def GetWayPoints(self,Data): filename = Data.data #clear all existing marks in rviz for marker in self.makerArray.markers: marker.action = Marker.DELETE self.makerArray_pub.publish(self.makerArray) # clear former lists self.waypoint_list.clear() self.marker_list[:] = [] self.makerArray.markers[:] = [] f = open(filename,'r') for line in f.readlines(): j = line.split(",") current_wp_name = str(j[0]) current_point = Point(float(j[1]),float(j[2]),float(j[3])) current_quaternion = Quaternion(float(j[4]),float(j[5]),float(j[6]),float(j[7])) self.waypoint_list[current_wp_name] = Pose(current_point,current_quaternion) f.close() self.create_markers() self.makerArray_pub.publish(self.makerArray)
def update_translation(self): t = self.tl.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/camera_link") position, quaternion = self.tl.lookupTransform("/root", "/camera_link", t) print("Cam Pos:") print(position) translation = self.touch_centroids[0] - self.camera_centroids[0] print("Translation: ") print(translation) position = position + translation print("New Cam Pos:") print(position) #print(self.touch_centroids) #print(self.camera_centroids) self.update_transform.publish( Pose(Point(*position), Quaternion(*quaternion)))
def _place(self): self.state = "place" rospy.loginfo("Placing...") place_pose = self.int_markers['place_pose'] # It seems positions and orientations are randomly required to # be actual Point and Quaternion objects or lists/tuples. The # least coherent API ever seen. self.br.sendTransform(Point2list(place_pose.pose.position), Quaternion2list(place_pose.pose.orientation), rospy.Time.now(), "place_pose", self.robot.base) self.robot.place(place_pose) # For cubelets: place_pose.pose.position.z += 0.042 # For YCB: # place_pose.pose.position.z += 0.026 self.place_pose = place_pose
def __init__(self): self._angle = 0; self._step = STEP * -1 self._x = LINE_START_X self._y = LINE_START_Y self._x = RECT_START_X self._y = RECT_START_Y self._step_x = STEP self._step_y = STEP self._q_side = 0 self._cf = [Swarmfly(sc=self, cfid=0, color=ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1), hoverpoint=Point(SPACE_OFFSET_X+1.2, SPACE_OFFSET_Y+1.2, SPACE_OFFSET_Z+1), takeoffpoint=Point(SPACE_OFFSET_X+1.25, SPACE_OFFSET_Y+0.15, SPACE_OFFSET_Z+0.5), landingpoint=Point(SPACE_OFFSET_X+0.25, SPACE_OFFSET_Y+0.15, SPACE_OFFSET_Z+0.5)), Swarmfly(sc=self, cfid=1, color=ColorRGBA(1, 1, 0, 1), hoverpoint=Point(SPACE_OFFSET_X+0.7, SPACE_OFFSET_Y+0.7, SPACE_OFFSET_Z+1), takeoffpoint=Point(SPACE_OFFSET_X+1.75, SPACE_OFFSET_Y+0.15, SPACE_OFFSET_Z+0.5), landingpoint=Point(SPACE_OFFSET_X+0.75, SPACE_OFFSET_Y+0.15, SPACE_OFFSET_Z+0.5))] for cf in self._cf: cf.hoverpoint = self._calc_circle_position(cf.id) self._rand_p1 = None self._rand_p2 = None self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0/UPDATE_RATE), self._run)
def get_mean_point(array_points): x_array = [] y_array = [] z_array = [] for point in array_points: x_array.append(point.x) y_array.append(point.y) z_array.append(point.z) point_mean = Point() point_mean.x = np.mean(x_array) point_mean.y = np.mean(y_array) point_mean.z = np.mean(z_array) point_std = Point() point_std.x = np.mean(x_array) point_std.y = np.mean(y_array) point_std.z = np.mean(z_array) return (point_mean, point_std)
def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() #allows us to convert our image to cv2 self.zed_pub = rsp.Publisher("/image_echo", Image, queue_size = 1) self.imginfo_pub = rsp.Publisher("/exploring_challenge", img_info, queue_size = 1) self.zed_img = rsp.Subscriber("/camera/rgb/image_rect_color", Image, self.detect_img) #subscribes to the ZED camera image self.odom_sub = rsp.Subscriber("/vesc/odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.last_arb_position = Point() self.gone_far_enough = True self.header = std_msgs.msg.Header() self.heightThresh = 75 #unit pixels MUST TWEAK self.odomThresh = 1 #unit meters self.blob_msg = img_info() rsp.init_node("vision_node")
