loop with append is most efficient:
    results_by_bugref = defaultdict(list)
    for k, v in iteritems(results):
        if not re.match('(' + '|'.join(include_tags) + ')', v['state']):
        key = v['bugref'] if (args.bugrefs and 'bugref' in v and v['bugref']) else 'todo'
        results_by_bugref[key].append(dict(v, **{'name': k}))
    return results_by_bugref
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, arch, results, args, root_url, progress_browser, bugzilla_browser, test_browser):
        """Construct an archreport object with options."""
        self.arch = arch
        self.args = args
        self.root_url = root_url
        self.progress_browser = progress_browser
        self.bugzilla_browser = bugzilla_browser
        self.test_browser = test_browser

        self.status_badge = set_status_badge([i['state'] for i in results.values()])

        if self.args.bugrefs and self.args.include_softfails:

        # if a ticket is known and the same refers to a STILL_FAILING scenario and any NEW_ISSUE we regard that as STILL_FAILING but just visible in more
        # scenarios, ...
        # ... else (no ticket linked) we don't group them as we don't know if it really is the same issue and handle them outside
        results_by_bugref = SortedDict(get_results_by_bugref(results, self.args))
        self.issues = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        for bugref, result_list in iteritems(results_by_bugref):
            if not re.match('(poo|bsc|boo)#', bugref):
      'Skipping unknown bugref \'%s\' in \'%s\'' % (bugref, result_list))
            bug = result_list[0]
            issue = Issue(bug['bugref'], bug['bugref_href'], self.args.query_issue_status, self.progress_browser, self.bugzilla_browser)
            self.issues[issue_state(result_list)][issue_type(bugref)].append(IssueEntry(self.args, self.root_url, result_list, bug=issue))

        # left to handle are the issues marked with 'todo'
        todo_results = results_by_bugref.get('todo', [])
        new_issues = (r for r in todo_results if r['state'] == 'NEW_ISSUE')
        self.issues['new']['todo'].extend(IssueEntry.for_each(self.args, self.root_url, new_issues, test_browser))
        existing_issues = (r for r in todo_results if r['state'] == 'STILL_FAILING')
        self.issues['existing']['todo'].extend(IssueEntry.for_each(self.args, self.root_url, existing_issues, test_browser))
        if self.args.include_softfails:
            new_soft_fails = [r for r in todo_results if r['state'] == 'NEW_SOFT_ISSUE']
            existing_soft_fails = [r for r in todo_results if r['state'] == 'STILL_SOFT_FAILING']
            if new_soft_fails:
                self.issues['new']['product'].append(IssueEntry(self.args, self.root_url, new_soft_fails))
            if existing_soft_fails:
                self.issues['existing']['product'].append(IssueEntry(self.args, self.root_url, existing_soft_fails))
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def total_issues(self):
        """Return Number of issue entries for this arch."""
        total = 0
        for issue_status, issue_types in iteritems(self.issues):
            for issue_type, ies in iteritems(issue_types):
                total += len(ies)
        return total
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, browser, job_group_url, root_url, args):
        """Construct a product report object with options."""
        self.args = args
        self.job_group_url = job_group_url = job_group_url.split('/')[-1]
        current_url, previous_url = get_build_urls_to_compare(browser, job_group_url, args.builds, args.against_reviewed, args.running_threshold)
        # read last finished
        current_details = browser.get_soup(current_url)
        previous_details = browser.get_soup(previous_url)
        for details in current_details, previous_details:
            assert sum(int(badge.text) for badge in details.find_all(class_='badge')) > 0, \
                "invalid page with no test results found reading %s and %s, make sure you specified valid builds (leading zero missing?)" \
                % (current_url, previous_url)
        current_summary = parse_summary(current_details)
        previous_summary = parse_summary(previous_details)

        changes = {k: v - previous_summary.get(k, 0) for k, v in iteritems(current_summary) if k != 'none' and k != 'incomplete'}"Changes since last build:\n\t%s" % '\n\t'.join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in iteritems(changes))) = get_build_nr(current_url)
        self.ref_build = get_build_nr(previous_url)

        # for each architecture iterate over all
        cur_archs, prev_archs = (set(arch.text for arch in details.find_all('th', id=re.compile('flavor_'))) for details in [current_details, previous_details])
        archs = cur_archs
        if args.arch:
            assert args.arch in cur_archs, "Selected arch {} was not found in test results {}".format(args.arch, cur_archs)
            archs = [args.arch]
        self.missing_archs = sorted(prev_archs - cur_archs)
        if self.missing_archs:
  "%s missing completely from current run: %s" %
                     (pluralize(len(self.missing_archs), "architecture is", "architectures are"), ', '.join(self.missing_archs)))