def __init__(self): self.bridge = CvBridge() # initializes subscriber for Baxter's left hand camera image topic self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/left_hand_camera/image",Image,self.find_cups) # initializes subscriber for the location of the treasure (published by the find_treasure node) self.treasure_location_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/treasure_location",Treasure,self.find_treasure) # initializes publisher to publish the location of the cup containing the treasure self.treasure_cup_pub = rospy.Publisher("treasure_cup_location",Point,queue_size=10) # initializes publisher to publish the processed image to Baxter's display self.image_tracking_pub = rospy.Publisher("/robot/xdisplay",Image,queue_size=10) self.treasure_cup_location = Point() self.cups = [] self.cupCenters = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] self.wasPreviouslyTrue = False self.flag = False self.minRadius = 10 for i in range(0,3): self.cups.append(cup()) # determines the location of the 3 red cups (callback for the image topic subscriber)
def test_pose(self): t = Pose( position=Point(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), orientation=Quaternion(*transformations.quaternion_from_euler(np.pi, 0, 0)) ) t_mat = ros_numpy.numpify(t) np.testing.assert_allclose(t_mat.dot([0, 0, 1, 1]), [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0]) msg = ros_numpy.msgify(Pose, t_mat) np.testing.assert_allclose(msg.position.x, t.position.x) np.testing.assert_allclose(msg.position.y, t.position.y) np.testing.assert_allclose(msg.position.z, t.position.z) np.testing.assert_allclose(msg.orientation.x, t.orientation.x) np.testing.assert_allclose(msg.orientation.y, t.orientation.y) np.testing.assert_allclose(msg.orientation.z, t.orientation.z) np.testing.assert_allclose(msg.orientation.w, t.orientation.w)
def geom_pose_from_rt(rt): msg = geom_msg.Pose() msg.position = geom_msg.Point(x=rt.tvec[0], y=rt.tvec[1], z=rt.tvec[2]) xyzw = rt.quat.to_xyzw() msg.orientation = geom_msg.Quaternion(x=xyzw[0], y=xyzw[1], z=xyzw[2], w=xyzw[3]) return msg
def publish_cloud_markers(pub_ns, _arr, c='b', stamp=None, flip_rb=False, frame_id='map'): """ Publish point cloud on: pub_ns: Namespace on which the cloud will be published arr: numpy array (N x 3) for point cloud data c: Option 1: 'c', 'b', 'r' etc colors accepted by matplotlibs color Option 2: float ranging from 0 to 1 via matplotlib's jet colormap Option 3: numpy array (N x 3) with r,g,b vals ranging from 0 to 1 s: supported only by matplotlib plotting alpha: supported only by matplotlib plotting """ arr, carr = copy_pointcloud_data(_arr, c, flip_rb=flip_rb) marker = vis_msg.Marker(type=vis_msg.Marker.SPHERE_LIST, ns=pub_ns, action=vis_msg.Marker.ADD) marker.header.frame_id = frame_id marker.header.stamp = stamp if stamp is not None else rospy.Time.now() marker.scale.x = 0.01 marker.scale.y = 0.01 # XYZ inds, = np.where(~np.isnan(arr).any(axis=1)) marker.points = [geom_msg.Point(arr[j,0], arr[j,1], arr[j,2]) for j in inds] # RGB (optionally alpha) N, D = arr.shape[:2] if D == 3: marker.colors = [std_msg.ColorRGBA(carr[j,0], carr[j,1], carr[j,2], 1.0) for j in inds] elif D == 4: marker.colors = [std_msg.ColorRGBA(carr[j,0], carr[j,1], carr[j,2], carr[j,3]) for j in inds] marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() _publish_marker(marker) print 'Publishing marker', N
def publish_line_segments(pub_ns, _arr1, _arr2, c='b', stamp=None, frame_id='camera', flip_rb=False, size=0.002): """ Publish point cloud on: pub_ns: Namespace on which the cloud will be published arr: numpy array (N x 3) for point cloud data c: Option 1: 'c', 'b', 'r' etc colors accepted by matplotlibs color Option 2: float ranging from 0 to 1 via matplotlib's jet colormap Option 3: numpy array (N x 3) with r,g,b vals ranging from 0 to 1 s: supported only by matplotlib plotting alpha: supported only by matplotlib plotting """ arr1, carr = copy_pointcloud_data(_arr1, c, flip_rb=flip_rb) arr2 = (deepcopy(_arr2)).reshape(-1,3) marker = vis_msg.Marker(type=vis_msg.Marker.LINE_LIST, ns=pub_ns, action=vis_msg.Marker.ADD) if not arr1.shape == arr2.shape: raise AssertionError marker.header.frame_id = frame_id marker.header.stamp = stamp if stamp is not None else rospy.Time.now() marker.scale.x = size marker.scale.y = size marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.pose.position = geom_msg.Point(0,0,0) marker.pose.orientation = geom_msg.Quaternion(0,0,0,1) # Handle 3D data: [ndarray or list of ndarrays] arr12 = np.hstack([arr1, arr2]) inds, = np.where(~np.isnan(arr12).any(axis=1)) marker.points = [] for j in inds: marker.points.extend([geom_msg.Point(arr1[j,0], arr1[j,1], arr1[j,2]), geom_msg.Point(arr2[j,0], arr2[j,1], arr2[j,2])]) # RGB (optionally alpha) marker.colors = [std_msg.ColorRGBA(carr[j,0], carr[j,1], carr[j,2], 1.0) for j in inds] marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration() _publish_marker(marker)
def publish_pose(pose, stamp=None, frame_id='camera'): msg = geom_msg.PoseStamped(); msg.header.frame_id = frame_id msg.header.stamp = stamp if stamp is not None else rospy.Time.now() tvec = pose.tvec x,y,z,w = pose.quat.to_xyzw() msg.pose.position = geom_msg.Point(tvec[0],tvec[1],tvec[2]) msg.pose.orientation = geom_msg.Quaternion(x,y,z,w) _publish_pose(msg)
def process_msg(msg, who): msg._type == 'nav_msgs/Odometry' global last_rear, last_front, last_yaw, last_front_t if who == 'rear': last_rear = get_position_from_odometry(msg) elif who == 'front' and last_rear is not None: cur_front = get_position_from_odometry(msg) last_yaw = get_yaw(cur_front, last_rear) twist_lin = np.dot(rotMatZ(-last_yaw), get_speed_from_odometry(msg)) if last_front is not None: dt = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() - last_front_t speed = (cur_front - last_front)/dt speed = np.dot(rotMatZ(-last_yaw), speed) print '1', speed print '2', twist_lin print '3', np.sqrt((speed-twist_lin).dot(speed-twist_lin)) odo = Odometry() odo.header.frame_id = '/base_link' odo.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() speed_yaw = get_yaw([0,0,0], -speed) #[-speed[0],-speed[1]*100,0]) speed_yaw_q = ros_tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, speed_yaw) odo.pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*list(speed_yaw_q)) #odo.twist.twist.linear = Point(x=speed[0], y=speed[1], z=speed[2]) odo.twist.covariance = list(np.eye(6,6).reshape(1,-1).squeeze()) pub = rospy.Publisher('odo_speed', Odometry, queue_size=1).publish(odo) #print last_yaw last_front = cur_front last_front_t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec() return twist_lin
def setUp(self): self.trajectory = LemniscateTrajectory(5, 4) self.expected_position = Point()
def setUp(self): self.trajectory = LinearTrajectory(1, 0, 2, 0) self.expected_position = Point()
def setUp(self): self.trajectory = LissajousTrajectory(1, 1, 3, 2, 4) self.expected_position = Point()
def setUp(self): self.trajectory = CircularTrajectory(5, 4) self.expected_position = Point()
def setUp(self): self.trajectory = SquaredTrajectory(3, 4) self.expected_position = Point()
def GetWayPoints(self,Data): # dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # filename = dir+'/locationPoint.txt' filename = Data.data rospy.loginfo(str(filename)) rospy.loginfo(self.locations) self.locations.clear() rospy.loginfo(self.locations) f = open(filename,'r') for i in f.readlines(): j = i.split(",") current_wp_name = str(j[0]) rospy.loginfo(current_wp_name) current_point = Point(float(j[1]),float(j[2]),float(j[3])) current_quaternion = Quaternion(float(j[4]),float(j[5]),float(j[6]),float(j[7])) self.locations[current_wp_name] = Pose(current_point,current_quaternion) f.close() rospy.loginfo(self.locations) #Rviz Marker self.init_markers() self.IsWPListOK = True
def pointFromTranslation(translation): output = Point() output.x = translation[0] output.y = translation[1] return output
def get_odom(self): # Get the current transform between the odom and base frames try: (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo("TF Exception") return return (Point(*trans), quat_to_angle(Quaternion(*rot)))
def get_position(self): # Get the current transform between the odom and base frames try: (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo("TF Exception") return return Point(*trans)