        # create arch reports
        self.reports = SortedDict()
        progress_browser = progress_browser_factory(args) if args.query_issue_status else None
        bugzilla_browser = bugzilla_browser_factory(args) if args.query_issue_status else None
        for arch in sorted(archs):
            results = get_arch_state_results(arch, current_details, previous_details, args.output_state_results)
            self.reports[arch] = ArchReport(arch, results, args, root_url, progress_browser, bugzilla_browser, browser)
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_job_groups(browser, root_url, args):
    if args.job_group_urls:
        job_group_urls = args.job_group_urls.split(',')"Acting on specified job group URL(s): %s" % ', '.join(job_group_urls))
        job_groups = {i: url for i, url in enumerate(job_group_urls)}
        parent_groups = get_parent_job_groups(browser, root_url, args)
        if args.no_progress or not humanfriendly_available:
            results = browser.get_json(urljoin(root_url, 'api/v1/job_groups'))
            with AutomaticSpinner(label='Retrieving job groups'):
                results = browser.get_json(urljoin(root_url, 'api/v1/job_groups'))

        def _pgroup_prefix(group):
                return '%s / %s' % (parent_groups[group['parent_id']], group['name'])
            except KeyError:
                return group['name']

        job_groups = {}
        for job_group in results:
            job_groups[_pgroup_prefix(job_group)] = urljoin(root_url, '/group_overview/%i' % job_group['id'])
        if args.job_groups:
            job_pattern = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(args.job_groups.split(',')))
            job_groups = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(job_groups) if}
  "Job group URL for %s: %s" % (args.job_groups, job_groups))
        if args.exclude_job_groups:
            job_pattern = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(args.exclude_job_groups.split(',')))
            job_groups = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(job_groups) if not}
  "Job group URL excluding %s: %s" % (args.exclude_job_groups, job_groups))
    return SortedDict(job_groups)
项目:openqa_review    作者:okurz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        """Generate markdown."""
        report_str = ""
        for k, v in iteritems(
            report_str += '# %s\n\n%s\n---\n' % (k, v)
        return report_str
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertInstanceEqual(self, expected, inst):
        for field_name, field_value in iteritems(expected):
            self.assertEqual(field_value, getattr(inst, field_name))
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_backrefs(self):
        for model_name, model in iteritems(self.models):
            logger.debug('Attempting to find backrefs for model: %s' % model_name)
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_db(self, models):
        """Creates the in-memory SQLite database from the model
        # first create the table definitions
        self.tables = dict([(model_name, self.create_model_table(model)) for model_name, model in iteritems(models)])
        # now create the tables in memory
        logger.debug("Creating %d database table(s)..." % len(self.tables))
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query(self, query, additional_locals=None, safe_mode=False):
        """Executes the given SQLAlchemy query string.

            query: The SQLAlchemy ORM query (or Python code) to be executed.
            additional_locals: Any additional local variables to inject into the execution context when executing
                the query.
            safe_mode: Boolean value indicating whether or not to execute queries in safe mode only. If True,
                this only allows MLAlchemy-style queries. If False, this allows both exec() and MLAlchemy-style
                queries. Default: False.

            The result of executing the query.
        logger.debug("Attempting to execute database query: %s" % query)

        if safe_mode and not isinstance(query, dict):
            raise SafetyViolationError("Queries in safe mode must be MLAlchemy-style queries")

        if isinstance(query, dict):
            logger.debug("Executing query in safe mode (MLAlchemy)")
            return mlalchemy.parse_query(query).to_sqlalchemy(self.session, self.tables).all()
            logger.debug("Executing unsafe query (Python exec())")
            if additional_locals is not None:
                for k, v in iteritems(additional_locals):
                    locals()[k] = v

                    'result = %s' % query.strip(),
            return locals()['result']
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        result_lines = ["<StatikDatabaseInstance model=%s" %]
        for field_name, field_value in iteritems(self.field_values):
            model_field = self.model.fields.get(field_name, None)
            if isinstance(model_field, StatikContentField) or isinstance(model_field, StatikTextField):
                result_lines.append("                        %s=<...>" % field_name)
                result_lines.append("                        %s=%s" % (field_name, field_value))
        result_lines[-1] += '>'
        return '\n'.join(result_lines)
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_context_dynamic(self, db, safe_mode=False):
        result = {}
        for var, query in iteritems(self.context_dynamic):
            result[var] = db.query(query, safe_mode=safe_mode)
        return result
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def echo_arguments(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Echoes all parameters back as text (for debugging)
            {% ditto 1 2 3 %} => "ditto(1, 2, 3)"
    args_string = ', '.join(map(lambda x: str(x), args))
    kwargs_string = ', '.join(map(lambda k, v: "%s=%s" % (k, v), iteritems(kwargs)))
    string_lst = filter(lambda x: bool(x), [args_string, kwargs_string])
    return "ditto(%s)" % ", ".join(string_lst)
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_project_dynamic_context(self):
        """Loads the dynamic context for this project, if any."""
        context = {}
        for varname, query in iteritems(self.config.context_dynamic):
            context[varname] = self.db.query(query)
        return context
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_views(self):
        """Processes the loaded views to generate the required output data."""
        output = {}
        logger.debug("Processing %d view(s)..." % len(self.views))
        for view_name, view in iteritems(self.views):
            # first update the view's context with the project context
            output = deep_merge_dict(output, view.process(self.db, safe_mode=self.safe_mode))
        return output