def __init__(self, grid_map): self.map = grid_map self.width = grid_map.info.width self.height = grid_map.info.height self.resolution = grid_map.info.resolution self.origin = Point() self.origin.x = grid_map.info.origin.position.x self.origin.y = grid_map.info.origin.position.y
def update_camera_transform(self): t = self.tl.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/camera_link") position, quaternion = self.tl.lookupTransform("/root", "/camera_link", t) position, quaternion = self.update_transformation(list(position), list(quaternion)) #get ICP to find rotation and translation #multiply old position and orientation by rotation and translation #publish new pose to /update_camera_alignment self.update_transform.publish( Pose(Point(*position), Quaternion(*quaternion)))
def move_calib_position(self): # move arm to the calibration position self.calib_pose = PoseStamped( Header(0, rospy.Time(0), self.robot.base), Pose(Point(0.338520675898,-0.175860479474,0.0356775075197), Quaternion(-0.0183493755758,0.708424150944, 0.704712092876, 0.0343413949013))) self.robot.move_ik(self.calib_pose)
def _pick(self): # State not modified until picking succeeds try: obj_to_get = int(self.character) except ValueError: rospy.logerr("Please provide a number in picking mode") return frame_name = "object_pose_{}".format(obj_to_get) rospy.loginfo("Picking object {}...".format(obj_to_get)) if self.tl.frameExists(self.robot.base) and self.tl.frameExists(frame_name): t = self.tl.getLatestCommonTime(self.robot.base, frame_name) position, quaternion = self.tl.lookupTransform(self.robot.base, frame_name, t) print("position", position) print("quaternion", quaternion) position = list(position) # Vertical orientation self.br.sendTransform(position, [1, 0, 0, 0], rospy.Time.now(), "pick_pose", self.robot.base) # Ignore orientation from perception pose = Pose(Point(*position), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)) h = Header() h.stamp = t h.frame_id = self.robot.base stamped_pose = PoseStamped(h, pose) self.robot.pick(stamped_pose) self.state = 'postpick'
def translate(self, pose, direction, distance): """Get an PoseStamped msg and apply a translation direction * distance """ # Let's get the pose, move it to the tf frame, and then # translate it base_pose = self.tl.transformPose(self.base, pose) base_pose.pose.position = Point(*np.array(direction) * distance + Point2list(base_pose.pose.position)) return base_pose
def publishPosition(self): msg = PointStamped() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() msg.header.frame_id = '/target_' + str(self.tag) msg.point = Point(self.estimated_position[0], self.estimated_position[1], 0) self.position_publisher.publish(msg) self.publishCovarianceMatrix()
def publishPosition(self): msg = PointStamped() msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() msg.header.frame_id = self.frame msg.point = Point(self.position[0], self.position[1], 0) self.publisher.publish(msg)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("speech") rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) self.move_base = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_base action server...") # Wait up to 60 seconds for the action server to become available self.move_base.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(60)) self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=5) nav_goal = MoveBaseGoal() nav_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_link' nav_goal.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() q_angle = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0,0, axes='sxyz') q = Quaternion(*q_angle) nav_goal.target_pose.pose =Pose( Point(0.3,0,0),q) move_base_state = SimpleActionState('move_base', MoveBaseAction, goal=nav_goal, result_cb=self.move_base_result_cb, exec_timeout=rospy.Duration(60.0), server_wait_timeout=rospy.Duration(60.0)) smach_top=StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted',"valid","invalid"]) with smach_top: StateMachine.add("Wait_4_Statr", MonitorState("task_comming", xm_Task, self.start_cb), transitions={'invalid':'NAV', 'valid':'Wait_4_Statr', 'preempted':'NAV'}) StateMachine.add("NAV", move_base_state, transitions={"succeeded":"Wait_4_Stop","aborted":"NAV","preempted":"Wait_4_Stop"}) StateMachine.add("Wait_4_Stop",MonitorState("task_comming", xm_Task, self.stop_cb), transitions={'invalid':'', 'valid':'Wait_4_Stop', 'preempted':''}) smach_top.execute()
def people_msg_cb(self,msg): self.people_msg=msg if self.people_msg.pos is not None: goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_link' q_angle = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0,0) self.q=Quaternion(*q_angle) goal.target_pose.pose=(Pose(Point(self.people_msg.pos.x-0.5,self.people_msg.pos.y,self.people_msg.pos.z),self.q)) self.move_base.send_goal(goal) rospy.spin()
def run(self): global FLAG,PEOPLE_POSITION lock = threading.Lock() # while True: if FLAG!=0: with lock: rospy.loginfo(PEOPLE_POSITION) x=PEOPLE_POSITION.x-0.7 y=PEOPLE_POSITION.y self.goal.target_pose.pose=(Pose(Point(x,y,0),self.q)) subprocess.call(["rosservice","call","/move_base/clear_costmaps"]) self.move_base.send_goal(self.goal) FLAG=0 rospy.sleep(0.1) return TaskStatus.RUNNING
def jacobian(self, group_name, joint_state, use_quaternion=False, link=None, ref_point=None): def compute_jacobian_srv(): rospy.wait_for_service('compute_jacobian') try: compute_jac = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_jacobian', GetJacobian) js = JointState() js.name = self.get_joint_names(group_name) js.position = self.extract_group_joints(group_name, joint_state) p = Point(x=ref_point[0], y=ref_point[1], z=ref_point[2]) # call the service res = compute_jac(group_name, link, js, p, use_quaternion) # reorganize the jacobian jac_array = np.array(res.jacobian).reshape((res.nb_rows, res.nb_cols)) # reorder the jacobian wrt to the joint state ordered_jac = np.zeros((len(jac_array), len(joint_state.name))) for i, n in enumerate(js.name): ordered_jac[:, joint_state.name.index(n)] = jac_array[:, i] return ordered_jac except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e # compute the jacobian only for chains # if group_name not in ['right_arm', 'left_arm', 'head', 'right_leg', 'left_leg']: # rospy.logerr('The Jacobian matrix can only be computed on kinematic chains') # return [] # assign values if link is None: link = self.end_effectors[group_name] if ref_point is None: ref_point = [0, 0, 0] # return the jacobian return compute_jacobian_srv()
def run(self): r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): d = self.hmd.poll() if len(d) != 4: continue pose = Pose() pose.orientation = Quaternion(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]) euler = euler_from_quaternion(d) pose.position = Point(euler[0], euler[1], euler[2]) self.pub.publish(pose) r.sleep()
def get_angle(self, link, spin_center, steer_angle, stamp): # lookup the position of each link in the back axle frame ts = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(spin_center.header.frame_id, link, stamp, rospy.Duration(4.0)) dy = ts.transform.translation.y - spin_center.point.y dx = ts.transform.translation.x - spin_center.point.x angle = math.atan2(dx, abs(dy)) if steer_angle < 0: angle = -angle # visualize the trajectory forward or back of the current wheel # given the spin center radius = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) self.marker.points = [] for pt_angle in numpy.arange(abs(angle) - 1.0, abs(angle) + 1.0 + 0.025, 0.05): pt = Point() pt.x = spin_center.point.x + radius * math.sin(pt_angle) if steer_angle < 0: pt.y = spin_center.point.y - radius * math.cos(pt_angle) else: pt.y = spin_center.point.y + radius * math.cos(pt_angle) self.marker.ns = link self.marker.header.stamp = stamp self.marker.points.append(pt) self.marker_pub.publish(self.marker) return angle, radius # TODO(lucasw) want to receive a joint state that has position # and velocity and command a joint_state to achieve it, but ros_control # can only take a command for a single value, would need a pvt style # interface running upstream of ros_control, or make custom own ros_control # controller?
def getPose(self): p=self.endpoint_pose() if len(p.keys())==0: rospy.logerr("ERROR: Pose is empty, you may want to wait a bit before calling getPose to populate data") return None pose=Pose() pose.position=Point(*p["position"]) pose.orientation=Quaternion(*p["orientation"]) return pose
def __init__(self): self.pt = None self.pts = [] self.image = None self.bridge = CvBridge() self.sub_pt = rospy.Subscriber(\ "/zed/rgb/image_rect_color_mouse_rgb", Point, self.cb_pt) self.sub_image = rospy.Subscriber(\ "/zed/rgb/image_rect_color", Image, self.cb_img)
def add(self, marker): for i in range(len(self.keyPointList)): if (self.keyPointList[i].id==marker.id): return position = self.transformMarkerToWorld(marker) k = KeyPoint(marker.id, Point(position[0], position[1], position[2]), Quaternion(0., 0., 0., 1.)) self.keyPointList.append(k) self.addWaypointMarker(k) rospy.loginfo('Marker is added to following position') rospy.loginfo(k.pose) pass
def addWaypointMarker(self, keyPoint): rospy.loginfo('Publishing marker') # Set up our waypoint markers marker_scale = 0.2 marker_lifetime = 0 # 0 is forever marker_ns = 'waypoints' marker_id = keyPoint.id marker_color = {'r': 0.0, 'g': 1.0, 'b': 0.0, 'a': 1.0} # Initialize the marker points list. self.waypoint_markers = Marker() self.waypoint_markers.ns = marker_ns self.waypoint_markers.id = marker_id self.waypoint_markers.type = Marker.CUBE_LIST self.waypoint_markers.action = Marker.ADD self.waypoint_markers.lifetime = rospy.Duration(marker_lifetime) self.waypoint_markers.scale.x = marker_scale self.waypoint_markers.scale.y = marker_scale self.waypoint_markers.color.r = marker_color['r'] self.waypoint_markers.color.g = marker_color['g'] self.waypoint_markers.color.b = marker_color['b'] self.waypoint_markers.color.a = marker_color['a'] self.waypoint_markers.header.frame_id = 'map' self.waypoint_markers.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() self.waypoint_markers.points = list() p = Point(keyPoint.pose.position.x, keyPoint.pose.position.y, keyPoint.pose.position.z) self.waypoint_markers.points.append(p) # Publish the waypoint markers self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('waypoint_markers', Marker) self.marker_pub.publish(self.waypoint_markers)
def main(): set_location_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('set_camera_location', services.SetCameraLocation) set_rotation_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('set_camera_rotation', services.SetCameraRotation) get_image_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_camera_view', services.GetCameraImage) set_location_service(0, geom_msgs.Point(x=100, y=-270, z=100)) set_rotation_service(0, geom_msgs.Quaternion(w=0.70710678, x=0, y=0, z=-0.70710678)) response = get_image_service(0, 'depth') opencv_bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge() image = opencv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(response.image) cv2.imshow('test', image) cv2.waitKey()
def create_pose(location, rotation): if len(location) >= 3: x, y, z = location[0:3] else: x = y = z = 0 if len(rotation) >= 4: qw, qx, qy, qz = rotation[0:4] else: qw = 1 qx = qy = qz = 0 return geom_msgs.Pose( position=geom_msgs.Point(x=x, y=y, z=z), orientation=geom_msgs.Quaternion(w=qw, x=qx, y=qy, z=qz) )
def __make_mesh(self, name, pose, filename, scale = (1, 1, 1)): co = CollisionObject() scene = pyassimp.load(filename) if not scene.meshes or len(scene.meshes) == 0: raise MoveItCommanderException("There are no meshes in the file") if len(scene.meshes[0].faces) == 0: raise MoveItCommanderException("There are no faces in the mesh") co.operation = CollisionObject.ADD co.id = name co.header = pose.header mesh = Mesh() first_face = scene.meshes[0].faces[0] if hasattr(first_face, '__len__'): for face in scene.meshes[0].faces: if len(face) == 3: triangle = MeshTriangle() triangle.vertex_indices = [face[0], face[1], face[2]] mesh.triangles.append(triangle) elif hasattr(first_face, 'indices'): for face in scene.meshes[0].faces: if len(face.indices) == 3: triangle = MeshTriangle() triangle.vertex_indices = [face.indices[0], face.indices[1], face.indices[2]] mesh.triangles.append(triangle) else: raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to build triangles from mesh due to mesh object structure") for vertex in scene.meshes[0].vertices: point = Point() point.x = vertex[0]*scale[0] point.y = vertex[1]*scale[1] point.z = vertex[2]*scale[2] mesh.vertices.append(point) co.meshes = [mesh] co.mesh_poses = [pose.pose] pyassimp.release(scene) return co
def to3dPoints(points_2d): """Simple function to take list of 2d coordinates and output list of 3d ros points""" points_3d = [] for (x,y) in points_2d: p = Point() p.x = x p.y = y p.z = 0 points_3d.append(p) return points_3d